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This edition of the Bede roll of this London fraternity has been published in two volumes: the first volume contains the text of the roll and the second volume provides an index to the nearly 7000 names of those who were members of the fraternity between 1449 and 1521. These included not only the clerks themselves and their wives, but also members of the nobility and high-ranking clergy. The bulk of the membership consisted of middle-ranking Londoners whodecided the extra prayers and funeral ceremony which the parish clerks could provide. The editors have also supplied an account of the immensely popular Parish Clerks fraternity and of the ways in which it was governed and administered.
These essays examine papal teaching authority from Thomas Aquinas in the thirteenth century to the Dominican School of Salamanca in sixteenth century Spain. Fr. Ulrich Horst, O.P., an internationally renowned authority in historical theology, describes the various debates between the Dominicans and other orders over papal teaching authority, especially whether there should be limits placed on papal authority and, if so, what they might be. Horst reviews in a brief and masterful fashion the teaching of medieval and Catholic Reformation Dominican theologians about the teaching authority of the pope. He succinctly shows the differences within the order on the topic and makes clear how Dominicans tended to differ on the matter from theologians of other orders such as the Franciscans and, later, the Jesuits, whose views would eventually lead to the proclamation at Vatican I. In the first chapter, Horst discusses the canonization of St. Thomas, the lecture on the gospel of St. Matthew, and Summa Theologiae II-II 1, 10. Horst then examines the road to conflict under Pope John XXII and the position of a number of the Dominican theologians such Hervaeus Natalis, John of Naples, and Guido Terreni. In the last chapter, Horst brings to light the contributions of Francisco de Vitoria, Dominicus Sots, Melchior Cano, and Juan de la Pena, among others. Despite his distinguished career as a medievalist, little of Horst's imposing scholarly corpus has been translated into English. These lectures, then, mark an introduction of this formidable scholar to a wider audience.
Marco Politi takes us deep inside the power struggle roiling the Roman Curia and the Catholic Church worldwide, beginning with Benedict XVI, the pope who famously resigned in 2013, and intensifying with the contested and unexpected election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, archbishop of Buenos Aires, now known as Pope Francis. Politi's account balances the perspectives of Pope Francis's supporters, Benedict's sympathizers, and those disappointed members of the Catholic laity who feel alienated by the institution's secrecy, financial corruption, and refusal to modernize. Politi dramatically recounts the sexual scandals that have rocked the church and the accusations of money laundering and other financial misdeeds swirling around the Vatican and the Italian Catholic establishment. Pope Francis has tried to shine a light on these crimes, but his work has been met with resistance from entrenched factions. Politi writes of the decline in church attendance and vocations to the priesthood throughout the world as the church continues to prohibit divorced and remarried Catholics from receiving the communion wafer. He visits European parishes where women now perform the functions of missing male priests-and where the remaining parishioners would welcome the admission of women to the priesthood, if the church would allow it. Pope Francis's emphasis on pastoral compassion for all who struggle with the burden of family life has also provoked the ire of traditionalists in the Roman Curia and elsewhere. He knows from personal experience what life is like for the poor in Buenos Aires and other metropolises of the globalized world, and highlights the contrast between the vital, vibrant faith of these parishioners and the disillusionment of European Catholics. Pope Francis and his supporters are locked in a battle with the defenders of the traditional hard line and with ecclesiastical corruption. In this conflict, the future of Catholicism is at stake-and it is far from certain Francis will succeed in saving the institution from decline.
La Biblia esta repleta de personajes increibles, y Nehemias destaca de manera prominente entre ellos. Por que fue tan eficaz, tan influyente? La respuesta comienza con saber lo que Dios quiere de un lider. Del ejemplo de Nehemias, los lectores aprenderan 15 formas de liderar con proposito. Puesto que Dios es quien nos facilita todas las cosas, estas cualidades singulares estan al alcance de todo creyente. Los lectores experimentaran una satisfaccion real al tomar medidas para convertirse en un lider conforme al corazon de Dios. The Bible is filled with amazing people, and Nehemiah stands out prominently among them. What made him so effective, so influential? It starts with knowing what God desires in a leader. From Nehemiah's example, readers will learn 15 ways to lead with purpose. Because it is God who enables us, these great qualities are accessible to every believer. Readers will experience real fulfillment as they take steps toward becoming God's kind of leader.
