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It would be hard to overestimate the significance of Classical
mythology for the literature, drama, music, pictorial arts,
emblematics, and festivity culture of the Renaissance. The volume
presents the proceedings of a colloquium organized by the
WolfenbA1/4ttel Work Group on Renaissance Research titled
"Renaissance Culture and Classical Mythology" (Herzog August
Library, 7-10 October 1996, with B. GuthmA1/4ller in the chair).
The aim of the colloquium was first to cast light on some new and
lesser known aspects of myth in Renaissance culture, and second to
provide a forum for new interpretations and evaluations on a number
of controversial issues.
In einem auf drei Bande angelegten Dokumentationswerk werden
Entstehung und Ausbreitung des Paracelsismus in den kontroversen
Verflechtungen der Wissenschafts-, Literatur- und Sozialgeschichte
des spaten 16. Jahrhunderts verankert. Die kritische Edition
aufschlussreicher, oft in unbekanntes Terrain fuhrender Texte ist
begleitet von umfangreichen Kommentaren sowie von biographischen
Darstellungen der Urheber, Adressaten, Gegner bzw. Sympathisanten
der paracelsistischen Reform und Protestbewegung. Der zweite Band
des "Corpus Paracelsisticum" erschliesst das weitlaufige Oeuvre von
Michael Toxites und Gerhard Dorn, wirkmachtige Grundergestalten des
oberrheinischen Paracelsismus. Von da aus fallt der Blick quer uber
die Konfessionsgrenzen auf andere kulturelle Zentren in Bayern,
Sachsen, Schlesien, Boehmen und am Niederrhein. Mit Verfassern wie
G. Fedro, M. Ambrosius, L. Span, B. Floeter, G. Etschenreutter, B.
Scultetus, P. Perna, Th. Zwinger und J. Albrecht eroeffnet sich ein
epochaler, ausserst weitlaufiger Diskurszusammenhang. In ihm lassen
sich doxographische, methodische, hermeneutische,
sprachtheoretische und uberlieferungsspezifische
Auseinandersetzungen ebenso beobachten wie Tendenzen einer
theosophischen Spiritualisierung und heterodoxen Aufladung der in
Paracelsus' Namen entwickelten Anthropologie und Kosmologie.
Direkte Verbindungen ergeben sich unter anderem zu fuhrenden
Vertretern der sogenannten Schwenckfelder, damit auch zu Fraktionen
aktiver protestantischer Dissidenten. Der Band wird neben dem
weiterfuhrenden Kommentar begleitet von einer ausfuhrlichen
Einleitung und erschlossen nicht nur durch mehrere Register,
sondern auch durch wissenschaftshistorische Zusammenfassungen zu
jedem Autorcorpus.
This is a critical edition, with translation and commentary, of
part of the cycle of elegies entitled AUrania VictrixA (1663), the
important late poetic work of Jacob Baldes, Germany's most
internationally renowned Jesuit poet. The work is not only a
challenging example of edificatory literature faithfully reflecting
the conflicts of the age, but also a compendium of Baroque
knowledge culture, in which the five senses of the human body each
enlarge upon their own experience of the modern world.
The studies assembled here provide a comprehensive survey of German
poetry in the early modern age. Penned by an outstanding authority
on neo-Latin and German literature, they supply interpretations of
little-known poetic works of the period and cast a new light on
more familiar works in the literary canon. The immensely detailed
knowledge informing the different articles adds up to a literary
image of the epoch as a whole. The individual poems discussed
provide the basis for these micro-studies in literary history.
Together with a constant concern for their aesthetic form, the
approach achieves an appropriate understanding of these complex
texts. At one and the same time, the volume is an introduction to
the salient issues posed by the epoch in question and a guide to
the present state of research on the poetry of the early modern
age. The rich source material examined and analyzed in the process
both enhances and reshapes our knowledge of the subject.
The Old Testament Book of Jonah has attracted considerable
attention ever since ancient Christian times and has stimulated the
production of numerous commentaries, sermons, poetical compositions
and visual depictions. Indeed, the story of Jonah has provoked
heterogeneous adaptions even in the realm of contemporary
literature. This volume contains studies featuring
interdisciplinary exploration of the story's intermedial
interpretation from ancient times through to the 20th century. In
the process it considers multifaceted aspects of theology,
exegesis, literature, culture and art history.
The fruit of long years of collaboration, this volume brings
together studies of fundamental importance on sources of
significance for the literary and cultural history of Alsace, with
special reference to the city of Strasbourg. An essential element
for the historiography of late humanism in Strasbourg is the
presentation of evidence on scholarly and political controversies.
Of central significance here is the most important regional
literary society of the age, the Tannengesellschaft in Strasbourg.
A study of its members, notably Rompler von LAwenhalt and Johann
Michael Moscherosch, highlights a number of currents operative at
the time and also the striking continuity and diversity of
satirical writing. Aspects of the history of publishing in
Strasbourg receive close attention, as do intertextual connections
and thematic strands of major import in this connection. The annex
provides indications for further reading.
Miklos ZrA-nyi the Elder (died 1566) and his great-grandson and
namesake (died 1664), the general, politician, poet and educated
man of the world, are the topics of this work, not only as great
names in Hungarian history but also as European figures of
inestimable charisma. Numerous texts from the culture of the Old
Reich bear witness to thisa ' reports, poems, flyers, sermons,
stories, novels - and also dramas such as Theodor KArnera (TM)s
tragedy. These proceedings of an international conference document
the exact state of research and provide a wide-reaching
reconstruction of the foundations, forms, stages and perspectives
of this reputation, concentrating on accessing known and unknown
works from German literature.
For the first time, these proceedings from an interdisciplinary and
international symposium use a broad foundation of sources to
examine the first period (1620 1790) in the history of the major
European impact of Jakob Bohme, a history that extended well into
the 20th century. The contributors reveal the conflicted and
contrasting patterns and modalities of reception along with the
different positions taken in response to Bohme in the works of
important cultural figures. These studies show the existence of a
conflict zone in intellectual history and also in the history of
language and literature that extended beyond the German-speaking
This is the first installment of a body of documentation extending
to four volumes on the origins and dissemination of Paracelsianism
and its roots in the controversial interrelations between science,
literature and the history of late 16th century society. The
critical edition of texts casting new light on this question and
frequently breaking hitherto unknown terrain is accompanied by
detailed commentaries and biographical material on the instigators,
addressees, opponents and sympathizers of the Paracelsian reform
and protest movement.
This index is the final volume in the second revised and expanded
edition of the Killy Literary Encyclopedia, a standard reference
work in literary studies in the German-speaking world. This
comprehensive index of persons features biographic information, and
also cites each instance in which the individual is mentioned in
the larger encyclopedia. In this way, it sheds light on
interconnections between individuals, as well as on historical and
literary interrelationships. The volume also contains a list of
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