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There is almost no field in Mathematics which does not use Mathe
matical Analysis. Computer methods in Applied Mathematics, too, are
often based on statements and procedures of Mathematical Analysis.
An important part of Mathematical Analysis is Complex Analysis
because it has many applications in various branches of
Mathematics. Since the field of Complex Analysis and its
applications is a focal point in the Vietnamese research programme,
the Hanoi University of Technology organized an International
Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and
Applications which took place in Hanoi from August 8 - 12, 2001.
This conference th was the 9 one in a series of conferences which
take place alternately in China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam each
year. The first one took place th at Pusan University in Korea in
1993. The preceding 8 conference was th held in Shandong in China
in August 2000. The 9 conference of the was the first one which
took place above mentioned series of conferences in Vietnam.
Present trends in Complex Analysis reflected in the present volume
are mainly concentrated in the following four research directions:
1 Value distribution theory (including meromorphic funtions, mero
morphic mappings, as well as p-adic functions over fields of finite
or zero characteristic) and its applications, 2 Holomorphic
functions in several (finitely or infinitely many) com plex
variables, 3 Clifford Analysis, i.e., complex methods in
higher-dimensional real Euclidian spaces, 4 Generalized analytic
An intensive development of the theory of generalized analytic
functions started when methods of Complex Analysis were combined
with methods of Functional Analysis, especially with the concept of
distributional solutions to partial differential equations. The
power of these interactions is far from being exhausted. In order
to promote the further development of the theory of generalized
analytic functions and applications of partial differential
equations to Mechanics, the Technical University of Graz organized
a conference whose Proceedings are contained in the present volume.
The contributions on generalized analytic functions (Part One) deal
not only with problems in the complex plane (boundary value and
initial value problems), but also related problems in higher
dimensions are investigated where both several complex variables
and the technique of Clifford Analysis are used. Part Two of the
Proceedings is devoted to applications to Mechanics. It contains
contributions to a variety of general methods such as L p-methods,
boundary elements and asymptotic methods, and hemivariational
inequalities. A substantial number of the papers of Part Two,
however, deals with problems in Ocean Acoustics. The papers of both
parts of the Proceedings can be recommended to mathematicians,
physicists, and engineers working in the fields mentioned above, as
well as for further reading within graduate studies.
Like real analysis, complex analysis has generated methods
indispensable to mathematics and its applications. Exploring the
interactions between these two branches, this book uses the results
of real analysis to lay the foundations of complex analysis and
presents a unified structure of mathematical analysis as a whole.
To set the groundwork and mitigate the difficulties newcomers often
experience, An Introduction to Complex Analysis begins with a
complete review of concepts and methods from real analysis, such as
metric spaces and the Green-Gauss Integral Formula. The approach
leads to brief, clear proofs of basic statements - a distinct
advantage for those mainly interested in applications. Alternate
approaches, such as Fichera's proof of the Goursat Theorem and
Estermann's proof of the Cauchy's Integral Theorem, are also
presented for comparison. Discussions include holomorphic
functions, the Weierstrass Convergence Theorem, analytic
continuation, isolated singularities, homotopy, Residue theory,
conformal mappings, special functions and boundary value problems.
More than 200 examples and 150 exercises illustrate the subject
matter and make this book an ideal text for university courses on
complex analysis, while the comprehensive compilation of theories
and succinct proofs make this an excellent volume for reference.
An intensive development of the theory of generalized analytic
functions started when methods of Complex Analysis were combined
with methods of Functional Analysis, especially with the concept of
distributional solutions to partial differential equations. The
power of these interactions is far from being exhausted. In order
to promote the further development of the theory of generalized
analytic functions and applications of partial differential
equations to Mechanics, the Technical University of Graz organized
a conference whose Proceedings are contained in the present volume.
The contributions on generalized analytic functions (Part One) deal
not only with problems in the complex plane (boundary value and
initial value problems), but also related problems in higher
dimensions are investigated where both several complex variables
and the technique of Clifford Analysis are used. Part Two of the
Proceedings is devoted to applications to Mechanics. It contains
contributions to a variety of general methods such as L p-methods,
boundary elements and asymptotic methods, and hemivariational
inequalities. A substantial number of the papers of Part Two,
however, deals with problems in Ocean Acoustics. The papers of both
parts of the Proceedings can be recommended to mathematicians,
physicists, and engineers working in the fields mentioned above, as
well as for further reading within graduate studies.
There is almost no field in Mathematics which does not use Mathe
matical Analysis. Computer methods in Applied Mathematics, too, are
often based on statements and procedures of Mathematical Analysis.