Biblical Leadership takes the best of evangelical scholarship to make the leadership lessons of Scripture tangible for today's readers. All contributors are biblical scholars who not only think seriously about the texts covered in their individual chapters, but have committed their lives to teaching and living the truths therein. This volume walks through the sections of the Bible, gleaning insights from each biblical writer. Every chapter analyzes the original setting of the writing, extrapolates the leadership principles in the text, and provides advice on applying that theology of leadership. Presented in everyday language understandable to both professionals and practitioners, these lessons will equip current and upcoming leaders to make a Christlike impact.
Much of what men and women both think about women, gender differences, and cultural norms is remarkably under-processed. Without the benefit of intentional conversation about the barriers women face, most women are left to enter the world of leadership with inadequate awareness and resources. The acknowledgement of a woman's right to leadership is only the first step. We have not yet addressed the very common barriers women face when they enter the leadership arena, nor have we explored practical solutions to help them navigate those barriers so they can lead effectively. Women need to know that unrealistic optimism is a recipe for failure. Simply by acknowledging constraints to success, then exploring strategies to enhance leadership skills, we can help women take greater authority over their call to live out of a God-given identity and giftedness. When Women Lead is for men and women who advocate for female leadership within the Church. When women are educated about the challenges they face and are given resources to navigate beyond those challenges, their opportunity for success in ministry increases dramatically. The purpose of this book is to describe those challenges, explore practical solutions, and equip women to lead successfully and hopefully. While it is an excellent resource for women ready to enter leadership with more confidence and authority, it's also perfect for denominational leaders charged with raising up women called to leadership roles, for lay leaders who want to better understand the dynamics at work when the pastor is a woman, and for husbands, parents, and friends who desperately want to support women in their life who are living out what God has given them to do. What if the Kingdom of God is straining toward the day when all God's people are deployed in the work of the Great Commission? Women are already leading powerful movements around the world. The evangelistic explosion being documented in many closed countries is largely due to the leadership of women. Missionaries tell of the critical role of women in introducing the gospel to new groups. This book can help to equip a new generation of women to rise up with tools in hand to welcome and advance God's Kingdom on earth.
Everybody wants to be a hero, but few understand the power of being a hero maker. In Hero Maker you will learn how to bring real change to your church and community by developing the practical skills to help others reach their leadership potential. Drawing on five powerful practices found in the ministry of Jesus, Hero Maker presents the key steps of apprenticeship that will build up other leaders and provides strategies for how you can activate gifts, help others take ownership, and develop a simple scorecard for measuring your kingdom-building progress. Besides rich insights from the Gospels, Hero Maker is packed with real-life ministry stories ranging from paid staff to volunteer leaders and from established churches to new church plants. A practical tool accompanies each of the five practices, with several illustrations for how to use it. Whether you lead ten people or ten thousand, Hero Maker will not only help you maximize your leadership, but in doing so you will also help shift today's church culture to a model of reproduction and multiplication. Authors Dave Ferguson (a Chicago pastor and church planter) and Warren Bird (an award-winning writer) make a compelling case that God's power and purpose are best revealed when we train and release others, who in turn do likewise. Become that rare breed of leader who brings change into our world by sacrificially investing in others who become the heroes. By becoming a hero maker, you will join a movement of influencers that are impacting hundreds, thousands and perhaps millions of people around the world.
Coach. Entrepreneur. Mentor. Executive. Servant. Visionary. Everyone has a different idea of what a leader should be. How can any one person be everything? Scott Rodin brings unity and clarity to this confusing, demanding picture of leadership. He offers a comprehensive model that brings together a biblical understanding of holistic stewardship with the best in leadership studies. Whether in churches, not-for-profit ministries or in business the need for sound leadership is readily apparent. Drawing on his years of experience in development and fundraising and his extensive theological training, Scott Rodin offers a new paradigm--a transformational approach to leadership that is biblically sound, theologically rich and practically compelling.
