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Whiz Mob is David W. Maurer's classic study of the world of pickpockets. Similar to his best-known work, The Big Con, in Whiz Mob Maurer explains the colorful expressions and vivid words used by pickpockets and uses them to provide a window into the life and experiences of the professional criminal. Although he is quick to point out that he never had any actual experience on the racket, Maurer spent many years interviewing pickpockets and learning about their way of life. The result is a fascinating look at the work, lives, morals, and dangers of this element of the criminal subculture. Whiz Mob is essential reading for sociologists, linguists, and everyone interested in the mystery and intrigue of the criminal underworld.
1m Schrifttum vermissen wir eine systematische Darstellung der Fortschritte in der Neurochirurgie seit HARVEY CUSHING. Welche Erweiterung unseres Wissens urn die Grundlagen brachte die Physiologie. Mit welcher Sicherheit konnen wir he ute die Temperatur und den Kreislauf den Erfordernissen des Hirnstoffwechsels nach Traumen bzw. bei und nach Operationen anpassen. Viele noch iiberwiegend morphologisch gesehene Phanomene erfuhren durch die mehr pathophysiologische Betrachtung neue erfolgreiche Deutung. Die endokrinologische Forschung hat fiir Diagnostik und Therapie iiber die Hypophysenadenome hinaus wesentliche neue Gesichtspunkte gebracht. Der Ansban der Kontrastmethoden - sowohl hinsichtlich ihrer ungefahrlicheren Anwendbarkeit wie ihrer diagnostischen Erfolgssicherheit -- hat zu einer sehr wesent- lichen Forderung der Artdiagnose der Geschwiilste beigetragen. Wir konnten nns he ute die Diagnostik eines GroBhirnglioms ohne Serienangiogramm kanm vorstellen. Welche Aufschliisse vermittelt uns doch auch das Serienangiogramm durch die Feststellnng der Zirkulationsverlangsamung hinsichtlich der unmittelbaren und spateren Prognose. Die im Ansban begriffene 1sotopendiagnostik verdient sicherlich Beachtung. Die elektrence- phalographische Untersuchnng gehort bereits zu den Standardmethoden der Diagnostik. Technik und Methoden der operativen Behandlnng erfnhren durch die moderne Anaesthesie eine Entwicklnng, die vielleicht noch nicht abgeschlossen sein diirfte.
Rick Maurer and his wife Ilene both had successful careers with Fortune 500 companies and loving extended families - but there was something missing from their lives: they desperately wanted children. After the trauma of multiple failures with fertility doctors, Rick and Ilene were forced to accept the knowledge that they would not be able to have children naturally and decided to look into adoption. Their desire to start their family without delay, to have a young baby, and the safeguards not available domestically - led them to consider an adoption from abroad. As a publisher traveling throughout South America Rick knew the sad situations of the many children left abandoned and without loving families. In this touching story Rick describes their first meeting with Sam and later Maria, whose families had been unable to care for them. Unlike many of the thousands of less fortunate babies in Asuncion, the capital of Paraguay, Sam and Maria each had been placed with a foster family before being approved for adoption and ultimately placed with a family. It was love at first sight for Rick and Ilene, but many obstacles remained including language, culture, as well as uncooperative judges. This saga tells in touching detail the highs and lows of Rick and Ilene's journey to parenthood while also weaving in the fascinating early history of this remote and little known country.
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