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Books > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Christian institutions & organizations > Christian mission & evangelism
A religious studies scholar argues that in antebellum America, evangelicals, not Transcendentalists, connected ordinary Americans with their spiritual roots in the natural world. We have long credited Emerson and his fellow Transcendentalists with revolutionizing religious life in America and introducing a new appreciation of nature. Breaking with Protestant orthodoxy, these New Englanders claimed that God could be found not in church but in forest, fields, and streams. Their spiritual nonconformity had thrilling implications but never traveled far beyond their circle. In this essential reconsideration of American faith in the years leading up to the Civil War, Brett Malcolm Grainger argues that it was not the Transcendentalists but the evangelical revivalists who transformed the everyday religious life of Americans and spiritualized the natural environment. Evangelical Christianity won believers from the rural South to the industrial North: this was the true popular religion of the antebellum years. Revivalists went to the woods not to free themselves from the constraints of Christianity but to renew their ties to God. Evangelical Christianity provided a sense of enchantment for those alienated by a rapidly industrializing world. In forested camp meetings and riverside baptisms, in private contemplation and public water cures, in electrotherapy and mesmerism, American evangelicals communed with nature, God, and one another. A distinctive spirituality emerged pairing personal piety with a mystical relation to nature. As Church in the Wild reveals, the revivalist attitude toward nature and the material world, which echoed that of Catholicism, spread like wildfire among Christians of all backgrounds during the years leading up to the Civil War.
With practical, biblical wisdom, this book casts a vision for the local church as the engine of world missions-for the joy of all people and the glory of God.
La question ecologique inquiete les ecologistes et les climato-septiques. Sans se confondre, avec eux, le theologien Augustin Kalamba propose a travers ce livre une " ecologie theo-logique ". Fondee sur la cosmologie du salut d'Adolphe Gesche et l'ecologie integrale du pape Francois, elle est un projet spirituel d'ordre superieur qui, partant d'une approche phenomenologique de la crise ecologique, reaffirme la responsabilite de " l'homme-parlant-de-Dieu-dans-la-foi " dans le projet du salut du cosmos. L'homme est invite a redecouvrir l'identite eco-theologique du monde comme " creation " et " maison commune " afin de le cultiver, labourer, proteger, et sauve-garder avec gratitude et dans la serenite qui vient de la foi en un Dieu Createur du ciel et de la terre, de l'univers visible et invisible.
So you're on fire, you want to make a difference, you want to change the world...but how? Signing up for a service project or mission trip is a great first step. But you probably have a lot of questions. Are you ready for the different cultures you may encounter? How are you going to really connect with the people you serve? And what about when you come home-how do you make sense of all the things you've experienced? Will any of it make a lasting difference for anyone? It turns out that if you really want to change the world, you have to change too. The only way that's going to happen is if you spend time before, during, and after your trip preparing for and processing your work. This Journal will help you think about: * Why you're going * The people you're serving * Your relationship with your teammates * How God factors into your service project * The impact your experience has had on you * How you can keep making a difference back at home If you think you're fired up to serve now, just wait! This hands-on Journal will equip you to serve in a way that sticks-both for you and those you serve. * How you can keep making a difference back at home If you think you're fired up to serve now, just wait! This hands-on Journal will equip you to serve in a way that sticks-both for you and those you serve.
Essays exploring different facets of the life and influence of Edmund Campion, the sixteenth-century Jesuit and martyr. This volume forms the first modern study of Edmund Campion, the Jesuit priest executed at Tyburn in 1581, and through him focuses on a theme that has been attracting growing interest among sixteenth-century historians: the passagefrom a Catholic to an Anglican England, and the resistance to this move. The essays collected here investigate the historical context of Campion's mission; different aspects of his writing and work; the network of colleagues withwhom he was in contact; his relationship with contemporaries such as Sir Philip Sidney; the effect of his English mission; and the legacy he left. THOMAS M. MCCOOG, S.J. is the Archivist of the British province of theSociety of Jesus and a member of the Jesuit Historical Institute at Rome. Contributors: FRANCISCO DE BORJA MEDINA, JOHN BOSSY, NANCY POLLARD BROWN, KATHERINE DUNCAN-JONES, DENNIS FLYNN, VICTOR HOULISTON, JOHN J. LAROCCA, COLM LENNON, DAVID LOADES, JAMES MCCONICA, THOMAS M. MCCOOG, THOMAS MAYER, MICHAEL QUESTIER, ALISON SHELL, MICHAEL E. WILLIAMS
Mit der neuzeitlichen Sakularisierung verliert auch der Protestantismus seinen Volkskirchencharakter. Das hat eine Neuorientierung zur Folge. An die Stelledes theistischen Gottesbildes tritt das Paradox vom 'abwesenden' Gott. Der Autor interpretiert das Glaubensparadox als Widerfahrnis von Befreiung und Verpflichtung durch den Anderen in der 'Spur' Gottes. Er diskutiert diese fur die Zivilgesellschaft relevanten Potentiale mit Feministischer Theologie, mit der Umgestaltung des Erloesungschristentums in einen Protestantismus der Versoehnung mit unserer Endlichkeit und der Schoepfungswelt. Vom methodischen Gesichtspunkt wahlt der Autor einen phanomenologisch-dekonstruktiven Ansatz im Gesprach mit Bonhoeffer, Nancy, Levinas und mit der protestantischen Tradition.
