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Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are
not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or
access to any online entitlements included with the product. Apply
the proven First Aid formula for exam success! "This review is
intended for residents and pediatric practitioners, but it also
would be useful for medical students on pediatrics rotations. The
book covers all topics in pediatrics. Genetics, nephrology, and
neonatology are covered well, as is gastroenterology. It uses
charts and tables for high-yield and intense studying. 3
Stars."--Doody's Review Service This is the new edition of the
physician-to-physician, step-by-step guide to passing the
pediatrics board exam. Written by veteran First Aid editor Tao Le
and a team of former residents from Johns Hopkins University who
recently took the exam, this book covers what to expect on the
exam, how to register and succeed, and must-know high-yield facts.
Features new to this edition include a full-color photo insert and
mini-cases that frame clinical discussions for better retention.
The summary of high-yield facts make it the ideal last minute
review book. Features: Easy-to-remember summaries of the most
frequently tested topics Hundreds of high-yield algorithms,
clinical images, tables, and illustrations Margin notes reinforce
must-know information Mnemonics and clinical pearls make learning
and memorization fast, fun, and easy Mini-cases highlight commonly
tested patient presentations and scenarios 12 pages of full-color
images Resident-tested tips on how to register, prepare for, and
ace the exam Completely revised based on reader feedback -- so you
know you are studying the most up-to-date and relevant material
possible A true "insider's guide" for in-service, boards, and
recertification! Complete coverage of all the must know topics:
Introduction to the Pediatric
Care,Endocrinology,GI/Nutrition;Growth, Development, and
Behavior;Hematology/Oncology,Human Genetics and
Pediatrics and Ethics,Pulmonology,Renal/Urinary Tract