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Steganography, a means by which two or more parties may communicate using "invisible" or "subliminal" communication, and watermarking, a means of hiding copyright data in images, are becoming necessary components of commercial multimedia applications that are subject to illegal use. This is a comprehensive survey of steganography and watermarking and their application to modern communications and multimedia. It helps the reader to understand steganography, the history of this previously neglected element of cryptography, the hurdles of international law on strong cryptographic techniques, and a description of the methods you can use to hide information in modern media. Included in this discussion is an overview of "steganalysis", methods which can be used to break stenographic communication. This resource also includes an introduction to and survey of watermarking methods, and discusses this method's similarities to and differences from steganography. The reader should gain a working knowledge of watermarking's pros and cons, and learn the legal implications of watermarking and copyright issues on the Internet.
Recent Advances in RSA Cryptography surveys the most important achievements of the last 22 years of research in RSA cryptography. Special emphasis is laid on the description and analysis of proposed attacks against the RSA cryptosystem. The first chapters introduce the necessary background information on number theory, complexity and public key cryptography. Subsequent chapters review factorization algorithms and specific properties that make RSA attractive for cryptographers. Most recent attacks against RSA are discussed in the third part of the book (among them attacks against low-exponent RSA, Hastad's broadcast attack, and Franklin-Reiter attacks). Finally, the last chapter reviews the use of the RSA function in signature schemes. Recent Advances in RSA Cryptography is of interest to graduate level students and researchers who will gain an insight into current research topics in the field and an overview of recent results in a unified way. Recent Advances in RSA Cryptography is suitable as a secondary text for a graduate level course, and as a reference for researchers and practitioners in industry.
This book presents a holistic view on compiler assisted practical secure multi-party computation (MPC) over Boolean circuits. It discusses that two or more parties jointly evaluate a function over their inputs in such a way that each party keeps its input unknown to the other parties in MPC. MPC provides a generic way to construct Privacy-Enhancing Technologies, which protect sensitive data during processing steps in untrusted environments. A major obstacle in the past was to generate MPC applications by hand. Recently, special compilers have been developed to build all kinds of applications. This book also explains in detail how efficient MPC applications can be created automatically from ANSI-C, thus, bridging the areas of cryptography, compilation and hardware synthesis. It also gives an insight into the requirements for creating efficient applications for MPC and is hence of interest to not only researchers in the area of MPC but also developers realizing practical applications with MPC. For a better understanding of the complete compile chain from ANSI-C to circuits, which is the 'machine code' of MPC, the authors first give the necessary background information on MPC protocols, Boolean logic, and logic synthesis. Then the authors describe the various compilation steps required to translate any code into an adequate circuit description. Afterwards, the authors introduce a variety of optimization techniques for two classes of MPC protocols, namely techniques that improve the runtime of applications in constant- and multi-round MPC protocols. The authors also illustrate how efficient parallelization of MPC protocols can be achieved using the assistance of compilers. It presents the effectiveness of the proposed techniques by giving a detailed evaluation on benchmarking applications. Most of the aforementioned techniques are implemented in our open source compiler that is accompanying this book and allows to study compilation for MPC in practice.Researchers who are interested in practical secure multi-party computation (MPC), and developers who are interested in realizing MPC applications in practice will find this book useful as a reference, as well as advanced-level students in computer science.
Johannes Buchmann is internationally recognized as one of the leading figures in areas of computational number theory, cryptography and information security. He has published numerous scientific papers and books spanning a very wide spectrum of interests; besides R&D he also fulfilled lots of administrative tasks for instance building up and directing his research group CDC at Darmstadt, but he also served as the Dean of the Department of Computer Science at TU Darmstadt and then went on to become Vice President of the university for six years (2001-2007). This festschrift, published in honor of Johannes Buchmann on the occasion of his 60th birthday, contains contributions by some of his colleagues, former students and friends. The papers give an overview of Johannes Buchmann's research interests, ranging from computational number theory and the hardness of cryptographic assumptions to more application-oriented topics such as privacy and hardware security. With this book we celebrate Johannes Buchmann's vision and achievements.
