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This monograph consists of two volumes and provides a unified,
comprehensive presentation of the important topics pertaining to
the understanding and determination of the mechanical behaviour of
engineering materials under different regimes of loading. The large
subject area is separated into eighteen chapters and four
appendices, all self-contained, which give a complete picture and
allow a thorough understanding of the current status and future
direction of individual topics. Volume I contains eight chapters
and three appendices, and concerns itself with the basic concepts
pertaining to the entire monograph, together with the response
behaviour of engineering materials under static and quasi-static
loading. Thus, Volume I is dedicated to the introduction, the basic
concepts and principles of the mechanical response of engineering
materials, together with the relevant analysis of elastic,
elastic-plastic, and viscoelastic behaviour. Volume II consists of
ten chapters and one appendix, and concerns itself with the
mechanical behaviour of various classes of materials under dynamic
loading, together with the effects of local and microstructural
phenomena on the response behaviour of the material. Volume II also
contains selected topics concerning intelligent material systems,
and pattern recognition and classification methodology for the
characterization of material response states. The monograph
contains a large number of illustrations, numerical examples and
solved problems. The majority of chapters also contain a large
number of review problems to challenge the reader. The monograph
can be used as a textbook in science and engineering, for third and
fourth undergraduate levels, as wellas for the graduate levels. It
is also a definitive reference work for scientists and engineers
involved in the production, processing and applications of
engineering materials, as well as for other professionals who are
involved in the engineering design process.
Provided by this book is a unified, comprehensive presentation of
the foundations of the theory of viscoelastic solids. The large
subject area is separated into self-contained chapters that give a
full complete picture and allow a thorough understanding of the
current status and future direction of individual topics. The
author emphasizes the basic principles along with topics of
fundamental importance to the understanding of viscoelasticity in
its different regimes. Particular attention is paid to experimental
activity, numerical characterization of the response of advanced
industrial materials and the solution of the different categories
of the associated boundary value problem. This book should be of
interest to engineers and scientists working in all fields of
materials, but especially the following: polymers; rubbers;
plastics; fibres; pulp and paper; biomaterials; medical
engineering; materials R mechanics of materials; evaluation and
testing; engineering and medical applications. It should also be of
interest to final year and postgraduate students and researchers in
materials science at university level.
There are new and emergent technologies - in the aerospace
industry, advanced civil and mechanical structures, smart'
materials, biomaterials, microelectronics, etc. - which demand
materials with particular response characteristics that cannot be
met by conventional, monolithic systems. Composite materials,
including laminated and fibre-reinforced systems, play significant
roles in many scientific and engineering realms, primarily due to
their unique physical and mechanical response characteristics, such
as specific strength, fracture toughness, corrosion and wear
resistance. These characteristics can be enhanced by the ability of
the materials scientist and engineer to tailor the microstructure
to suit the imposed working conditions. In Advanced Multilayered
and Fibre-Reinforced Composites, leading researchers present the
latest advances in the areas of ceramic, metallic and polymeric
composite systems, including new classes of ceramic composites. The
book emphasises the significance of local deformation effects and
the principles and approaches of advanced experimental mechanics in
the service of modern technology. There is a comprehensive
treatment of functionally graded materials and the various
approaches to modelling the mechanical behaviour of multi-phase
solids. The unified and comprehensive treatment means that the book
can be used as a text for science and engineering students from
senior undergraduate level upwards. It also forms a comprehensive
reference for scientists and engineers involved in the design,
processing and application of composite materials.
I express my sincere gratitude to NATO Science Committee for
granting me the financial award to organize and direct the Advanced
PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS" that was held in Kiev, Ukraine, during the
period of June 2 - 6, 1997, in collaboration with Professor S. A.
Firstov of the Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials
Science, National Academy of Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine. In this
context I wish to convey special thanks to Dr. J. A.
Raussell-Colom, NATO Programme Director for Priority Area on High
Technology, for his kind efforts and continuous guidance in the
course of organizing the Workshop. I appreciate sincerely the
opportunity of working closely with Professor Firstov and
acknowledge with deep gratitude his outstanding contribution in
co-directing the Workshop. I wish to express my special thanks to
Dr. N. Orlovskaya of the Frantsevich Institute, for her outstanding
contribution towards both the organization and conduct of the
Workshop. I wish to convey my sincere thanks to Professor V. V.
