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Books > Social sciences > Sociology, social studies > Social groups & communities > Age groups > Children
The Association for the Study of Play (TASP) is the sponsor of this eighth volume in the Play & Culture Studies series. TASP is a professional group of researchers who study play. The focus of this eighth volume of the Play & Culture Studies series is on how play takes many forms as it cuts across species, ages, and cultures. The articles in this volume present current theoretical and empirical research on play and culture from a variety of disciplines including psychology, education, animal studies, and sociology. Applications to practice and policy implications are presented as well. Volume 8 continues the tradition of the Play & Culture series by presenting a view of play that is broad in scope both in terms of the subjects of study and the ways in which researchers approach the study of these diverse forms of play.
This book invites readers to both reassess and reconceptualize definitions of childhood and pedagogy by imagining the possibilities - past, present, and future - provided by the aesthetic turn to science fiction. It explores constructions of children, childhood, and pedagogy through the multiple lenses of science fiction as a method of inquiry, and discusses what counts as science fiction and why science fiction counts. The book examines the notion of relationships in a variety of genres and stories; probes affect in the convergence of childhood and science fiction; and focuses on questions of pedagogy and the ways that science fiction can reflect the status quo of schooling theory, practice, and policy as well as offer alternative educative possibilities. Additionally, the volume explores connections between children and childhood studies, pedagogy and posthumanism. The various contributors use science fiction as the frame of reference through which conceptual links between inquiry and narrative, grounded in theories of media studies, can be developed.
The editors of this volume are committed to the philosophy of treating emotionally disturbed children in the life milieu. Both have been intensely involved in training "online" therapists--child care workers. They are convinced that there is no one "right way" in milieu treatment, and propose a electric model for treatment. Like many of the other writers included in this book, Whittaker and Trieschman conceive of treatment as a total life experience. Th ey do not see the individual versus the group, but the individual within the group situation. They also do not see permissiveness versus limitations, professional staff versus nonprofessional staff, or the institution versus an outside of the community. The book is divided into two sections: the fi rst is a dialogue between the editors on current issues in residential treatment and problems in treating children. The second is a collection of readings. This is one of the first sourcebooks covering the therapeutic milieu for children in residential treatment centers, specifi cally emotionally disturbed children. It is also an excellent text for courses on the emotionally disturbed child, milieu treatment, and child welfare. "James K. Whittaker" is The Charles O. Cressey Endowed Professor Emeritus at the University of Washington School of Social Work, Seattle where he has served as a member of senior faculty since 1970. His research and teaching interests encompass child and family policy and services including residential treatment, and the integration of evidence-based practices into contemporary child & family services. He is also series editor of Modern Applications of Social Work for Transaction Publishers. "Albert E. Trieschman" was a Staff Clinical Psychologist at Children's Hospital Medical Center in Boston. From 1960 until his death in 1984, he was founding Executive Director of the Walker Home & School in Needham, Massachusetts.
The true measure of any society is how it treats its children, who are in turn that society's future. Making use of data from the longitudinal Chinese Family Panel Studies survey, the authors of this timely study provide a multi-faceted description and analysis of China's younger generations. They assess the economic, physical, and social-emotional well-being as well as the cognitive performance and educational attainment of China's children and youth. They pay special attention to the significance of family and community contexts, including the impact of parental absence on millions of left-behind children. Throughout the volume, the authors delineate various forms of disparities, especially the structural inequalities maintained by the Chinese Party-state and the vulnerabilities of children and youth in fragile families and communities. They also analyze the social attitudes and values of Chinese youth. Having grown up in a period of sustained prosperity and greater individual choice, the younger Chinese cohorts are more independent in spirit, more open-minded socially, and significantly less deferential to authority than older cohorts. There is growing recognition in China of the importance of investing in children's future and of helping the less advantaged. Substantial improvements in child and youth well-being have been achieved in a time of growing economic prosperity. Strong political commitment is needed to sustain existing efforts and to overcome the many obstacles that remain. This book will be of considerable interest to researchers of Chinese society and development.
