Books > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Christian life & practice > Christian religious instruction
Esta serie nueva de cinco volumenes invita a los ninos en
preescolar hasta 6to. grado, a ingresar en nuestras historias
sagradas. Basado en el metodo Montesori, "Jugar Junto a Dios"
utiliza una cuidadosa forma de contar las historias de las
escrituras, agradables figuras de las historias y una variedad de
actividades creativas para animar a los ninos a buscar y encontrar
sus propias respuestas a sus dudas de fe. Esta aproximacion unica a
la educacion religiosa invita a los ninos a preguntarse acerca de
ellos mismos, Dios y el mundo en una manera que es juguetona y
significativa para ellos. Jugar Junto a Dios respeta la innata
espiritualidad de los ninos y los anima a utilizar su curiosidad e
imaginacion para experimentar el misterio y la gracia de Dios. Las
sesiones de Jugar Junto a Dios pueden ser adaptadas para ajustarse
a reuniones de 45 minutos hasta de 2 horas. Cada plan de leccion
incluye la historia y una completa lista de materiales. Volumen 1:
Como Dirigir las Lecciones de Jugar Junto a Dios Volumen 2: 14
Presentaciones para el Otono. Volumen 3: 20 Presentaciones para el
Invierno Volumen 4: 20 Presentaciones para la Primavera. "
Esta serie nueva de cinco volumenes invita a los ninos en
preescolar hasta 6to. grado, a ingresar en nuestras historias
sagradas. Basado en el metodo Montesori, "Jugar Junto a Dios"
utiliza una cuidadosa forma de contar las historias de las
escrituras, agradables figuras de las historias y una variedad de
actividades creativas para animar a los ninos a buscar y encontrar
sus propias respuestas a sus dudas de fe. Esta aproximacion unica a
la educacion religiosa invita a los ninos a preguntarse acerca de
ellos mismos, Dios y el mundo en una manera que es juguetona y
significativa para ellos. Jugar Junto a Dios respeta la innata
espiritualidad de los ninos y los anima a utilizar su curiosidad e
imaginacion para experimentar el misterio y la gracia de Dios. Las
sesiones de Jugar Junto a Dios pueden ser adaptadas para ajustarse
a reuniones de 45 minutos hasta de 2 horas. Cada plan de leccion
incluye la historia y una completa lista de materiales. Volumen 1:
Como Dirigir las Lecciones de Jugar Junto a Dios Volumen 2: 14
Presentaciones para el Otono. Volumen 3: 20 Presentaciones para el
Invierno Volumen 4: 20 Presentaciones para la Primavera. "
Durante muchos anos los programas de radio de la "Hora Biblica de
los Ninos" (Children's Bible Hour) han sido escuchados por millones
de ninos en mas de cien paises por todo el mundo. De sus programas
mas populares se han tomado las historias que componen este
devocional para todo un ano. [The stories in this daily devotional
for children are taken from one of the most popular radio programs,
"Keys for Kids."]
Pastor and bestselling author Jim Cymbala explores the person and
work of the Holy Spirit in this six-session small group Bible study
that will bring a fresh sense of God s power to your church and
your life. What happens when the Holy Spirit moves powerfully
within a church? Through this six-session study you will learn how:
- To make room for the Spirit s action in your life and in your
church - God wants to work through your gifts and talents to enable
you to do what only he can do- To listen for the voice of the
Spirit in prayer and how to apply God s Word to your life- The
Spirit can bring healing to your body, your emotions, and your
relationships; how a life lived in the presence of the Spirit can
transform the church and the world- Your church can become a place
where people regularly experience God s presence and his power.
This Participant Guide is filled with helpful discussion starters,
video overviews, a helpful Leader s Guide and much more. It s
designed to be used with the companion When God s Spirit Moves DVD
(sold separately). Sessions include: 1. Agent in the Shadows2.
Power Source3. The Best Bible Teacher4. Water, Wind, and Fire5. Who
s in Control? 6. Help When We Need it MostAppendix: A Long Night in
What really happened back in the first century, in Jerusalem and
around the Sea of Galilee, that changed the shape of world history?
