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This book starts by discussing the global flows of energy and
materials and changes caused by human activities. It then examines
the limitations of anthropogenic energy and material flows and the
consequences for the development of human society. Different
scenarios for lifestyle patterns are correlated with the future
development of the global energy supply and climate. As it provides
a process engineering approach to the Earth system and global
development, readers should have a basic understanding of
mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology. This second edition
also reflects new developments since the original publication:
increases in anthropogenic energy and material flows due to
significant economic growth in certain parts of the world, and
recent changes in energy policy and technological development
countries, such as Germany (the Energiewende, or transition to
renewable energy sources), where goals have been defined and
measures initiated for a future energy supply without fossil and
nuclear sources. As such, it offers a valuable resource for
undergraduate and graduate students as well as practicing experts
This book starts by discussing the global flows of energy and
materials and changes caused by human activities. It then examines
the limitations of anthropogenic energy and material flows and the
consequences for the development of human society. Different
scenarios for lifestyle patterns are correlated with the future
development of the global energy supply and climate. As it provides
a process engineering approach to the Earth system and global
development, readers should have a basic understanding of
mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology. This second edition
also reflects new developments since the original publication:
increases in anthropogenic energy and material flows due to
significant economic growth in certain parts of the world, and
recent changes in energy policy and technological development
countries, such as Germany (the Energiewende, or transition to
renewable energy sources), where goals have been defined and
measures initiated for a future energy supply without fossil and
nuclear sources. As such, it offers a valuable resource for
undergraduate and graduate students as well as practicing experts
The book deals with the global flows of energy and materials,
and changes caused by human activities. Based on these facts, the
limitations of anthropogenic energy and material flows and the
resulting consequences for the development of human societies are
discussed. Different scenarios for lifestyle patterns are
correlated with the worlds future development of energy supply and
climate. The book provides a process engineering approach to the
Earth system and global development. It requires basic
understanding of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology, and
provides an insight into the complex matter for readers ranging
from undergraduate students to experts. "
Dieses neue Lehrbuch stellt die Grundlagen zur Berechnung
chemischer Reaktoren in einer kompakten und modernen Struktur vor.
Es bietet sowohl im Studium als auch fur die Berufspraxis ein
solides Fundament und ist fur das Selbststudium geeignet. Die
grundlegenden Konzepte der Chemischen Reaktionstechnik werden
anhand allgemeingultiger mathematischer Beschreibungen eingefuhrt
und mit einer Vielzahl illustrativer und vertiefender Beispiele
erganzt. Dabei werden auch komplexere Fragestellungen behandelt,
die numerische Loesungsmethoden erfordern und somit die Brucke in
die Berufspraxis schlagen. Damit bietet das Buch auch eine Basis
fur die mathematische Modellierung und numerische Simulation
realer, mehrphasiger Reaktoren, die ein Grundpfeiler fur eine
moderne Tatigkeit von Reaktionstechnikern in der digitalisierten
Berufspraxis ist.