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The fourth edition of this successful textbook presents a comprehensive introduction to statistical and numerical methods for the evaluation of empirical and experimental data. Equal weight is given to statistical theory and practical problems. The concise mathematical treatment of the subject matter is illustrated by many examples and for the present edition a library of Java programs has been developed. It comprises methods of numerical data analysis and graphical representation as well as many example programs and solutions to programming problems. The programs (source code, Java classes and documentation) and extensive appendices to the main text are available for free download from the book's page at www.springer.com. ContentsProbabilities. Random variables.Random numbers and the Monte Carlo Method.Statistical distributions (binomial, Gauss, Poisson). Samples. Statistical tests.Maximum Likelihood. Least Squares. Regression. Minimization.Analysis of Variance. Time series analysis. Audience The book is conceived both as an introduction and as a work of reference. In particular it addresses itself to students, scientists and practitioners in science and engineering as a help in the analysis of their datain laboratory courses, in working for bachelor or master degrees, in thesis work, in research and professional work. ""The book is concise, but gives a sufficiently rigorous mathematical treatment of practical statistical methods for data analysis; it can be of great use to all who are involved with data analysis." "Physicalia"" .".".Serves as a nice reference guide for any scientist interested in the fundamentals of data analysis on the computer." "The American Statistician ""This lively and erudite treatise covers the theory of the main statistical tools and their practical applications...a first rate university textbook, and good background material for the practicing physicist." "Physics Bulletin The Author Siegmund Brandt is Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of Siegen. With his group he worked on experiments in elementary-particle physics at the research centers DESY in Hamburg and CERN in Geneva in which the analysis of the experimental data plays an important role. He is author or coauthor of textbooks which have appeared in ten languages.
Bridging the gap between statistical theory and physical experiment, this is a thorough introduction to the statistical methods used in the experimental physical sciences and to the numerical methods used to implement them. An accompanying CD-ROM provides detailed code for implementing many of these algorithms. The treatment emphasises concise but rigorous mathematics but always retains its focus on applications. Readers are assumed to have a sound basic knowledge of differential and integral calculus and some knowledge of vectors and matrices. After an introduction to probability, random variables, computer generation of random numbers and important distributions, the book turns to statistical samples, the maximum likelihood method, and the testing of statistical hypotheses. The discussion concludes with several important statistical methods: least squares, analysis of variance, polynomial regression, and analysis of time series. Appendices provide the necessary methods of matrix algebra, combinatorics, and many sets of useful algorithms and formulae.
Interquanta (IQ), an interactive program on quantum mechanics allows students to do their own quantum physics experiments on the computer, and to study in 3D color graphics such quantities as complex probability amplitude, eigencalues, scattering cross sections, and more. By experiencing many such computer experiments, students gain a unique, "hands-on" experience in quantum physics which is otherwise difficult to achieve. The graphic features include two-and three-dimensional graphics in the form of static frames and motion pictures. Students do no programming, and hence need no previous detailed knowledge of this. The program has a very convenient, self-explanatory user interface based on the Java software technology. The book provides a recapitulation of the basic quantum mechanical formula, a manual to the IQ program, and a complete course with more than 300 tested problems. Fully automatic demonstration sessions are provided as introduction to interactive work. Physics topics covered include free particles, bound states and scattering in various potentials in one and three space dimensions, two-particle systems, properties of special functions of mathematical physics.
The fourth edition of this successful textbook presents a comprehensive introduction to statistical and numerical methods for the evaluation of empirical and experimental data. Equal weight is given to statistical theory and practical problems. The concise mathematical treatment of the subject matter is illustrated by many examples and for the present edition a library of Java programs has been developed. It comprises methods of numerical data analysis and graphical representation as well as many example programs and solutions to programming problems. The book is conceived both as an introduction and as a work of reference. In particular it addresses itself to students, scientists and practitioners in science and engineering as a help in the analysis of their data in laboratory courses, in working for bachelor or master degrees, in thesis work, and in research and professional work.
