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This book teaches us how to know and understand ourselves radically
and how to know and understand others. This book reveals the
possibilities that we have ignored in ourselves and teaches us how
to be everything we possibly can. From this book we can learn how
to empathise fully with others, demolishing the barriers of
misunderstanding between human beings. This book shows us how to
transcend ideologies and discloses the major underground trends
that have governed and will govern the history of the world. The
Splendour of the Human Being is a complete exposition of MAT - the
Meta-model of Analysis that Transforms - of which it has been said:
"MAT represents for the human sciences what the theory of
relativity represented in its day for the physical sciences." This
book teaches us the laws that govern the human order, guiding us
into the third millennium and anchoring us in it. Because it
achieves the fusion between art and science which produces the
splendour of the human being.
"This book about safety and fear reveals a fundamental aspect of
MAT, the first precise science of the human being, a revolution
without precedent in the human sciences, of which it has been said
with reasonable grounds that "MAT represents for the human sciences
what the Theory of Relativity represented for the physical sciences
in its day." This work has the advantage of putting complex,
profound concepts of vital relevance within the reach of the public
at large through enjoyable and testimonial dialogues that will make
readers reflect profoundly while guiding them on the thrilling path
of finding a lasting, solid and authentic safety that will remove
them from the fears that diminish the full scale of their human
dimension. A book in which each reader will identify with one of
the six characters in the book recognising the human beings that
surround them in the remaining characters. A book that offers
answers to questions as old as creation and that, until know, had
not been answered. A compendium of authentic wisdom."
An entire generation has lived enamoured of The Little Prince
written by Antoine de Saint Exupery and continues to dream about
him. And now, taking over the torch - since she was born almost
when he disappeared into the sky-, the author of this short novel
for children of all ages, especially the age of grandparents,
arrives to bring us The Little Girl Who Made God Laugh. A great
admirer and lover of the Little Prince, she has created a Little
Princess for him, so that he never has to leave our world again.
Preciada Azancot, renowned as the creator of MAT (Metamodel of
Analysis that Transforms), whose books are available from the same
Publishers, has made the Little Prince's dream for this world a
reality: finding the harmony, clarity, corporality, metamorphosis,
soul and spirit, lost on this planet. The story tells how a little
girl, fallen from the kingdom of the angels, brings the laws of
heaven to this earth and searches for her little prince, her twin
soul, in order to build with him that paradise for two called a
couple. To do this, she seeks him in the desert, then in Paris,
then in New York, then in Peking, then in Benares, then in Rome,
finding him at last, at the end of the tale, where she least
expects it. While she seeks her loved one, the girl gives each
capital and its inhabitants the keys she brought from Paradise.
From the stars, The Little Prince provided the elements that man
has to supply to make this world better. In a century illuminated
by hope in womanhood, The Little Girl provides the keys that woman
has to supply, so that together and united they may return, without
having to die, to the Garden of Eden. A story that is moving,
entertaining, educational and above all takes us back to the
origins and essences that all angels share, enriching our lives. A
wonderful and wise book for all ages.
Este libro ensena a conocerse y comprenderse radicalmente a si
mismo, y a conocer y comprender radicalmente a los demas. Este
libro nos revela las posibilidades propias que ignorabamos, todo lo
que podemos llegar a ser. Este libro nos hace descubrir el modo de
empatizar sin obstaculos con los demas, de llegar al corazon del
otro mediante la observacion, de echar por tierra las barreras de
la incomprension entre los seres humanos. Este libro ensena a
redimensionar y trascender la ideologias y, tambien a conocer las
grandes corrientes subterraneas que han regido y regiran la
historia del mundo. Este libro constituye la mas completa
exposicion del MAT -Metamodelo de Analisis Transformacional-, que
pone al descubierto las leyes que rigen el orden de lo humano y del
que se ha dicho: "El MAT representa para las ciencias humanas lo
que la teoria de la relatividad ha representado para las ciencias
Todos venimos al mundo con un bello proyecto para realizar: ser
nosotros mismos al maximo de las posibilidades existentes. Desde el
mismo momento en que somos concebidos, la ley natural que rige la
evolucion de lo vivo existente, nos posibilita -de conocerla y
actuarla- el pleno desarrollo de nuestras capacidades y
habilidades, ofreciendonos, para cada edad, todo un universo, un
amplisimo abanico de puertas que abrir y que conquistar, y
permitiendonos a lo largo de la vida, auparnos hacia cotas de mayor
felicidad. Y esto, de manera universal y gratuita, para todos
nosotros. Entonces, por que hay tantos seres humanos desgraciados e
inconformes? Por que hay tantas personas que pasan por la vida con
futilidad, como quien pasa el rato? Por que tantos piensan que este
mundo es un valle de lagrimas en el cual la plenitud es imposible y
utopica? Por que hay tanta gente enfadada con la vida? Por que la
indiferencia, la insensibilidad, la envidia, la competitividad, el
desamor y el nihilismo pasota? Y por ultimo, de vital importancia,
por que la mayoria de nuestros ancianos no son felices porque
sabios y sabios porque felices? Y por que cuando recordamos nuestra
ninez, nos sentimos tantas veces perplejos, confundidos y
desorientados cuando no amnesicos? Despues de mas de cuarenta anos
de estudio, Preciada Azancot, escritora, pintora y creadora del MAT
-Metamodelo de Analisis Transformacional-, ha dado con las
esenciales y, por ende sencillas, respuestas a tantos "por que" y
con ellas, nos brinda, amorosamente, las claves para una existencia
plena. Seamos quien seamos, independientemente de nuestro sexo y de
nuestra edad, "Un cielo de andar por casa - En cada fase de nuestra
vida" nos desvelara la sencilla -porque esencial- ley natural de la
vida humana: a cada edad su necesidad vital y esencial,
insustituible si no se quieren tener graves carencias que nos
hipotecarian la vida plena, y lo que es aun mas grave, nos
convertirian en depredadores de nuestro entorno. Este libro nos
permitira situarnos, de modo organico y natural, donde de verdad
nos corresponde estar, donde de verdad nos sentiremos realizados,
para asi ser felices y hacer mas felices a los que nos rodean.
Ademas, tendremos a nuestra disposicion un mapa-guia para avanzar,
siempre, hacia mas verdad, hacia mas felicidad, hacia un fluir mas
natural y coherente, en suma. Preciada Azancot descubre que el ser
humano tiene, de manera innata, una serie de necesidades que cubrir
y de motivaciones que colmar, y que estas deben ser atendidas en un
orden determinado. Este libro cubre las tres primeras necesidades
de un total de seis, siendo las tres restantes analizadas en la
segunda parte. La creadora del MAT eligio a su mejor alumno y
socio, Antonio Galvez, para darle la replica y convertir el
aprendizaje en dialogo universal.
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