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This expanded deluxe hardcover adds to the best-selling Hail
Thyself, Unlocking the Secrets of Control, Wealth, and Power. Learn
all of this and more: perfect the thought process of how you see
the world as self-control comes before controlling others, and
building self-esteem We do judge a book by its cover, so included
are tips on appearance, the use of scent and color psychology to
manipulate those around you. This volume adds more exercises on
developing confidence, positive attitude building, interview
skills, how to recognize weaknesses to turn them into strengths.
Also discussed is how to overcome failure, wealth building and how
to keep it once your work pays off, from wealth to generosity. Many
quotes and life lessons from successful people on money, power, and
happiness from Will Smith, Gene Simmons, Bill Gates, Mark Cuban,
Warren Buffett, Oprah, Winfrey, J.K. Rowling, Napoleon Hill, and
Dale Carnegie that have relevance today.
Vampires are beings of myth: folkloric creatures who live off the
blood of the living and have been recorded in nearly every culture
around the world since the beginning of man. This work traces the
evolution of the vampire, from its roots in ancient mythology to
obscure folk tales and legends, leading up to when these foul
beings transformed into the suave Byronic heroes that continue to
influence the world s view of the vampire today. It also examines
key individuals in history involved in reshaping our concept of the
creature. Popular culture is explored, along with the development
of the vampire into the protagonist in plays and poems and novels.
This expanded edition of the authors' original book adds much more
into every time period on this misunderstood and enigmatic being.
The she-demon from the Babylonian empire is far from an antiquated
figure of myth and lore of days gone by. If anything, there has
been a renewed interest in Lilith which has led modern artists and
writers to embrace the archetype with still more fervor than in any
time in the past. Like the phoenix which rises from the ashes of
its former self, Lilith is reborn each time her character is
reinterpreted and retold. This reshaping of the screeching demoness
serves to reflect each generation's views of the feminine role in
society, or in our day and age, how we redefine ourselves with one
another. As we grow and change with Lilith survives the millennia,
because she is truly the singular best archetype for the changing
role of women.Learn Lilith's darkest secrets as the author unveils
her origins and brings you forward in time to discover this
misunderstood figures evolution.
America is the land of the beautiful, but it is also a land of
mystery and many haunted and bizarre places. With 150 images,
addresses, and directions, go state-by-state to tour the macabre
side of the United States. Journey to haunted old battleships,
abandoned prisons, creepy lunatic asylums, the Amityville Horror
House, the Winchester House, museums such as Edgar Allan Poe's
home, New Orleans Voodoo Museum, the Lizzie Borden Bed and
Breakfast, and much more! In addition suggesting places to visit,
where to stay, and places to eat, chapters on each state have a
break down of how best to experience the curious and bizarre -
sometimes just a building and other times a whole town. Come on
this unusual but richly satisfying tour. You won't be disappointed.
This is science fiction on the grandest of scales - a cast of
thousands set across hundreds of years and in the farthest reaches
of Human Space. A prequel to his earlier novel A Fire Upon the
Deep, this new novel is epic in scope and a thoroughly riveting
read. A Deepness In the Sky is the story of Pham Nuwen, a small cog
in the interstellar trading fleet of the Queng Ho. Both they and
the Emergents are orbiting Arachna, a dormant planet which will
shortly wake up when its On/Off star relights after decades of
darkness. Both groups hope to exploit the coming age of technology
and commerce on Arachna. But while the Queng Ho seek only to trade
aggressively, the Emergents plans are far more sinister, amounting
to little short of genocide . . .
Thousands of years hence, many races inhabit a universe where a
mind's potential is determined by its location in space - from
superintelligent entities in the Transcend, to the limited minds of
the Unthinking Depths, where only simple creatures and technology
can function. Nobody knows what strange force partitioned space
into these 'zones of thought', but when the warring Straumli realm
use an ancient Transcendent artefact as a weapon, they unwittingly
unleash an awesome power that destroys thousands of worlds and
enslaves all natural and artificial intelligence. Fleeing the
threat, a family of scientists, including two children, are taken
captive by the Tines - an alien race with a harsh medieval culture
- and used as pawns in a ruthless power struggle. A rescue party,
not entirely composed of humans, must free the children - and
retrieve a secret that may save the rest of interstellar
Go on a hunt for the facts, folklore, and fiction about zombies
from the 1800s to popular culture. The evolution of the zombie is
explored in depth and includes historic accounts as well as a peek
into the current craze. From whispered stories in voodoo legends
and experiments in reanimation performed in the 1800s to recent
events that allude to the scary possibility that such creatures
really exist, you are in for a wild ride. Take a look at George
Romero's many contributions to the popularity of the living undead,
with films such as Night of the Living Dead. Go inside with the
incredibly popular AMC television series, The Walking Dead. Read
interviews from people who are involved directly with zombie-mania,
such as those who sell themed goods, ranging from bleeding
mannequin zombie targets to Zombie Max ammunition. Visit with
frenzied groups like the Zombie Squad featured on the History
Channel or take a stroll in Zombie Walks taking place around the
world. You can even learn to use makeup to become a zombie
yourself! All in all, it's a good day to be undead.
Go behind the barbed wire and explore the many sanitariums or
asylums that were intended to help the mentally ill but only
contributed to their afflictions. Learn the history behind the
infamous Riverside patient Mary Mallon, also known as "Typhoid
Mary." Get spooked by the gothic and foreboding buildings at
Danvers State Hospital in Danvers, Massachusetts, which became both
the inspiration and the filming location for the movie Session 9,
and Oregon State Hospital, where Jack Nicholson's famous One Flew
Over the Coco's Nest was filmed. Today, these abandoned state
institutions have been converted into other uses or remain in
shambles, but the ghosts of their pasts linger. The author, also
known by the pen name Corvis Nocturnum, explores these reputedly
haunted asylums and others all the world over. Join him... if you