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Join the millions of people worldwide who have discovered the
secrets of Bridge. This is a brilliant and original book. Three
sections cover beginner, intermediate and advanced players. The
tastiest morsels are to be found in the intermediate section where
the author discusses how to remember vital principles in bidding
and play. 'Bridge is the most entertaining and intelligent card
game the wit of man has so far devised' W. Somerset Maugham
Having doubled the opponents, you now have to find the best way of
enforcing your call. Are the odds so close that defeating the
contract is the over-riding priority? But if the opponents'
intention were to deprive you of a certain game you should be
looking to inflict severe penalties. These are the sort of
questions that will face you in this quiz book of bridge problems.
The deals have been chosen from major national and international
championships. In almost every case you have the chance to do
better than the defenders did at the table. As long as you tackle
the problems with zeal and determination, your own defence is bound
to improve, even if you do not find the best answer every time.
The opponents have doubled your contract and you have to decide how
best to play the hand. Are you aiming to make your doubled
contract? Is there a possibility of doubled overtricks? These are
attractive objectives, but often they are not realistic. Should you
accept that you will not make your contract and limit your losses
as best you can? Obviously it is better to go one down than three
or four down and it is important not to panic just because of the
double. If you have sacrificed against the opponents' game or slam,
which would have made, it is vital that your loss does not exceed
the value of their contract. This quiz book contains problems taken
from major national and international championships. In most cases
you have the opportunity to outperform the actual declarers. No
matter how you do, seeing the logic and technique behind the right
play will no doubt improve your own standard.
Bridge is a superb card game, perfect for keeping your memory
sharp, played by millions around the world. This Fast Fact Finder
is a guide and summary to the basics of bridge for the beginner and
novice player, enabling players to check quickly important points
in bidding and play. It is designed to be used in conjunction with
Basic Bridge and Acol Bridge Made Easy, both by Ron Klinger. 'Many
games provide fun, but Bridge grips you. It exercises your mind.
Your mind can rust, you know, but Bridge prevents the rust from
forming' Omar Sharif
About to go out and have a game of bridge? Just like an athlete
needs to warm up before an important event, so a bridge player can
improve performance by a warm-up of the little grey cells. Delve
into this book, solve a problem or two, and you will be better
placed to have a good game. The book contains more than 80 problems
from recent tournaments, and covers constructive and competitive
bidding, opening leads, defensive and declarer play. Working
through the problems is bound to improve your game. You will also
find the lighter side of bridge after each solution. Hopefully
these will brighten your day if your session with your partner has
not done so!
Many players feel trepidation when faced with playing a no-trumps
contract. In this book Ron Klinger shows you how to approach such
contracts without fear. The correct lines and logical thinking are
explained clearly and you will not only make your contracts, but
also score overtricks as well. This book is about the strategy of
succeeding as declarer when you play no-trumps. The first section
deals with the approach you should adopt before you even play a
card from dummy. Then follow heaps of practical examples, problems
for you to solve, deals that arose in major competitions where the
very best players did not always find the right answer. Most
importantly, the solutions include the logic behind the right play,
the clues to locate the missing cards and ideas on how to induce
opposition error when you have no legitimate chance for success. In
this book, Australian expert Ron Klinger shows you how to come out
on top more often. Where you might have felt reluctance when
playing no-trumps, you will emerge with a new sense of confidence.
No-trumps will no longer hold any fears for you.
Here is a new edition of this exhilarating and ingeniously laid out
guide to improving both your bidding and play. Sixty hands are
presented and you must first find the key bid. Then, as declarer,
you have to work out the best way to play the hand. By the time you
have completed the sixty problems you will undoubtedly be a much
improved player.
Better Bridge with a Better Memory 'goes beyond ... wide-ranging
advice ... and investigates one specific technique in detail. The
method demonstrated is mnemonics, and the author shows how that
approach, already widely in use in naming agreements and providing
clues to their details, can be applied to every phase of the game.
As is often the case in Klinger productions, many examples used to
demonstrate the case at hand have unrelated interesting points, and
the discussions thus provide a welcome variety of topics.' - The
Bridge World.
This remarkable book is based on the close observation of the
solutions by the Italian Champions to bidding problems. Acute
judgements produced astonishing results, which Wladyslaw Izdebski
and a leading bridge coach, Wlodzimierz Krysztofczyk, have analysed
to create an exhilarating text. No competent bridge player will
want to miss the opportunity of following this exciting work.
'One of the best introductory books I have come across is Basic
Bridge. I recommend it to beginners and teachers alike' The
European 'By far the best' Bridge Plus This is a definitive Acol
textbook, equally valuable to rubber or duplicate bridge players.
Set out as a course which can be used in conjunction with bridge
classes or as a self-teacher, the book covers all the basic
principles of bidding and play and is packed with exercises and
quizzes on everything that has been taught. Recommended as the
ideal textbook for learning the game, Basic Bridge will continue to
be the standard beginner's guide to rubber and duplicate bridge for
the foreseeable future. If you only ever buy one bridge book it has
to be Basic Bridge.
Conventions are a vital element of bidding in bridge. Unless they
are easily and clearly understood they can be destructively
dangerous. This book contains the most common conventions you are
likely to encounter at the duplicate table, together with defensive
measures you can take, plus countermeasures against each part of
the defensive methods. Importantly, however, bridge continues to
evolve. The material in the additional chapter covers the most
recent developments in bridge bidding and will give you ideas for
inclusion in your regular partnerships.
BRIDGE WORLD said of the first edition: 'is as good a quiz book as
has ever appeared...Instead of examples of well-known ideas, the
author presents truly practical situations...the questions
emphasise those aspects of bridge play that are truly important at
the table. Our quibbles with the analysis are minor, and we
recommend the book as outstanding of its kind.'
