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17 matches in All Departments
Performance Research: On Ritual will examine a range of ritual
practices bordering on or intended to be seen as theatre. It will
explore both historical and systematic connections between ritual
and theatre, present the work of contemporary artists, and reflect
on the role and meaning of ritual for theatrical purposes in the
late 20th century.
This issue of performance Research is a response to the powerful
presence in contemporary culture of aesthetic forms and political
strategies derived from North America. Counterpointing Letters from
Europe, the book addresses the use and abuse of images of and from
North America, the deconstruction in performance theory and
practice of North American art, film and performance, and the
presentation of America as genre and fiction.
On America will respond to the powerful presence in contemporary
culture of aesthetic forms and political strategies derived from
North America. Counterpointing Letters from Europe, this book will
address the use and abuse of images of and from North America, the
deconstruction in performance theory and practice of North American
art, film and performance, and the presentation of America as genre
and fiction.
Performance Research: On Ritual will examine a range of ritual
practices bordering on or intended to be seen as theatre. It will
explore both historical and systematic connections between ritual
and theatre, present the work of contemporary artists, and reflect
on the role and meaning of ritual for theatrical purposes in the
late 20th century.
An annotated world theatre bibliography documenting significant theatre materials published world wide since 1945, plus an index to key names throughout the six volumes of the series.
The 30th edition of the ultimate reference on European football,
The UEFA European Football Yearbook 2017/18 contains everything
that a football fan will need to watch their favourite team or
country. Gloriously illustrated with dramatic action photos,
artworks and maps, this exceptional volume contains a complete
statistical review of the previous season's football at club and
national levels. There is a selection of essays on the 100 most
dominant players in European football in the past year and a
detailed breakdown of each club in the top division of every
country's main league. As well as a review of the first part of the
UEFA qualification competition for the 2018 FIFA World Cup, the
appendix provides a calendar of events for the remaining fixtures,
play-offs and the dates of matches in the two main club
competitions. If you are a fan of top-flight football in Europe,
this is the one book you cannot afford to be without.
A scholarly edition of The Miscellaneous Works of John Bunyan: The
Poems by Graham Midgley. The edition presents an authoritative
text, together with an introduction, commentary notes, and
scholarly apparatus.
A scholarly edition of The Miscellaneous Works of John Bunyan: Some
Gospel Truths Opened; Vindication of "Some Gospel Truths Opened"
and Few Sighs from Hell by T. L. Underwood and Roger Sharrock. The
edition presents an authoritative text, together with an
introduction, commentary notes, and scholarly apparatus.
A single-volume full-color international encyclopedia of theory and
practice in psychotherapy and counseling. Entries include art
therapy, autism, life coaching, play therapy, psychodrama, rational
emotive behavior therapy, therapy dogs, and many more. This
Encyclopedia represents human inter-dependencies' consequences,
their multiple effects and the ways in which coaching, counseling
or psychotherapy can directly affect people and institutions. This
is for those learning how to conceptualize and analyze human
behavior and relationships; for those not yet familiar with newer
developments in counseling and psychotherapy; and for teachers
looking for an up-to-date historical account of the field. This
Encyclopedia provides a full overview of the field, traditional and
current humanistic practices and fundamental analytical theories
needed to get a foothold in the field.
Salvation is the rich and rewarding theme of Scripture. From
beginning to end, we see a God who seeks the lost in order to
forgive their sins and restore their fellowship.
According to 1 Peter 1:10, "Concerning this salvation, the
prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched
intently and with the greatest care." We should want to know more
about it too. There is nothing more important than our response to
God's grace. Near the end of his life, hymn writer John Newton
said, "My memory is nearly gone; but I remember two things: that I
am a great sinner and that Christ is a great Savior."
It is, in fact, vital to have a biblical understanding of
salvation. Questions such as "Who can be saved?," "What is the
gospel?," and "Why did Jesus have to die?" are of primary
importance. Fortunately, the Bible answers these questions and many
more. This book takes one hundred questions about salvation and
addresses them with God's Own Word. The Lord, the Author of
salvation, came "to seek and to save what was lost" (Luke 19:10),
and He is the focal point of these answers.
God welcomes questions. The Bible is full of inquisitive
characters with good questions. From Abraham's inquiry-"Will not
the Judge of all the earth do right?"-to Mary's wide-eyed, "How
will this be?" God patiently answers the questions of sincere,
searching hearts.
Questions are part of the learning process, and a repeated Old
Testament command is to seek the Lord. Those who inquire of Him are
invariably rewarded with His wisdom. Jesus' gracious promise says,
"Ask and it will be given to you" (Matthew 7:7).
As we open the Bible, we begin a quest to know the God who has
revealed Himself in its pages. What is God like? Does God love me?
Why does He allow bad things to happen? The answers to these and
many other questions are there in the Bible, waiting for us to find
Got Questions Ministries has fielded many questions about God
since 2002. One hundred of those questions are compiled in this
book, along with biblical answers. All of these real-life questions
come from people who want to know the truth about God, His nature,
and His work in the world. We hope you will use this volume as an
aid to knowing God a little better and loving Him more.
Every person in the world has felt the influence of the Holy
Spirit at one time or another. For some, it's the conviction of
"sin and righteousness and judgment" (John 16:8). For others, it's
the comfort, guidance, and strength He gives. To some, the Spirit
is as mysterious and unknowable as a night wind passing through the
treetops. To others, He is as close and inviting as a friend across
the table. But even those who know the Holy Spirit personally have
questions about Him. As Oswald Chambers said, "The Spirit is the
first power we practically experience, but the last power we come
to understand." That's the reason for this book. What gifts does
the Spirit give? How can I be filled with the Spirit? Will the
Spirit ever leave me? We've received all these questions and more
since GotQuestions.org was founded in 2002. To find the answers, we
opened the Bible, the one book inspired by the Holy Spirit Himself.
In searching the Scriptures, we learn of the Spirit's nature, His
work, and His will. May the Holy Spirit use the questions and
answers in this volume to increase your awareness of His presence,
encourage your heart, and empower your faith.
Florida was the first region of the United States to be discovered,
explored, and, after a fashion, settled by Euroamericans. Its
population in the early 21st century is approaching 17 million.
Within years the number of people living in the state will surpass
those living in New York, and the Sunshine State will become the
most populous area east of the Mississippi. The first book in
English about Florida was written by Jean Ribault. A French
adventurer, Ribault established a colony of Huguenots near
present-day Jacksonville. He was captured by the very able Spanish
commander Pedro Menendez, who ordered his French rival and all his
minions killed.The state's long and colorful past is matched by its
equally long and colorful literary production. Strangely, critical
assessment of Florida literature has lagged far behind. With this
volume, the Florida College English Association has formally begun
an effort to correct this lamentable oversight. Included are papers
on every aspect of Florida literature and history by scholars from
every part of the state who are employed in every kind of
institution of higher learning. Of special interest are the studies
of Florida literature in the 19th century and in the late 20th and
early 21st centuries, areas that are generally ignored in national
journals. The papers on the contributions of African-American
literary figures, such as Zora Hurston and James Weldon Johnson,
are noteworthy. Of particular interest are the suggestions for
teaching Florida studies in the classroom, which can be adapted for
high school as well as college students.