The most up-to-date access to elementary quantum mechanics. Based on the interactive program Interquanta and its extensive 3D colour graphic features, the course guides its readers through computer experiments covering all aspects of quantum mechanics. A wide variety of more than 250 detailed, class-tested problems, provide students with unique practical experience in using such hard-to-visualise concepts as complex amplitudes, eigenvalues, and scattering cross sections. This 3rd edition includes three program versions: one requiring a coprocessor, one that can run without it, and a third program version optimised for 32-bit processors. For lecturers and teachers looking for excellent, hands-on classroom demonstrations for their quantum mechanics course.
This extremely successful book/disk package helps students to quickly dispel the mystery behind the complex concepts involved in quantum mechanics. With more than 200 problems, it provides readers with practical experiences in using such hard-to-visualise concepts as complex amplitudes, eigenvalues, and scattering cross sections. The graphically powerful programmes are very user-friendly and fascinating to manipulate. Based on the interactive program Interquanta, they make extensive use of 3-D graphics to guide students through computer experiments in the quantum mechanics of free particle motion, bound states and scattering, tunnelling, two-particle interactions, and much more besides. The diskette contains two versions of the programs, one for use in computers with a mathematical coprocessor, the other optimised for machines without. For this new edition the software has been reprogrammed to fully exploit the Macintosh environment.
Bridging the gap between statistical theory and physical experiment, this is a thorough introduction to the statistical methods used in the experimental physical sciences and to the numerical methods used to implement them. The treatment emphasises concise but rigorous mathematics but always retains its focus on applications. Readers are assumed to have a sound basic knowledge of differential and integral calculus and some knowledge of vectors and matrices. After an introduction to probability, random variables, computer generation of random numbers and important distributions, the book turns to statistical samples, the maximum likelihood method, and the testing of statistical hypotheses. The discussion concludes with several important statistical methods: least squares, analysis of variance, polynomial regression, and analysis of time series. Appendices provide the necessary methods of matrix algebra, combinatorics, and many sets of useful algorithms and formulae.
The aim of this book is to explain the basic concepts and phenomena of quantum mechanics by means of visualisation. Computer-generated illustrations in color are used extensively throughout the text, helping to establish the relation between quantum mechanics-wave functions, interference, atomic structure, and so forth-and classical physics-point mechanics, statistical mechanics, and wave optics. Even more important, by studying the pictures in parallel with the text, readers develop an intuition for such notoriously abstract phenomena as: the tunnel effect excitation and decay of metastable states wave-packet motion within a well systems of distinguishable and indistinguishable particles free wave packets and scattering in 3 dimensions angular-momentum decomposition stationary bound states in various 3-dimensional potentials hybrid states Kepler motion of wave packets in the Coulomb field spin and magnetic resonance Illustrations from experiments in a variety of fields, including chemistry, and molecular, atomic, nuclear, and particle physics, underline the basic as well as the practical importance of quantum mechanics. In the present, fourth edition all computer graphics are presented in full colour. It also contains additional physics topics such as hybridisation.
Based on the interactive program Interquanta, "Quantum Mechanics on the Macintosh", uses 3-D graphics to guide the student through computer experiments in the quantum mechanics of free particle motion, bound states and scattering, tunnelling, two-particle interactions and more. It also inc ludes a section on special functions of mathematical physics. With more than 200 problems, the text and the accompanying computer programs offer students practical experiences in using such hard-to-visualize concepts such as complex amplitudes, eigenvalues and scattering cross sections. The diskettes included with the book provide two versions of the programs, one for use in computers with a mathematical coprocessor and the other optimized for machines without a coprocessor.
