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Despite the fact that virtually all urban growth is occurring, and
will continue to occur, in the cities of the Global South, the
conceptual tools used to study cities are distilled
disproportionately from research on the highly developed cities of
the Global North. With urban inequality widely recognized as
central to many of the most pressing challenges facing the world,
there is a need for a deeper understanding of cities of the South
on their own terms. Locating Right to the City in the Global South
marks an innovative and far reaching effort to document and make
sense of urban transformations across a range of cities, as well as
the conflicts and struggles for social justice these are
generating. The volume contains empirically rich, theoretically
informed case studies focused on the social, spatial, and political
dimensions of urban inequality in the Global South. Drawing from
scholars with extensive fieldwork experience, this volume covers
sixteen cities in fourteen countries across a belt stretching from
Latin America, to Africa and the Middle East, and into Asia.
Central to what binds these cities are deeply rooted, complex, and
dynamic processes of social and spatial division that are being
actively reproduced. These cities are not so much fracturing as
they are being divided by governance practices informed by local
histories and political contestation, and refracted through or
infused by market based approaches to urban development. Through a
close examination of these practices and resistance to them, this
volume provides perspectives on neoliberalism and right to the city
that advance our understanding of urbanism in the Global South. In
mapping the relationships between space, politics and populations,
the volume draws attention to variations shaped by local
circumstances, while simultaneously elaborating a distinctive
transnational Southern urbanism. It provides indepth research on a
range of practical and policy oriented issues, from housing and
slum redevelopment to building democratic cities that include
participation by lower income and other marginal groups. It will be
of interest to students and practitioners alike studying Urban
Studies, Globalization, and Development.
Despite the fact that virtually all urban growth is occurring, and
will continue to occur, in the cities of the Global South, the
conceptual tools used to study cities are distilled
disproportionately from research on the highly developed cities of
the Global North. With urban inequality widely recognized as
central to many of the most pressing challenges facing the world,
there is a need for a deeper understanding of cities of the South
on their own terms. Locating Right to the City in the Global South
marks an innovative and far reaching effort to document and make
sense of urban transformations across a range of cities, as well as
the conflicts and struggles for social justice these are
generating. The volume contains empirically rich, theoretically
informed case studies focused on the social, spatial, and political
dimensions of urban inequality in the Global South. Drawing from
scholars with extensive fieldwork experience, this volume covers
sixteen cities in fourteen countries across a belt stretching from
Latin America, to Africa and the Middle East, and into Asia.
Central to what binds these cities are deeply rooted, complex, and
dynamic processes of social and spatial division that are being
actively reproduced. These cities are not so much fracturing as
they are being divided by governance practices informed by local
histories and political contestation, and refracted through or
infused by market based approaches to urban development. Through a
close examination of these practices and resistance to them, this
volume provides perspectives on neoliberalism and right to the city
that advance our understanding of urbanism in the Global South. In
mapping the relationships between space, politics and populations,
the volume draws attention to variations shaped by local
circumstances, while simultaneously elaborating a distinctive
transnational Southern urbanism. It provides indepth research on a
range of practical and policy oriented issues, from housing and
slum redevelopment to building democratic cities that include
participation by lower income and other marginal groups. It will be
of interest to students and practitioners alike studying Urban
Studies, Globalization, and Development.
"In elepciunea amanilor" prezint, intr-un mod simplu i practic,
cuno tin ele universale despre amanism pe care le-adobandit Tony
Samara pe drumul s u c tre ini iere. De la consumul de alimente pan
la lucrul cu visele, cele patru elemente ipunctele cardinale,
prezentarea unor exerci ii fizice i de respira ie care sus in
dezvoltarea spiritual, precum i cu alte subiecte, cartea aceasta ne
aminte te de str vechea in elepciune pozitiv, ast zi mai util ca
oricand. Ajuta i-v s v schimba i via a in bine. Tony Samara, autor
al lucr rilor "In elepciunea amanilor," "Din inim," "Diferi i, i
totu i la fel," "Mai adanc de cuvinte," s-a n scut in Anglia,
acrescut in Egipt i Norvegia, unde a descoperit filozofia
budismului zen. Aceast descoperire l-a condus, intr-un final, la
"Mount Baldy ZenCenter in California, USA" unde a deprins inv
turile spirituale ale lui "Kyozan Joshu Sasaki." A avut
curiozitatea de a explora i mai inprofunzime esen a spiritualit ii,
motiv pentru care a mers s locuiasc i s inve e al turi de comunit
ile de amani de pe glob, incluzandperioada petrecut al turi de
amani influen i din regiunea fluviului Amazon i Mun ii Anzi.Acum,
oameni din toat lumea il viziteaz pe Tony Samara, pentru a primi
indrumare spiritual i a vedea ei in ili ce inseman s se afle
inpreajma sa. rile in care i i desf oar activitatea preponderent
sunt rile europene, dar, gra ie internetului, audien a sa este
unainterna ional, i aceast mul umit deselor apari ii in direct i
interviuri online.Func ia pe care o indepline te este de Inv tor
Spiritual care ii incurajeaz pe to i s i i conduc via a in mod
activ, nobil, pentru a realizaevolu ia con tiin ei umane.Tony
Samara este oglinda a ceea ce este posibil, un memento str lucitor
al posibilit ii continue de a fi umani.Starea complet natural de
bucurie i in elepciune tr it din momentul in care ne deschidem
inimile c tre via este calea remarcabil pe careo expune, o cale pe
care orice este liber s o experimenteze.Dialogul verbal nu este
esen a inv turilor sale, dar el explic intr-un mod simplu i direct,
pentru ca toat lumea s in eleag modul prin carefiecare individ
poate integra practic o mai mare acceptare, pace i bucurie in via a
cotidian . Tony pred cu umor, smerenie i infinit r bdare,
insuflandu-i celuilalt curaj, incredere i for interioar, pentru a-
i continua drumul in unitate, o cale care duce c tre adev rata
libertate.Asemenea multor inv tori spirituali, Tony Samara este
preocupat de eliberarea i munca interioar practic . El pred dand
exemple i lec iidin via a personal, indrumandu-l pe cel interesat s
ating fericirea acum i aici, mai degrab printr-o con tientizare
spiritual decat printr-unefort mental. Parte din inv turile lui
Tony ne aduc aminte c mancarea i mancatul sunt fundamentale pentru
bun starea noastr interioar, precum i pentru s n tatea noastr fizic
. In numeroasele sale programe, el explic faptul c acest corp al
nostru este i templul nostru, iar alimenta ia ne ajut s cre m o baz
solid care permite desf urarea unor for e i producerea schimb rii
interioare. De asemenea, el neexplic faptul c alimentele nu sunt
doar substan e fizice care ne hr nesc organismul, ci con in energie
spiritual i afectiv . Iat de ce esteimportant s fim con tien i i
ancora i in prezent atunci cand manc m i s fim mai degrab aten i cu
ce ne hr nim trupul, templul nostru, decat s manc m numai ceea ce
avem chef s manc m. Tony incurajeaz dieta vegetarian care include
produse organice pline de for a vie ii.