This book offers a rich and detailed empirical account of children's play and interaction in the school playground. Drawing on the approaches of ethnomethodology and conversation analysis, 'Talk and Social Interaction in the Playground' examines the organisation of membership and social action in a game created by a group of children. It offers rich insights into the methods and practices used by children to produce play and social order, making a significant and substantial contribution to the study of talk-in-interaction, as well as to studies of children's play, competencies, and social interaction. The book demonstrates the importance of putting aside preconceived assumptions about how children talk and interact in order to reveal the situated methods and practices that children use - not because they are children, but because they are social beings. As well as appealing to scholars of ethnomethodology and conversation analysis, 'Talk and Social Interaction in the Playground' will be of interest to students and researchers in a range of disciplines, including child studies, developmental psychology, education, applied linguistics, and sociology.
The United States is currently grappling with how to prepare our students to be computer literate citizens in the competitive technological world we live in. Understanding how children develop computer knowledge, and the ways that adults are able to guide their computer learning experiences, is a vital task facing parents and educators. This groundbreaking book is an attempt to fill a gap in current understanding of how we become computer literate and proposes a theory of how computer literacy skills emerge in computer users.
This astute book initiates a broad discussion from a variety of different disciplines about how we place children nationally, globally and within development discourses. Unlike other books of its kind, it does not seek to dwell solely on the abiding complexities of local comparisons. Rather, it elaborates larger concerns about the changing nature of childhood, young people 's experiences, their citizenship and the embodiment of their political identities as they are embedded in the processes of national development and globalization. In particular, this book concentrates on three main issues: nation building and developing children, child participation and activism in the context of development, and globalization and children 's live in the context of what has been called "the end of development." These are relatively broad research perspectives that find focus in what the authors term "reproducing and developing children" as a key issue of national and global concern. They further argue that understanding children and reproduction is key to understanding globalization.
This book focuses on adoptive families after the legal finalization of the adoption has taken place. The authors, Susan Livingston Smith and Jeanne A. Howard, incorporate the findings of their own unique research project on troubled adoptive families with other empirical research, theory, practice, and knowledge. This volume is rich with case examples, detailed case histories, presentations of various practice strategies, and resources. The overall result is a stand-alone volume offering a clear and well-documented overview of the topic. It will be invaluable to social workers and other professionals working with children and families.
A timely interdisciplinary, comparative and historical perspective on African childhood migration that draws on the experience of children themselves to look at where, why and how they move - within and beyond the continent - andthe impact of African child migration globally. Children in Africa are heavily involved in migration but we know too little about the circumstances in which they migrate, their motivations and the impact of migration on their welfare, on wider society and in a global context. This book seeks to retrieve the experiences of child migrants, and to examine how child migration differs from adult migration and whether the condition of childhood pushes individuals towards specific migratory trajectories. It also examines the opportunities that child migrants seek elsewhere, the lack of opportunities that make them move elsewhere and to what extent their trajectories and strategies are gendered. Analysing the diversity and complexity of children's experiences of mobility in Ghana, Madagascar, Mali, Nigeria, South Africa, Senegal, Sudan, Togo and Zambia, the authors look at patterns of fosterage, child circulation within Africa and beyond the continent; therole of education, child labour and conceptions of place and "home"; and the place of the child narrator in migrant fiction. Comparing different methodological and theoretical approaches and setting the case studies within the broader context of family migration, transnational families, colonial and postcolonial migration politics, religious encounter and globalization in Africa, this book provides a much-needed examination of this contentious and criticalissue. Elodie Razy is Associate Professor in Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Liege (FaSS). She is the co-founder and co-editor of the online journal AnthropoChildren: Ethnographic Perspectivesin Children & Childhood. Marie Rodet is a Senior Lecturer in African History at the School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London). She is currently working on her second monograph on slave resistance in Kayes,Mali.
