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Books > Humanities > Religion & beliefs > Christianity > Christian Fiction
Mackenzie Allen Phillips's youngest daughter, Missy, has been abducted during a family vacation. Evidence that she may have been brutally murdered is found in an abandoned shack deep in the Oregon wilderness. Four years later, in the midst of his great sadness, Mack receives a suspicious note--apparently from God--inviting him back to that shack for a weekend. Against his better judgment, he arrives at the shack on a wintry afternoon and walks back into his darkest nightmare. What he finds there will change his life forever.
On the outside, twenty-seven-year-old Darcy Larsen is a pretty,
put-together professional--but inside she's falling apart. Eighteen
months ago, she lost her fiancé in an accident she still blames herself
for. After a successful transplant, her kidney disease seems to be in
check, but she worries that her future children--if she has any--will
also suffer from the same condition. And she's overcome with indecision
about finding her birth mother, discovering potentially devastating
information, and hurting her adoptive parents.
Berdine se lewe in Johannesburg is vir goed verby, en die verbintenis met haar familie en vriende wat sy jare lank verwaarloos het, is aan die herstel. Haar ouma Bertha se nalatenskap van diensbaarheid en naasteliefde staan voorop vir Berdine en haar droom om ’n kliniek op te rig om die armes gratis te bedien gaan nie om eie eer nie. Dit gebeur nie oornag nie en ten spyte van haar nuutgevonde geloof pak die twyfel en mismoedigheid haar beet. Berdine loop ook ’n pad met Tiekie en haar babadogtertjie en sy kuier weer by Bekkie. Sy leer die vernames van die dorp ken wat hul naaste met onselfsugtige liefde dien. Dieter Daneel is steeds aan die voorpunt van omtrent elke bedrywigheid en met die naamgee-seremonie, toe die skuiling aan Bertha Human opgedra word ter waardering van haar jare lange diens aan die dorp en sy mense, word die wêreld onderstebo gekeer en Berdine weereens voor ’n keuse gestel.
The Forge will appeal to fans of the Kendricks' films: Lifemark,
Overcomer, War Room, Courageous, Fireproof, Facing the Giants, and
Now a major Disney+ original series
Reis saam na eerste-eeuse Rome en ontdek hoekom hierdie klassieke reeks
miljoene lesers oor die wêreld heen geïnspireer het. Die drie boeke in
die Merk van die Leeu-reeks word as ’n spesiale geskenkstel aangebied.
Biblical fiction retelling of Noah and the Ark. Zara and Noah have walked together with the Creator for their entire lives, and they have done their best in an increasingly wicked and defiant world to raise their three sons to follow in their footsteps. It has been a challenge--and it's about to get much, much harder. When the Creator tells her husband to build an ark to escape the coming wrath against the sins of humankind, Zara steps out with him in faith. But the derision and sabotage directed their way from both friends and extended family are difficult to bear, as is knowing that everyone she interacts with beyond her husband, her sons, and their wives is doomed to destruction. And when the ark is finally finished and the animals have been shut up inside, Zara and her family embark on an adventure that will test their patience and their faith as they await deliverance and dry ground. Experience the story of Noah and the flood like you never have before. With bestselling and award-winning author Jill Eileen Smith as your guide, you'll never look at a rainbow the same way again.
Through letters with a famous author, one French librarian tells her
love story and describes the brutal Nazi occupation of her small
coastal village.
Ná ouma Leen en oupa Koen se dood besef Jessie dat sy en Janine nie langer op die Weskus sal kan oorleef nie. Sy kry werk in Roodepoort en oortuig Janine om saam te gaan met die belofte van ’n nuwe toekoms. Janine belowe Bennie dat sy eendag na hom toe sal terugkom. Die nuwe omgewing is alles behalwe gemaklik en hulle is finansieel nog slegter af. Janine se egskeiding word op die langebaan geskuif. Hul lewe verander drasties as die meenthuis se geiser ingee, die Oosthuizens langaan intrek en Werner Hougaardt, die eienaar van die meenthuis vir Janine begin ruikers stuur. ’n Dag se uitstappie saam met Werner bring twyfel in haar hart oor Bennie. So ’n ryk man sal beter as Bennie kan sorg. Jessie se ou studentevriend daag op en Werner se ware motiewe word oopgevlek. Friedrich se dogter, Christine, bied aan om Janine se saak pro bono te doen. Huweliklokkies lui vir Jessie en Friedrich en Bennie daag onverwags op om Janine weereens van sy liefde en trou te verseker.
