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1 This is the second volume in the EMAN-Europe series of selected
refereed papers on environmental management accounting drawn
primarily from 2 papers presented at EMAN-Europe's annual
conferences . Most of the th papersin thisvolumewere ?rstpresented
at the5 EMAN-EuropeAnnual Conference at the University of
Gloucestershire, United Kingdom, on 11-12 February 2002.
Asseveralofthepapersshow, environmentalmanagementaccounting(EMA)
has continued to become increasingly established in both
private-sector companies and in the public sector. As a network of
researchers, business people,
consultantsandpolicyadvisersinterestedinenvironmentalmana- ment
accounting as a tool of corporate environmental management, EMAN
has continued to play an important role in this development by
providing a medium through which those interested can contact
others with similar - terests,
andbyorganisingregulareventsforthedisseminationandexchange of news
and ideas. EMAN aims to provide a forum in which academics and
practitioners can meet to exchange and share ideas and experiences,
and this has guided the selection of these papers which include
both academic papers, grounded in the relevant literature and with
reference to theory as appropriate, and practitioners' reports on
their own experiences in their workplaces.
LCA - Quo vadis? discusses overarching topics, new developments and
major problems of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), and compares LCA
with site-specific environmental management. The text profits from
two years of interdisciplinary, coordinated research activities of
the Priority Programme Environment of the Swiss National Science
How should system boundaries of a product life cycle be drawn?
How can environmental interventions be allocated to products?
How are background inventory data collected and used? .
How can imprecision in the LCA method be ascertained and checked?
How can relevant environmental interventions be distinguished from
irrelevant ones? .
What requirements should a software tool for LCA meet? A concept
of site-specific LCA is proposed in response to criticism of the
current approach of LCA. Furthermore, managerial eco-controlling -
the emerging method of site-specific environmental management - is
discussed. The book concludes with an outlook of possible paths in
the future development of LCA.
1 This is the second volume in the EMAN-Europe series of selected
refereed papers on environmental management accounting drawn
primarily from 2 papers presented at EMAN-Europe's annual
conferences . Most of the th papersin thisvolumewere ?rstpresented
at the5 EMAN-EuropeAnnual Conference at the University of
Gloucestershire, United Kingdom, on 11-12 February 2002.
Asseveralofthepapersshow, environmentalmanagementaccounting(EMA)
has continued to become increasingly established in both
private-sector companies and in the public sector. As a network of
researchers, business people,
consultantsandpolicyadvisersinterestedinenvironmentalmana- ment
accounting as a tool of corporate environmental management, EMAN
has continued to play an important role in this development by
providing a medium through which those interested can contact
others with similar - terests,
andbyorganisingregulareventsforthedisseminationandexchange of news
and ideas. EMAN aims to provide a forum in which academics and
practitioners can meet to exchange and share ideas and experiences,
and this has guided the selection of these papers which include
both academic papers, grounded in the relevant literature and with
reference to theory as appropriate, and practitioners' reports on
their own experiences in their workplaces.
Mit dem integrativen Konzept des New Public Environmental
Management (NPEM) wird aufgezeigt, wie die staatliche Umweltpolitik
die Schwelle vom Verwaltungs- zum Managementkonzept uberschreiten
kann. Die vorgestellten Revitalisierungsansatze basieren auf den
Methoden der modernen OEkonomie, des New Public Management,
betriebswirtschaftlichen Managementinstrumenten und dem
Schadschoepfungskonzept. Die Autoren zeigen neue, innovative Wege
zur UEberwindung von Interessengegensatzen in der Umweltpolitik
auf. Im Zentrum des NPEM steht der Wechsel von der vorherrschenden
Einzelstoffregulierung zur Problemorientierung. Ein innovatives
Management staatlicher Umweltpolitik erfordert: institutionelle
Reformen der Umweltbehoerden und -politik (Beispiel:
Schadschoepfungsregionen) - ein klares Managementkonzept im Sinne
eines staatlichen OEko-Controllings - ein effizientes
Informationsmanagement und OEko-Berichterstattungssystem -
problemorientierte Steuerungsinstrumente (Beispiel: Treibhauseffekt
statt CO2- Abgabe) - systematische Wirkungsanalysen im Umweltschutz
- wirkungsorientierte Reformen der Verwaltung. Das Buch richtet
sich an Akteure in Politik, Verwaltung, Verbanden, Beratungs- und
Planungsburos, die im weitesten Sinne Umweltpolitik betreiben und
an Volks- und Betriebswirte, die sich mit Umweltfragen
beschaftigen. Aber auch Fachleute anderer Disziplinen, die sich fur
innovative Methoden der Umweltproblemloesung interessieren
(Biologen, Chemiker, Geographen, Juristen u.a.) werden