Books > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Christian life & practice > Christian religious instruction
The Bible is the inspired Word of God, and over the centuries it
has changed people's lives and led them to God. Yet sometimes it
can be a difficult book to understand. The culture in which the
Bible was written is so different from our own that at times we
struggle to understand what it means or how it is relevant to our
modern lives. In this 14-session video Bible study (DVD/digital
sold separately), Bible professors John Walton and Mark Strauss
give you the background you need to successfully understand even
the difficult parts of the Word of God. They provide an overview of
the Bible's key themes, show what the teachings meant to the people
at the time, and explain how those teachings apply to your life
today. By the end, you will have a greater understanding of
Scripture, know how all the books work together, and understand
what God has done to make a way for you to come to him. This study
guide includes: Group discussion questions and notes to help you
get the most out of the fourteen video sessions in A Brief Study of
the Bible Video Study An overview of each book of the Bible and a
daily reading plan Between-sessions Scripture passages, reading
tips, and key stories to help you dig into the content Additional
facts to help you understand the situations behind the story
Sessions include: Introduction Genesis-Exodus Leviticus-Deuteronomy
Joshua-1 Samuel 2 Samuel-2 Kings 1 Chronicles-Nehemiah Esther-Psalm
90 Psalm 91-Song of Songs Isaiah-Lamentations Ezekiel-Malachi
Matthew Mark-Acts 8 Acts 9-Philemon Hebrews-Revelation Designed for
use with A Brief Survey of the Bible Video Study (sold separately).
This six-session small group Bible study (DVD/digital video sold
separately) by noted teacher and historian, Ray Vander Laan, is
volume nine of the That the World May Know series. When the
Israelites left Egypt, they were finally free. Free from
persecution, free from oppression, and free to worship their God.
But with that freedom comes a new challenge - learning how to live
together the way God intends. In this ninth volume of Faith
Lessons, discover how God teaches the Israelites what it means to
be part of a community that loves him and what that means for us
today. Filmed on location in Israel, Faith Lessons is a unique
video series that brings God's Word to life with astounding
relevance. By weaving together the Bible's fascinating historical,
cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and
historian Ray Vander Laan reveals unique insights into the
Scriptures' significance for modern believers. Each lesson: Focuses
on passages of Scripture explored in the DVD Includes sidebars,
maps, photos and other study tools Features questions that
facilitate discussion and inspire personal reflection Includes 25
personal Bible studies to help you deepen your learning experience
between sessions, and turn lessons from the past into applications
that impact how you live out your faith today. The companion DVD
for Fire On The Mountain was filmed on location at the Red Sea,
Sinai, Serabit al Khadim, and Jebel Katarina. These illuminating
"faith lessons" afford a new understanding of the Bible that will
ground your convictions and transform your life. The Faith Lessons
video series is ideal for use in small groups, personal and family
Bible studies, and adult Sunday school. Individual believers and
families will gain vital insights from long-ago times and cultures
through this innovative approach to Bible study. Lessons include:
The Lord Who Heals You - Filmed at the Red Sea and Sinai Not By
Bread Alone - Filmed in Sinai Their Blood Cried Out - Filmed at
Serabit al Khadim The Mountain of God - Filmed at Jebel Katarina I
Led You Like a Bride - Filmed at Jebel Katarina The Whisper of God
- Filmed at Jebel Katarina This Discovery Guide is designed for use
with the Fire On The Mountain DVD (sold separately).
and precious books which helps religious educators explore and
clarify their own special identity as religious educators. This
special identity is revealed in ten basic functional roles which
are central to religious education enactment. The author shows that
while religious educators perform most and possibly all these ten
basic functional roles, nonetheless one predominates. This dominant
role, plus the way the religious educator harmoniously integrates
the other roles into the dominant one, is the key to each religious
educator's own special identity.