An important part of Mathematical Analysis is Complex Analysis
because it has many applications in various branches of
Mathematics. Since the field of Complex Analysis and its
applications is a focal point in the Vietnamese research programme,
the Hanoi University of Technology organized an International
Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and
Applications which took place in Hanoi from August 8 - 12, 2001.
This conference th was the 9 one in a series of conferences which
take place alternately in China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam each
year. The first one took place th at Pusan University in Korea in
1993. The preceding 8 conference was th held in Shandong in China
in August 2000. The 9 conference of the was the first one which
took place above mentioned series of conferences in Vietnam.
Present trends in Complex Analysis reflected in the present volume
are mainly concentrated in the following four research directions:
1 Value distribution theory (including meromorphic funtions, mero
morphic mappings, as well as p-adic functions over fields of finite
or zero characteristic) and its applications, 2 Holomorphic
functions in several (finitely or infinitely many) com plex
variables, 3 Clifford Analysis, i.e., complex methods in
higher-dimensional real Euclidian spaces, 4 Generalized analytic
The purpose of the present book is to solve initial value problems
in classes of generalized analytic functions as well as to explain
the functional-analytic background material in detail. From the
point of view of the theory of partial differential equations the
book is intend ed to generalize the
classicalCauchy-Kovalevskayatheorem, whereas the
functional-analytic background connected with the method of
successive approximations and the contraction-mapping principle
leads to the con cept of so-called scales of Banach spaces: 1. The
method of successive approximations allows to solve the initial
value problem du CTf = f(t, u), (0. 1) u(O) = u, (0. 2) 0 where u =
u(t) ist real o. r vector-valued. It is well-known that this method
is also applicable if the function u belongs to a Banach space. A
completely new situation arises if the right-hand side f(t, u) of
the differential equation (0. 1) depends on a certain derivative Du
of the sought function, i. e., the differential equation (0,1) is
replaced by the more general differential equation du dt = f(t, u,
Du), (0. 3) There are diff. erential equations of type (0. 3) with
smooth right-hand sides not possessing any solution to say nothing
about the solvability of the initial value problem (0,3), (0,2),
Assume, for instance, that the unknown function denoted by w is
complex-valued and depends not only on the real variable t that can
be interpreted as time but also on spacelike variables x and y,
Then the differential equation (0."
Dieses Buch stellt eine Einfuhrung in die (komplexe)
Funktionentheorie dar. Die Funktionentheorie ist eine nach den
verschiedensten Richtungen sehr weit entwickelte mathematische
Theorie, deren Grundlage die Theorie der komplexen Differentiation
ist. Einer der wichtigsten Satze der Funktionentheorie ist der
Cauchysche Integralsatz. Er besagt, dass das komplexe
Kurvenintegral einer komplexwertigen Funktion 1 (z) uber eine
geschlossene Kurve gleich Null ist, wenn I(z) in jedem Punkt ihres
Definitionsgebietes im komplexen Sinne differen zierbar ist.
Allerdings gilt diese Aussage nur, wenn uber die Struktur des
Defini tionsgebietes bestimmte Voraussetzungen gemacht werden.
Hierin zeigt sich die enge Verbindung von Funktionentheorie und
Topologie der Ebene. Diesen Zusammenhang kann man verwenden, um die
Funktionentheorie gleich von Anfang an durch Heranziehung
topologischer Aussagen aufzubauen. Ein sol cher Satz, der an die
Spitze der Funktionentheorie gestellt werden kann, ist der
Jordansche Kurvensatz. Seine Verwendung ist fur die
Funktionentheorie ausserst bequem, da in den Begriff des einfach
zus mmenhangenden Gebietes, zu dessen Definition man die Aussage
de'> Jordanschen Kurvensatzes benotigt, sozusagen alle
topologischen Schwierigkeiten hineingesteckt werden. Ein Nach teil
dieser Ansatze ist, dass manche Analogien zur reellen Analysis, die
erhalten bleiben konnten, verlorengehen. SARS und ZYGMUND waren
meines Wissens die ersten, die auf diesen Umstand hingewiesen und
in ihrem Buch 56] die Funktionentheorie ohne Verwendung des
Jordanschen Kurvensatz3s aufgebaut haben. Diese Idee wurde von L.
AHLFoRs 1] erneut aufgegriffen. R. NEVAN LINNA und V. PAATERO gaben
in 48] einen Aufbau der Funktionentheorie mit Hilfe von
Elementardeformationen, wodurch unnotige topologische Schwierig
keiten umgangen werden."