Who is this figure that emerges from history to have a profound
impact on culture, ethics, politics, and philosophy? Join historian
John Dickson on this journey through the life of Jesus. This book,
which features a self-contained discussion guide for use with Life
of Jesus DVD, will help you and your friends dig deeper into what
is known about Jesus' life and why it matters.'John Dickson has
done a marvelous job of presenting the story of Jesus, and the full
meaning of that story, in a way that is both deeply faithful to the
biblical sources and refreshingly relevant to tomorrow's world and
church. I strongly recommend this study to anyone who wants to
re-examine the deep historical roots of Christian faith and to find
them as life-giving as they ever were.'---Tom Wright
The Classic Guide for Educators of Any Denomination What mission calls us to teach? How do societal issues-social oppression, poverty, politics-affect what we teach, how we teach it, and how people learn? Who are our students? What and when are they ready to learn? Once we understand these foundations, how can we facilitate an educational experience that has the power to shape and transform people and communities in life-giving ways of faith? In this classic text, Thomas Groome asks and answers these central questions, providing a comprehensive integration of the history, theory, and practice of modern religious education for a new generation of educators. His self-reflective approach-shared praxis-will inspire school teachers, students of religious education, pastors, parents, and religious educators in local churches who want to understand themselves, their mission, and their surroundings-to inform, form, and transform their students' lives. "Anyone tugged by the calling at the heart of education or religious life can only cheer for the republication of this classic book."-Robert Kegan, Harvard Graduate School of Education "Whether returning Christian Religious Education or reading it for the first time, readers will discover freshness leaping from the page; you will soon know why this formative book of the past is a beacon for the future-informative, inspiring, and wise!"-Mary Elizabeth Moore, professor of theology and Christian education, Claremont School of Theology
Der vorliegende Band der Reihe New German-American Studies
eroertert anhand der Lebensgeschichte des geburtigen Westfalen
August Rauschenbusch und unter Anwendung gangiger Methoden der
deutsch-amerikanischen und transatlantischen Geschichtsschreibung
das Schicksal eines deutschen Amerikaauswanderers im 19.
Jahrhundert. August Rauschenbusch migrierte 1846 als
protestantischer Missionar nach Missouri und hatte spater eine
angesehene Stellung als Professor und Ausbilder von Predigern an
einem deutschsprachigen theologischen Seminar im Staat New York
inne. Der Verfasser ruckt durch seine Untersuchung der Biographie
eines deutschen Theologen und Einzelauswanderers in den USA heute
vergessene oder bisher weitgehend vernachlassigte Forschungsfelder
deutsch-amerikanischer Geschichte wieder ins Bewusstsein.
A Modern Manual for Sharing a Relevant, Vibrant, Enduring
In the face of mounting obstacles, parents and educators find
themselves increasingly challenged by the task of leading people
toward lives of faith. Now Thomas Groome, a world-renowned
authority on religious education, has created a contemporary,
holistic approach to teaching Christian beliefs and values that
offers real, effective solutions for today's parents and teachers.
His guide to religious education--which aims to "bring life to
Faith and Faith to life"--is a hopeful road map for reenergizing
the faith community and family from the bottom up.
Der Nationalsozialismus gehoert zu den besterforschten Epochen der
Zeitgeschichte. In den Lehrplanen fur fast alle Schulformen sind
die Themen Nationalsozialismus und Holocaust curricular verankert.
Zugleich aber belegen Studien seit den 1950er Jahren, dass mancher
Schulunterricht zur Verharmlosung, UEberdruss oder Abwehr gegen
"das Thema" beitragt. Die Studie greift diese Problemlage auf. Aus
interdisziplinarer Perspektive kommt dabei die intergenerative
Tradierung von Nationalsozialismus und Holocaust in den Blick.
Schliesslich wird mit Methoden qualitativer Unterrichtsforschung
der Frage nach der "Gegenwart der Vergangenheit" nachgegangen. Hier
steht das Rezeptionsverhalten von Schulerinnen und Schulern zu den
Themen Judentum, Nationalsozialismus und Holocaust im Mittelpunkt.
Im Hinblick auf eine Religionspadagogik nach Auschwitz wird somit
auch eine Antwort moeglich auf die Frage: "How to teach the