Das Buch befasst sich mit der Frage, welche Bedeutung einem ehelosen Leben zukommt und vertritt die These, dass die Ehelosigkeit in den synoptischen Evange-lien immer eng mit der Nachfolge Jesu verbunden sei. Die Autorin untersucht diese Frage anhand neutestamentlicher Zeugnisse. Als Ausgangspunkt dient die lukanische Fassung des Gesprachs Jesu mit den Sadduzaern (Lk 20,27-40). Die Autorin analysiert, unter welchem Einfluss und aus welchem Grund das Lukasevangelium eine veranderte Fassung des ersten Teils der Antwort Jesu im Gesprach mit den Sadduzaern schildert, was diese AEnderung bedeutet und wie diese interpretiert werden soll.
Die vorliegende Arbeit moechte zeigen, wie Karl Barth in seiner Auseinandersetzung mit dem Religionsbegriff zu den Thesen 'Religion als Unglaube' und 'die christliche Religion als die einzig wirkliche und wahre Religion' in der Kirchlichen Dogmatik (KD) 17 - Gottes Offenbarung als Aufhebung der Religion -gelangt. Sie beschaftigt sich mit Barths AEusserungen zum Verhaltnis von Religion und Wahrheit im Zeitraum von 1909 bis 1938 und richtet sich auf die konstruktive Rolle von 'Religion' und damit auf die Frage, welche argumentative Rolle und Funktion Barth dem Religionsbegriff zuweist. Daruber hinaus koennte die konstruktive Rolle von 'Religion' in Barths Theologie der zeitgenoessischen Religionswissenschaft eine neue Perspektive eroeffnen.
Was ist der Mensch? Diese Frage stellt sich angesichts von Verfuhrbarkeit, Totalitarismus und Barbarei im 20. Jahrhundert mit grosser Dringlichkeit. Die Analyse menschlicher Existenz spielt deshalb fur den Religionsphilosophen Eugen Biser (1918 bis 2014) eine fundamentale Rolle. Wo liegen religioese Potentiale des Einzelnen? Was vermag therapeutische Theologie? Welche Moeglichkeiten des Menschseins eroeffnen sich im 21. Jahrhundert? Um solche Fragen zu beantworten, fuhrte ein Berliner Symposium Forscherinnen und Forscher, Wissenschaftler, Kunstlerinnen und Politiker zusammen, um mit Blick auf Eugen Biser die Zeichen der Zeit geistesgegenwartig zu deuten.
Was schreibt man einer trauernden, kaiserlichen Witwe? Wie macht man ihr ein asketisches Leben schmackhaft und bringt sie dazu, obwohl man sie persoenlich nicht kennt, mit einem Freundschaft zu schliessen? Derartige Fragen durfte sich Hieronymus gestellt haben, als er sich ca. im Jahre 399 brieflich an die Dame Salvina wandte. Diese kunstvoll gestaltete Epistel nimmt Philip Polcar in ihren Details und grossen argumentativen Linien in den Blick. Sie ist ein Kleinod der spatantiken Konsolationsliteratur und gleichzeitig ein Werbetraktat fur eine lebenslange Keuschheit. Die individuellen Trostgedanken und Ratschlage entpuppen sich als Zugang zur asketischen Froemmigkeit und zur Kommunikation unter Gebildeten in der christlich werdenden Spatantike.
