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Features many notable interviewees with their own networks and
platforms e.g. Carrie Lougton, Co-founder of Mumsnet.com
The authors search for explanations and reasons why the Orthodox
Church has never in its history ordained women to serve as bishops
and priests. All agree that the Church had women deacons, and that
careful consideration must be given to this office as it existed in
the past and as it may once again in the Orthodox Church. No author
in this present volume calls for the ordination of women as bishops
and priests. All authors agree however that the greatest care must
be exercised in dealing with this delicate issue. The Orthodox
Church has no infallible magisterium. Church leaders and
theologians may be wrong. The Holy Spirit acts within the whole
body of believers bringing to remembrance what Christ teaches and
guiding the faithful into all truth. If but one member of the
Church is inspired to argue from the Bible and church tradition
that certain women may be qualified to serve as bishops and
priests, he or she must be heard with dignity and respect. Those
who believe that only certain believing men are qualified for these
ordained ministries must be heard in the same manner and spirit.
'La influencia espiritual es provocada por el Espiritu de Dios,
cuya obra consiste en transformar al espiritu humano,
devolviendonos la forma original con la cual Dios nos diseno. Esto
sucede cuando el Espiritu logra influir ---in fluir--- en nosotros.
Y se produce a lo largo de miles de pasos escondidos e
imperceptibles.' En este novedoso estudio de lo que es el
liderazgo, Mel Lawrenz sostiene que necesitamos mirar mas alla de
la superficie, hasta el nucleo mismo de la dinamica espiritual de
la vida, para comprender mejor como los lideres pueden tener una
influencia duradera en la vida de las personas y de las
organizaciones que dirigen. Aprovechando la experiencia adquirida
en mas de veinte anos de ministerio pastoral, Lawrenz escribe para
los cristianos que tienen algun tipo de liderazgo, cualquiera que
este sea, aunque se centra de una manera especial en los lideres
mas jovenes. Este libro nos facilita un nuevo punto de partida para
el liderazgo cristiano del siglo veintiuno. En el se incluyen las
claves para llegar a logros y capacidades que son necesarios para
un liderazgo eficaz, entre ellos los siguientes: uedificar
integridad en su persona y sus relaciones uaprovechar las
oportunidades uexplorar nuevos horizontes uresolver las crisis
urecibir poder uaceptar la autoridad ufomentar la verdad ucontrolar
las expectativas uenfrentarse a las criticas"
@lt;DIV@gt;In these twelve chapters about leadership, Pastor Rick
Warren examines the life and ministry of Nehemiah. In his book,
Rick uses analogies and important points of view about what
well-rounded success of difficult tasks looks like. These lessons
and Biblical principles will help leaders achieve success while
maintaining their integrity and accomplishing God's plan for their