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Taking as its point of departure Nelson Goodman's theory of symbol
systems as delineated in his seminal book "Ways of Worldmaking",
this volume gauges the possibilities and perspectives offered by
the worldmaking approach as a model for the study of culture. Its
main objectives are to explore the usefulness and scope of the
approach for the study of culture and to supplement Goodman's
philosophy of worldmaking with a number of complementary
disciplinary perspectives, literary and cultural approaches, and
new questions and applications. It focuses on three key issues or
concepts which illuminate ways of worldmaking and their
interdisciplinary relevance and ramifications, viz. (1) theoretical
approaches to ways of worldmaking, (2) the impact of media on ways
of worldmaking, and (3) narratives as ways of worldmaking. The
volume serves to demonstrate how specific media and narratives
affect the worlds that are created, and shows how these worlds are
established as socially relevant. It also illustrates the extent to
which ways of worldmaking are imbued with cultural values, and thus
inevitably implicated in power relations.
Though the phenomenon known as "unreliable narration" or "narrative
unreliability" has received a lot of attention during the last two
decades, narratological research has mainly focused on its
manifestations in narrative fiction, particularly in homodiegetic
or first-person narration. Except for film, forms and functions of
unreliable narration in other genres, media and disciplines have so
far been relatively neglected. The present volume redresses the
balance by directing scholarly attention to disciplines and domains
that narratology has so far largely ignored. It aims at initiating
an interdisciplinary approach to, and debate on, narrative
unreliability, exploring unreliable narration in a broad range of
literary genres, other media and non-fictional text-types, contexts
and disciplines beyond literary studies. Crossing the boundaries
between genres, media, and disciplines, the volume acknowledges
that the question of whether or not to believe or trust a narrator
transcends the field of literature: The issues of (un)reliability
and (un)trustworthiness play a crucial role in many areas of human
life as well as a wide spectrum of academic fields ranging from law
to history, and from psychology to the study of culture.
Taking as its point of departure Nelson Goodman's theory of symbol
systems as delineated in his seminal book "Ways of Worldmaking",
this volume gauges the possibilities and perspectives offered by
the worldmaking approach as a model for the study of culture. Its
main objectives are to explore the usefulness and scope of the
approach for the study of culture and to supplement Goodman's
philosophy of worldmaking with a number of complementary
disciplinary perspectives, literary and cultural approaches, and
new questions and applications. It focuses on three key issues or
concepts which illuminate ways of worldmaking and their
interdisciplinary relevance and ramifications, viz. (1) theoretical
approaches to ways of worldmaking, (2) the impact of media on ways
of worldmaking, and (3) narratives as ways of worldmaking. The
volume serves to demonstrate how specific media and narratives
affect the worlds that are created, and shows how these worlds are
established as socially relevant. It also illustrates the extent to
which ways of worldmaking are imbued with cultural values, and thus
inevitably implicated in power relations.
Though the phenomenon known as "unreliable narration" or "narrative
unreliability" has received a lot of attention during the last two
decades, narratological research has mainly focused on its
manifestations in narrative fiction, particularly in homodiegetic
or first-person narration. Except for film, forms and functions of
unreliable narration in other genres, media and disciplines have so
far been relatively neglected. The present volume redresses the
balance by directing scholarly attention to disciplines and domains
that narratology has so far largely ignored. It aims at initiating
an interdisciplinary approach to, and debate on, narrative
unreliability, exploring unreliable narration in a broad range of
literary genres, other media and non-fictional text-types, contexts
and disciplines beyond literary studies. Crossing the boundaries
between genres, media, and disciplines, the volume acknowledges
that the question of whether or not to believe or trust a narrator
transcends the field of literature: The issues of (un)reliability
and (un)trustworthiness play a crucial role in many areas of human
life as well as a wide spectrum of academic fields ranging from law
to history, and from psychology to the study of culture.
Ritual and narrative are pivotal means of human meaning-making
and of ordering experience, but the close interrelationship between
them has not as yet been given the attention it deserves. How can
models and categories from narrative theory benefit the study of
ritual, and what can we gain from concepts of ritual studies in
analysing narrative? This book brings together a wide range of
disciplinary perspectives including literary studies, archaeology,
biblical and religious studies, and political science. It presents
theoretical explorations as well as in-depth case studies of ritual
and narrative in different media and historical contexts.
Der Band "Konzepte der Kulturwissenschaften" bietet Orientierung in
einem interdisziplinaren Diskussionsfeld, das inzwischen selbst fur
Fachleute kaum noch uberschaubar ist. Er informiert uber die
gegenwartigen kulturwissenschaftlichen Diskussionen - insbesondere
in den Literaturwissenschaften - und gibt einen systematischen und
umfassenden UEberblick uber die verschiedenen Ansatze wie
Kultursemiotik, Kulturanthropologie und New Historicism. Weitere
Kapitel widmen sich der Medienwissenschaft,
kulturwissenschaftlicher Geschlechterforschung, Fragen des
kulturellen Gedachtnisses oder interkultureller Kommunikation.
Literatur aus dem geschlechterspezifischen Blickwinkel
interpretieren. Welchen Einfluss hat der Gender-Aspekt beim
Verfassen eines Erzahltextes? Die wichtigsten Methoden und Begriffe
der genderorientierten Erzahltheorie stehen im Mittepunkt des
Bandes. Er leitet dazu an, Erzahltexte geschlechterspezifisch zu
analysieren und stellt den Zusammenhang her zwischen
narratologischen Gesichtspunkten und den soziokulturellen
Kategorien sex, gender und sexuality.
Wie werden Texte wissenschaftlich interpretiert? Kompakt und
ubersichtlich stellt das Lehrbuch die gangigen
literaturtheoretischen Ansatze vor darunter z. B. Strukturalismus,
Dekonstruktion, Diskursanalyse und Systemtheorie. Der Schwerpunkt
des ubersichtlich gestalteten Bandes liegt auf der Anwendung:
Ausfuhrliche Beispielanalysen zeigen, wie mit den verschiedenen
Theorien und den daraus abzuleitenden Methoden Texte und auch Filme
analysiert werden. Unerlassliches Handwerkszeug fur das
literaturwissenschaftliche Studium.
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