Visual media offer powerful communication opportunities. Doing Visual Research with Children and Young People explores the methodological, ethical, representational and theoretical issues surrounding image-based research with children and young people. It provides well-argued and illustrated resources to guide novice and experienced researchers through the challenges and benefits of visual research. Because new digital technologies have made it easier and cheaper to work with visual media, Pat Thomson brings together an international body of leading researchers who use a range of media to produce research data and communicate findings. Situating their discussions of visual research approaches within the context of actual research projects in communities and schools, and discussing a range of media from drawings, painting, collage and montages to film, video, photographs and new media, the book offers practical pointers for conducting research. These include why visual research is used how to involve children and young people as co-researchers complexities in analysis of images and the ethics of working visually institutional difficulties that can arise when working with a 'visual voice' how to manage resources in research projects Doing Visual Research with Children and Young People will be an ideal guide for researchers both at undergraduate and postgraduate level across disciplines, including education, youth and social work, health and nursing, criminology and community studies. It will also act as an up-to-date resource on this rapidly changing approach for practitioners working in the field. Pat Thomson is Professor of Education and Director of Research in the School of Education, University of Nottingham, UK. She is a former school principal of disadvantaged schools in Australia.
Although psychologists by training, John and Elizabeth Newson have more aptly been described as pioneers in social ecology; they work from the conviction that the causes and the consequences of child-rearing attitudes can fruitfully be investigated only in the framework of the total social environment in which they occur. This book continues their analysis of child rearing in an English urban setting. To this project the Newsons have brought the rigorous research techniques of their scientific background; but they do not undervalue the practical experience of parenthood which has taught them to distrust the magical short cuts to "understanding" child development offered by the various theoretical schools of thought. They believe that much of the theory-building has been premature and that there is an urgent need for detailed descriptive studies of how parents do in fact treat their, children and, equally important, how children treat their parents: the constant two-way interaction through which the pattern of family life is evolved. The four-year-old child has been much discussed from the angle of nursery school education: this book breaks new ground in its description of nursery-age children in the much more basic and intimate context of the home. Written without recourse to unnecessary technical jargon, it will be of absorbing interest to every intelligent parent and indeed to anyone looking for new insights into the working of our society. For teachers, doctors, nurses, and all whose profession it is to work with young children or with their families, it will be both essential and enjoyable reading. "John Newson" and "Elizabeth Newson" in addition to this book are authors of "The Family and the Handicapped Child: A Study of Cerebral Palsied Children in Their Homes" and "Infant Care in an Urban Community." They were professors of psychology at the University of Nottingham.
Exciting stories, extraordinary creatures, and compelling gods, goddesses, and heroes come together in this compendium of Norse myths - first told long ago by the Vikings. Read about Thor, the god of thunder and how he once disguised himself as a bride to seek revenge on a giant and retrieve his powerful hammer -Mjölnir, and how Sif, the goddess of fertility had her long golden hair cut off by Loki, the trickster god. Each myth is told with thrilling immediacy, in language that is easy for children to understand, while retaining the awe, majesty and intrigue of the original tales. Stunning illustrations by multi-award winning artist Katie Ponder breathe new life into each story.
The child star is an iconic figure in Western society representing a growing cultural trend which idolises, castigates and fetishises the image of the perfect, innocent and beautiful child. In this book, Jane O'Connor explores the paradoxical status of the child star who is both adored and reviled in contemporary society. Drawing on current debates about the commercialisation and sexualisation of childhood and fears about children 'growing up too soon', she identifies hostile media attention around child stars as indicative of broader social concerns about the 'correct' role and place of children in relation to normative ideals of childhood. Through reference to extensive empirical examples of the way child stars such as Shirley Temple, Macaulay Culkin, Charlotte Church and Jackie Coogan have been constructed in the media, this book illustrates both the powerlessness and the power held by this tiny band of children, and demonstrates their significance as representatives of the public face of childhood throughout the twentieth century and beyond.
