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Design automation of electronic and hybrid systems is a steadily
growing field of interest and a permanent challenge for researchers
in Electronics, Computer Engineering and Computer Science. System
Design Automation presents some recent results in design automation
of different types of electronic and mechatronic systems. It deals
with various topics of design automation, ranging from high level
digital system synthesis, through analogue and heterogeneous system
analysis and design, up to system modeling and simulation. Design
automation is treated from the aspects of its theoretical
fundamentals, its basic approach and its methods and tools. Several
application cases are presented in detail. The book consists of
three chapters: High-Level System Synthesis (Digital
Hardware/Software Systems). Here embedded systems, distributed
systems and processor arrays as well as hardware-software codesign
are treated. Also three special application cases are discussed in
detail; Analog and Heterogeneous System Design (System Approach and
Methodology). This chapter copes with the analysis and design of
hybrid systems comprised of analog and digital, electronic and
mechanical components; System Simulation and Evaluation (Methods
and Tools). In this chapter object-oriented Modelling, analog
system simulation including fault-simulation, parameter
optimization and system validation are regarded. The contents of
the book are based on material presented at the Workshop System
Design Automation (SDA 2000) organised by the
Sonderforschungsbereich 358 of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
at TU Dresden.
Polyvinylpyrrolidone is widely used in medicine, pharmaceuticals,
cosmetics, foods, printing inks, textiles, and many more diverse
applications. This book describes the 50 years of research,
published and unpublished, on the absorption, distribution,
storage, and excretion of PVP. The toxicology of PVP is critically
evaluated. The author's involvement in the recent reevaluation of
PVP by the Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives of the World
Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization
(FOA) led them to undertake this comprehensive review of all the
information on the subject. This book will be invaluable for anyone
who is involved with polyvinylpyrrolidone. Included is a broad
review of the toxicological studies performed on PVP, including
acute, subchronic, chronic, reproductive, mutagenicity, and
carcinogenicity studies. There is also an appendix listing the key
studies, with references, on the absorption, renal elimination,
distribution, acute toxicity, subchronic toxicity, chronic
toxicity, teratogenicity, mutagenicity, and carcinogenicity of PVP.
Polyvinylpyrrolidone is widely used in medicine, pharmaceuticals,
cosmetics, foods, printing inks, textiles, and many more diverse
applications. This book describes the 50 years of research,
published and unpublished, on the absorption, distribution,
storage, and excretion of PVP. The toxicology of PVP is critically
evaluated. The author's involvement in the recent reevaluation of
PVP by the Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives of the World
Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization
(FOA) led them to undertake this comprehensive review of all the
information on the subject. This book will be invaluable for anyone
who is involved with polyvinylpyrrolidone. Included is a broad
review of the toxicological studies performed on PVP, including
acute, subchronic, chronic, reproductive, mutagenicity, and
carcinogenicity studies. There is also an appendix listing the key
studies, with references, on the absorption, renal elimination,
distribution, acute toxicity, subchronic toxicity, chronic
toxicity, teratogenicity, mutagenicity, and carcinogenicity of PVP.
Design automation of electronic and hybrid systems is a steadily
growing field of interest and a permanent challenge for researchers
in Electronics, Computer Engineering and Computer Science. System
Design Automation presents some recent results in design automation
of different types of electronic and mechatronic systems. It deals
with various topics of design automation, ranging from high level
digital system synthesis, through analogue and heterogeneous system
analysis and design, up to system modeling and simulation. Design
automation is treated from the aspects of its theoretical
fundamentals, its basic approach and its methods and tools. Several
application cases are presented in detail. The book consists of
three chapters: High-Level System Synthesis (Digital
Hardware/Software Systems). Here embedded systems, distributed
systems and processor arrays as well as hardware-software codesign
are treated. Also three special application cases are discussed in
detail; Analog and Heterogeneous System Design (System Approach and
Methodology). This chapter copes with the analysis and design of
hybrid systems comprised of analog and digital, electronic and
mechanical components; System Simulation and Evaluation (Methods
and Tools). In this chapter object-oriented Modelling, analog
system simulation including fault-simulation, parameter
optimization and system validation are regarded. The contents of
the book are based on material presented at the Workshop System
Design Automation (SDA 2000) organised by the
Sonderforschungsbereich 358 of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
at TU Dresden.