The cross. Can you turn any direction without seeing one? Perched
atop a chapel. Carved into a graveyard headstone. Engraved in a
ring or suspended on a chain. The cross is the universal symbol of
Christianity. An odd choice, don't you think? Strange that a tool
of torture would come to embody a movement of hope. Would you wear
a tiny electric chair around your neck? Suspend a gold-plated
hangman's noose on the wall? Would you print a picture of a firing
squad on a business card? Yet we do so with the cross. Why is the
cross the symbol of our faith? To find the answer look no farther
than the cross itself. Its design couldn't be simpler. One beam
horizontal-the other vertical. One reaches out-like God's love. The
other reaches up-as does God's holiness. One represents the width
of His love; the other reflects the height of His holiness. The
cross is the intersection. The cross is where God forgave His
children without lowering His standards. How could He do this? In a
sentence: God put our sin on His Son and punished it there. "God
put on him the wrong who never did anything wrong, so we could be
put right with God" (2 Corinthians 5:21 MSG). Or as rendered
elsewhere: "Christ never sinned! But God treated him as a sinner,
so that Christ could make us acceptable to God" (CEV). Envision the
moment. God on His throne. You on the earth. And between you and
God, suspended between you and heaven, is Christ on His cross. Your
sins have been placed on Jesus. God, who punishes sin, releases His
rightful wrath on your mistakes. Jesus receives the blow. Since
Christ is between you and God, you don't. The sin is punished, but
you are safe-safe in the shadow of the cross. This is what God did,
but why, why would He do it? Moral duty? Heavenly obligation?
Paternal requirement? No. God is required to do nothing. Besides,
consider what He did. Just for you He gave His Son. His only Son.
Would you do that? Would you offer the life of your child for
someone else? I wouldn't. There are those for whom I would give my
life. But ask me to make a list of those for whom I would kill my
daughter? The sheet will be blank. I don't need a pencil. The list
has no names. But God's list contains the name of every person who
ever lived. For this is the scope of His love. And this is the
reason for the cross. He loves the world. "For God so loved the
world that he gave his only Son" (John 3:16 NLT). As boldly as the
center beam proclaims God's holiness, the crossbeam declares His
love. And, oh, how wide His love reaches. Aren't you glad the verse
does not read: "For God so loved the rich..."? Or, "For God so
loved the famous..."? Or, "For God so loved the thin..."? It
doesn't. Nor does it state, "For God so loved the Europeans or
Africans..." "the sober or successful..." "the young or the old..."
No, when we read John 3:16, we simply (and happily) read, "For God
so loved the world." How wide is God's love? Wide enough for the
whole world. Are you included in the world? Then you are included
in God's love. God's love is just for you. It's nice to be
included. You aren't always. Universities exclude you if you aren't
smart enough. Businesses exclude you if you aren't qualified
enough, and, sadly, some churches exclude you if you aren't good
enough. But though they may exclude you, Christ includes you. When
asked to describe the width of His love, He stretched one hand to
the right and the other to the left and had them nailed in that
position so you would know He died loving you. But isn't there a
limit? Surely there has to be an end to this love. You'd think so,
wouldn't you? But David the adulterer never found it. Paul the
murderer never found it. Peter the liar never found it. When it
came to life, they hit bottom. But when it came to God's love, they
never did. They, like you, found their names on God's list of love.
Because God loves you, He has invited you to enjoy eternal life
with Him in Heaven. Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the
life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6
NIV). Jesus made a way to accept God's invitation, and He did it
just for you. Accept God's invitation by believing that Jesus
received the punishment for your sin by His death on the cross.
Confess that you've sinned and ask His forgiveness. Invite Him into
your life and ask for God's help to turn from your sin. You can
pray something like this: Dear God, I admit that I am a sinner and
need Your forgiveness. Thank You for sending Jesus to suffer the
punishment deserved for my sin. Please come into my life and help
me live a life that pleases You. Amen. If you have just accepted
God's invitation to you, write your name below as a testimony of
your decision. Then write to us and we'll send you free literature
to help you grow in your new life with Christ. Excerpted from He
Chose the Nails: What God Did to Win Your Heart by Max Lucado.
(c)2000 Max Lucado. Used by permission of Word Publishing,
Nashville, TN.
Choices, Choices, Choices: Managing My Life is designed for twelfth
grade students, but can be used in grades nine, ten, or eleven. The
text leads students to consider many of the issues that confront
young adult Christians in today's world. By exploring God's Word in
the context of these issues, students are led to bring their
problems and concern to the one who waits to listen, receive,
forgive and renew those who love and trust in Him. 13 chapters. 90
Holy Love
M William Ury; Edited by Diane N Ury; Foreword by John N. Oswalt
Discovery Miles 3 430
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
This journal is for those who are hungry for more.
The Captivating Guided Journal is designed to complement your reading
of Captivating – there is one chapter in the journal for every one of
the twelve chapters in the book. Using this journal means you’re hungry
for more. More of Jesus, more healing, more restoration, and more
transformation into the woman you were created to be. You even get more
in the journal itself! The “Windows to the Heart” and “Lifting the
Veil” sections feature special features and excerpts from other books
and movies that you won’t find in the companion book.
