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The second part of a two-volume set concerning the field of Clifford (geometric) algebra, this work consists of thematically organized chapters that provide a broad overview of cutting-edge topics in mathematical physics and the physical applications of Clifford algebras. This volume is a survey of most aspects of Clifford analysis. Topics range from applications such as complex-distance potential theory, supersymmetry, and fluid dynamics to Fourier analysis, the study of boundary value problems, and applications, to mathematical physics and Schwarzian derivatives in Euclidean space. Among the mathematical topics examined are generalized Dirac operators, holonomy groups, monogenic and hypermonogenic functions and their derivatives, quaternionic Beltrami equations, Fourier theory under Mobius transformations, Cauchy-Reimann operators, and Cauchy type integrals.
This book presents applications of hypercomplex analysis to boundary value and initial-boundary value problems from various areas of mathematical physics. Given that quaternion and Clifford analysis offer natural and intelligent ways to enter into higher dimensions, it starts with quaternion and Clifford versions of complex function theory including series expansions with Appell polynomials, as well as Taylor and Laurent series. Several necessary function spaces are introduced, and an operator calculus based on modifications of the Dirac, Cauchy-Fueter, and Teodorescu operators and different decompositions of quaternion Hilbert spaces are proved. Finally, hypercomplex Fourier transforms are studied in detail. All this is then applied to first-order partial differential equations such as the Maxwell equations, the Carleman-Bers-Vekua system, the Schroedinger equation, and the Beltrami equation. The higher-order equations start with Riccati-type equations. Further topics include spatial fluid flow problems, image and multi-channel processing, image diffusion, linear scale invariant filtering, and others. One of the highlights is the derivation of the three-dimensional Kolosov-Mushkelishvili formulas in linear elasticity. Throughout the book the authors endeavor to present historical references and important personalities. The book is intended for a wide audience in the mathematical and engineering sciences and is accessible to readers with a basic grasp of real, complex, and functional analysis.
Real quaternion analysis is a multi-faceted subject. Created to describe phenomena in special relativity, electrodynamics, spin etc., it has developed into a body of material that interacts with many branches of mathematics, such as complex analysis, harmonic analysis, differential geometry, and differential equations. It is also a ubiquitous factor in the description and elucidation of problems in mathematical physics. In the meantime real quaternion analysis has become a well established branch in mathematics and has been greatly successful in many different directions. This book is based on concrete examples and exercises rather than general theorems, thus making it suitable for an introductory one- or two-semester undergraduate course on some of the major aspects of real quaternion analysis in exercises. Alternatively, it may be used for beginning graduate level courses and as a reference work. With exercises at the end of each chapter and its straightforward writing style the book addresses readers who have no prior knowledge on this subject but have a basic background in graduate mathematics courses, such as real and complex analysis, ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, and theory of distributions.
Complex analysis nowadays has higher-dimensional analoga: the algebra of complex numbers is replaced then by the non-commutative algebra of real quaternions or by Clifford algebras. During the last 30 years the so-called quaternionic and Clifford or hypercomplex analysis successfully developed to a powerful theory with many applications in analysis, engineering and mathematical physics. This textbook introduces both to classical and higher-dimensional results based on a uniform notion of holomorphy. Historical remarks, lots of examples, figures and exercises accompany each chapter. The enclosed CD-ROM contains an extensive literature database and a Maple package with comments and procedures of tools and methods explained in the book.
Die Funktionentheorie einer komplexen Variablen hat heute hAher-dimensionale Analoga: dabei wird die Algebra der komplexen Zahlen durch die nicht-kommutative Algebra der reellen Quaternionen bzw. Clifford-Algebren ersetzt. In den letzten 30 Jahren hat sich die so genannte Quaternionen- und die reelle Clifford-Analysis erfolgreich entwickelt. Eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen haben diese Funktionentheorie hAher-dimensionaler Variablen zu einem wichtigen Instrument der Analysis und deren Anwendungen in der mathematischen Physik werden lassen. Das Buch reflektiert den neuesten Stand der Forschung und entwickelt sowohl die hAher-dimensionalen Ergebnisse als auch die klassischen komplexen Resultate aus einem einheitlichen Begriff der Holomorphie. Der fundamentale Begriff der holomorphen Funktion als LAsung des Cauchy-Riemann-Systems wird im HAher-dimensionalen unter Beibehaltung der Bezeichnung als LAsung eines entsprechenden Systems partieller Differentialgleichungen 1. Ordnung verstanden. Historische Bemerkungen, zahlreiche Beispiele, viele Abbildungen sowie eine angemessene Auswahl von Aoebungsaufgaben festigen und erweitern die erworbenen Kenntnisse. Das vorliegende Buch ist fA1/4r Studenten der Mathematik, Physik und mathematisch orientierten Ingenieurstudenten im Grund- und Fachstudium geeignet. Es kann auch als Grundlage von Proseminaren oder Seminaren dienen. Die beiliegende CD enthAlt eine umfangreiche Literaturdatenbank sowie ein Maple-Package, das die im Buch eingefA1/4hrten Werkzeuge und Methoden als Kommandos bzw. vorgefertigte Prozeduren enthAlt. Einige Beispiel-Worksheets unterstA1/4tzen die Einarbeitung in das Package.
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