That children need nature for health and well-being is widely accepted, but what type of nature? Specifically, what type of nature is not only necessary but realistically available in the complex and rapidly changing worlds that children currently live in? This book examines child-nature definitions through two related concepts: the need for connecting to nature and the processes by which opportunities for such contact can be enhanced. It analyses the available nature from a scientific perspective of habitats, species and environments, together with the role of planning, to identify how children in cities can and do connect with nature. This book challenges the notion of a universal child and childhood by recognizing children's diverse life worlds and experiences which guide them into different and complex ways of interacting with the natural world. Unfortunately not all children have the freedom to access the nature that is present in the cities where they live. This book addresses the challenge of designing biodiverse cities in which nature is readily accessible to children.
Noted psychiatrist Daniel Stern brings together exciting new research on infants and the insights of psychoanalysis to offer an original theory of how humans create a sense of themselves and others. This dazzling book represents a truly original, perhaps revolutionary contribution to psychodynamic theory and practice.--Arnold Cooper, The New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center. Notes, Diagrams/Charts and Index.
This collection of international research and collaborative theoretical innovation examines the socio-cultural contexts and negotiations that young people face when growing up in rural settings across the world. This book is strikingly different to a standard edited book of loosely linked, but basically independent, chapters. In this case, the book presents both thematically organised case studies and co-authored commentaries that integrate and advance current understandings and debates about rural childhood and youth.
Making Art History is a collection of essays by contemporary scholars on the practice and theory of art history as it responds to institutions as diverse as art galleries and museums, publishing houses and universities, school boards and professional organizations, political parties and multinational corporations. The text is split into four thematic sections, each of which begins with a short introduction from the editor, the sections include:
Working with Children of Alcoholics was originally published when the plight of children of alcoholics was just beginning to gain widespread public attention. It was the first book to provide professionals with a direct, step-by-step approach that shows them not only what to look for when working with children but what they can do to help them. Some of the critical topics covered include identifying children of alcoholics, establishing effective childrenÆs programs, treatment strategies for children of alcoholics, life and survival in an alcoholic home, the intergenerational transmission of alcoholism, the psychological adjustment of children of alcoholics, health and safety hazards, and academic and behavioral concerns. Working with Children of Alcoholics includes extensive resources such as names of helpful organizations, periodicals, therapeutic games, and curriculum materials. The book will be of interest to social workers, public health workers, psychologists, school administrators, drug and alcohol counselors, pastoral counselors, teachers, and treatment centers. It makes an excellent supplemental text for graduate and undergraduate courses in family and community, adjustment problems of children and youth, substance abuse, human services and community problems.
This scholarly yet highly readable and practical text
systematically covers the importance, development, assessment, and
treatment of social skills of children and adolescents. Combining
scientific rigor with a highly approachable and readable style of
writing to create a practical and unique book, this volume provides
a comprehensive overview of the increasingly important topic of
child and adolescent social skills. A wide variety of tables,
figures, and practical step-by-step guides enhance the material
presented, making it particularly useful for practitioners while
offering an extensive array of recent research and models of
interest to researchers. The authors present a solid foundation of
scientific knowledge written in a manner accessible to
nonscientists and having ample practical implications and examples
for educational and clinical practice. The book is divided into two
parts--the first features a foundation for conceptualizing and
assessing child and adolescent social skills, whereas the second
focuses on the arena of intervention. An up-to-date and unique
addition to the literature, this volume will be of interest to
professionals who work with or study children across several
disciplines including school and clinical child psychology, special
education, counseling, and social work.