The secretary of state is headed to the region to seal the deal. And Special Agent Marcus Ryker is leading an advance trip along the Israeli-Lebanon border, ahead of the secretary’s arrival. But when Ryker and his team are ambushed by Hezbollah forces, a nightmare scenario begins to unfold. The last thing the White House can afford is a new war in the Mideast that could derail the treaty and set the region ablaze. U.S. and Israeli forces are mobilizing to find the hostages and get them home, but Ryker knows the clock is ticking. When Hezbollah realizes who they’ve captured, no amount of ransom will save them—they’ll be transferred to Beirut and then to Tehran to be executed on live television. In the fourth installment of Rosenberg’s gripping new series, Marcus Ryker finds himself in the most dangerous situation he has ever faced—captured, brutalized, and dragged deep behind enemy lines. Should he wait to be rescued? Or try to escape? How? And what if his colleagues are too wounded to run? This is the CIA’s most valuable operative as you have never seen him before.
The enemy is invisible and moving fast. The body count is rising. And time is running out. Marcus Ryker has spent his entire career studying killers. One thing he knows for sure: a peace summit is the ultimate stage for an assassination. President Andrew Clarke is determined to announce his historic peace plan from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. But when senior American officials who support the plan begin violently dying, Clarke orders Ryker and his team of CIA operatives to hunt down those responsible and bring the killing spree to an end. When the Palestinians denounce the American plan, the Saudis signal they may be ready to forge a historic treaty with Israel. Could the Saudi king’s support be the missing ingredient that will lead to peace at long last? Ryker soon uncovers a chilling plot to kill the American president. A well-resourced international alliance is dead set against the peace plan. They will stop at nothing to strike a blow against the Americans and seize leadership of the Muslim world. With all eyes on Jerusalem and the president in the crosshairs, it’s up to Ryker to eliminate the terrible evil that’s been set in motion. The fate of the region depends on his success. He has 48 hours.
Kan jy jou rug op jou verlede draai, jou foute vergeet en nuut begin? Of leef jy vir die res van jou lewe onder die wolk van verhoudings wat skeefgeloop het en verbintenisse wat jy nie kan verbreek nie? Die gevolge van verkeerde keuses is vernederend en vernietigend. Dit slaan jou tot jy omval. Maar God is ’n God van tweede kanse; Hy help jou op en stuur jou na die plek waar jy eens gelukkig was, na mense wat jou onvoorwaardelik liefhet. Die opvolg op Papierblomme.
From international bestselling author Mario Escobar comes a story of escape, sacrifice, and hope amid the perils of the second World War. August 1942. Jacob and Moses Stein, two young Jewish brothers, are staying with their aunt in Paris amid the Nazi occupation. The boys’ parents, well-known German playwrights, have left the brothers in their aunt’s care until they can find safe harbor for their family. But before the Steins can reunite, a great and terrifying roundup occurs. The French gendarmes, under Nazi order, arrest the boys and take them to the Vélodrome d’Hiver—a massive, bleak structure in Paris where thousands of France’s Jews are being forcibly detained. Jacob and Moses know they must flee in order to survive, but they only have a set of letters sent from the south of France to guide them to their parents. Danger lurks around every corner as the boys, with nothing but each other, trek across the occupied country. Along their remarkable journey, they meet strangers and brave souls who put themselves at risk to protect the children—some of whom pay the ultimate price for helping these young refugees of war. This inspiring novel, now available for the first time in English, demonstrates the power of family and the endurance of the human spirit—even through the darkest moments of human history.
Marc se ou kunsdosent Simon kom kuier en hulle wys die hele land vir hom. Ma se Mara en haar oppasser Anna kom kuier in Jerusalem en Mara begin al meer haar Joodse afkoms verwelkom. Dit is Yoshi se bar mitzvah? Die dae is vir die Kriges soms donker, maar soms ook wondermooi. Shir-HaShirim - 'n hooglied? Dikwels nie. Tog is daar altyd 'n lied om te sing. Die hooglied van Israel is die elfde boek in die reeks.
The Future of Israel at Stake
Soos papierblomme in die wind, so het haar lewe verwaai. Sal sy dit regkry om die flentertjies weer op te tel? Daar is net een uitweg… Janine was klein toe haar ouers dood is en sy die deur tussen haar en Jesus toegemaak het. Net sy het dit geweet. Sy wou groot wees en wegkom van die klein dorpie waar almal mekaar ken. Haar kans kom toe Greg Walker die Engelsklas oorneem. Met drome in haar oë is sy Londen toe waar sy groter hartseer leer ken, maar ook die grootste ontdekking van haar lewe maak.
