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Existing research methods textbooks emphasize the mechanics of HOW
to conduct research studies. However, many students fail to see WHY
it is important to learn about research because they will never
conduct research studies. These students do not become engaged in
learning and believe that research courses and textbooks are
useless. They do not see the need of developing "research literacy"
to understand the applications and limitations of research to their
daily lives. This book engages students with a nonmathematical
presentation that includes real examples of the consequences of
research errors in daily life. The organization facilitates
learning with objectives, concepts, description of errors, best
practices, and examples. This is a research methods textbook for
students who fear research textbooks. The diversity of topics in
this book permits application to research methods courses in these
academic fields: Economics, Education, Political Science,
Psychology, and Sociology. This should be the first book for all
students to introduce research and develop "research literacy".
Our society faces international challenges from cyber attacks and
dissemination of fake news with a goal to destabilize our society.
Fake news can be used as a weapon with destructive effects as
powerful as any military attack. Fake news can spread as fast as a
wildfire carried on the winds of social media. Students and all
citizens need to be prepared and informed of ways to quickly
understand and distinguish real and fake news. Preventing the
potential destructive effects of fake news is the purpose of this
book. The focus is upon providing a resource for educators to
develop "news literacy" skills of students in objectively
evaluating the news.
Our society faces international challenges from cyber attacks and
dissemination of fake news with a goal to destabilize our society.
Fake news can be used as a weapon with destructive effects as
powerful as any military attack. Fake news can spread as fast as a
wildfire carried on the winds of social media. Students and all
citizens need to be prepared and informed of ways to quickly
understand and distinguish real and fake news. Preventing the
potential destructive effects of fake news is the purpose of this
book. The focus is upon providing a resource for educators to
develop "news literacy" skills of students in objectively
evaluating the news.
Existing research methods textbooks emphasize the mechanics of HOW
to conduct research studies. However, many students fail to see WHY
it is important to learn about research because they will never
conduct research studies. These students do not become engaged in
learning and believe that research courses and textbooks are
useless. They do not see the need of developing "research literacy"
to understand the applications and limitations of research to their
daily lives. This book engages students with a nonmathematical
presentation that includes real examples of the consequences of
research errors in daily life. The organization facilitates
learning with objectives, concepts, description of errors, best
practices, and examples. This is a research methods textbook for
students who fear research textbooks. The diversity of topics in
this book permits application to research methods courses in these
academic fields: Economics, Education, Political Science,
Psychology, and Sociology. This should be the first book for all
students to introduce research and develop "research literacy".
This groundbreaking book introduces the application of statistical
methodologies to e-Commerce data
With the expanding presence of technology in today's economic
market, the use of the Internet for buying, selling, and investing
is growing more popular and public in nature. Statistical Methods
in e-Commerce Research is the first book of its kind to focus on
the statistical models and methods that are essential in order to
analyze information from electronic-commerce (e-Commerce)
transactions, identify the challenges that arise with new
e-Commerce data structures, and discover new knowledge about
consumer activity.
This collection gathers over thirty researchers and practitioners
from the fields of statistics, computer science, information
systems, and marketing to discuss the growing use of statistical
methods in e-Commerce research. From privacy protection to economic
impact, the book first identifies the many obstacles that are
encountered while collecting, cleaning, exploring, and analyzing
e-Commerce data. Solutions to these problems are then suggested
using established and newly developed statistical and data mining
methods. Finally, a look into the future of this evolving area of
study is provided through an in-depth discussion of the emerging
methods for conducting e-Commerce research.
Statistical Methods in e-Commerce Research successfully bridges the
gap between statistics and e-Commerce, introducing a statistical
approach to solving challenges that arise in the context of online
transactions, while also introducing a wide range of e-Commerce
applications and problems where novel statistical methodology is
warranted. It is an ideal text for courses on e-Commerce at the
upper-undergraduate and graduate levels and also serves as a
valuable reference for researchers and analysts across a wide array
of subject areas, including economics, marketing, and information
systems who would like to gain a deeper understanding of the use of
statistics in their work.
Auf Initiative der Deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Biologische
Psychiatrie wurde ihr 3. KongreB als das erste "Dreilindersymposium
fiir biologische Psychiatrie" am 27.-29. September 1984 in Lindau
am Bodensee abgehalten. Ziel war es, in wissenschaftlicher
Diskussion und personlicher Begegnung die Kontakte mit der
Osterreichischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft fUr Neuropsychopharmakologie
und Biologische Psychiatrie und der Schweizerischen Vereinigung fUr
Biologische Psychiatrie enger zu kniipfen und eine gegenseitige
Anregung der 3 Schwester- gesellschaften herbeizufiihren. Es ist
daran gedacht, alle 4 Jahre ein solches Dreilindersymposium des-
deutschsprachigen Raumes abzuhalten, wobei die 3 Gesellschaften die
Gastgeberrolle und die Fiihrung in der Organisation des Treffens
abwechselnd iibernehmen wiirden. Der vorliegende Band enthilt die
(zum Teil iiberarbeiteten) Vortrige des Kongresses, der sich aus 2
Symposien - zur Emotions-und Kommunikations- forschung (D. Ploog)
und zur Psychobiologie der Angst (B. Saletu) - und zahl- reichen
weiteren freien Vortrigen zusammensetzt. Den vielen Helfern, die
zum Gelingen des Symposiums und dieses Bandes bei- trugen, sei an
dieser Stelle noch einmal gedankt, vor allem aber den Autoren
dafiir, daB sie ihre Forschungsergebnisse in das Mosaik des
vorliegenden Symposiums- bandes haben einfiigen lassen. Die
Herausgeber Puchheim, im Mirz 1986 Gru8adresse der japaoischen
SchwestergeseUschaft 1m Namen der Japanischen Gesellschaft fiir
Biologische Psychiatrie mochte ich mich zuerst sehr herzlich bei
Ihnen fUr Ihre freundliche Erlaubnis bedanken, an diesem Symposium
teilnehmen und Sie begriiBen zu konnen. An den 1. KongreB der
Deutschen Gesellschaft fUr Biologische Psychiatrie in Mannheim 1980
denke ich gerne zurUck.