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Designing and Implementing Effective Evaluations provides extensive
real-life examples of program evaluations that illustrate the
various elements and steps in conducting a successful evaluation.
The detailed and diverse range of case studies show the common
elements, methods, approaches, and processes of program
evaluations, while also demonstrating the way that good evaluators
adapt and tailor those methods to the specific characteristics and
needs of a given program. The chapters explore the process of
problem solving while navigating multiple stakeholders, competing
agendas, and varying environments. The book introduces
conversations concerning how to adapt evaluation processes and
concepts with culturally different individuals and communities. It
discusses the role of culture in navigating a meaningful evaluation
process when significant cultural differences exist between the
evaluator and individuals that make up the organization. The text
is a vital resource for postgraduate students in program evaluation
courses in Psychology, Education, Public Health, Social Work and
related fields.
Out of K.O.S. (Knowledge of Self): Black Masculinity,
Psychopathology, and Treatment provides a comprehensive analysis of
the development of racialized masculinity in Black males. This text
explores the current theories related to gender development and
racial identity development and their impact on the formation and
expression of Black masculinity. Specifically, this text
investigates the intersection between Black masculinity
development, racial identity, and race-related traumas/stressors.
Out of K.O.S. (Knowledge of Self): Black Masculinity,
Psychopathology, and Treatment highlights the dual experience of
social oppression and cultural identity suppression as the catalyst
for the formation of unintegrated Black masculinity, and its
subsequent influence on Black male mental health. Lastly, this book
provides a comprehensive discussion concerning therapist variables
and clinical interventions that can be helpful when working with
Black males in a clinical setting.
Designing and Implementing Effective Evaluations provides extensive
real-life examples of program evaluations that illustrate the
various elements and steps in conducting a successful evaluation.
The detailed and diverse range of case studies show the common
elements, methods, approaches, and processes of program
evaluations, while also demonstrating the way that good evaluators
adapt and tailor those methods to the specific characteristics and
needs of a given program. The chapters explore the process of
problem solving while navigating multiple stakeholders, competing
agendas, and varying environments. The book introduces
conversations concerning how to adapt evaluation processes and
concepts with culturally different individuals and communities. It
discusses the role of culture in navigating a meaningful evaluation
process when significant cultural differences exist between the
evaluator and individuals that make up the organization. The text
is a vital resource for postgraduate students in program evaluation
courses in Psychology, Education, Public Health, Social Work and
related fields.
Relying on a multidisciplinary framework of inquiry and critical
perspective, this edited volume addresses the unique experiences of
Black males within various stages of contact in the criminal
justice system. It provides a comprehensive overview of the
administration of justice, mental and physical health issues faced
by Black males, and reintegration into society after system
involvement. Recent events-including but by no means limited to the
shootings of unarmed Black men by police in Ferguson, Missouri;
Baltimore; Minneapolis; and Chicago-have highlighted the
disproportionate likelihood of young Black males to encounter the
criminal justice system. Black Males and the Criminal Justice
System provides a theoretical and empirical review of the need for
an intersectional understanding of Black male experiences and
outcomes within the criminal justice system. The intersectional
approach, which posits that outcomes of societal experiences are
determined by the way the interconnected identities of individuals
are perceived and responded to by others, is key to recognizing the
various forms of oppression that Black males experience, and the
impact these experiences have on them and their families. This book
is intended for students and scholars in criminology, criminal
justice, sociology, race/ethnic studies, legal studies, psychology,
and African American Studies, and will serve as a reference for
researchers who wish to utilize a progressive theoretical approach
to study social control, policing, and the criminal justice system.
Relying on a multidisciplinary framework of inquiry and critical
perspective, this edited volume addresses the unique experiences of
Black males within various stages of contact in the criminal
justice system. It provides a comprehensive overview of the
administration of justice, mental and physical health issues faced
by Black males, and reintegration into society after system
involvement. Recent events-including but by no means limited to the
shootings of unarmed Black men by police in Ferguson, Missouri;
Baltimore; Minneapolis; and Chicago-have highlighted the
disproportionate likelihood of young Black males to encounter the
criminal justice system. Black Males and the Criminal Justice
System provides a theoretical and empirical review of the need for
an intersectional understanding of Black male experiences and
outcomes within the criminal justice system. The intersectional
approach, which posits that outcomes of societal experiences are
determined by the way the interconnected identities of individuals
are perceived and responded to by others, is key to recognizing the
various forms of oppression that Black males experience, and the
impact these experiences have on them and their families. This book
is intended for students and scholars in criminology, criminal
justice, sociology, race/ethnic studies, legal studies, psychology,
and African American Studies, and will serve as a reference for
researchers who wish to utilize a progressive theoretical approach
to study social control, policing, and the criminal justice system.
Out of K.O.S. (Knowledge of Self): Black Masculinity,
Psychopathology, and Treatment provides a comprehensive analysis of
the development of racialized masculinity in Black males. This text
explores the current theories related to gender development and
racial identity development and their impact on the formation and
expression of Black masculinity. Specifically, this text
investigates the intersection between Black masculinity
development, racial identity, and race-related traumas/stressors.
Out of K.O.S. (Knowledge of Self): Black Masculinity,
Psychopathology, and Treatment highlights the dual experience of
social oppression and cultural identity suppression as the catalyst
for the formation of unintegrated Black masculinity, and its
subsequent influence on Black male mental health. Lastly, this book
provides a comprehensive discussion concerning therapist variables
and clinical interventions that can be helpful when working with
Black males in a clinical setting.
Factors such as homicide, imprisonment, under employment, and
limited access to educational opportunities have contributed to the
labeling of Black men as an "endangered species." Utilizing the
sociohistorical context of intergenerational trauma as a
foundation, "Knowledge of Self: Understanding the mind of the Black
male," examines four factors related to Black male identity
development including: Black masculinity, anger/aggression,
emotional restriction, and racial/ethnic identity. This text is
designed to serve as an empowering resource for Black men, and the
helping professionals that work with them, through awareness,
self-reflection, and skill building.