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This volume contains selected presentations of the "EUROMECH Colloquium 412 on LES of complex transitional and turbulent flows" held at the Munich University of Technology from 4 to 6 October 2000. The articles focus on new developments in the field of large-eddy simulation of complex flows and are related to the topics: modelling and analysis of subgrid scales, numerical issues in LES cartesian grids for complex geometries, curvilinear and non-structured grids for complex geometries. DES and RANS-LES coupling, aircraft wake vortices, combustion and magnetohydrodynamics. Progress has been made not only in understanding and modelling the dynamics of unresolved scales, but also in designing means that prevent the contamination of LES predictions by discretization errors. Progress is reported as well on the use of cartesian and curvilinear coordinates to compute flow in and around complex geometries and in the field of LES with unstructured grids. A chapter is dedicated to the detached-eddy simulation technique and its recent achievements and to the promising technique of coupling RANS and LES solutions in order to push the resolution-based Reynolds number limit of wall-resolving LES to higher values. Complexity due to physical mechanisms links the last two chapters. It is shown that LES constitutes the tool to analyse the physics of aircraft wake vortices during landing and takeoff. Its thorough understanding is a prerequisite for reliable predictions of the distance between consecutive landing airplanes. Subgrid combustion modelling for LES of single and two-phase reacting flows is demonstrated to have the potential to deal with finite-rate kinetics in high Reynolds numberflows of full-scale gas turbine engines. Fluctuating magnetic fields are more reliably predicted by LES when tensor-diffusivity rather than gradient-diffusion models are used. An encouraging result in the context of turbulence control by magnetic fields.
This volume contains the proceedings of the 2001 DLES4 workshop. It describes and discusses state-of-the-art modeling and simulation approaches for complex flows. Fundamental turbulence and modeling issues but also elements from modern numerical analysis are at the heart of this field of interest.
The end result of policy-related experimental and theoretical scientific work on the abatement of atmospheric emissions is a hierarchy of computer models that can be used to analyse and predict the behaviour of pollutants on urban, local regional and global scales. Such models are required to simulate an extremely complex natural situation in which a non-linear chemistry must be included together with the vagaries of the meteorology and the terrain. This book describes recent advances in the development and application of models on all scales, and in the techniques for the estimation and verification of emissions. It includes reviews of recent work together with detailed results and provides a useful picture of the field in a European context.
The scientific work described in this book is the result of an international coopera tion of over 60 researchers from many different European countries over more than 10 years. Considerable advances have been made in the development, appli cation and improvement of methods and models for the calculation of emissions. Work on the quantification of uncertainties of emission data could be enhanced and carried out and uncertainty assessments conducted. The developed methods present the current state of the art in this field. Collaboration of teams has taken place under the EUROTRAC, the EUREKA project on the transport and chemical transformation of trace constituents in the troposphere over Europe extensive and networks of joint research work could be established across Europe. The editors wish to express their gratitude to all contributing authors and their teams for their cooperation, without which this book could never have been com piled. Furthermore, authors and editors alike are much obliged to the International Scientific Secretariate (ISS) of EUROTRAC, in particular Dr. Pauline Midgley, for outstanding support in the preparation of this book."
The fifth ERCOFfAC workshop 'Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation-5' (DLES-5) was held at the Munich University of Technology, August 27-29, 2003. It is part of a series of workshops that originated at the University of Surrey in 1994 with the intention to provide a forum for presentation and dis cussion of recent developments in the field of direct and large-eddy simula tion. Over the years the DLES-series has grown into a major international venue focussed on all aspects of DNS and LES, but also on hybrid methods like RANSILES coupling and detached-eddy simulation designed to provide reliable answers to technical flow problems at reasonable computational cost. DLES-5 was attended by 111 delegates from 15 countries. Its three-day pro gramme covered ten invited lectures and 63 original contributions partially pre sented in parallel sessions. The workshop was financially supported by the fol lowing companies, institutions and organizations: ANSYS Germany GmbH, AUDI AG, BMW Group, ERCOFfAC, FORTVER (Bavarian Research Asso ciation on Combustion), JM BURGERS CENTRE for Fluid Dynamics. Their help is gratefully acknowledged. The present Proceedings contain the written versions of nine invited lectures and fifty-nine selected and reviewed contributions which are organized in four parts: 1 Issues in LES modelling and numerics 2 Laminar-turbulent transition 3 Turbulent flows involving complex physical phenomena 4 Turbulent flows in complex geometries and in technical applications.
Transport causes a wide range of damage to human health, ecosytems and materials which are not reflected in the prices for transport. Thus, the damage caused by cars, planes, ships and trains should be known and transformed into monetary values, so called external costs. Within this book, a method to estimate the external costs stemming from the emissions of atmospheric pollutants of transport, including damage from greenhouse gases, fine particles, ozone, nitrous oxides, benzene and other carcinogenic substances, is described and applied to calculate the external costs of a huge number of current and future transport techniques operating in different locations all over Europe. A number of case studies demonstrate how the results can be used to aid policy decisions. The book is an important basis for assessing transport techniques, discussing transport taxes and charges and implementing ecopolitical instruments.
