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The first edition of this book appeared in German in 1985, and set
an agenda for the study of medieval literary theory. Rather than
seeing vernacular writers' reflections on their art, as found in
prologues, epilogues and interpolations in literary texts, as
merely deriving from established Latin traditions, Walter Haug
shows that they marked the gradual emancipation of an independent
vernacular poetics that went hand in hand with changing narrative
forms. While focusing primarily on medieval German writers, Haug
also takes into account French literature of the same period, and
the principles underlying his argument are equally relevant to
medieval literature in English or any other European language.
Either directly or with reference to its repercussions, the essays
assembled here deal with the intellectual revolution that
transformed western culture in the 12th and 13th centuries and
paved the way for the modern age. Two major innovations claim
central interest. One is the project of a fictional form of
literature that instead of claiming possession of the truth, as in
the traditional view of the world, set out to in quest of it. The
other is the idea of a new, personal relationship between 'I' and
'you', both in its religious form and as erotic encounter between
the sexes.
Das Thema 'Erotik und Sexualitat' ist im Mittelalter und in der
fruhen Neuzeit auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen abgehandelt worden.
Entgegen den bislang ublichen Formen der Darstellung und
Interpretation, bei denen man sich je nach Interesse beliebig aus
den verschiedenen Bereichen bediente, werden hier die spezifischen
Diskurse zunachst soweit wie moeglich auseinander gehalten. Es sind
zu unterscheiden: der kirchlich-kanonistische, der medizinische,
der feudale, der philosophisch-theologische und der
theoretisch-didaktische Diskurs. Erst danach kann es um die Frage
gehen, ob und, wenn ja, in welcher Weise die Diskurse aufeinander
eingewirkt haben und welches Konzept der Geschlechterbeziehung
schliesslich aus den Konflikten und Verschrankungen hervorgegangen
und an die Moderne vermittelt worden ist. Die Neuauflage ist
grundlegend uberarbeitet und stark erweitert. Neuere Literatur
wurde einbezogen.
This is Volume 16 of the AFortuna VitreaA series and also brings it
to a close. The topic central to the whole series - the transition
from the medieval to the modern age - is once again taken up and
the major aspects and striking lines of development carefully
traced with a view to reemphasizing the diversity of changes,
upheavals, and innovations and replacing the clichA(c) of 'one
epoch after another' with the complex picture of a process taking
place at different speeds and different levels across the
The volume contains a collection of 29 articles from the last years
of Walter Haug's life, in particular theoretical literary and
historical philosophical studies on the courtly romance and on
mysticism, which are drawn closely together from the aspect of
negativity. In addition, it includes texts on the heroic epic,
MArendichtung (medieval fables) and many others, and through six
speeches and tributes affords a very personal insight into Walter
Haug as a scholar and as a man.
The studies assembled in this volume were presented at an
interdisciplinary colloquium in 1998 on the subject of research
into Western mysticism and where it stands at the present moment.
In historical and geographical terms they cover a broad range of
texts extending from the earliest beginnings to the flowering of
mysticism in the late Middle Ages and the early modern age. In
addition they confront fundamental issues of a theoretical and
methodological nature, notably in connection with mystic language,
mystic imagery and the question of corpo-reality. The edition also
presents a number of hitherto unknown or unpublished texts.
The first edition of this book appeared in German in 1985, and set
a new agenda for the study of medieval literary theory. Rather than
seeing vernacular writers' reflections on their art, such as are
found in prologues, epilogues and interpolations in literary texts,
as merely deriving from established Latin traditions, Walter Haug
shows that they marked the gradual emancipation of an independent
vernacular poetics that went hand in hand with changing narrative
forms. While focussing primarily on medieval German writers, Haug
also takes into account French literature of the same period, and
the principles underlying his argument are equally relevant to
medieval literature in English or any other European language. This
ground-breaking study is now available in English for the first