Roman Velasco is ’n suksesvolle Los Angeles-kunstenaar wat oënskynlik
alles het wat sy hart begeer – ʼn groot herehuis, geld, vroue en roem.
Slegs Grace Moore, sy teësinnige nuwe assistent, weet hoe min hy regtig
het. Maar Grace weet nie hoe haar baas in die geheim met sy duiwels
stoei nie: deur geboue te teiken as die Bird, ’n berugte maar
ongeïdentifiseerde graffiti-kunstenaar – ’n alter ego wat Roman se
loopbaan kan verwoes en hom in die tronk kan laat beland.
Wanneer Reina Sauer se ouma sterf, hoor sy dat sy haar huis op McGregor erf. Maar ’n ontwikkelaar, die ontnugterde en siniese Derek Retief, wil graag die huis deel van ’n sekuriteitskompleks maak. Al wat Derek kort is Reina se handtekening. Maar dinge is nie heeltemal so eenvoudig nie. Wat op aarde maak Reina met haar ouma se vriende wat afhanklik was van haar ouma? En wanneer Reina die huis begin opruim, kom sy op ’n boks vol briewe in die solder af. Met verstomming lees sy hoe haar ouma dit reggekry het om ’n onmoontlike besluit te neem wat uiteindelik haar kleindogter se lewe moontlik gemaak het. Iewers langs die pad het sy wat Reina is ophou bid, ophou glo, maar terwyl sy deur haar ouma se lewe blaai, ontdek sy weer haar behoefte aan die Here.
Boet Cronje is hardkoppig, arrogant en ontken dat sy bruin regterhand op die plaas eintlik sy halfbroer is. Maar met God as vennoot, 'n familieplaas en 'n erfgenaam lyk die toekoms vir Boet aanvanklik belowend. 'n Langdurige droogte en die dood van sy seun laat hom egter in opstand teen God kom. Die koggelaar vertel die verhaal van 'n man wat oortuig is dat God hom tart; ironies genoeg word hy die een wat koggel.
Henok kry ’n verrassing wanneer sy vrou in Israel kom kuier. Re’uven se pyn oor sy eersgeborene se dood lê nog vlak. Dit laat Marc wonder of hy Adonai nog sal kan liefhê as dit hom sou tref. Hy voel verskeur tussen sy gesin en sy ma met haar eie hartseer in Suid-Afrika. Tog vind hy troos in die wete dat Adonai se weë ver bo ons verstand verhewe is.
Voordat Christus haar aangespreek het as “my dogter”, voor sy genesing
gesteel het deur aan die punt van sy kleed te raak, was sy ’n vrou met
’n hart wat gebloei het ...
A tenant farmer’s son had no business daring to dream of a future with
an earl’s daughter, but that couldn’t keep Amos Darby from his secret
friendship with Charlotte Terrington…until the reality of the Great War
sobered youthful dreams. Now decades later, he bears the brutal scars
of battles fought in the trenches and their futures that were stolen
away. His return home doesn’t come with tender reunions, but with the
hollow fulfillment of opening a bookshop on his own and retreating as a
recluse within its walls.
This wasn’t how Kelsey Worthington’s day was supposed to go. She wasn’t
supposed to be picking up Starbucks for her smarmy boss. She wasn’t
supposed to get hit by a car that jumped the curb. And she certainly
wasn’t supposed to wake up in a hospital room next to Georgina Tate—the
legendary matriarch of New York City businesswomen.
Marc, 'n sensitiewe jong Suid-Afrikaanse kunstenaar, gaan na Jerusalem
om sy Joodse ouma te ontmoet en sy eie Joodse wortels na te speur. Hy
vind so sterk aanklank by die Joodse geloof dat hy verstrengel raak in
'n geloofstryd. Te midde van geweld en selfmoord-bomaanvalle kry hy
Rivkah, die dapper Jodin, lief. Terug in Suid-Afrika moet hy die chaos
in sy hart probeer orden: Sien hy kans om sy aan sy met geweld en onrus
in Israel te leef? Die is die eerste roman in die gewilde Israel-reeks.
Agter elke man wat gehelp het om die geskiedenis te vorm, staan die
helde wat dit vir altyd verander het. Soos net Francine Rivers dit kan
doen, vertel sy die verhale van vyf sulke geloofsmanne wat getrou na
God se stem geluister het in die skadu van die leiers wat Hy uitverkies
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