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Today when we think of domestic cats, we recall the familiar hearthside companion and the mischievous playmate. It is difficult to comprehend that in the past the animal has played a fundamental role in the development of European and Western civilization. The human relationship to the cat has been important for most of the last four millennia. In this beautifully illustrated book, Donald Engels charts the history and significance of the cat from ancient Egypt to the middle ages, exploring such phenomena as the worship of the Egyptian cat goddess Bastet, the infamous cat massacres and witch hunts of the thirteenth century, and the role of the cat in combating disease and starvation. Classical Cats presents a unique and entertaining view of the vicissitudes of the cat in history.
Evolution of Castes in Insects l BERNHARD RENSCH The evolution of
organisms in the succession of generations has been primarilly
achieved through the appearance of new hereditary variants with
minor deviations along with the development of stable structures
and functions. Harmful mutants were eradicated either immediately
or in the subsequent generations through the process of natural
selection while unharmful or advantageous ones usually survived. As
this process continued, many new races and species developed which
possessed structures and functions of a rational nature and which
became increasingly independent from their environment. These
evolutionary tendencies were also promoted through either
geographical, ecological, physiological or genetical isolation of
populations. In some phylogenetic lines, there occurred an increase
in the number of cells due to additional cellular divisions in the
morphogenesis of structures. This opened up the possibility for the
development of the division of labour within cellular groups
leading to more complicated and consequently more successful
functions of tissues and organs. A further advancement in the
adaptation of a species to its environment was made possible
through specialization for certain functions of whole individuals
or groups of individuals.
Das bewahrte Standardwerk Bioanalytik beschreibt und erlautert alle
analytischen Methoden, die heute in der Biochemie und
Molekularbiologie eingesetzt werden - in funf grossen Abschnitten:
Proteinanalytik, 3D-Strukturaufklarung, Spezielle Stoffgruppen,
Nucleinsaureanalytik, Systematische Funktionsanalytik. Die komplett
uberarbeitete 3. Auflage berucksichtigt zahlreiche methodische
Weiterentwicklungen und greift auch hochaktuelle Trends in der
Forschung auf. Grosser Wert wurde auf eine kritische,
praxisbezogene Darstellung der Methoden und auf eine Vernetzung der
verschiedenen Kapitel untereinander gelegt. So wird die Neuauflage
dieses kompetenten und informationsreichen Lehr- und Handbuches
wieder all jenen, die sich in der Vielfalt der
biologisch-chemischen Labormethoden zurechtfinden mussen, als
zuverlassiger Wegweiser dienen.
Analytical methods are the essential enabling tools of the modern
biosciences. This book presents a comprehensive introduction into
these analytical methods, including their physical and chemical
backgrounds, as well as a discussion of the strengths and weakness
of each method. It covers all major techniques for the
determination and experimental analysis of biological
macromolecules, including proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and
nucleic acids. The presentation includes frequent cross-references
in order to highlight the many connections between different
techniques. The book provides a bird's eye view of the entire
subject and enables the reader to select the most appropriate
method for any given bioanalytical challenge. This makes the book a
handy resource for students and researchers in setting up and
evaluating experimental research. The depth of the analysis and the
comprehensive nature of the coverage mean that there is also a
great deal of new material, even for experienced experimentalists.
The following techniques are covered in detail: - Purification and
determination of proteins - Measuring enzymatic activity -
Microcalorimetry - Immunoassays, affinity chromatography and other
immunological methods - Cross-linking, cleavage, and chemical
modification of proteins - Light microscopy, electron microscopy
and atomic force microscopy - Chromatographic and electrophoretic
techniques - Protein sequence and composition analysis - Mass
spectrometry methods - Measuring protein-protein interactions -
Biosensors - NMR and EPR of biomolecules - Electron microscopy and
X-ray structure analysis - Carbohydrate and lipid analysis -
Analysis of posttranslational modifications - Isolation and
determination of nucleic acids - DNA hybridization techniques -
Polymerase chain reaction techniques - Protein sequence and
composition analysis - DNA sequence and epigenetic modification
analysis - Analysis of protein-nucleic acid interactions - Analysis
of sequence data - Proteomics, metabolomics, peptidomics and
toponomics - Chemical biology
Spurenfossilien sind im Grenzgebiet von Geologie und Biologie
angesiedelt. Die Reaktion der Organismen auf aussere Veranderungen
bestimmt ihr Verhalten. Spuren dieses Verhaltens finden sich in
fossilen Sedimenten und konnen somit zur Interpretation der
ursprunglichen Umwelt herangezogen werden. Das Buch besteht aus
zwei Teilen: Neoichnologie und Palaeoichnologie. Es enthalt
zahlreiche instruktive Zeichnungen, die speziell fur dieses Buch
angefertigt wurden. Ein ausfuhrliches Glossary erleichtert den
Einstieg in das Gebiet. Das Buch ist gedacht fur Studenten und
Wissenschaftler der Sedimentologie und Palaontologie.
