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This book collects the lifelong research on boredom by American
psychologist Augustin de la Peña (1942-2021). It focuses on the
experience of boredom—and other similar states, including ennui,
melancholy, laziness, interest, attention, and entertainment—and
its associated behaviors. Offering an interdisciplinary chronicle
of boredom, from Antiquity to the present, special attention is
paid to its daily experience as a ubiquitous phenomenon that
informs cultural and political actions that continue to shape our
society. Dr. de la Peña describes the obsolescence of the Western
Commonsense View of Reality to propose a Developmental
Psychophysiological Approach to Reality, reconceptualizing boredom.
The book theorizes the condition as both logical and emotional, an
axis that has defined the sensibility of the modern era. This
is a volume edited posthumously by Josefa Ros Velasco and
Christian Parreno in homage to Augustin’s work and his
invaluable contribution to the establishment
of the field of boredom studies.
This volume is the continuation of the book Suicide in Modern
Literature, edited by Josefa Ros Velasco. Considering the positive
reception of this book, Ros Velasco launches the second part,
entitled The Contemporary Writer and their Suicide. This
time, leading representatives of various disciplines analyze the
literary, philosophical, and biographical works of contemporary
writers worldwide who attempted to commit suicide or achieved their
goal, looking for covert and overt clues about their intentions in
their writings. This book aims to continue shedding light on the
social and structural causes that lead to suicide and on the
suicidal mind, but also to show that people assiduous to writing
usually reflect their intentions to commit suicide in their
writings, to explain how these frequently veiled intentions can be
revealed and interpreted, and to highlight the potential of
artistic, philosophical, and autobiographical writing as a tool to
detect suicidal ideation and prevent its consummation in vulnerable
people. This book analyzes several case studies and their allusions
to their contexts and the socio-structural and environmental
violence and pressures they suffered, expressions of their will and
agency, feelings of dislocation between the individual, reality,
and existential alienation, and literary styles, writing
techniques, and metaphorical language.
Esta obra tiene la intencion de ayudar a resolver la problematica
familiar actual y con ello hacer una mejor sociedad pues recordemos
que la familia es la celula de la sociedad y que asi como la celula
es para el cuerpo la unidad anatomica, estructural y funcional, la
familia lo es para la sociedad es anatomica porque esta presente
fisicamente, es estructural porque tiene diversos componentes y
cada uno tiene un lugar especifico y es funcional porque cada uno
de sus integrantes tiene funciones especificas que deben hacer para
que la familia sea funcional.
Seguramente, una nueva mama se siente preparada con guias,
manuales, conferencias y cursos. Pero quiza aun asi, los cambios
que llegaran a su vida la tomaran por sorpresa. Ha cambiado su
papel en el mundo, y tambien lo que el mundo espera de ella y eso
es lo que no te dicen en los otros libros sobre la maternidad: al
convertirse en madre, la mujer pasa de ser hija, hermana, esposa,
amiga o companera para volverse la cuidadora del bienestar no solo
de un bebe, sino de toda la familia. Que ocurre entonces con la
persona que eras antes? Este es un libro de compania, con los
testimonios de muchas mujeres que nos cuentan sus experiencias, en
un momento en el que probablemente vas a necesitar compania,
comprension y por supuesto, reirte un poco.
En 1821 y no 1810 (como actualmente conmemoramos los mexicanos), se
consigue la independencia, despues de tres siglos de colonizacion
espanola. A partir de ese momento la naciente nacion, entra en un
torbellino de batallas ideologicas y fisicas para definir y
estructurar un sistema de gobierno, alejado de lo que heredamos de
la colonia y con el fin de marcar distancia sobre la excesiva
dependencia eclesiastica. Para esto una lucha Sin Cuartel se
expresa entre los denominados Centralistas VS Federalistas o
Conservadores VS Liberales, el objetivo era el mismo establecer una
republica, pero los tiempos y las formas fueron la manzana de la
discordia, que los llevaron a enfrentamientos recalcitrantes, que
en muchas ocasiones les hicieron perder la "altura de miras," del
objetivo mayor, integrar y formar una nacion, solida y prospera.