Der Band setzt sich mit der Frage auseinander, wie sich der christliche Glaube zu den nichtchristlichen Religionen und deren Wahrheitsanspruchen verhalt. Der Autor versammelt seine religionstheologischen Aufsatze der letzten 25 Jahre und ordnet sie nach systematischen Gesichtspunkten. In unterschiedlichen Argumentationszusammenhangen und unter verschiedenen Aspekten entwickelt er eine Methode der Religionstheologie, die sich vom Mainstream unterscheidet und von der Problematik des Offenbarungsbegriffs ausgeht und wie sie von der christlichen Botschaft beantwortet wird. Hierzu entwickelt der Autor einen "interioristischen" Zugang zu den Religionen, der auf der Basis des christlichen Glaubens anderen Religionen - anders als im Inklusivismus - unuberbietbare Wahrheit zuerkennen kann, ohne dabei - wie im Pluralismus - die christliche Wahrheit zu relativieren. Damit setzt dieser Band auch neue Akzente im christlich-judischen wie im christlich-islamischen Verhaltnis.
Throughout the nineteenth century the relationship between the State and the Established Church of England engaged Parliament, the Church, the courts and - to an increasing degree - the people. During this period, the spectre of Disestablishment periodically loomed over these debates, in the cause - as Trollope put it - of 'the renewal of inquiry as to the connection which exists between the Crown and the Mitre'. As our own twenty-first century gathers pace, Disestablishment has still not materialised: though a very different kind of dynamic between Church and State has anyway come into being in England. Professor Evans here tells the stories of the controversies which have made such change possible - including the revival of Convocation, the Church's own parliament - as well as the many memorable characters involved. The author's lively narrative includes much valuable material about key areas of ecclesiastical law that is of relevance to the future Church of England.
Unthinkable only decades ago, America is now raising up generations of people who are "radically unchurched"-those who have had little contact with a Christ-centered church and have no clear understanding of the gospel message. This state of affairs isn't likely to change unless Christians can communicate the significance of their message to a culture that regards the church as irrelevant and outmoded. Calling for a passionate overhaul of how Christians see and interact with individuals outside the church, Alvin Reid demonstrates a clear understanding of the distinction between the changeless basics of the faith and negotiable traditions, programs, and artifacts. He examines the causes behind the loss of America's Christian identity and the resulting failure of the American church to understand and utilize the New Testament pattern of penetrating an indifferent culture with the gospel. Reid offers proven strategies for touching people who desperately need to be confronted with life-changing Christianity.
Weighs the use of mission and missions language today
Praise for "The Missional Leader" "Alan J. Roxburgh and Fred Romanuk are two of the few people in
the world today who understand how we can create an environment for
the missional transformation of the church for the postmodern
world. Every church leader should read this book!" "Discontinuous change wreaks havoc among congregations and
pastors who aren't familiar with the new terrain. When it comes to
navigating this new land, Roxburgh and Romanuk have my ear and
gratitude. Effective, dependable, useful . . . their wisdom is
helping retool our congregation for daring and robust witness. And
among my students--who feel change deep in their bones, both its
threats and opportunities--this book is a vital companion as they
begin their ministries." Visit the Leadership Network Website, www.leadnet.org, for more innovative resources and information.
This is the story of the birth and growth of Seattle's innovative Mars Hill Church, one of America's fastest growing churches located in one of America's toughest mission fields. It's also the story of the growth of a pastor, the mistakes he's made along the way, and God's grace and work in spite of those mistakes. Mark Driscoll's emerging, missional church took a rocky road from its start in a hot, upstairs youth room with gold shag carpet to its current weekly attendance of thousands. With engaging humor, humility, and candor, Driscoll shares the failures, frustrations, and just plain messiness of trying to build a church that is faithful to the gospel of Christ in a highly post-Christian culture. In the telling, he's not afraid to skewer some sacred cows of traditional, contemporary, and emerging churches. Each chapter discusses not only the hard lessons learned but also the principles and practices that worked and that can inform your church's ministry, no matter its present size. The book includes discussion questions and appendix resources. "After reading a book like this, you can never go back to being an inwardly focused church without a mission. Even if you disagree with Mark about some of the things he says, you cannot help but be convicted to the inner core about what it means to have a heart for those who don't know Jesus."-Dan Kimball, author,The Emerging Church "... will make you laugh, cry, and get mad ... school you, shape you, and mold you into the right kind of priorities to lead the church in today's messy world."-Robert Webber, Northern Seminary
In the decades before colonial partition in Africa, the Church Missionary Society embarked on the first serious effort to evangelize in an independent Muslim state. Bishop Samuel Ajayi Crowther led an all-African field staff to convert the people of the Upper Niger and Confluence area, whose communities were threatened or already conquered by an expanding jihadist Nupe state. In this book, Femi J. Kolapo examines the significance of the mission as an African-rather than European-undertaking, assessing its impact on missionary practice, local engagement, and Christian conversion prospects. By offering a fuller history of this overlooked mission in the history of Christianity in Nigeria, this book reaffirms indigenous agency and rethinks the mission as an experiment ahead of its time.
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