The sixth ERCOFTAC Workshop on 'Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation' (DLES-6) was held at the University of Poitiers from September 12-14, 2005. Following the tradition of previous workshops in the DLES-series, this edition has reflected the state-of-the-art of numerical simulation of transitional and turbulent flows and provided an active forum for discussion of recent developments in simulation techniques and understanding of flow physics.
This volume contains a selection of the papers presented at the Eighth Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows held at the Technical University of Munich, 9-11 September 1991. The first of these biennial international symposia was held at the Pennsylvania State Uni versity, USA, in 1977; subsequent symposia have been held at Imperial College, London, England; the University of California, Davis, USA; the University of Karlsruhe, Ger many; Cornell University, Ithaca, USA; the Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France; and Stanford University, California, USA. The purpose of this series of symposia is to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of new developments in the field of turbulence, especially as related to shear flows of importance in engineering and geo physics. From the 330 extended abstracts submitted for this symposium, 145 papers were presented orally and 60 as posters. Out of these, we have selected twenty-four papers for inclusion in this volume, each of which has been revised and extended in accordance with the editors' recommendations. The following four theme areas were selected after consideration of the quality of the contributions, the importance of the area, and the selection made in earlier volumes: - wall flows, - separated flows, - compressibility effects, - buoyancy, rotation, and curvature effects. As in the past, each section corresponding to the above areas begins with an introduction by an authority in the field that places the individual contributions in context with one another and with related research.
The occurrence of high concentrations of ozone during summer episodes in the troposphere over Europe is a problem still unsolved. Although a number* of measures have been implemented that will achieve a further reduction of precursor emissions in the next years, this will not be sufficient to reduce the ozone concentration to levels below thresholds set up to protect human health and plants. Thus, further reductions of emissions of volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides are necessary. However, with regard to the increasing costs associated with increasing emission reduction, it is essential to implement abatement strategies, that are effective, i.e. achieving the environmental aim set up, and efficient, i. e. doing this with the least costs possible. In this book, the authors describe the features and the application of a methodology and a model system to identify effective and efficient strategies to reduce ambient concentrations of tropospheric ozone to comply with thresholds set up to protect human health, agricultural crops and ecosystems. Furthermore, macroeconomic impacts of such strategies are addressed and, as burden and benefits of these strategies are not equally distributed between countries, different burden sharing schemes are discussed. The content of this book is based on results of a comprehensive research project, the project INFOS (assessment of policy instruments for efficient ozone abatement strategies in Europe), funded by the European Commission (Directorate General XII) under the Fourth Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration activities.
This volume contains the proceedings of the 2001 DLES4 workshop. It describes and discusses state-of-the-art modeling and simulation approaches for complex flows. Fundamental turbulence and modeling issues but also elements from modern numerical analysis are at the heart of this field of interest.
Transport is very important for the economy and our welfare. However, transport also causes a lot of problems, including air pollution. Such problems should be taken into account, when making decisions. A prerequisite for doing so is, that the impacts are known, quantitatively measured and allocated to the different activities in transport. Furthermore, they should be transformed into monetary units to be used as a basis for cost-benefit analyses or as an aid for setting taxes and charges, that reflect the external costs. This book describes a methodology for calculating impacts of transport activities and external costs caused by air pollution and presents numerous applications of this methodology for different transport technologies, locations and policy case studies. The approach has been developed and results have been calculated within the research project 'ExternE Core/Transport', financed to a large extent by the European Commission, Directorate General Research. We would like to thank especially Pierre Vallette and Pekka Jarviletho from the EC for their advice and support. A considerable number of experts with expertise in the different disciplines of this highly interdisciplinary work contributed to this book. The editors would like to thank the authors (see list on p. XV) for their contributions; it is especially remarkable, that the authors helped to make this book an integrated whole instead of a number of independent contributions.
The end result of policy-related experimental and theoretical scientific work on the abatement of atmospheric emissions is a hierarchy of computer models that can be used to analyse and predict the behaviour of pollutants on urban, local regional and global scales. Such models are required to simulate an extremely complex natural situation in which a non-linear chemistry must be included together with the vagaries of the meteorology and the terrain. This book describes recent advances in the development and application of models on all scales, and in the techniques for the estimation and verification of emissions. It includes reviews of recent work together with detailed results and provides a useful picture of the field in a European context.
