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Der Band enthält ausgewählte Beiträge zu den aktuellen sozialen
Veränderungsprozessen in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Sowohl die
Auswirkungen der technikgetriebenen Interaktion zwischen
Mitarbeitenden als auch die neuesten Entwicklungen zwischen
Unternehmen und Stakeholdern werden in vielen Untersuchungen
analysiert und für die Praxis ausgewertet. So behandelt der Band
unterschiedliche Bereiche wie interne und externe
Unternehmenskommunikation, Diversität am Arbeitsplatz, soziales
Engagement, Sicherheitsdenken, Netzwerkgestaltung, Nachhaltigkeit,
Umweltorientierung, Markenführung, PR und Werbung unter den
Bedingungen, die seit Ausbruch der Pandemie COVID-19 den
Wirtschaftsalltag prägen.
The articles in this festschrift for the Romance studies scholar
Gerhard Ernst (Regensburg) concentrate on topics that have been a
constant preoccupation of his research and teaching throughout his
career, notably language varieties, with special reference to Roman
urban dialect and the history of language. The volume's major
emphasis is on a discussion of Italian, French, and Romanian, both
from the diachronic and the synchronic perspective.
This handbook provides a systematic, up-to-date overview of the
Friulian language, both from a synchronic and from a diachronic
perspective. Among other things, it presents in-depth discussions
of current problems related to regional multilingualism (Friulian
beside Italian as dachsprache, Venetian, German, and Slovenian) as
well as of linguistic policies and important sociolinguistic
aspects (e.g., the standardization of spelling and vocabulary, or
the use of Friulian in the (new) media).
Europe is the name for a scintillating variety of historically
emerged concepts, constantly developed and discussed over time. Its
complexity and fuzziness is reflected in a multitude of myths,
topoi, symbols and boundaries, which all constitute shared
knowledge of the concept of EUROPE and which continue to influence
attempts to (de- and re-)construct European identity. The case
studies collected in this volume investigate the competing concepts
of Europe in political and public discourses from a wide range of
perspectives (e.g. frame semantics, discourse linguistics,
multimodal analysis), focusing on the following aspects: How is
EUROPE conceptualised, (re-)negotiated and legitimised by different
political actors, political bodies and institutions? How does "the
European idea" change throughout history and how is the re-emerging
idea of nationality evaluated?
This collected volume contains most of the papers delivered to the
section on Language Change and Geographical (Dis-)Continuity at the
XXIX German Conference of Romance Studies. Interest is focussed on
examining the commonalities and differences in the development of
different Romance languages and/or dialects, with a consideration
of the problems surrounding spatial and temporal continuity and/or
discontinuity always being taken as the starting point. At the same
time, this allows a weighing up of the relationship between
internal and contact-determined language change.
Sprachminderheiten: Gestern, Heute, Morgen- Minoranze Linguistiche: Ieri, Oggi, Domani (German, Italian, Hardcover)
Elmar Schafroth, Ludwig Fesenmeier, Sabine Heinemann, Federico Vicario
Discovery Miles 23 460
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Die Beitrage behandeln Aspekte sprachlicher Minderheiten im
deutsch- und romanischsprachigen Raum, insbesondere in Italien. Im
Mittelpunkt stehen sprachhistorische, sprachstrukturelle und
sprachpolitische Fragen, auch im Hinblick auf die lebensweltliche
Relevanz klein(er)er Sprachen. Nei saggi qui raccolti sono trattati
temi relativi a minoranze linguistiche dell'area tedesca e romanza,
soprattutto italiana. I lavori si occupano, in particolare, di
aspetti concernenti la storia linguistica, le strutture
linguistiche e la politica linguistica, dando voce, per altro, a
rappresentanti delle stesse comunita di minoranza.
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Discovery Miles 1 680