A pocket guide to bridge, written by two internationally regarded
writers and players For every bridge player who wants to be sure of
the best bid, lead, or play, this book is designed as a quick
reference. It includes what players need to know for opening bids,
responses, and rebids. There is also guidance on hand evaluation,
competitive bidding strategy, opening leads, declarer play, and
defense so that the reader will have all the basic essentials of
good play within easy reach.
There is every reason to start children on bridge at an early age.
In addition to the obvious benefits to arithmetic and logical
reasoning, bridge develops memory, judgement, concentration,
planning ability and cooperation. It is a social asset for life,
and boosts mental alertness later in life. Not only is it fun to
play, but bridge also allows one to make new friends easily and
overcomes all kinds of social barriers and physical handicaps.
Bridge can be played anywhere and anytime. You will be doing your
child a lifelong favour by opening the door to the world of bridge.
David Bird, the world's leading humorous bridge writer, joins
forces again with Ron Klinger, one of the world's best-known bridge
teachers and authors. The result is a scintillating new collection
of stories about the bridge-playing Rabbi. Where else would you
find an unnervingly plausible account of a Rabbi gambling his
holiday money in a high-stake rubber game against three wealthy
Arabs? And where might you chance upon a parable such as the
Synagogue team facing a team of Catholic priests and nuns (hired
professionals!) as part of the St Benedict Commemoration
celebrations? As readers of KOSHER BRIDGE and THE RABBI AND THE
WEAKER SEX (previously KOSHER BRIDGE 2) will expect, the humour is
sparkling and the bridge brilliant. Sit back, hold tight, and enjoy
this vastly entertaining book.
David Bird and Ron Klinger made a great hit with KOSHER BRIDGE,
which was enthusiastically applauded world-wide by the leading
bridge critics. In THE RABBI AND THE WEAKER SEX, the retitled
KOSHER BRIDGE 2, the cast returns in splendid form and the Rabbi,
kindly and considerate, maintains an essential balance between the
hilariously warring factions and the excellence of the bridge
ensures that readers will be properly instructed while being
immoderately entertained. If you did not read the first book you
can start with this one. We guarantee you will come back for more.
'Many games provide fun, but Bridge grips you. It exercises your
mind. Your mind can rust, you know, but Bridge prevents the rust
from forming' Omar Sharif 'Bridge is the most entertaining and
intelligent card game the wit of man has so far devised' W.
Somerset Maugham More and more people are finding out what a great
joy it is to be able to play bridge. You can learn at any age, but
one thing is sure - you will wish you had started earlier. Bridge
is the most stimulating, most intriguing, most fascinating and most
challenging of all card games. It will give you more lasting
pleasure than any other recreation because of its unending variety.
Once you start playing, you will want to play again and again...
Whether you play in person, or online, this is a must for bridge
lovers around the world This is an important, and in some ways
revolutionary, book. The point count method of hand evaluation was
first proposed in 1914 and popularized in 1934 by Milton Work. The
Banzai Method advanced by David Jackson and Ron Klinger improves on
Milton Work by reassessing the relative values of the honour cards
but also adds a further dimension to accurate hand evaluation by
including the tens and is of crucial importance when assessing
balanced hands. According to Eric Kokish, an internationally
respected American authority, who has contributed the Foreword, the
many example deals are an eye-opener. When you finish this book, it
is unlikely that you are going to look at your hand the same way as
you have in the past.
There are definite benefits in allowing a One No-Trump opening to
include a 5-card major. More and more experts at international
level have adopted such a style.;If you are an ambitious player and
are keen to improve the range of your no-trump bidding you will
need a method to locate a 5-card major with opener or to discover a
4-4 major fit.;5-Card Major Stayman provides an easy structure that
allows you to do just that and still enables you to use transfers
to either major, even after a INT:2C response.
The world of bridge has winners and also-rans. What would you
rather be? Winning might not be everything, but it is much better
than finishing second or third, and way ahead of being out of
place. This book examines the attributes and skills you need to be
on the winner's dais more often--not only the personal qualities
and psychological requirements, but also the methods you are using
and the standard of card play required. This overview is a
challenge full of tips and telling advice, which, if followed, will
produce a positive lift to your game.
Join the world of Bridge - improve your memory, learn a new skill,
enjoy one of the most fiendish card games, played around the world.
The unique fast fact finder which enables players to check rapidly
important points in bidding and play. Acol Bridge Flipper is aimed
at the vast number of people who already play and who want to
improve. 'Bridge is a game which separates the men from the boys.
It also separates husbands and wives' George Burns, comedian
To bid in a controlled auction to a successful slam is one of the
great pleasures of bridge. Understanding Slam Bidding teaches you
the important modern conventions, but more importantly, it shows
you how to think so that you can tell whether a card in your hand
is just what partner wants, or is waste paper. If you take the time
to study this book you will find yourself bidding successful slams
with fewer points than is normally considered necessary, and you
will avoid bidding slams that are doomed to fail when you have lots
of points but no fit.
Improve your memory, improve your game! The aim is to encourage
players to improve their bridge by solving the puzzles This
challenging book of puzzles will help you to improve your game by
concentrating on defensive play. By the time you have solved the
last puzzle, your astonished partners will be well advised to
secure copies for themselves. Whatever the situation, this splendid
selection of defensive play puzzles will test your skills - and you
will learn from the detailed explanation that Ron Klinger gives on
the page following each puzzle.
This new "Fast Fact Finder" provides memory - aids for use in bidding and play. It also gives the key numerical rules, which guide players in specific bidding and play situations, an example being the Rule of Eleven used in card play after an opening lead. This flipper has a very wide appeal and should have a considerable continuing sale to bridge players.