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Different facets of interplay between harmonic analysis and
approximation theory are covered in this volume. The topics
included are Fourier analysis, function spaces, optimization
theory, partial differential equations, and their links to modern
developments in the approximation theory. The articles of this
collection were originated from two events. The first event took
place during the 9th ISAAC Congress in Krakow, Poland, 5th-9th
August 2013, at the section "Approximation Theory and Fourier
Analysis". The second event was the conference on Fourier Analysis
and Approximation Theory in the Centre de Recerca Matematica (CRM),
Barcelona, during 4th-8th November 2013, organized by the editors
of this volume. All articles selected to be part of this collection
were carefully reviewed.
Different aspects of harmonic analysis, complex analysis, sampling
theory, approximation theory and related topics are covered in this
volume. The topics included are Fourier analysis, Pade
approximation, dynamical systems and difference operators, splines,
Christoffel functions, best approximation, discrepancy theory and
Jackson-type theorems of approximation. The articles of this
collection were originated from the International Conference in
Approximation Theory, held in Savannah, GA in 2017, and organized
by the editors of this volume.
Different facets of interplay between harmonic analysis and
approximation theory are covered in this volume. The topics
included are Fourier analysis, function spaces, optimization
theory, partial differential equations, and their links to modern
developments in the approximation theory. The articles of this
collection were originated from two events. The first event took
place during the 9th ISAAC Congress in Krakow, Poland, 5th-9th
August 2013, at the section "Approximation Theory and Fourier
Analysis". The second event was the conference on Fourier Analysis
and Approximation Theory in the Centre de Recerca Matematica (CRM),
Barcelona, during 4th-8th November 2013, organized by the editors
of this volume. All articles selected to be part of this collection
were carefully reviewed.
This book targets graduate students and researchers who want to
learn about Lebesgue spaces and solutions to hyperbolic equations.
It is divided into two parts. Part 1 provides an introduction to
the theory of variable Lebesgue spaces: Banach function spaces like
the classical Lebesgue spaces but with the constant exponent
replaced by an exponent function. These spaces arise naturally from
the study of partial differential equations and variational
integrals with non-standard growth conditions. They have
applications to electrorheological fluids in physics and to image
reconstruction. After an introduction that sketches history and
motivation, the authors develop the function space properties of
variable Lebesgue spaces; proofs are modeled on the classical
theory. Subsequently, the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator is
discussed. In the last chapter, other operators from harmonic
analysis are considered, such as convolution operators and singular
integrals. The text is mostly self-contained, with only some more
technical proofs and background material omitted. Part 2 gives an
overview of the asymptotic properties of solutions to hyperbolic
equations and systems with time-dependent coefficients. First, an
overview of known results is given for general scalar hyperbolic
equations of higher order with constant coefficients. Then strongly
hyperbolic systems with time-dependent coefficients are considered.
A feature of the described approach is that oscillations in
coefficients are allowed. Propagators for the Cauchy problems are
constructed as oscillatory integrals by working in appropriate
time-frequency symbol classes. A number of examples is considered
and the sharpness of results is discussed. An exemplary treatment
of dissipative terms shows how effective lower order terms can
change asymptotic properties and thus complements the exposition.
This book provides a systematic survey of classical and recent
results on hyperbolic cross approximation. Motivated by numerous
applications, the last two decades have seen great success in
studying multivariate approximation. Multivariate problems have
proven to be considerably more difficult than their univariate
counterparts, and recent findings have established that
multivariate mixed smoothness classes play a fundamental role in
high-dimensional approximation. The book presents essential
findings on and discussions of linear and nonlinear approximations
of the mixed smoothness classes. Many of the important open
problems explored here will provide both students and professionals
with inspirations for further research.