Physics was the leading science of the twentieth century and the book retraces important discoveries, made between 1895 and 2001, in 100 self-contained episodes. Each is a short story of the scientists involved, their time, and their work. Together they form a mosaic of modern physics: formulating relativity and quantum mechanics, finding the constituents of matter and unravelling the forces between them, understanding the working of conductors and semiconductors, discovering and explaining macroscopic quantum effects (superconductivity, superfluidity, quantum Hall effect), developing novel experimental techniques like the Geiger counter and particle accelerators, building revolutionary applications like the transistor and the laser, and observing astonishing features of our cosmos (expanding universe, cosmic background radiation). The text is intended for easy reading. Occasionally, a more thorough discussion of experimental set-ups and theoretical concepts is presented in special boxes for readers interested in more detail. Episodes contain extensive references to biographies and original scientific literature. The book is richly illustrated by about 600 portraits, photographs, and figures.
Physics was the leading science of the twentieth century and the book retraces important discoveries, made between 1895 and 2001, in 100 self-contained Episodes. Each is a short story of the scientists involved, their time and their work. Together, they formed a mosaic of modern physics: formulating relativity and quantum mechanics, finding the constituents of matter and unravelling the forces between them, understanding the working of conductors and semiconductors, discovering and explaining macroscopic quantum effects (superconductivity, superfluidity, quantum Hall effect), developing novel experimental techniques like the Geiger counter and particle accelerators, building revolutionary applications like the transistor and the laser, and observing astonishing features of our cosmos (expanding universe, cosmic background radiation). The text is intended for easy reading. Occasionally, a more thorough discussion of experimental set-ups and theoretical concepts is presented in special boxes for readers interested in more detail. Episodes contain extensive references to biographies and original scientific literature. The book is richly illustrated by about 600 portraits, photographs and figures.
Dieses essential konzentriert sich auf die Vermittlung der wichtigsten Grundbegriffe, von der Elektrostatik, den Phanomenen des elektrischen Stromes bis hin zu den Maxwell-Gleichungen und aus ihnen abgeleiteten Erkenntnissen. Begriffe wie Ladung, Coulomb-Kraft, Dipol, elektrisches Feld und Potential, magnetisches Feld, Lorentz-Kraft und die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen elektrischen und magnetischen Feldern wie die Induktion werden dargestellt. Auf die vielen Anwendungen der Elektrodynamik wird hingewiesen.
In diesem Buch werden die grundlegenden Begriffe und Erscheinungen der Quantenmechanik eingefuhrt und visualisiert. Computergrafiken dienen zur Veranschaulichung der zunachst ungewohnt abstrakten Begriffe dieses Gebiets. Dabei werden insbesondere Vergleiche mit der klassischen Mechanik und der Wellenoptik herangezogen. Grafiken vieler Beispiele helfen dabei, eine Intuition auch fur quantenmechanische Vorgange zu vermitteln. Mehr als 80 computergenerierte Videos zum Buch sind in einem YouTube-Kanal zusammengefasst und uber QR-Codes im Buch leicht einzusehen. Studierenden der Physik sowie Lehramtsstudierenden der Physik oder Chemie werden folgende spannende Themen erklart: Lichtwellen, Materiewellen, Wellenpakete, Schroedinger-Gleichung, Wahrscheinlichkeitsinterpretation Quantenmechanik in einer Dimension: Streuung, gebundene Zustande, Bewegung im Potential, koharente und gestauchte Zustande, Quantilbewegung Zweiteilchenzustande: unterscheidbare und ununterscheidbare Teilchen Quantenmechanik in drei Dimensionen: Drehimpuls, Streuamplitude, Streuquerschnitt, Resonanzstreuung, Wasserstoffatom, Keplerbewegung Hybridisierung Spin und magnetische Resonanz Experimentelle Beispiele aus Atom-, Kern-, Teilchen- und Festkoerperphysik Einfache Aspekte der Struktur der Quantenmechanik
