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It was a great pleasure for us to welcome so many experts from all
over the world to our symposium in Aachen. We are also pleased -
and you can attribute this to my own vanity - with the success and
acceptance of the concept of myocardial reperfusion and
revascularization - specifically selective intracoronary lysis
followed either by PTCA or bypass surgery - which we have been
pursuing since 1979. But after the dramatic immediate effects of
the first attempts, which you have to experience yourself, we did
not expect it to be any different. We decided against performing a
randomized study in which every patient is catheterized, and
thrombolytic therapy only given to some of the patients, for which
we have been criticized at times. At the previous symposium in
Aachen in 1983 on the topic of thrombolysis for acute myocardial
infarction, in the final session several speakers were asked
directly about this topic, and replied that if they were patients
they would not want to be randomized into the placebo group. In the
meantime positive results from large, randomized studies have been
recorded, which are presented in this volume. I mention in
particular the Western Washington Study from Dr. Kennedy and the
Interuniversity Study in Holland. Aachen, a relatively small city
with 250,000 inhabitants, provided the opportunity to treat a
relatively large patient population with acute myocardial
Echocardiography has recently become one of' the most important
techniques in clinical cardiology. The major advantage of this
method is its noninvasive nature enabling us to apply it under a
widespread variety of clinical conditions. In the late 1960s, when
research and clinical application of echo cardiography were
started, and during the first decade investigations were mainly
focused on the morphology of the valves and the chambers of the
heart. The introduction of two-dimensional echocardiography was a
major breakthrough in visualizing different portions of the heart.
How ever, the poor resolution of the first devices provided only
little qualitative information. With the introduction of phased
array 2-D-echo-devices yielding better results and the application
of computer techniques for the processing of M-mode and
two-dimensional echo cardiograms, a great amount of qualitative
information has become available to describe not only the
morphology, but also the dynamic function of the heart in a
noninvasive manner. This volume summarizes the lectures held at the
International Symposium on Echocardiography, Hamburg, September
1978, endeavoring to review the current state of knowledge with
regard to echo cardiography in the experimental and clinical
setting. We herewith thank all lecturers, who have contributed to
the publication and the Pharma-Schwarz Company which enabled us to
organize this meeting by a generous subsidy."
Mit der Moglichkeit, Kammerflimmern und Asystolie elektrisch ohne
Thoraxeroffnung zu beheben und mit der Uberwindung der Vierminuten-
grenze durch die externe Herzmassage hat die sogenannte
Wiederbelebung im internistischen wie im anaesthesiologischen
Rahmen ganzlich neue Aspekte erhalten. Uber Zufallserfolge durch
besonders gliicklich gelagerte auBere Umstande hinaus ist sie zu
einem Standardverfahren geworden. Sie hat zur Errichtung von
Uberwachungsstationen Veranlassung gegeben, die die sogenannte
Intensivtherapie praktizieren. Das Symposion hat - nach Ansicht der
Herausgeber mit Erfol- versucht, den derzeitigen Stand der
Intensivtherapie auf dem Herz-Kreis- laufsektor einerseits aus
berufenem Munde aufzuzeigen und anderseits die Liicken aufzudecken,
deren SchlieBung weitere Erfolge verspricht. Aachen, Juni 1970
Prof. Dr. med. S. EFFER'I' Inhaltsverzeichnis Physiologische
Grundlagen einer Therapie des Kreislaufversagens CW. LOCHNER) . . -
. - - - . . . . - . -. . . 1 - Pharmakologische Grundlagen einer
therapeutischen Beeinfl.ussung der Contractilitat des Herzens beim
Kreislaufversagen (M. REITER) 19 Klinisch-pharmakologische Probleme
der Herz-Kreislauftherapie (H. HOCHREIN) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . 28 . . . . . Beziehungen zwischen postoperativem
Wasserhaushalt und Lungen- funktion (J. P. GIGON, P. GEERING, J. P.
EVARD und F. ENDER- LIN) . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 36 . . . . . FlieBeigenschaften des Blutes und deren
Beeinflussung durch Infusions- losungen (H. SCHMID-SCHONBEIN, J.
GOLDSTONE und R. E. WELLS) 49 Herzstillstand und seine Behandlung
(M. KORNER) . . . . . - . 68 . Moglichkeiten der
Kreislaufiiberwachung im Rahmen der Intensivthe- pie (H. LUTZ) . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 . . . . Aufgaben und Funktion
der 'Oberwachungsstation fiir Infarktkranke (H. JUST) . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 . . . . .
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