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This book - prayer book and revolutionary text in one - contains 52
morning attunements. They are greeting words for a new
revolutionary spirituality with the definite aim of supporting the
transformation of both the human being and society.
Shaken by the threat of a possible war against Iran, with the
question what one single person can do to stop future wars, Sabine
Lichtenfels decides to undertake a pilgrimage in June 2005. She
gives away everything she owns, covers long stretches on foot and
is without any money. Her driving force is the decision to uncover
and change those internal structures which externally lead to war
and violence. Doing this, she discovers a strength which begins to
shine for ever clearer and brighter: "GRACE," the connectedness
with Creation, which empowers her to follow her inner voice more
precisely and more thrustingly than ever before. Her pilgrimage
takes her from Germany via Switzerland, Italy and Greece to
Israel/Palestine. There for a period of 3 weeks she leads a group
of 40 pilgrims, Israelis, Palestinians and Internationals, through
the unique landscape of Northern Israel and from there to the other
side of the wall into the occupied territories of the West Bank,
through refugee camps, a jewish settlement and on to Jerusalem.In
the name of "GRACE" support actions and unusual encounters take
place, walls of fear and rage which for a long time have seemed
insurmountable are now crumbling. With strong feminine authority
and directness a woman describes her steps against the war. It is a
truthful and deeply humane voice that is speaking. GRACE is a force
stronger than any government or any army, because it is at home in
the hearts of all human beings.
About the book: An adventurous journey from the stone circle of
Almendes in Portugal to the temples of Malta becomes a journey
through a new hologram of history. Every event, every temple visit
and also every difficulty is guided and thereby unexpected and
unpredictable. Sabine Lichtenfels with her mediumistic talent shows
simply and modestly what it means to travel in full trust in divine
guidance. The temples of Malta act as antennae to the past for her
and transmit descriptions and pictures of the culture that had once
erected these buildings. This information gives a breathtaking view
into a highly developed fulfilling and sensual life. And that at a
time where we once thought that primitive people were running
around with axes.At the center of this high archaic culture was
care for all that lives. The strong current of Eros and the mutual
joy between the genders was sacred to them. They knew neither
private property nor separation. The body of the woman was like the
body of the earth, nourishing and giving. Their religion was the
celebration of life itself, from the first sunbeams in the morning
until the sparking stars in the night. For thousands of years,
their non-violent culture flourished, based on the friendship
between the genders.For the author, this view into the past is
simultaneously a start of a humane future. The temple of love is to
be recreated in the light of modern knowledge, in practical life
between men and women in model communities for a future without
Eine abenteuerliche Reise, die vom Steinkreis Almendres in Portugal
zu den Tempeln von Malta f hrt, wird zu einer Reise durch ein neues
Hologramm der Geschichte. Jedes Ereignis, jeder Tempelbesuch, auch
jede Schwierigkeit stehen unter F hrung und erhalten dadurch eine
berraschende Wendung. Sabine Lichtenfels zeigt auf einfache und
bescheidenen Weise, was es hei t, als Medium unterwegs zu sein und
ganz auf die g ttliche Pr senz zu vertrauen. Die Tempel von Malta
wirken auf sie wie Antennen in eine weit zur ckliegende Zeit und
vermitteln ihr Beschreibungen und Bilder jener Kultur, welche einst
diese Bauwerke errichtete. Die Informationen geben auf
atemberaubende Weise einen Einblick in ein hochentwickeltes, erf
llendes und sinnliches Leben - und das zu einer Zeit, in der man
die Menschen noch mit Faustkeilen herumzulaufen w hnte. Im Zentrum
dieser archaischen Hochkultur stand die F rsorge f r alles
Lebendige. Der Starkstrom des Eros und die Freude der Geschlechter
aneinander waren ihnen heilig. Sie kannten keinen Privatbesitz und
keine Trennung. Ihre Religion war die Feier des Lebens selbst, von
den ersten Sonnenstrahlen am Morgen bis zum funkelnden Firmament
der Nacht. Auf der Grundlage ihrer Geschlechterfreundschaft bl hte
ihre gewaltfreie Kultur, jahrtausendelang. Der Blick in die
Vergangenheit ist f r die Autorin zugleich der Aufbruch in eine
humane Zukunft. Der "Tempel der Liebe" soll heute auf modernstem
Wissenstand wieder erschaffen werden: im konkreten Zusammenleben
von Mann und Frau, in Modellgemeinschaften f r eine Zukunft ohne
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