Die funfte Auflage dieses erfolgreichen Buchs gibt eine umfassende Einfuhrung in statistische und numerische Methoden zur Auswertung empirischer und experimenteller Daten. Statistische Theorie und praktische Probleme werden gleichermassen behandelt: Es wird eine knappe mathematische Formulierung benutzt, ohne dabei die Anwendungen zu vernachlassigen, die in vielen Beispielen dargestellt werden. Fur diese Auflage wurde eine Bibliothek von Java-Programmen entwickelt. Sie umfasst Methoden der rechnerischen Datenanalyse und der graphischen Darstellung sowie zahlreiche Beispielprogramme und Losungen zu Programmieraufgaben. Die Programme (Quellcode und Java-Klassen, Dokumentation) und ausfuhrliche Anhange zum Haupttext des Buches stehen online auf der Seite des Buches innerhalb von www.springer.com zur Verfugung. Der Inhalt . Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung, Zufallsvariable . Zufallszahlen und Monte-Carlo-Methode . Statistische Verteilungen (Binomial-, Gauss-, Poisson, ), Stichproben, Statistische Tests . Maximum Likelihood, kleinste Quadrate, Regression, Minimierung . Varianzanlyse und Zeitreihenanalyse . Anhange zu mathematischen Hilfsmethoden und zu den Programmen. Die Zielgruppen Das Buch ist konzipiert als Einfuhrung furBachelor-Studierende und als Nachschlagewerk fur Studierende im Master- und Promotionsstudium sowie fur Naturwissenschaftler und Ingenieure in Forschung und Praxis. Es bietet ihnen Anleitung und Hilfe bei der Analyse ihrer Daten . im Praktikum . in Bachelor- und Master-Arbeiten . in Dissertationen . in Forschung und Beruf. Der Autor Siegmund Brandt ist emeritierter Professor der Physik an der Universitat Siegen. Mit seiner Gruppe arbeitete er an Experimenten zur Elementarteilchenphysik an den Forschungszentren DESY in Hamburg und CERN in Genf, bei denen die Auswertung der experimentell gewonnenen Daten eine wichtige Rolle spielt. Er war Vorsitzender des Wissenschaftlichen Rates von DESY und ist Autor bzw. Koautor von Lehrbuchern, die in zehn Sprachen erschienen sind. "
Die Elektrodynamik ging aus einem gemeinsamen Kurs eines Experimentalphysikers und eines Theoretikers hervor und stellt damit einen besonders vielseitigen Zugang zum Stoff dar. Anschaulich illustriert, erganzt durch zahlreiche Experimente und Aufgaben mit Hinweisen und Loesungen hat dieser Kurs noch mehr zu bieten: jeder Abschnitt beginnt pragnant mit einer kurzen inhaltlichen Zusammenfassung und einer Symbolliste; ein ausfuhrlicher Anhang erlautert mathematische Hilfsmittel wie Vektoranalysis, Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und Distributionen. Diese vierte, umfassend neubearbeitete Auflage ist ein echtes Arbeitsbuch fur Studienanfanger!
Die Mechanik ging aus einem gemeinsamen Kurs eines Experimentalphysikers und eines Theoretikers hervor und stellt somit einen besonderen Zugang zum Stoff dar. Anschaulich illustriert und erganzt durch zahlreiche Experimente, Aufgaben und Loesungen, hat dieser Kurs noch mehr zu bieten: jeder Abschnitt beginnt mit einer kurzen inhaltlichen Zusammenfassung und einer Symbolliste; ein ausfuhrlicher Anhang erlautert Vektoren, Tensoren, Vektoranalysis, Taylor-Reihen, Komplexe Zahlen und SI-Einheiten. Diese vierte, komplett uberarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage ist ein echtes Arbeitsbuch fur Studienanfanger!
Based on the interactive program Interquanta, Quantum Mechanics on the Macintosh, uses extensive 3-D graphics to guide the student through computer experiments in the quantum mechanics of free particle motion, bound states and scattering, tunneling, two-particle interactions, and more. It also includes a section on special functions of mathematical physics. With more than 200 problems, the text and programs provide students with practical experiences in using such hard-to-visualize concepts as complex amplitudes, eigenvalues, and scattering cross sections. The diskette included with the book provides two versions of the programs, one for use in computers with a mathematical coprocessor, the other optimised for machines without a coprocessor. For this new edition the software has been updated and extended.
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