Recent Advances in RSA Cryptography surveys the most important achievements of the last 22 years of research in RSA cryptography. Special emphasis is laid on the description and analysis of proposed attacks against the RSA cryptosystem. The first chapters introduce the necessary background information on number theory, complexity and public key cryptography. Subsequent chapters review factorization algorithms and specific properties that make RSA attractive for cryptographers. Most recent attacks against RSA are discussed in the third part of the book (among them attacks against low-exponent RSA, Hastad's broadcast attack, and Franklin-Reiter attacks). Finally, the last chapter reviews the use of the RSA function in signature schemes. Recent Advances in RSA Cryptography is of interest to graduate level students and researchers who will gain an insight into current research topics in the field and an overview of recent results in a unified way. Recent Advances in RSA Cryptography is suitable as a secondary text for a graduate level course, and as a reference for researchers and practitioners in industry.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Trust and Trustworthy Computing, TRUST 2012, held in Vienna, Austria, in June 2012. The 19 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 48 submissions. The papers are organized in two tracks: a technical track with topics ranging from trusted computing and mobile devices to applied cryptography and physically unclonable functions, and a socio-economic track focusing on the emerging field of usable security.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 38th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, SOFSEM 2012, held in Spindleruv Mlyn, Czech Republic, in January 2012. The 43 revised papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 121 submissions. The book also contains 11 invited talks, 10 of which are in full-paper length. The contributions are organized in topical sections named: foundations of computer science; software and Web engineering; cryptography, security, and verification; and artificial intelligence.
th It is our great pleasure to present in this volume the proceedings of the 7 Inter- tional Workshop on Digital Watermarking (IWDW) which was held in Busan, Korea, during November 10-12, 2008. The workshop was hosted by the by Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology (KIISC) and sponsored by MarkAny, BK21 CIST (Korea University), ETRI. Since its birth in the early 1990s, digital watermarking has become a mature e- bling technology for solving security problems associated with multimedia distri- tion schemes. Digital watermarks are now used in applications like broadcast mo- toring, movie fingerprinting, digital rights management, and document authentication, to name but a few. Still, many research challenges remain open, among them security and robustness issues, reversibility, and authentication. Continuing the tradition of previous workshops, IWDW 2008 also featured besides papers dealing with digital watermarking contributions from other related fields, such as steganography, ste- nalysis, and digital forensics. The selection of the program was a challenging task. From more than 62 subm- sions (received from authors in 15 different countries) the Program Committee - lected 36 as regular papers. At this point we would like to thank all the authors who submitted their latest research results to IWDW 2008 and all members of the Program Committee who put significant effort into the review process, assuring a balanced program. In addition to the contributed papers, the workshop featured three invited lectures delivered by Y. Q. Shi, C. -C."
th It is our great pleasure to present in this volume the proceedings of the 6 Inter- tional Workshop on Digital Watermarking (IWDW), which was held in Guangzhou, China, during December 3-5, 2007. The workshop was hosted by the Sun Yat-sen University and sponsored by both the National Science Foundation of China and the Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology. Since its birth in the early 1990s, digital watermarking has become a mature e- bling technology for solving security problems associated with multimedia distribution schemes. Digital watermarks are now used in applications such as broadcast monit- ing, movie fingerprinting, digital rights management, and document authentication, to name but a few. Still, many research challenges remain open, among them security and robustness issues, reversibility and authentication. Continuing the tradition of previous workshops, IWDW 2007 also featured-besides papers dealing with digital watermarking-contributions from other related fields, such as steganography, ste- nalysis and digital forensics.
It is our pleasure to present in this volume the proceedings of the 7th Inter- tional Workshopon InformationHiding (IH 2005), held in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, during June 6-8, 2005. The workshop was organized by the Department of Computer Science and Multimedia, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). Continuing the tradition of previous workshops, we sought a balanced p- gram, containing talks on various aspects of data hiding, anonymous commu- cation, steganalysis, and watermarking.Although the protection of digital int- lectual property has up to now motivated most of our research, there are many other upcoming ?elds of application. We were delighted to see that this year's workshop presented numerous new and unconventional approaches to infor- tion hiding. The selection of the program was a very challenging task. In total, we - ceived 90 submissions from 21 countries. At this point we want to thank all authors who submitted their latest work to IH 2005-and thus assured that the Information Hiding Workshop continues to be the top forum of our community.
