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Since its publication in 1983, Theodor Schieder's study has been
recognised as the most distinguished modern study of Prussia's most
famous King and a leading figure of the eighteenth century. This
abbreviated translation provides the first comprehensive scholarly
treatment in English published since 1975.
Since its publication in 1983, Theodor Schieder's study has been
recognised as the most distinguished modern study of Prussia's most
famous King and a leading figure of the eighteenth century. This
abbreviated translation provides the first comprehensive scholarly
treatment in English published since 1975.
Bermann Rauschning's book "Gesprache mit Bitler," published first
in French at the end of 1939, in German in 1940, and then
translated into many other languages, was a world-bestseller. The
conversations contained in this book between Bitler and Rauschning,
then President of the Senate of the Free City of Danzig, took place
in the years 1933 and 1934. The ques tions arises whether these
conversations are authentie and whether or not they can be regarded
as primary historical sourees. There can be not doubt of the book's
deep and wide-reaching impact: Bitler's war policy seemed to
confirm its statements in many points. It still furnished evidence
for the Nuremberg trial before the International Military Tribunal.
After the Se cond World War, however, the scholarly evaluation of
the book was not unanimous: while a number of historians (e. g. B.
Trevor-Roper, A. Bul lock), who were interested in the person and
the political system of Bitler, attributed a high source value to
the "Gesprache," others (e. g. A. Jacobsen, E. Jaeckel), proceeding
from particular aspects, expressed strong criticism. An exact
analysis of Rauschning's book, in which the author's earlier work
"Die Revolution des Nihilismus" must also be included, demonstrates
that, for the period of the conversations with Rauschning, there is
at present no other primary source available which provides
original statements of Bit ler. That is also true of the
establishing of contacts with Poland at the end of 1933 in which
Rauschning's services were of considerable importance."
The lecture makes initial references to the European nation-state
as an historie phenomenon. An attempt must be made today to examine
from comparative aspects the general wealth of ideas and thoughts
of the nation states in Europe, their common ways and means, their
special symbols, but also the different phases of their common
history. The nationalization of modern Europe, which replaced all
other forms of government with the nationally sovereign state,
passed through three major stages, and these three stages
constituted not only a temporal sequence, but they also gave birth
to nation-states of varying types. In the first stage, the modern
nation was formed in England and France as a citizens' community
within an existing state by means of an internal state revolution,
based on specific political values and the will of the people. The
second phase gave rise to nation-states formed from divided parts
of nations; this was the hour of the movements for national unity
in Germany and Italy. In the third phase, in which history has
pushed forward from Western Europe across Central Europe into
Eastern Europe, anational consciousness has developed in the large
supra national monarchies against the state and the national state
in the process of formation is based on secession. Thus, in this
area, all nation-states came into being by breaking away from large
empires. All of Europe is affected by each of these stages, thus
the three-stage process of the nation-state movement retains its
universal character."
Die Zahlen vor der Anmerkungsziffer bezeichnen die Seite, auf der
die Anmer kung im Text zu Hnden ist. Kapitel I 7 1 Das Wort
Nationalstaat selbst ist in der deutschen Sprache relativ jung und
erscheint nicht vor der Zeit der nationalen Einigungsbewegung.
Schulz Basler, Deutsches Fremdworterbuch gibt als frtihestes
Zeugnis die Rede von Du Bois-Reymond "Das Kaiserreich und der
Friede" vom 26. Januar 1871 an. (Du Bois-Reymond, Reden, 1886, I.
Bd., S. 970.) Altere Belegstellen dtirften sich aber unschwer Hnden
lassen. 8 2 Zitiert bei H. Raschhofer, Der politische Volksbegriff
im modernen Italien, 1936, S. 140f., nach Romagnosi, "Scienza della
costituzione" von 1815. Kapitel II 10 3 Sten. Ber. der Frankfurter
Nationalversammlung, VII, S. 4821. 11 ' Dazu neben der alteren
Arbeit von O. Westphal, Welt- und Staatsauffassung des dt.
Liberalismus, 1919 die Untersuchungen von W. Bussmann, Zur
Geschichte des dt. Liberalismus im 19. Jahrhundert, HZ 186, 1958
und H. Seier, Sybels Vorlesung tiber Politik und die Kontinuitat
des staatsbil denden Liberalismus, HZ 187, 1959. 12 6 Der Anteil
der linksliberalen Abgeordneten aus den Wahlkreisen PreuBens (in
seinem Umfang bis 1866) blieb relativ gleich. Er betrug bei den
Reichstags wahlen 1881: 43,5%; 1884: 47,3%; 1887: 50%; 1890: 46%;
1893: 36,4%; 1898: 45,9%; 1903: 41,7%; 1907: 45,8%; 1912: 42,8%.
Alle diese Berechnungen beruhen auf Unterlagen, die Alfred Milatz
im Auf trage der Kommission fur Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und
der politischen Parteien zur Vorbereitung eines deutschen Wahlatlas
gesammelt, und die er mir dankenswerterweise zur Verftigung
gestellt hat."
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