Los extremos y nula mediacion, nos llevaron al caos, al grado de
ver casi desintegrada el recien formado estado. El siglo XIX
mexicano, es una etapa que desde mi optica, poco se ha
profundizado; durante el perdimos el 55% de territorio, grandes
personajes de nuestra historia aqui realizaron su travesia, la
ideologia y sistema de gobierno que hoy nos rige, se forjo en esa
epoca. Conocer con mayor detalle ese gran pedazo de nuestro pasado,
nos permitira un mayor entendimiento de nuestro presente. El autor"
The volume gathers theoretical contributions on human rights and
global justice in the context of international migration. It
addresses the need to reconsider human rights and the theories of
justice in connection with the transformation of the social frames
of reference that international migrations foster. The main goal of
this collective volume is to analyze and propose principles of
justice that serve to address two main challenges connected to
international migrations that are analytically differentiable
although inextricably linked in normative terms: to better
distribute the finite resources of the planet among all its
inhabitants; and to ensure the recognition of human rights in
current migration policies. Due to the very nature of the debate on
global justice and the implementation of human rights and migration
policies, this interdisciplinary volume aims at transcending the
academic sphere and appeals to a large public through argumentative
reflections. Challenging the Borders of Justice in the Age of
Migrations represents a fresh and timely contribution. In a time
when national interests are structurally overvalued and borders
increasingly strengthened, it's a breath of fresh air to read a
book in which migration flows are not changed into a threat. We
simply cannot understand the world around us through the lens of
the 'migration crisis'-a message the authors of this book have
perfectly understood. Aimed at a strong link between theories of
global justice and policies of border control, this timely book
combines the normative and empirical to deeply question the way our
territorial boundaries are justified. Professor Ronald Tinnevelt,
Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands This book is essential
reading for those frustrated by the limitations of the dominant
ways of thinking about global justice especially in relation to
migration. By bringing together discussions of global justice,
cosmopolitan political theory and migration, this collection of
essays has the potential to transform the way in which we think and
debate the critical issues of membership and movement. Together
they present a critical interdisciplinary approach to international
migration, human rights and global justice, challenging
disciplinary borders as well as political ones. Professor Phil
Cole, University of the West of England, UK
In grammar design, a basic distinction is made between derivational
and modular architectures. This raises the question of which
organization of grammar can deal with linguistic phenomena more
appropriately. The studies contained in the present volume explore
the interface relations between different levels of linguistic
representation in Functional Discourse Grammar as presented in
Hengeveld and Mackenzie (2008) and Keizer (2015). This theory
analyses linguistic expressions at four linguistic levels:
interpersonal, representational, morphosyntactic and phonological.
The articles address issues such as the possible correspondences
and mismatches between those levels as well as the conditions which
constrain the combinations of levels in well-formed expressions.
Additionally, the theory is tested by examining various grammatical
phenomena with a focus both on the English language and on
typological adequacy: anaphora, raising, phonological reduction,
noun incorporation, reflexives and reciprocals, serial verbs, the
passive voice, time measurement constructions, coordination,
nominal modification, and connectives. Overall, the volume provides
both theoretical and descriptive insights which are of relevance to
linguistics in general.
Carmencita Velasco naci en la primavera, como un presagio de la
bondad de su alma a ser brisa, bouquet de flores aromadas, lluvia
refrescante y lozana para todo aquel que la conoce, o aun si s lo
se cruza en su vida. Primavera del 1963, como un presente celestial
que el 17 de abril abri sus ojos a la Tierra que le vio nacer:
Carmencita ha sido escritora, maestra, coordinadora, consejera,
administradora, defensora de nobles causas, asesora, caminante, l
der, organizadora, la mayor a sin remuneraci n econ mica. A n m s,
ha sido extraordinaria madre, estupenda amiga, colosal mujer.
Soltando equipaje...entre velas, fotos, libros y vino tinto, es
un legado para el g nero literario conocido como Memorias.
Trasciende el empe o de acercarnos al final de la historia con la
ilusi n de un final feliz, pues el placer de la lectura se arraiga
en los pasos de un caminante, viviente. Despu s de todo, "It's not
the destination, it's the journey."
Stella Martin