By the way, this is not your normal “workbook.” There are no wrong
answers. No fill-in-the-blanks. You don’t have to struggle or worry
about “getting it right.” Who wants another workbook anyway? We have
enough work to do already. Besides, calling this a workbook would imply
that the messages in the book Captivating are to be mastered. And
mastered in a measurable way. Not at all. The messages in the book are
to be pondered, considered. Some embraced. Some practiced. Some set
aside for a later time.
In this journal you will experience…
- Excerpts from the companion book, Captivating
- Guided prayers
- “Windows to Your Heart” – insights from movies, books, and
- “Lifting the Veil” – an activity or exercise to try
- Journaling prompts correlating to each section of the
chapter in the book
This journal is for your heart. Engaging with it says that you are
willing to take a journey of discovery with him. You have said “yes” to
God. You are continuing to say “yes.” May he meet you in the deep
places of your heart and bring you hope, courage, healing, and the
delights of intimacy that only God can bring.
In this six-session small group Bible study, The Christian Atheist,
pastor and author Craig Groeschel leads you and your group on a
personal journey toward an authentic, God-honoring life. This
honest, hard-hitting, and eye-opening look into the ways people
believe in God but live as if he doesn t exist is a classic in the
making. You believe in God, attend church when it s convenient, and
you generally treat people with kindness. But, have you surrendered
to God completely, living every day depending upon the Holy Spirit?
In this small group bible study, Groeschel encourages you and your
group to be more than just Christian in name, to be honest before
God, and to break free of hypocrisy to live a more authentic,
God-honoring life. This Participant Guide is designed for use with
The Christian Atheist DVD (sold separately). It s filled with
helpful discussion starters, self-assessment tools, process
questions and much more. Sessions include: 1. When you Believe in
God but Don t Really Know Him 2. When you Believe in God but Don t
Think He s Fair3. When You Believe in God but Aren t Sure He Loves
You 4. When You Believe in God but Trust More in Money 5. When You
Believe in God but Pursue Happiness at Any Cost 6. When You Believe
in God but Don t Want to Go Overboard"
Are you searching for more than a surface reading of the Bible?
These fifty-two weekly studies emphasize personal application and
will draw you directly into God's Word ... in order to love Him
more. In this roll-up-your-sleeves look at Scripture, each of the
studies begins with a short reflection tied to the present day,
providing you a springboard into the various passages presented
from the Old and New Testaments. Then, in a refreshing departure
from other Bible studies, the author doesn't explain what the
passage means or offer support on what she feels God is trying to
say through Scripture. Instead, Anne asks dozens of questions in
each study, prompting you to personally dig into Scripture and
discover God's specific message for yourself. Into the Word is more
than surface deep ... it's a spiritual study guide that leads you
to the heart of God's Word.
Your high school students probably think they know a lot about
Jesus. But do they know how the stories of Jesus life relate to
their own? If you want to get them thinking and talking about
Jesus---who he really was, and what that means for them today---you
have everything you need right here. The latest addition to the
best-selling TalkSheets series, High School TalkSheets: Life of
Christ gives you easy-to-use discussion starters and the tools to
lead students into meaningful dialogue about Jesus. The one-page,
reproducible handouts offer provocative questions in a compelling
design that cover everything from the prediction of his birth to
his ascension. Students will delve into each aspect of Jesus life
while looking at it through the lens of their own world and
applying it to their own lives. These TalkSheets present every
aspect of Jesus life in a way that young teens can connect with as
they learn to apply the lessons to their own lives. TalkSheets
makes the Bible relevant and engaging for students, while offering
helpful hints and optional activities to help your youth ministry
team effectively facilitate great conversations---without a lot of
prep work."
It s not hard to get middle schoolers to talk unless you re talking
about something other than the latest band, movie, or the opposite
sex If you want to get them thinking and talking about
Jesus---beyond the flannelgraph, Sunday school Jesus---you have
everything you need right here. The latest addition to the
best-selling TalkSheets series, Middle School TalkSheets: Life of
Christ gives you easy-to-use discussion starters and the tools to
lead students into meaningful dialogue about Jesus. The one-page,
reproducible handouts offer provocative questions in a compelling
design that keep in mind the unique challenges of middle school
discussions. These TalkSheets present every aspect of Jesus life in
a way that young teens can connect with as they learn to apply the
lessons to their own lives. TalkSheets makes the Bible relevant and
engaging for students, while offering helpful hints and optional
activities to help your youth ministry team effectively facilitate
great conversations---without a lot of prep work."
