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Drawing examplesfrom mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, economics, medicine, politics, and sports, this book illustrates how nonlinear dynamics plays a vital role in our world. Examples cover a wide range from the spread and possible control of communicable diseases, to the lack of predictability in long-range weather forecasting, to competition between political groups and nations. After an introductorychapter that explores what it means to be nonlinear, the book covers the mathematical conceptssuch as limit cycles, fractals, chaos, bifurcations, and solitons, that will be applied throughout the book. Numerous computer simulations and exercises allow students to explore topics in greater depth using the Maple computer algebra system. The mathematical level of the text assumes prior exposure to ordinary differential equations and familiarity with the wave and diffusion equations.No prior knowledge of Maple is assumed. The book may be used at the undergraduate or graduate level to prepare science and engineering students for problems in the "real world," or for self-study by practicing scientists and engineers."
Nonlinear physics continues to be an area of dynamic modern research, with applications to physics, engineering, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, biology, medicine and economics. In this text extensive use is made of the Mathematica computer algebra system. No prior knowledge of Mathematica or programming is assumed. The authors have included a CD-ROM that contains over 130 annotated Mathematica files. These files may be used to solve and explore the text's 400 problems. This book includes 33 experimental activities that are designed to deepen and broaden the reader's understanding of nonlinear physics. These activities are correlated with Part I, the theoretical framework of the text. Additional features: * User-friendly, accessible presentation integrating theory, experiments, and the provided Mathematica notebooks; as the concepts of nonlinear science are developed, readers are gently introduced to Mathematica as an auxiliary tool * CD-ROM includes a wide variety of illustrative nonlinear examples solved with Mathematica--command structures introduced on a need-to-know basis * Notebooks designed to make use of Mathematica's sound capability * Mathematica notebook using the EulerEquation command incorporated into the text This work is an excellent text for undergraduate and graduate students as well as a useful resource for working scientists. Reviewer comments on the Maple edition of NONLINEAR PHYSICS: "An...excellent book...the authors have been able to cover an extraordinary range of topics and hopefully excite a wide audience to investigate nonlinear phenomena...accessible to advanced undergraduates and yet challenging enough for graduate students and workingscientists.... The reader is guided through it all with sound advice and humor.... I hope that many will adopt the text." -American Journal of Physics "Its organization of subject matter, clarity of writing, and smooth integration of analytic and computational techniques put it among the very best...Richard Enns and George McGuire have written an excellent text for introductory nonlinear physics." -Computers in Physics,.".correctly balances a good treatment of nonlinear, but also nonchaotic, behavior of systems with some of the exciting findings about chaotic dynamics...one of the book's strength is the diverse selection of examples from mechanical, chemical, electronic, fluid and many other systems .... Another strength of the book is the diversity of approaches that the student is encouraged to take...the authors have chosen well, and the trio of text, ...software, and lab manual gives the newcomer to nonlinear physics quite an effective set of tools.... Basic ideas are explained clearly and illustrated with many examples." -Physics Today,.". the care that the authors have taken to ensure that their text is as comprehensive, versatile, interactive, and student-friendly as possible place this book far above the average." -Scientific Computing World
Philosophy of the Text This text presents an introductory survey of the basic concepts and applied mathematical methods of nonlinear science as well as an introduction to some simple related nonlinear experimental activities. Students in engineering, phys ics, chemistry, mathematics, computing science, and biology should be able to successfully use this book. In an effort to provide the reader with a cutting edge approach to one of the most dynamic, often subtle, complex, and still rapidly evolving, areas of modern research-nonlinear physics-we have made extensive use of the symbolic, numeric, and plotting capabilities of the Maple software sys tem applied to examples from these disciplines. No prior knowledge of Maple or computer programming is assumed, the reader being gently introduced to Maple as an auxiliary tool as the concepts of nonlinear science are developed. The CD-ROM provided with this book gives a wide variety of illustrative non linear examples solved with Maple. In addition, numerous annotated examples are sprinkled throughout the text and also placed on the CD. An accompanying set of experimental activities keyed to the theory developed in Part I of the book is given in Part II. These activities allow the student the option of "hands on" experience in exploring nonlinear phenomena in the REAL world. Although the experiments are easy to perform, they give rise to experimental and theoretical complexities which are not to be underestimated."