This volume contains selected presentations of the "EUROMECH Colloquium 412 on LES of complex transitional and turbulent flows" held at the Munich University of Technology from 4 to 6 October 2000. The articles focus on new developments in the field of large-eddy simulation of complex flows and are related to the topics: modelling and analysis of subgrid scales, numerical issues in LES cartesian grids for complex geometries, curvilinear and non-structured grids for complex geometries. DES and RANS-LES coupling, aircraft wake vortices, combustion and magnetohydrodynamics. Progress has been made not only in understanding and modelling the dynamics of unresolved scales, but also in designing means that prevent the contamination of LES predictions by discretization errors. Progress is reported as well on the use of cartesian and curvilinear coordinates to compute flow in and around complex geometries and in the field of LES with unstructured grids. A chapter is dedicated to the detached-eddy simulation technique and its recent achievements and to the promising technique of coupling RANS and LES solutions in order to push the resolution-based Reynolds number limit of wall-resolving LES to higher values. Complexity due to physical mechanisms links the last two chapters. It is shown that LES constitutes the tool to analyse the physics of aircraft wake vortices during landing and takeoff. Its thorough understanding is a prerequisite for reliable predictions of the distance between consecutive landing airplanes. Subgrid combustion modelling for LES of single and two-phase reacting flows is demonstrated to have the potential to deal with finite-rate kinetics in high Reynolds number flows of full-scale gas turbine engines. Fluctuating magnetic fields are more reliably predicted by LES when tensor-diffusivity rather than gradient-diffusion models are used. An encouraging result in the context of turbulence control by magnetic fields.
The sixth ERCOFTAC Workshop on Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation (DLES-6) was held at the University of Poitiers from September 12-14, 2005. Following the tradition of previous workshops in the DLES-series, this edition has reflected the state-of-the-art of numerical simulation of transitional and turbulent flows and provided an active forum for discussion of recent developments in simulation techniques and understanding of flow physics."
This book presents a wealth of new information that enables environmental scientists and authorities to design methods for measuring and modelling emission rates related to specific pollution sources, and thus to generate improved emission inventories and reduction strategies. The text shows how to carry out experiments to verify emission data, including tunnel and open motorway studies, comprehensive city experiments and tracer experiments.
This volume contains papers presented to a EUROMECH-Colloquium held in Munich, September 30 to October 2, 1985. The Colloquium is number 199 in a series of colloquia inaugurated by the European Mechanics Committee. The meeting was jointly organized by the 'Lehrstuhl fur Stromungsmechanik' at the 'Technische Universitat Munchen' and the 'Institut fur Physik der Atmosphare' of the 'Deutsche Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt fur Luft- und Raumfahrt' (DFVLR) in Oberpfaffenhofen. 'Direct' and 'large eddy simulation' are terms which denote two closely con- nected methods of turbulence research. In a 'direct simulation' (DS), turbu- lent motion is simulated by numerically integrating the Navier-Stokes equations in three-dimensional space and as a function of time. Besides ini- tial and boundary conditions no physical simplifications are involved. Com- puter resources limit the resolution in time and space, though simulations with an order of one million discrete points in space are feasible. The simu- lated flow fields can be considered as true realizations of turbulent flow fields and analysed to answer questions on the basic behaviour of turbulence. Direct simulations are valid as long as all the excited scales remain within the band of resolved scales. This means that viscosity must be strong enough to damp out the not resolved scales or the simulation is restricted to a lim- ited integration-time interval only. In summary, DS provides a tool to investigate turbulent motions from first principles at least for a finite band of scales.
Unlike conventional interpretations of Kant's Rechtslehre, Rainer Friedrich demonstrates that Kant does not derive the necessity of a state of public law from natural property law. Rather, the innate human right of liberty forms the subjective legal basis of the state. The close textual analysis both consults the preparatory studies to the doctrine of law and virtue and Kant's relevant lectures and considers contemporary commentaries. The study emphasizes the systematicity of duty underlying the Rechtslehre, Kant's doctrine of subjective rights, the doctrine of original acquisition and the significance of the general will for private law, together with the transition from private to public law. Rainer Friedrich provides a coherent historically and systematically arranged reconstruction of Kant's rationality of law.
Die schadlichen Auswirkungen der Luftverschmutzung sind sowohl ein oekologisches als auch ein oekonomisches Problem. Der Autor zeigt mit wissenschaftlicher Methodik, welche technischen Massnahmen zur Schadstoffreduzierung am effektivsten sind und mit welchen politischen Instrumenten sie sich am wirksamsten durchsetzen lassen.
Dieses Buch bietet eine Fulle von Fakten und Argumenten fur alle, die sich fur die Bewertung von Stromerzeugungstechniken und der Gestaltung der kunftigen Stromversorgung interessieren. Es liefert - unter anderem - konkrete Anhaltspunkte fur die Ausgestaltung einer oekologischen Steuerreform. Es werden die wichtigsten Umwelt- und Gesundheitsschaden, die durch fossile, regenerative und nukleare Stromerzeugungstechniken entstehen, beschrieben und soweit wie moeglich quantifiziert. Um diese Schaden vergleichend bewerten zu koennen, werden sie anschiessend monetarisiert, d.h. ausgehend von den Praferenzen der Bevoelkerung in sogenannte externe Kosten umgerechnet.
Die steuerliche Belastung der Autofahrer ist ein zentrales Thema dieses Buches. Es zeigt, wie sich die Kosten fur Schaden ermitteln lassen, die der Strassenverkehr an Personen, Umwelt und Materialien verursacht. Die Monetarisierung der Schaden stellt die aktuelle umwelt- und verkehrspolitische Diskussion um die steuerliche Belastung des Verkehrsteilnehmers auf eine rationale, nachvollziehbare Basis.
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