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This junior/senior level text is devoted to a study of first-order logic and its role in the foundations of mathematics: What is a proof? How can a proof be justified? To what extent can a proof be made a purely mechanical procedure? How much faith can we have in a proof that is so complex that no one can follow it through in a lifetime? The first substantial answers to these questions have only been obtained in this century. The most striking results are contained in Goedel's work: First, it is possible to give a simple set of rules that suffice to carry out all mathematical proofs; but, second, these rules are necessarily incomplete - it is impossible, for example, to prove all true statements of arithmetic. The book begins with an introduction to first-order logic, Goedel's theorem, and model theory. A second part covers extensions of first-order logic and limitations of the formal methods. The book covers several advanced topics, not commonly treated in introductory texts, such as Trachtenbrot's undecidability theorem. Fraissé's elementary equivalence, and Lindstroem's theorem on the maximality of first-order logic.
This introduction to first-order logic clearly works out the role of first-order logic in the foundations of mathematics, particularly the two basic questions of the range of the axiomatic method and of theorem-proving by machines. It covers several advanced topics not commonly treated in introductory texts, such as Fraisse's characterization of elementary equivalence, Lindstroem's theorem on the maximality of first-order logic, and the fundamentals of logic programming.
ICALP 2009, the 36th edition of the International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, was held on the island of Rhodes, July 6-10, 2009. ICALP is a series of annual conferences of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS) which ?rst took place in 1972. This year, the ICALP program consisted of the established track A (focusing on algorithms, complexity and games) and track B (focusing on logic, automata, semantics and theory of programming), and of the recently introduced track C (in 2009 focusing on foundations of networked computation). In response to the call for papers, the Program Committee received 370 s- missions: 223 for track A, 84 for track B and 63 for track C. Out of these, 108 papers were selected for inclusion in the scienti?c program: 62 papers for track A, 24 for track B and 22 for track C. The selection was made by the Program Committees based on originality, quality, and relevance to theoretical computer science. The quality of the manuscripts was very high indeed, and many dese- ing papers could not be selected. ICALP 2009 consisted of ?ve invited lectures and the contributed papers.
ICALP 2009, the 36th edition of the International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, was held on the island of Rhodes, July 6-10, 2009. ICALP is a series of annual conferences of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS) which ?rst took place in 1972. This year, the ICALP program consisted of the established track A (focusing on algorithms, complexity and games) and track B (focusing on logic, automata, semantics and theory of programming), and of the recently introduced track C (in 2009 focusing on foundations of networked computation). In response to the call for papers, the Program Committee received 370 s- missions: 223 for track A, 84 for track B and 63 for track C. Out of these, 108 papers were selected for inclusion in the scienti?c program: 62 papers for track A, 24 for track B and 22 for track C. The selection was made by the Program Committees based on originality, quality, and relevance to theoretical computer science. The quality of the manuscripts was very high indeed, and many dese- ing papers could not be selected. ICALP 2009 consisted of ?ve invited lectures and the contributed papers. Thisvolumeoftheproceedingscontainsallcontributedpaperspresentedintrack AtogetherwiththepapersbytheinvitedspeakersKurtMehlhorn(Max-Planck- Institut fu ..r Informatik, Saarbru ..cken)and Christos Papadimitriou(University of California at Berkeley). A companion volume contains all contributed papers presented at the conference in track B and track C, together with the papers by the invited speakers Georg Gottlob (University of Oxford), Tom Henzinger ' (EcolePolytechniqueF' ed' eraledeLausanne),andNoamNisan(Google,TelAviv, and Hebrew University).
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 24th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, STACS 2007, held in Aachen, Germany in February 2007. The 56 revised full papers presented together with 3 invited papers address the whole range of theoretical computer science as well as current challenges like biological computing, quantum computing, and mobile and net computing.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 23rd Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, held in February 2006. The 54 revised full papers presented together with three invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 283 submissions. The papers address the whole range of theoretical computer science including algorithms and data structures, automata and formal languages, complexity theory, semantics, and logic in computer science.
A central aim and ever-lasting dream of computer science is to put the development of hardware and software systems on a mathematical basis which is both firm and practical. Such a scientific foundation is needed especially for the construction of reactive programs, like communication protocols or control systems. For the construction and analysis of reactive systems an elegant and powerful theory has been developed based on automata theory, logical systems for the specification of nonterminating behavior, and infinite two-person games. The 19 chapters presented in this multi-author monograph give a consolidated overview of the research results achieved in the theory of automata, logics, and infinite games during the past 10 years. Special emphasis is placed on coherent style, complete coverage of all relevant topics, motivation, examples, justification of constructions, and exercises.
The International Conference "Foundations of Software Science and Compu- tion Structures" (FOSSACS) is a constituent of the "Joint European Conferences on Theoryand Practice of Software" (ETAPS). The present volume contains the contributions to FOSSACS'99, the second conference in this series, which took place in Amsterdam. As formulated in the call for papers, FOSSACS focusses on "papers which o?er progress in foundational research with a clear signi?cance for software science. A central issue is theories and methods which support the speci?cation, tra- formation, veri?cation, and analysis of programs and software systems." The articles in this volume represent a wide spectrum of approaches to this general aim. In manypapers, one ?nds the studyof new concepts and methods which are motivated byrecent trends (or problems) in the practical use of software and information technology. The volume contains 18 contributed papers, preceded bythree invited papers. The ?rst, byM. Abadi, accompanies his "unifying invited lecture" addressed to the whole ETAPS audience. The second, byJ. Esparza and J. Knoop, contains an application of the results presented byJ. Esparza in his invited lecture to FOSSACS'99. The third summarizes an invited tutorial byD. Sangiorgi p- sented to ETAPS'99.
This book constitutes the strictly refereed post-workshop
proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Computer Science
Logic, CSL '97, held as the 1997 Annual Conference of the European
Association on Computer Science Logic, EACSL, in Aarhus, Denmark,
in August 1997.
Was ist ein mathematischer Beweis? Wie lassen sich Beweise rechtfertigen? Gibt es Grenzen der Beweisbarkeit? Ist die Mathematik widerspruchsfrei? Kann man das Auffinden mathematischer Beweise Computern ubertragen? Erst im 20. Jahrhundert ist es der mathematischen Logik gelungen, weitreichende Antworten auf diese Fragen zu geben: Im vorliegenden Werk werden die Ergebnisse systematisch zusammengestellt; im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Logik erster Stufe. Die Lekture setzt - ausser einer gewissen Vertrautheit mit der mathematischen Denkweise - keine spezifischen Kenntnisse voraus. In der vorliegenden 5. Auflage finden sich erstmals Loesungsskizzen zu den Aufgaben.
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This introduction to first-order logic clearly works out the role of first-order logic in the foundations of mathematics, particularly the two basic questions of the range of the axiomatic method and of theorem-proving by machines. It covers several advanced topics not commonly treated in introductory texts, such as Fraisse's characterization of elementary equivalence, Lindstroem's theorem on the maximality of first-order logic, and the fundamentals of logic programming.
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