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This title was first published in 2000: A consideration of
continuous improvement (CI) practice and performance. It brings
together the results of a survey conducted simultaneously in a
number of countries, with the express intention of building up
understanding of how companies throughout the world are managing
the process of implementing and, perhaps more importantly,
sustaining, the process of CI. In so doing, the book offers a
perspective on the similarities and differences of experience in a
number of countries and sheds light on possible generic problems
that managers throughout the world will have to grapple with if
they are to take advantage of the true potential offered by their
significant investments in human resources.
This title was first published in 2000: A consideration of
continuous improvement (CI) practice and performance. It brings
together the results of a survey conducted simultaneously in a
number of countries, with the express intention of building up
understanding of how companies throughout the world are managing
the process of implementing and, perhaps more importantly,
sustaining, the process of CI. In so doing, the book offers a
perspective on the similarities and differences of experience in a
number of countries and sheds light on possible generic problems
that managers throughout the world will have to grapple with if
they are to take advantage of the true potential offered by their
significant investments in human resources.
On the assessment of geoacoustic parameters in shallow water
environments / Jean-Claude Le Gac, Yann Stéphan, Thierry Garlan,
N. Weber.- Bayesian inversion of seabed reflection data / Stan E.
Dosso, Charles W. Holland- Backpropagation techniques in ocean
acoustic inversion: time reversal, retrogation and adjoint
modelling - a review / Matthias Meyer, Jean-Pierre Hermand.-
Acoustic inversion at low kHz frequencies using an active, vertical
line array / Paul C. Hines, Matt Coffin.- Dispersion of broadband
acoustic normal modes in the context of long range sediment
tomography / Gopu Potty, James Miller- Characterization of local
seabed properties using synthetized horizontal array data / Peter
L. Nielsen, Mark Fallat, Christopher Harrison.- Characterization of
a range-dependent environment from towed array data / Mark Fallat,
Peter Nielsen, Stan E. Dosso, Martin Siderius.- Accounting for bias
in horizontal wavenumber estimates due to source motion / Kyle M.
Becker.- Acoustic clutter from buried submarine mud volcanoes /
Charles W. Holland, Anthony L. Gerig, Piero Boni.- Nonlinear
acoustical methods in the detection of gassy sediments / Jaroslaw
Tegowski, Zygmunt Klusek, Jaromir Jakacki.- Acoustic scattering
from submerged and buried objects / Ilkka Karasalo, Patrik
Skogqvist.- High-frequency bistatic scattering experiments using
proud and buried targets / Philippe Blondel, Peter F. Dobbins, Nic
Jayasundere, Mario Cosci.- A sediment probe for the rapid
assessment of seabed characteristics / John Osler, Arnold Furlong,
Harold Christian.- Continuous acoustic monitoring of physiological
and environmental processes in seagrass prairies with focus on
photosynthesis / Jean-Pierre Hermand.- Shallow water tomography in
a highly variable scenario / Cristiano Soares, Sergio M. Jesus,
Emanuel Coelho.- Inversions of reflection loss measumements of a
smooth water/sand interface / Marcia J. Isakson, Tracianne Neilsen,
AndrewWorley.-Estimation of transmission loss and its uncertainty /
Peter Gerstoft, Chen-Fen Huang, William Hodgkiss.- A forward model
for geoacoustic inversion based on ray tracing and plane-wave
refection coefficients / Jens M. Hovem, Hefeng Dong, Xiukun Li.-
Inversion of the propeller harmonics from a light aircraft for the
geoacoustic properties of marine sediments / Michael J. Buckingham,
Eric M. Giddens, Fernardo Simonet.- Inversion of shallow water
ambient noise data by means of differential evolution as a global
search method / Dick G. Simons, Camiel van Moll, Chris H.
Harrison.- Reflection Loss and Sub-bottom Profiling with Ambient
Noise / Chris Harrison.- Inversion of geoacoustic model parameters
using ship radiated noise / Ross N. Chapman, Reza M. Dizaji, R. Lyn
Kirlin.- Matched-field processing of humpback whale song off
eastern Australia / Aaron Thode, Peter Gerstoft, Melanie Guerra, M.
Dale Stokes, Michael Noad, Douglas Cato.- Inversions of horizontal
and vertical line array data for the estimation of geoacoustic
model parameters / Dag Tollefsen, Michael J. Wilmut, Ross N.
Chapman.- Issues of enrironment variability in inverse problems in
ocean acoustics / David P. Knobles, M. Gray, Robert A. Koch, Adam
Thisvolume contains thecollection of papers from the second
workshop on Expe- mental Acoustic Inversion Techniques for
Exploration of theShallow Water Environment.
Theworkshopthemefollowedtheoriginalconceptofthe rstworkshop,
heldinCarvoeiro, Portugal, in 1999, i.e., to focus on experiments
and experimental techniques for acoustic sensing in the shallow
ocean. More than forty leading international scientists were
invited to meet in the picturesque town of St. Angelo on the island
of Ischia, in June 2004, to discuss progress in the application of
new experimental techniques for exploration and assessment of
shallowwater environments. Acoustic techniques provide the most
effective means for remote sensing of ocean and sea oor processes,
and for probing the structure beneath the sea oor. No other energy
propagates as ef ciently in the ocean: radio waves and visible
light are severely limited in range because the ocean is a highly
conductive medium. However, sound from bre- ing waves and coastal
shipping can be heard throughout the ocean, and marine mammals
communicate acoustically over basin scale distances.
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