Next to their "Experiencing God" classic," Spiritual Leadership" is
one of Henry and Richard Blackaby's most highly regarded and
best-selling books to date, encouraging business and church leaders
alike to follow God's biblical design for success. In fact, the
Barna Group reports that pastors list it among today's most
influential writings on the topic of how God develops, guides, and
empowers spiritual leaders.
Every leader, young or old, resonates with the dead-end feeling of not being in charge. Too often, the lack of authority paralyzes leaders, believing they must wait to be in charge until they can lead. One of the greatest myths of leadership is that you must be in charge in order to lead. Great leaders don't buy it. Great leaders lead with or without the authority to lead. Because every road of leadership forks at the intersection of authority and influence, learning to cultivate influence without authority is foundational to navigate culture today. X
Addressing some of the most dramatic and pressing issues of our time, the author studies Pope Benedict XVI's response to birth control, abortion and sexual abuse in the Church. He also charts Ratzinger's rise to power from his arrival in Rome in 1981 and addresses his close relationship with the late Pope John Paul II.
The earliest extant register for Coventry and Lichfield reveals important detail on Langton, a key political figure, treasurer of Edward I and briefly of Edward II, suspended from episcopal office by Pope Boniface VIII and twice imprisoned. This book is volume one of a calendar of the episcopal register of Bishop Walter Langton (1296-1321). Langton's register is important for two reasons: it is the earliest extant register for the medieval diocese of Coventry and Lichfield, and it has shed new light on the life of one of the period's key political figures. The register contains some folios from an earlier working register, only some entries of which have been duplicated in the definitivecopy. These have been tabulated in the introduction, which discusses the arrangement of the whole register in detail. The register contains hitherto unknown information concerning both the local and central diocesan administration, including details of the work of the papal administrators when Langton was suspended from episcopal office by Pope Boniface VIII in 1302-3. Moreover, the register has confirmed that Langton was an efficient and conscientious bishop who conducted diocesan business himself whenever possible, despite his personal vicissitudes including two terms of imprisonment, and he successfully juxtaposed his episcopal and political duties when he was Treasurer of Edward I, and later briefly Treasurer of Edward II.JILL HUGHES is a Research Fellow at the University of St Andrews.
Jeff Tacklind, pastor of Church by the Sea-a quirky, diverse congregation in Laguna Beach, California-knows from decades of ministry experience that sometimes effective leadership looks like standing in the middle of conflict, holding the tension. In The Winding Path of Transformation, Tacklind describes spiritual transformation as an invitation to paradox. By entering into suffering, he says, we find joy. By embracing the downward path of humility, we find glory. And by remaining small, sometimes we grow to great heights. Any leaders who have wondered if God really called them to lead a congregation will resonate with Tacklind's vulnerability in this honest and meditative account. So will readers who have found their own spiritual journey to be winding and halting rather than a constant ascent of growth. Tacklind draws from the natural world-trees, waves, mountains, and canyons-to bring to life the lessons that he has picked up along the way. C. S. Lewis, Henri Nouwen, Soren Kierkegaard and others all serve as guides who light the way on the winding path of following God.
