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is designed to illuminate a field which not only includes general
linguistics and the study of linguistics as applied to specific
languages, but also covers those more recent areas which have
developed from the increasing body of research into the manifold
forms of communicative action and interaction. For "classic"
linguistics there appears to be a need for a review of the state of
the art which will provide a reference base for the rapid advances
in research undertaken from a variety of theoretical standpoints,
while in the more recent branches of communication science the
handbooks will give researchers both an overview and orientation.
To attain these objectives, the series aims for a standard
comparable to that of the leading handbooks in other disciplines,
and to this end strives for comprehensiveness, theoretical
explicitness, reliable documentation of data and findings, and
up-to-date methodology. The editors, both of the series and of the
individual volumes, and the individual contributors, are committed
to this aim. The language of publication is English. The main aim
of the series is to provide an appropriate account of the state of
the art in the various areas of linguistics and communication
science covered by each of the various handbooks; however no
inflexible pre-set limits will is imposed on the scope of each
volume. The series is open-ended, and can thus take account of
further developments in the field. This conception, coupled with
the necessity of allowing adequate time for each volume to be
prepared with the necessary care, means that there is no set
time-table for the publication of the whole series. Each volume is
a self-contained work, complete in itself. The order in which the
handbooks are published does not imply any rank ordering, but is
determined by the way in which the series is organized; the editors
of the whole series enlist a competent editor for each individual
volume. Once the principal editor for a volume has been found, he
or she then has a completely free hand in the choice of co-editors
and contributors. The editors plan each volume independently of the
others, being governed only by general formal principles. The
series editors only intervene where questions of delineation
between individual volumes are concerned. It is felt that this
(modus operandi) is best suited to achieving the objectives of the
series, namely to give a competent account of the present state of
knowledge and of the perception of the problems in the area covered
by each volume. To discuss your handbook idea or submit a proposal,
please contact Birgit Sievert.
This workbook gives an initial overview of fundamental problems
addressed by interaction research and text linguistics (notably
research on text varieties). At the same time, it represents a
compendium of approaches to the practical side of work on texts,
both the analysis of texts from different communication settings
and - for the first time - the design and authorship of specific
varieties of texts.
is designed to illuminate a field which not only includes general
linguistics and the study of linguistics as applied to specific
languages, but also covers those more recent areas which have
developed from the increasing body of research into the manifold
forms of communicative action and interaction. For "classic"
linguistics there appears to be a need for a review of the state of
the art which will provide a reference base for the rapid advances
in research undertaken from a variety of theoretical standpoints,
while in the more recent branches of communication science the
handbooks will give researchers both an overview and orientation.
To attain these objectives, the series aims for a standard
comparable to that of the leading handbooks in other disciplines,
and to this end strives for comprehensiveness, theoretical
explicitness, reliable documentation of data and findings, and
up-to-date methodology. The editors, both of the series and of the
individual volumes, and the individual contributors, are committed
to this aim. The language of publication is English. The main aim
of the series is to provide an appropriate account of the state of
the art in the various areas of linguistics and communication
science covered by each of the various handbooks; however no
inflexible pre-set limits will is imposed on the scope of each
volume. The series is open-ended, and can thus take account of
further developments in the field. This conception, coupled with
the necessity of allowing adequate time for each volume to be
prepared with the necessary care, means that there is no set
time-table for the publication of the whole series. Each volume is
a self-contained work, complete in itself. The order in which the
handbooks are published does not imply any rank ordering, but is
determined by the way in which the series is organized; the editors
of the whole series enlist a competent editor for each individual
volume. Once the principal editor for a volume has been found, he
or she then has a completely free hand in the choice of co-editors
and contributors. The editors plan each volume independently of the
others, being governed only by general formal principles. The
series editors only intervene where questions of delineation
between individual volumes are concerned. It is felt that this
(modus operandi) is best suited to achieving the objectives of the
series, namely to give a competent account of the present state of
knowledge and of the perception of the problems in the area covered
by each volume. To discuss your handbook idea or submit a proposal,
please contact Birgit Sievert.
Die meisten Menschen in Deutschland sterben in Institutionen wie
Krankenhausern oder Pflegeheimen, wo die Personalsituation oft
angespannt ist. Damit Patienten und Bewohner in Wurde und
Geborgenheit ihr Lebensende erleben konnen, unterstutzen zahlreiche
ehrenamtliche Sterbebegleiter/-innen die hauptamtlich Tatigen. Die
Ehrenamtlichen bringen durch ihre Zeit, Zuwendung, Aufmerksamkeit,
Ruhe, Gelassenheit und Offenheit Erleichterung in den Alltag und
speziell in die Situation Sterbender.Dieses Handbuch bereitet auf
die ehrenamtliche Sterbebegleitung professionell vor. Dabei steht
die Entwicklung einer inneren Haltung der Achtsamkeit und
Wertschatzung sterbenden Menschen und ihren Angehorigen gegenuber
im Mittelpunkt. In der Auseinandersetzung mit eigenen Verlusten und
dem Sterben lernen die Kursteilnehmerinnen und -teilnehmer, die
Bedurfnisse von Menschen in ihrer letzten Lebensphase sensibel
wahrzunehmen und die Beziehung zu ihnen individuell und angemessen
zu gestalten. Themen sind: eigene Abschieds- und Grenzerfahrungen,
Schulung der Wahrnehmung, Kommunikation mit schwersterkrankten
Menschen/Gesprachsfuhrung, Trauer, eigene Motivation fur den
Dienst, Psychohygiene. Dieses Handbuch Ehrenamtliche
Sterbebegleitung umfasst neben einer Einfuhrung in die einzelnen
thematischen Bereiche zahlreiche Ubungsmodule mit genauen
"Make your Will, settle your affairs," this devastating advice was
given to the young judge Wolfgang Heinemann at the age of thirty
three by his doctors. The diagnosis: an incurable brain tumour;
life expectancy not even one year. But the father of two small sons
is not prepared to accept his fate. Seventeen years later he tells
his story. Three brain operations are performed on him; his
unrelenting fight, his strength of will and his often wise distrust
of medical matters have brought results. He acquires extensive
knowledge of cancer therapies, and leads a happy and fulfilling
life with his family, travels a great deal and gains more knowledge
of cancer treatment; he makes his own personal observations on
death and dying. All this leads up to his life-saving operation in
January 2005. Today the author is cured. The book provides
invaluable advice, not only for cancer sufferers and their
families, but also for every single reader. Important information
is included on effective cancer therapy and other things. The book
gives the readers the courage to fight against the deadly disease
and to go on living.
Sie haben einen inoperablen Hirntumor. Machen sie ihr Testament,
regeln Sie, was Sie noch regeln m ssen. So ein Neurologe und ein
Neurochirurg im Juli 1989 zum Autor. Doch Heinemann entschied sich
f r das Leben, nahm den Kampf gegen den Tumor und rzte auf. Heute
reist er geheilt als rztekritiker durch die Republik und kl rt ber
aktuelle, effiziente, von fast allen Schulmedizinern ignorierte
Krebstherapien auf, die sein Leben gerettet haben.
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