While there is an expanding literature of qualitative studies with children, there is relatively little in that literature that examines the fieldwork process with them. Author Robyn Holmes looks at fieldwork with children from a number of perspectives and helps to address the needs of researchers working with children. Holmes lays out an overview for the study of children in the early chapters, discussing basic methodology and considering the school as the primary site for studying children. In later chapters she closely examines how a researcher's personal attributes, such as gender and ethnicity can and do effect the fieldwork process with children. Straightforward and clear, Fieldwork with Children is a practical guide and will be an excellent resource for students and scholars involved in the study of children.
Providing readers with a unique insight into conducting research, this exciting book describes the thought and work processes of researchers as they complete their projects. Engaging and accessible it investigates all the key aspects of this topic and advice on how to conduct interviews, study the everyday life of an organization, and many other standard methods of conducting research. This is not a prescriptive methodology textbook, rather it explores how to approach, think and act in interaction with the empirical field. Comprehensive and accessible, this thought-provoking text shows readers how to develop management investigations skills, and will be invaluable for final year undergraduates, masters and PhD students.
Providing readers with a unique insight into conducting research, this exciting book describes the thought and work processes of researchers as they complete their projects. Engaging and accessible it investigates all the key aspects of this topic and advice on how to conduct interviews, study the everyday life of an organization, and many other standard methods of conducting research. This is not a prescriptive methodology textbook, rather it explores how to approach, think and act in interaction with the empirical field. Comprehensive and accessible, this thought-provoking text shows readers how to develop management investigations skills, and will be invaluable for final year undergraduates, masters and PhD students.
In this, the first sociology book to consider the important issue of how children identify with place and nation, the authors use original research and international case studies to explore this topic in depth. The book is rooted in original qualitative research the authors conducted with a diverse sample of children (aged eight to eleven) across Wales, but this data is also located in the context of existing international research on place identity. The book features analysis of lively exchanges between children on their local, national and global identities, politics, language and race. It engages with important social and political questions such as whether cultural distinctiveness can be preserved in a context of globalization, whether we are destined to passively receive dominant representations of the nation or can creatively construct our own versions; and whether national identities are necessarily exclusive. Most importantly, the book focuses on what local and national identities mean to children in an era of cultural and economic globalization. Including material on racialization, language, politics, class and gender, Children, Place and Identity will be a valuable resource to students and researchers of childhood studies and the sociology of childhood.
In this, the first sociology book to consider the important issue of how children identify with place and nation, the authors use original research and international case studies to explore this topic in depth. The book is rooted in original qualitative research the authors conducted with a diverse sample of children (aged eight to eleven) across Wales, but this data is also located in the context of existing international research on place identity. The book features analysis of lively exchanges between children on their local, national and global identities, politics, language and race. It engages with important social and political questions such as whether cultural distinctiveness can be preserved in a context of globalization, whether we are destined to passively receive dominant representations of the nation or can creatively construct our own versions; and whether national identities are necessarily exclusive. Most importantly, the book focuses on what local and national identities mean to children in an era of cultural and economic globalization. Including material on racialization, language, politics, class and gender, Children, Place and Identity will be a valuable resource to students and researchers of childhood studies and the sociology of childhood.
Kids snatched from their bedrooms, shot at in school, fatter than ever, prone to risk-taking and cruelty...is childhood today as bad as the news accounts would have us believe? Is this generation headed for disaster? Kids These Days: Facts and Fictions About Today's Youth critically examines the hottest news stories of the past few years to assess whether the news is really as bad as it sounds. For instance, is kidnapping by strangers really a bigger threat now than in the past? Are disputes at school now settled with guns instead of fists? And are kids, especially girls, becoming bigger bullies than ever before? Kids These Days looks at the stories that made headlines and goes deeper to explore overall trends and statistics to compare the hype to reality. The truth is, kids today do face unique obstacles and challenges, but their situation isn't nearly as dire as the compelling news accounts would have us believe. Our nation's youth have been targeted as a problem population to absolve adult responsibility for creating the often dangerous and difficult conditions many young people must endure. Kids These Days will give the reader pause and perspective to better understand the realities of the first generation to come of age in the twenty-first century. |
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