Drawing examples from mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, economics, medicine, politics, and sports, this book illustrates how nonlinear dynamics plays a vital role in our world. Examples cover a wide range from the spread and possible control of communicable diseases, to the lack of predictability in long-range weather forecasting, to competition between political groups and nations. After an introductory chapter that explores what it means to be nonlinear, the book covers the mathematical concepts such as limit cycles, fractals, chaos, bifurcations, and solitons, that will be applied throughout the book. Numerous computer simulations and exercises allow students to explore topics in greater depth using the Maple computer algebra system. The mathematical level of the text assumes prior exposure to ordinary differential equations and familiarity with the wave and diffusion equations. No prior knowledge of Maple is assumed. The book may be used at the undergraduate or graduate level to prepare science and engineering students for problems in the "real world", or for self-study by practicing scientists and engineers.
Philosophy of the Text This text presents an introductory survey of the basic concepts and applied mathematical methods of nonlinear science as well as an introduction to some simple related nonlinear experimental activities. Students in engineering, phys ics, chemistry, mathematics, computing science, and biology should be able to successfully use this book. In an effort to provide the reader with a cutting edge approach to one of the most dynamic, often subtle, complex, and still rapidly evolving, areas of modern research-nonlinear physics-we have made extensive use of the symbolic, numeric, and plotting capabilities of the Maple software sys tem applied to examples from these disciplines. No prior knowledge of Maple or computer programming is assumed, the reader being gently introduced to Maple as an auxiliary tool as the concepts of nonlinear science are developed. The CD-ROM provided with this book gives a wide variety of illustrative non linear examples solved with Maple. In addition, numerous annotated examples are sprinkled throughout the text and also placed on the CD. An accompanying set of experimental activities keyed to the theory developed in Part I of the book is given in Part II. These activities allow the student the option of "hands on" experience in exploring nonlinear phenomena in the REAL world. Although the experiments are easy to perform, they give rise to experimental and theoretical complexities which are not to be underestimated.
Nonlinear physics continues to be an area of dynamic modern research, with applications to physics, engineering, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, biology, medicine and economics. In this text extensive use is made of the Mathematica computer algebra system. No prior knowledge of Mathematica or programming is assumed. This book includes 33 experimental activities that are designed to deepen and broaden the reader's understanding of nonlinear physics. These activities are correlated with Part I, the theoretical framework of the text.
The Advanced Study Institute (ASI) on Nonlinear Phenomena-in Physics and Biology was held at the Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta, Canada, from 17 - 29 August, 1980. The Institute was made possible through funding by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (who sup plied the major portion of the financial aid), the National Research and Engineering Council of Canada, and Simon Fraser University. The availability of the Banff Centre was made possible through the co sponsorship (with NATO) of the ASI by the Canadian Association of Physicists. 12 invited lecturers and 82 other participants attended the Institute. Except for two lectures on nonlinear waves by Norman Zabusky, which were omitted because it was felt that they already had been exhaustively treated in the available literature, this volume contains the entire text of the invited lectures. In addition, short reports on some of the contributed talks have also been included. The rationale for the ASI and this resulting volume was that many of the hardest problems and most interesting phenomena being studied by scientists today ar.e nonlinear in nature. The nonlinear models involved often span several different disciplines, Degreesa simple example being the Volterra-type model in population dynamics which has its analogue in nonlinear optics and plasma physics (the 3-wave problem), in the discussion of the social behavior of animals, and in biological competition and selection at the molecular level.
Modern computer algebra systems are revolutionizing the teaching and learning of mathematically intensive subjects in science and engineering, enabling students to explore increasingly complex and computationally intensive models that provide analytic solutions, animated numerical solutions, and complex two- and three-dimensional graphic displays. This self-contained text benefits from a spiral structure that regularly revisits the general topics of graphics, symbolic computation, and numerical simulation with increasing intricacy at each turn. The text is built around a large number of computer algebra worksheets or recipes that have been designed using MAPLE to provide tools for problem solving and to stimulate critical thinking. No prior knowledge of MAPLE is assumed. All relevant commands are introduced on a need-to-know basis and are indexed for easy reference. Each recipe is associated with a scientific model or method and an interesting or amusing story designed to both entertain and enhance concept comprehension and retention. All recipes are included on the CD-ROM enclosed with the book. Aimed at third- and fourth-year undergraduates in science and engineering, the text serve as an effective computational science text, with a set of problems following each section of recipes to enable readers to apply and confirm their understanding. The book may also be used as a reference, for self-study, or as the basis of an on-line course.
