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Die Steuerungs-und Regelungstechnik nimmt in der Betrachtung von
Automatisierungs- und Optimierungsbestrebungen eine
Schliisselposition ein. Sie ist eine iibergreifende Disziplin fur
die technischen Fachgebiete: Verfahrenstechnik, Stromungs-und
Kolbenmaschinen u.a. Es ist heute unumganglich, den Techniker auch
den versierten Facharbeiter mit Prinzipien, Denkmodellen und
Anwendungsmoglichkeiten der MSR-Technik vertraut zu machen. Da fur
diesen breiten Anwenderkreis die Methoden der hoheren Mathematik
sehr oft nicht zur Verfiigung stehen, ist eine
allgemeinverstandliche Darstellung unverzichtbar. In dem
vorliegenden Buch wird der Versuch gewagt, abstrakte Zusammenhange
mit relativ einfachen Mitteln zu interpretieren. Im Abschnitt
MeBtechnik wurde bewuBt auf die Behandlung der Themenbereiche
LangenmeB-und Priiftechnik verzichtet, da in allen technischen
Bildungsgangen diese Bereiche anderen Fachem zugeordnet sind. Im
Abschnitt Steuerungstechnik werden die iiblichen IEC-Symbole
verwendet. Zusatzlich zur bisherigen Steuerungstechnik ist das
Kapitel, Speicherprogrammierbare Steuerung" eingefugt worden. Der
Abschnitt Regelungstechnik wurde vollig neu iiberarbeitet und
strukturiert. Neu aufgenommen wurde die Beschreibung mittels
Komplexer Zahlen, Ortskurven, Bode- Diagramm und PID-Algorithmus.
Zusammenfassungen und durchgerechnete Beispiele zu den einzelnen
Abschnitten wurden erganzt. Neu ist das Kapitel
Automatisierungstechnik. MeB-, Steuerungs-und Regelungstechnik sind
integrative Bestandteile der Automatisierungstechnik. Die
Schwerpunkte sind ProzeBleittechnik, Produktionsleittechnik und
Informationstechnik. Wuppertal, August 1994 Walter Kaspers
Hans-Jurgen Kufner Berthold Heinrich Wolfgang Vogt VI
Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Me8technik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 Grundbegriffe der MeBtechnik . . . .
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Cardinal Walter Kasper's contributions to theology, ecumenism,
Jewish-Christian relations, and the pastoral life of the church
have shaped Catholicism in the twentieth and twenty-first
centuries. Acknowledging this, Pope Francis has praised Kasper's
"profound and serene" theology.In "The Theology of Cardinal Walter
Kasper: Speaking Truth in Love," leading theologians from across
the United States and Canada explore the full scope of Kasper's
thought on topics such as the character of ecumenical and
interreligious dialogue, Christology, theological method, and the
nature of the church-world relationship. Kasper himself presents
four previously unpublished texts: on the interpretation of Vatican
II, on forgiveness, on Christian hope, and on the approach to
theology today.This volume originated at a conference in honor of
Kasper's eightieth birthday at which he was an active participant.
It provides an introduction to Kasper's thought and also an
overview of major issues in contemporary Catholic theology.
Kasper is a master synthesiser, and his display of erudition alone
makes this book a worthy read and an invaluable resource for
questions of God and Trinity. Using admittedly polemical language,
he calls for a 'theological theology' which makes the explanation
of the confession of the triune God its first priority, not only
for speculative but also for pastoral reasons. This is the reissue
of a theological work of considerable importance for which Cardinal
Kasper has written an entirely new introduction taking modern
developments in theology fully into account.
Walter Kasper is already well-known and loved throughout the
English-speaking world. He has held high office in the Vatican but
until his recent retirement has felt constrained from publishing
what he really thinks and his vision of the Church for the future.
Kasper brings to conclusion a project that has been pursued for
years, as it joins together his greatest monographs on the subject
of God's teaching and Christology. The book covers three main
topics: Nature, Reality and the Mission of the Church. The
introductory section is autobiographical and the reader can see
Kasper's personal and theological way in to and with the Church. He
develops the actual ecclesiological exegesis - for Kasper the
representation of the Being of the Church is not about empirical
description, but rather a testimony of being. He emphasizes that
nobody is able to apply the stereotypical and idealistic image of
the heavens to the critical acknowledgement of the church's
present. The program of the Church is ultimately not self-directed
but rather remains oriented towards the finalization of the arrival
of the kingdom of God and the spiritual healing of the human race.
Durchschnittlich wird weltweit alle funf Minuten ein Christ wegen
seines Glaubens getotet. Christenverfolgungen haben heute ein
Ausmass angenommen wie nie zuvor. Kardinal Walter Kasper hat dieses
wichtige Thema aufgegriffen und seine Phanomene grundlegend
durchdacht. Mit dem vorliegenden Vortragsband schlagt er eine
Brucke von den biblischen Aussagen uber die Erfahrung der
weltweiten Kirche Jesu Christi durch die Jahrhunderte zu einer
gegenwartigen Okumene der Martyrer"
The Second Vatican Council in its Decree on Ecumenism (Unitatis
redintegratio) declared the restoration of unity among Christians
to be one of its principal concerns. Division among the Churches
scandalises the world, and damages that most holy cause, the
preaching of The Gospel to every creature. The key figure in the
Roman Catholic Church to have worked tirelessly at these aims is
Cardinal Walter Kasper, one of the most appealing, progressive and
open members of the Vatican hierarchy. In this new book Cardinal
Kasper summarises the results of his intense dialogues with
Anglican, Orthodox, Lutheran, Reformed and Methodist Churches and
sets out a blue print for 'consensus and convergence' and sets out
a map for the way forward. From such a source, this document is
therefore of crucial importance. The book focuses on the major
issues in ecumenical dialogue - Jesus Christ, The Holy Trinity,
Justification, The Church and The Sacraments of Baptism and
Eucharist. With pellucid clarity, this book explains the key issues
at stake and offers signposts for the way forward so that the wish
of Jesus may be fulfilled: That They May All Be One.
Cardinal Waler Kasper is a distinguished theologian who has been a
colleague of Cardinal Ratzinger, Karl Rahner and Hans Kung at the
Universtities of Munster and Tubingen. Kasper now heads the
Vatican's Ponitifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, with
the specific task of fostering relations between the Catholic
Church and the other Christian Churches and Eccesiastical
communities. By any reckoning, Kasper is a key leader in the
eccumenical movement today. In this new book, he outlines his
vision for the unity of Christian Churches. A man with an open
mind, Kasper covers one of the major responsibilities of the
contemporary Catholic Church. His perspective of the uniqueness of
the Catholic Church and its magisterium is presented here as a
modern inquiry into the nature of truth. His views are enlightened
and engaging, and reflect the important role of dialogue as
understood by the Catholic Church, which must also listen to other
traditions and learn from them. But Kasper also realises that the
cause of unity is exceptionally difficult at the present
time.Dialogue is often challenged by developments between and
within Christian communions and obstructed by historical tensions.
This book will command quite exceptional interest. Many will read
it in the hope that the thought of this renowned, open-minded
Church leader may give hope to people of all traditions that they
may learn to understand Jesus's injucntion - 'that they may be