Many people are obsessed with the approval of others. The problem
is that living for what people think of you is the quickest way to
forget what God thinks about you. In Altar Ego, author Craig
Groeschel shows individuals and small groups how to abandon
self-worth based on accomplishments and possessions, turning
instead to the eyes of God to define them. Participants will learn
to expose false labels and selfish motives as the roadblocks they
are, going instead to the altar of God's truth and pursuing the
higher values he sets above the world. You don't have to get caught
up in your self-worth or lack thereof. Your worth is not based on
your opinion of yourself. You are valuable because God says you are
His. You are not your past. You are not what you did. You are not
who others say you are. You are who Christ says you are. This study
guide (DVD/digital video sold separately) offers discussion
questions and other supplemental material to delve further into
God's divine plan, and will ultimately help you sacrifice any old,
unhealthy, untrue, and unbiblical thoughts about yourself and
introduce you to your altar-ego-who you are in Christ. Sessions
include: Overcoming the Labels that Bind You You Are God's
Masterpiece Trading the Immediate for the Ultimate Living with
Integrity Developing Spiritual Boldness Designed for use with Altar
Ego Video Study 9780310894933 (sold separately).
The church across North America has struggled to minister
effectively with children, teens, and adults with common mental
health conditions and their families. One reason for the lack of
ministry is the absence of a widely accepted model for mental
health outreach and inclusion. In Mental Health and the Church: A
Ministry Handbook for Including Children and Adults with ADHD,
Anxiety, Mood Disorders, and Other Common Mental Health Conditions,
Dr. Stephen Grcevich presents a simple and flexible model for
mental health inclusion ministry for implementation by churches of
all sizes, denominations, and organizational styles. The model is
based upon recognition of seven barriers to church attendance and
assimilation resulting from mental illness: stigma, anxiety,
self-control, differences in social communication and sensory
processing, social isolation and past experiences of church. Seven
broad inclusion strategies are presented for helping persons of all
ages with common mental health conditions and their families to
fully participate in all of the ministries offered by the local
church. The book is also designed to be a useful resource for
parents, grandparents and spouses interested in promoting the
spiritual growth of loved ones with mental illness.
La scene de la vie quotidienne qu'offre la Republique Democratique
du Congo (RDC) depuis quelques decennies est marquee par une crise
d'identite due a de multiples mouvements de rebellions armees et de
guerres. Suivant une hermeneutique dite contextuelle qui prend au
serieux la singularite de tout contexte particulier, la presente
reflexion analyse ce contexte socioculturel congolais. L'auteur
propose quelques pistes pour relever ces defis. La reponse
sociologique, anthropologique et ethique passe par une
hermeneutique adequate de la diversite humaine. La realite humaine
se definit par les figures plurielles d'etre et d'action, la
diversite de visions du monde et la variete des modes d'approches
de ce monde. La reconciliation comme proposition dans la
construction du vivre-ensemble a, en effet, son Sitz-im-Leben dans
la multiplicite des visions du monde qu'implique la diversite
humaine. Cette approche de la Reconciliation est centree sur une
dynamique identitaire qui insiste sur le sens de la relation. Ce
que nous appelons la mise en valeur de l'Alterite, autrement dit la
Reconnaissance mutuelle. A l'horizon de cette demarche, il y a une
volonte profonde et reelle d'ouvrir la RDC a des devenirs possibles
en pensant les diverses modalites de vivre-ensemble.
This volume brings together the work of a wide range of scholars to
explore the long and complex history of the relationships between
churches and education. Christianity has always been involved in
education, from the very earliest teaching of those about to be
baptised, to present-day churches' involvement in schools and
higher education. Christianity has a core theological concern for
teaching, discipleship and formation, but the dissemination of
Christian ideas and positions has not necessarily been an
explicitly didactic process. Educational projects have served not
only to support but also to question and even reconfigure
particular versions of the Christian message, and the recipients of
education have also both received and subverted the teaching
offered. Under the editorship of Morwenna Ludlow, this volume
explores the ways in which churches have sought to educate,
catechise and instruct the clergy and laity, adults and children,
men and women, boys and girls.
Lent in 50 Moments comprises meditations on fifty daily moments -
ideas, objects, or happenings frozen in time - offered as signposts
and guidance for our Lenten journey. The moments have been chosen
by Liam Kelly, who has written a reflection for every day, and a
question for prayerful response. He has also chosen a quotation to
prompt further thought, and provides biblical references for each
day's readings at Mass in the Catholic Church. Each of the fifty
moments has been skilfully illustrated by artist Ted Harrison. The
book as a whole provides a unique, stimulating and visually
memorable companion for faith and reflection during Lent and