Over two hundred novel and innovative computer algebra worksheets
or "recipes" will enable readers in engineering, physics, and
mathematics to easily and rapidly solve and explore most problems
they encounter in their mathematical physics studies. While the aim
of this text is to illustrate applications, a brief synopsis of the
fundamentals for each topic is presented, the topics being
organized to correlate with those found in traditional mathematical
physics texts. The recipes are presented in the form of stories and
anecdotes, a pedagogical approach that makes a mathematically
challenging subject easier and more fun to learn. * Uses the MAPLE computer algebra system to allow the reader to easily and quickly change the mathematical models and the parameters and then generate new answers * No prior knowledge of MAPLE is assumed; the relevant MAPLE commands are introduced on a need-to-know basis * All recipes are contained on a CD-ROM provided with the text * All MAPLE commands are indexed for easy reference * A classroom-tested story/anecdote format is used, accompanied with amusing or thought-provoking quotations * Study problems, which are presented as Supplementary Recipes, are fully solved and annotated and also provided on the CD-ROM This is a self-contained and standalone text, similar in style and format to Computer Algebra Recipes: A Gourmet's Guide to Mathematical Models of Science (ISBN 0-387-95148-2), Springer New York 2001 and Computer Algebra Recipes for Classical Mechanics (ISBN 0-8176-4291-9), BirkhAuser 2003. Computer Algebra Recipes for Mathematical Physics may be used in the classroom, for self-study, as a reference, or asa text for an online course.
Science demands that all theory must be checked by experiment. Richard Feyn man, Nobel Laureate in physics (1965), reminds us in a wonderful quote that "The test of all knowledge is experiment. Experiment is the sole judge of sci entific truth. " 1 It is because nonlinear physics can be so profoundly counter intuitive that these laboratory investigations are so important. This manual is designed to be used with the text Nonlinear Physics with Maple for Scientists and Engineers. Understanding is enhanced when experiments are used to check so please attempt as many of the activities as you can. As you perform theory, these activities, we hope that you will be amazed and startled by strange behav ior, intrigued and terrorized by new ideas, and be able to amaze your friends as you relate your strange sightings Remember that imagination is just as impor tant as knowledge, so exercise yours whenever possible. But please be careful, as nonlinear activities can be addicting, can provide fond memories, and can awaken an interest that lasts a lifetime. Although it has been said that a rose by any other name is still a rose, (with apologies to Shakespeare) the authors of this laboratory manual have, in an endeavor to encourage the use of these nonlinear investigations, called them experimental activities rather than experiments. A number of design innovations have been introduced: A."
Computer algebra systems are revolutionizing the teaching, the learning, and the exploration of science. Not only can students and researchers work through mathematical models more efficiently and with fewer errors than with pencil and paper, they can also easily explore, both analytically and numerically, more complex and computationally intensive models. Aimed at science and engineering undergraduates at the sophomore/junior level, this introductory guide to the mathematical models of science is filled with examples from a wide variety of disciplines, including biology, economics, medicine, engineering, game theory, mathematics, physics, and chemistry. The topics are organized into the Appetizers dealing with graphical aspects, the Entrees concentrating on symbolic computation, and the Desserts illustrating numerical simulation. The heart of the text is a large number of computer algebra recipes based on the Maple 10 software system. These have been designed not only to provide tools for problem solving, but also to stimulate the readera (TM)s imagination. Associated with each recipe is a scientific model or method and an interesting or amusing story (accompanied with a thought-provoking quote) that leads the reader through the various steps of the recipe. The recipes are also included on the CD-ROM enclosed with the book. Each section of recipes is followed by a set of problems that readers can use to check their understanding or to develop the topic further. This text is the first of two volumes, the advanced guide, aimed at junior/senior/graduate level students, dealing with more advanced differential equation models.
Hundreds of novel and innovative computer algebra "recipes" will enable readers starting at the second year undergraduate level to easily and rapidly solve and explore most problems they encounter in their classical mechanics studies. While the aim is not to try and teach the fundamentals of the subject, the recipes are organized to correlate with topics found in standard classical mechanics texts. Using the powerful computer algebra system MAPLE (Release 8) --- no prior knowledge of MAPLE is presumed --- the relevant command structures are explained on a need-to-know basis as the recipes are developed. This is a self-contained and standalone text, similar only in style and format to Computer Algebra Recipes: A Gourmet's Guide to the Mathematical Models of Science, ISBN 0-387-95148-2, Springer New York. The computer algebra recipes are introduced in the context of interesting tales, a teaching approach that has been successfully classroom tested by the authors. For the reader's convenience, all recipes have been placed on a Windows Platform CD-ROM that comes with the book; MAC and UNIX systems are also compatible. The CD-ROM also includes computer algebra solutions to hundreds of problems. This new problem-solving guide can serve in a variety of ways: for use in the classroom or self-study, for reference, or as a text for an on-line course. Science professionals, engineers who need to quickly solve complex classical mechanics problems relevant to their work, and instructors seeking a modern approach to teaching this venerable subject will find this work an invaluable resource.
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