The theme of this book is the characterization of certain
multiplicative and additive arithmetical functions by combining
methods from number theory with some simple ideas from functional
and harmonic analysis. The authors achieve this goal by considering
convolutions of arithmetical functions, elementary mean-value
theorems, and properties of related multiplicative functions. They
also prove the mean-value theorems of Wirsing and Halasz and study
the pointwise convergence of the Ramanujan expansion. Finally, some
applications to power series with multiplicative coefficients are
included, along with exercises and an extensive bibliography.
Erinnern Sie sich an eine Alltagssituation, in der es Ihnen
gelungen ist, aus einem Problem eine Aufgabe zu machen, die Sie
erfolgreich bewaltigen konnten? Und haben Sie dabei vom Einsatz
geeigneter Werkzeuge profitiert? Solche Szenarien pragen den
beruflichen Alltag aller Studierenden mathematischer
Fachrichtungen. Man sieht sich permanent mit mathematischen
Problemen konfrontiert, zu deren Loesung es einer guten Idee
bedarf; oft findet man diese aber nicht, weil man sich der
Werkzeuge nicht bewusst ist, mit denen man die Loesungsidee
freilegen kann. Dieses Buch soll hier Abhilfe schaffen. Anhand von
ca. 70 Beispielen aus der Diskreten Mathematik, der Arithmetik, der
Zahlentheorie, der Stochastik, der Geometrie, der Linearen Algebra,
der reellen Analysis, der Funktionentheorie, der Kombinatorik und
der Mathematikgeschichte wird eine umfangreiche Auswahl
heuristischer Vorgehensweisen erlautert, denen die Rolle des
Werkzeugs in Problemloeseprozessen zufallt. Die heuristischen
Strategien des Problemloesens werden strukturell systematisiert und
nach Moeglichkeit prozessual den verschiedenen Phasen des
Problemloeseprozesses nach Polya zugeordnet; dadurch entsteht nicht
nur Ordnung im heuristischen Werkzeugkasten, sondern auch eine
Verfeinerung des Polya'schen Phasenmodells des Problemloesens.
Das Buch richtet sich an Studierende in Lehramtsstudiengangen aller
Schulstufen sowie an Lehrende des Faches Mathematik. Es enthalt den
fachwissenschaftlichen Hintergrund der Geometrie des aktuellen
Mathematikunterrichts einschliesslich rechnerischer Methoden,
streift aber auch zahlreiche daruber hinausfuhrende Themen wie die
Geometrie der komplexen Zahlen, die spharische Trigonometrie, die
Graphentheorie, endliche Geometrien und Modelle nichteuklidischer
Geometrien. Zahlreiche Anwendungsbeispiele und ca. 300 Aufgaben mit
Loesungen machen das Buch zu einer effektiven Arbeitsgrundlage. Die
vorliegende 5. Auflage ist vollstandig uberarbeitet. Inhaltlich
wurde der Themenkreis Bandornamente ausgebaut, und das Thema
projektive Geometrie wurde neu aufgenommen. Stimme zum Buch: "Ein
vielseitiges Buch, das alle Facetten der Elementargeometrie
aufgreift und Bezuge aufzeigt. Geeignet, den Horizont zu erweitern
und zum Studieren und Entdecken anzuregen." Prof. Dr. Andreas
Filler, Humboldt-Universitat Berlin
Das Buch richtet sich an Studierende der Mathematik in
LehramtsstudiengAngen aller Schulstufen und in polyvalent
angelegten Bachelor-StudiengAngen. Es vermittelt die Grundlagen der
Linearen Algebra und der Analysis, also derjenigen mathematischen
Gebiete, welche einerseits fA1/4r die Anwendungen und andererseits
fA1/4r den weiteren Aufbau der Mathematik von zentraler Bedeutung
Die Relevanz der behandelten Themen wird an zahlreichen
Beispielen demonstriert.
Die Lineare Algebra und die Analysis sind in zwei unabhAngigen
Teilen dargestellt. Allerdings werden in der Linearen Algebra
einfache Beispiele aus der Analysis zur Motivation der
Begriffsbildungen herangezogen und umgekehrt werden einige Begriffe
aus der Linearen Algebra in der Analysis eingesetzt.
In etwa 320 Aufgaben kann der dargestellte Stoff eingeA1/4bt,
vertieft und auch weitergefA1/4hrt werden. Zu allen Aufgaben sind
knappe LAsungen oder LAsungshinweise angegeben.