Skorohord, Deputy Director of the Frantsevich Institute, on behalf
of the same Institute, for hosting the Workshop and welcoming the
participants to l{iev. The very kind efforts of the members of the
Scientific Advisory Committee, the Local Organizing Committee and
the Staff of the Frantsevich Institute towards the organization and
conduct of the Workshop, are gratefully appreciated. I convey my
full indebtedness to all researchers who participated in the
I express my full indebtedness to all researchers whose work is
referenced in this book. Without their outstanding contributions to
knowledge, this book would not have been written. I convey my
thanks to Professor D. R. Axelrad (McGill University), who was the
first person to introduce the fascinating subject of rheology to me
and to Professor J. T. Pindera (University of Waterloo) for his
kind encouragement and stimulating discussions on the subject
matter. I am indebted to Dr J. H. Gittus, Editor-in-Chief Res
Mechanica, for originally inviting me to write a book on
viscoelasticity. of Permission granted to the author for the
reproduction of figures and/or data by the following scientific
societies, journals and publishers is gratefully acknowledged:
Academic Press, American Chemical Society, American Institute of
Physics, British Textile Technology Group, Elsevier Applied Science
Publishers, Gebriider Born traeger, Helvetica Chimica Acta,
Hermann, International Union of Crystallography, John Wiley &
Sons, Pergamon Press, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, Steinkopff
Verlag, Tappi Journal, Taylor and Francis Ltd . . and the Institute
of Physics. In the same context, the author wishes to express his
sincere thanks and gratitude to Professors M. F. Ashby (University
of Cambridge, United Kingdom), N. Davis (The Pennsylvania State
University), H. F. Frost (Thayer School of Engineering), F. A.
Leckie (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaigne), E. H. Lee
(Stanford University), J. M. Morrison (AT & T Bell
Laboratories), A. K. Mukherjee (University of California, Davis)
and Dr H. J. Sutherland (Sandia National Laboratories)."
I wish to express my full indebtedness to all researchers in the
field. Without their outstanding contribution to knowledge, this
book would not have been written. The author wishes to express his
sincere thanks and gratitude to Professors M. F. Ashby (University
of Cambridge), N. D. Cristescu (University ofFlorida), N. Davids
(The Pennsylvania State University), H. F. Frost (Dartmouth
College), A W. Hendry (University of Edinburgh), F. A Leckie
(University of California, Santa Barbara), A K. Mukherjee
(University of California, Davis), T. Nojima (Kyoto University), J.
T. Pindera (University of Waterloo), J. W. Provan (University of
Victoria), K. Tanaka (Kyoto University), Y Tomita (Kobe University)
and G. A Webster (Imperial College), and to Dr. H. J. Sutherland
(Sandia National Laboratories). Permission granted to the author
for the reproduction of figures and/or data by the following
scientific societies, publishers and journals is gratefully
acknowledged: ASME International, ASTM, Academic Press, Inc. ,
Addison Wesley Longman (Pearson Education), American Chemical
Society, American Institute of Physics, Archives of Mechanics I
Engineering Transactions (archiwum mechaniki stosawanej I rozprawy
inzynierskie, Warsaw, Poland), British Textile Technology Group,
Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd. (USA), Chapman & Hall Ltd.
(International Thomson Publishing Services Ltd. ), Elsevier
Science-NL (The Netherlands), Elsevier Science Limited (U. K. ),
Elsevier SequoiaS. A (Switzerland), John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ,
lOP Publishing Limited (UK), Kluwer Academic Publishers (The
Netherlands), Les Editions de Physique Les Ulis (France), Pergamon
Press Ltd. (U. S. A), Society for Experimental Mechanics, Inc.
I wish to express my full indebtedness to all researchers in the
field. Without their outstanding contributionto knowledge, this
book would not have been written. The author wishes to express his
sincere thanks and gratitude to Professors M. F. Ashby
(UniversityofCambridge), N. D. Cristescu (UniversityofFlorida), N.
Davids (The PennsylvaniaState University), H. F. Frost (Dartmouth
College), A. W. Hendry (University of Edinburgh), F. A. Leckie
(University of California, Santa Barbara), A. K. Mukherjee
(UniversityofCalifomia, Davis), T. Nojima (Kyoto University), 1. T.
Pindera (University of Waterloo), 1. W. Provan (University
ofVictoria), K. Tanaka (Kyoto University), Y. Tomita (Kobe
University) and G. A. Webster (Imperial College), and to Dr. H. 1.
Sutherland (Sandia National Laboratories). Permission granted to
the author for the reproduction offigures and/or data by the
following scientific societies, publishers and journals is
gratefully acknowledged: ASME International, ASTM, AcademicPress,
Inc. , Addison Wesley Longman (Pearson Education), American
Chemical Society, American Institute of Physics, Archives of
Mechanics / EngineeringTransactions (arch;wum mechaniki stosowanej/
rozprawy inzynierskie, Warsaw, Poland), BritishTextileTechnology
Group, Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd. (USA), Chapman & Hall Ltd.
(International Thomson Publishing Services Ltd. ), Elsevier
Science-NL (The Netherlands), Elsevier Science Limited (UK),
Elsevier Sequoia S. A. (Switzerland), John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ,
lOP Publishing Limited (UK), Kluwer Academic Publishers (The
Netherlands), Les Editions de Physique Les Ulis (France), Pergamon
Press Ltd. (U. S. A), Society for Experimental Mechanics, Inc.
(USA), Springer-Verlag (Heidelberg, Germany), Steinkopff Verlag
Darmstadt, Tappi, Technomic Publishing Co. , Inc. (U. SA) and The
InstituteofPhysics (UK).
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