It is our great pleasure to present the proceedings of the 9th IFIP TC-6 TC-11 Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security (CMS 2005), which washeld in Salzburg on September 19-21,2005.Continuing the tradition of p- vious CMS conferences, we sought a balanced program containing presentations on various aspects of secure communication and multimedia systems. Special emphasis was laid on papers with direct practical relevance for the construction of secure communication systems. The selection of the program was a challenging task. In total, we received 143 submissions, from which 28 were selected for presentation as full papers. In addition to these regular presentations, the CMS conference featured for the ?rst time a "work in progress track" that enabled authors to report preliminary results and ongoing work. These papers were presented in the form of a poster sessionduringtheconference;anextendedabstractofthepostersappearsinthis proceedings volume. From all papers submitted to the CMS conference, the p- gramcommitteechose13 submissionsfor inclusionin theworkinprogresstrack. In addition to regular presentations, CMS 2005 featured a special session on XMLsecurity, containingbothcontributedandinvitedtalks.Thisspecialsession was jointly organized by Rudig ] er Grimm (TU Ilmenau, Germany) and J] org Schwenk (Ruhr-Universit] at Bochum, Germany). Their assistance in organizing CMS 2005 was greatly appreciated."
Angeraten fur alle, deren Texte auch optisch herausragen sollen. Aus dem Inhalt: Einfuhrung. Textsatz. Formelsatz. Tabellensatz. Makros. Anderung der Ausgabeform. Das TEX der AMS. Anhange: Losungen zu den Ubungsaufgaben. Befehlsverzeichnis. Fonttabellen."
Fortschritte in der Medizin, in der Genomforschung und in der Informationstechnik stellen den Datenschutz vor ein Dilemma: Forschung und die Anwendung neuer Methoden setzen haufig voraus, dass personenbezogene Daten in grossem Umfang zentral verfugbar, verteilbar und verknupfbar sind. Gleichzeitig bergen zentrale Datensammlungen und die unubersehbare Weitergabe und Verknupfung sensitiver Daten die Gefahr, dass der Einzelne auf ein Datenraster reduziert wird und Selbstbestimmungsmoeglichkeiten verliert. Den Wertungskonflikten und der Schutzbedurftigkeit und Schutzfahigkeit personenbezogener genetischer, medizinischer und sozialer Daten widmete sich eine multidisziplinare Veranstaltungsreihe des Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt, der Darmstadter Juristischen Gesellschaft und der Fakultat fur Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Technischen Universitat Darmstadt. Der vorliegende Band fasst die dabei entwickelten Gedanken verschiedener Wissenschaftsdisziplinen zusammen.
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-workshop proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Information Hiding, IH 2009, held in Darmstadt, Germany, in June 2009. The 19 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 55 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on steganography, steganalysis, watermarking, fingerprinting, hiding in unusual content, novel applications and forensics.
Simulation ist neben Theorie und Experiment die dritte Saule wissenschaftlicher Forschung und technischer Entwicklung. Computer-Berechnungen sind zu einer wesentlichen Antriebskraft im Bereich der Technik und der Naturwissenschaften geworden. Speziell fur diese Anwendungsbereiche wurde MATLAB entwickelt. MATLAB ist ein auf mathematisch/numerischen Methoden beruhendes Problemloesungswerkzeug, das sowohl bequeme Benutzeroberflachen bietet, als auch die individuelle Programmierung gestattet. MATLAB hat sich durch seine Erweiterungsmoeglichkeit in Form von "Toolboxen" zu einem universell einsetzbaren Werkzeug auf den verschiedensten Gebieten (Simulation, Signalverarbeitung, Regelungstechnik, Fuzzy Logic etc.) entwickelt. Dieses Buch ist auf die neueste MATLAB-Version 6.5 abgestimmt und behandelt unter anderem detailliert die Loesung numerischer Problemstellungen mit Hilfe von MATLAB.
Simulation ist neben Theorie und Experiment die dritte Saule wissenschaftlicher Forschung und technischer Entwicklung. Computer-Berechnungen sind zu einer wesentlichen Antriebskraft im Bereich der Technik und der Naturwissenschaften geworden. Speziell fur diese Anwendungsbereiche wurde MATLAB entwickelt. MATLAB ist ein auf mathematisch/numerischen Methoden beruhendes Problemloesungswerkzeug, das sowohl bequeme Benutzeroberflachen bietet, als auch die individuelle Programmierung gestattet. MATLAB hat sich durch seine Erweiterungsmoeglichkeit in Form von "Toolboxen" zu einem universell einsetzbaren Werkzeug auf den verschiedensten Gebieten (Simulation, Signalverarbeitung, Regelungstechnik, Fuzzy Logic, etc.) entwickelt.
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