Vorliegende Arbeit soll der Aufgabe gerecht werden, das Gebiet der
Aufbereitung von Feuerungsruckstanden einer wissenschaftlichen
Betrachtung zu unterziehen, nachdem in der Zeitschriftenliteratur
eine groBe Zahl von verstreuten Aufsatzen erschienen ist, die den
genannteri Gegenstand in keiner Weise objektiv wurdigen. Die
vergangenen Jahre der Brennstoffarmut haben fur die Frage der
Aufbereitung' von Feuerungsriickstanden einen raschen Aufschwung
gebracht, der jetzt wieder im Abklingen ist. In Wirklichkeit stehen
wir am Anfang einer Entwicklung. Diese Zusammenhange sollen
geklart, ihr AnschluB an die ubrigen Aufgaben einer rationellen
Warmewirtschaft gefunden werden. lch mi:: ichte nicht verfehlen, an
dieser Stelle den verschiedenen Mas chi n e n fa b r ike n fur ihr
Entgegenkommen bei der Beschaffung von Unterlagen, sowie den
verschiedenen Warmestellen fur die Ubermittlung von
VersuC'hsergebnissen zu danken, wobei ich Herrn Oberingenieur Dr.
lug. e. h. O. Ullrich, Magdeburg, und Herrn Oberingenieur Richter,
Kattowitz, hervorheben mi:: ichte. Besonders bin ich weiter noch
Herrn cando ing. K. Schimz verpflichtet, der mir bei der
Materialbeschaffung und der Drucklegung des Manuskriptes behilflich
war. Berlin-Lichterfelde, im R bruar 1925. Walther Engel.
Inhaltsverzeichnis. Seite Einlei tung ., . . 1 I. Die Verfahren 7.
ur Aufbereitung von Feuerungsrii- standen . . . . . . . 4 1.
Allgemeine Ausfiihrungen und die Handsetzmaschine nach PiRtsch,
Bamag, Eitle u. a. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2. Das magnetische
Verfahreu nach Krupp . 7 3. Das Verfahren nach Schilde . . . . . .
17 4. Das Verfahren nach' Weber. . . . . . 24 5. Das Setzverfahreu
nach Meguin, Humboldt, Groppel-Rheinmetall u. a. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . 28 6. Das Verfahren nach Eukonomos. . 3,1 7. Die
Handauslese . . . . . . . . 36 8.
"The most important work on Alexander the Great to appear in a long
time. Neither scholarship nor semi-fictional biography will ever be
the same again. . . .Engels at last uses all the archaeological
work done in Asia in the past generation and makes it accessible. .
. . Careful analyses of terrain, climate, and supply requirements
are throughout combined in a masterly fashion to help account for
Alexander's strategic decision in the light of the options open to
him...The chief merit of this splendid book is perhaps the way in
which it brings an ancient army to life, as it really was and
moved: the hours it took for simple operations of washing and
cooking and feeding animals; the train of noncombatants moving with
the army. . . . this is a book that will set the reader thinking.
There are not many books on Alexander the Great that do."--"New
York Review of Books"
This thesis evaluates two different methods of estimating a three
dimensional wind field based upon a limited number of
irregularly-spaced observations. This work was performed for the
45th Weather Squadron to determine how well the two methods worked
and their potential for use in a visualization program. The two
methods evaluated were Barnes' method and a method called Kriging,
which is commonly used in geostatistics. Both of these estimation
techniques were implemented and then evaluated to determine how
accurate the estimates were that they created. The methods'
accuracies were determined by withholding an observation from the
observed wind field data set, performing the estimation, and then
comparing the estimated value at the point of the withheld
observation with the actual value withheld. These performance
results were compared to determine which method produced a more
accurate estimated wind field. Barnes' method proved to be the less
complicated to implement, but Kriging provided a more accurate
estimate. Both of the methods had a significant amount of
estimation error associated with them. This large error casts
serious doubt on their abilities to produce an accurate enough
estimation to be useful in analyzing the low-level wind field.
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