After experiencing the transforming power of hearing God's voice in her own life, Rev Dr Tania Harris set out to unlock the questions Christians have debated for centuries: How does God speak? How do you know it's God? and What difference does it make to the church? As the central feature of the Spirit's outpouring at Pentecost and the grand prize of the New Covenant, the prospect of universal access to the Spirit is a powerful but pastorally sensitive concept. Drawing on insights from theology, sociology and personal testimony, Harris skilfully presents a comprehensive theology and pastoral strategy for how the church, whatever the denomination, can hear the Spirit's voice for themselves. Rev Dr Tania Harris enables church leaders to safely and effectively lead their people into a powerful experience that was intended to be a normal part of every Christian's life. Content Benefits: Rev Dr Harris helps church leaders to transform their local church into a place where everyone can hear the Spirit's voice for themselves. * Combines theology and experiential practice * Explores the relationship between Spirit and Scripture * Unpacks the challenge of Cessationism * Explains the authority of contemporary revelatory experience * Addresses the pastoral issues associated with hearing from the Spirit * Scholarly yet accessible style * Helpful for church leaders who want their congregations to hear from God * Suitable for Christian thinkers who want to understand the role of the Spirt in the Bible and today
UN ENTORNO QUE SUSTENTA VIDA, HONOR Y DESTINO En este poderoso libro repleto de revelacion, Danny Silk describe el significativo cambio de paradigma en la vida de la iglesia, del gobierno y de las relaciones que han creado y sostenido la cultura de avivamiento de la Iglesia Bethel en Redding, California. Mediante muchas y relevantes historias veridicas, retrata a la iglesia como un lugar de libertad, respeto, capacitacion y sana disciplina (no castigo). Cultura de Honor desafia el status quo de la estructura del liderazgo de la iglesia y presenta un punto de vista refrescante sobre el ministerio quintuple. Jesus reconocio este importante principio en Mateo 20:25-26, "Entonces Jesus, llamandolos, dijo: Sabeis que los gobernantes de las naciones se ensenorean de ellas, y los que son grandes ejercen sobre ellas potestad. Mas entre vosotros no sera asi, sino que el que quiera ser el primero entre vosotros sera vuestro siervo." Si los que tienen poder saben como darselo a aquellos que les rodean, entonces seguro que ocurrira que, "Venga Tu Reino, hagase Tu voluntad en la tierra asi como en el cielo." Puedes aplicar - hoy - las verdades reveladas en este practico conjunto de principios, aunque cargado de lo sobrenatural, en tu familia, lugar de trabajo, comunidad, ministerio, iglesia - alli donde trates con otras personas.
Awaken the dormant dreams in your heart and start paving a path toward freedom and healing. Sometimes life smacks us upside the head while we are looking the other way. We get knocked down and struggle to get back up. But your past struggles do not determine your future. Using the pain of her past, Nicole Crank walks you through the hurdles meant to keep you down, which will, in turn, bring you closer to God. I Will Thrive gives you the courage to look at your past and be able to declare freedom from fear--allowing a daring spirit to rise up in those who have forgotten how to be brave. This freedom awakens the fight that's inside of you to stand up to the enemy and dream again. Regardless of what happened to you or even because of you, God's plan for you always has a hope and a future, and it never changes. You'll learn to find healing and happiness in every day.
Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Finalist - Multicultural God calls Latinas to lives of influence. He created his Latina daughters to partner with him, live into the incredible plans he has for each of us, and walk in his grace and strength to help change this world. But many of us have heard cultural messages that make us doubt our adequacy. We have not seen many Latina women in positions of leadership, and we need more mentors and role models. Natalia Kohn, Noemi Vega Quinones, and Kristy Garza Robinson share their own journeys as Latinas and leaders. They find mentorship in twelve inspirational women of the Bible including Esther, Rahab, Mary, and Lydia, who navigated challenges of brokenness and suffering, being bicultural, and crossing borders. As we deepen our spiritual and ethnic identities, we grow in intimacy with God and others and become better equipped to influence others for the kingdom. The insights here will help any who seek to empower Latinas in leadership. You are not alone on this journey. Join your sisters and partner with our heavenly Father as you become the Latina leader God has called you to be.
A practical approach for leaders to guide their congregations to become more externally focused "The Externally Focused Quest: Becoming the Best Church for the Community" is designed for church leaders who want to transform their churches to become less internally focused and more oriented to the world around them. The book includes the clear guidelines on the ten changes congregations must adopt to become truly outwardly focused. This book is not about getting all churches to have an annual day of community service as a tactic but changing the core of who they are and how they see themselves as a part of their community.Outlines the ten changes needed for church leaders to transform their churchesPresents a highly practical approach that shows leaders how to become more externally focused without having to give up programs that serve membersA new volume in the popular Leadership Network Series This book reveals what it takes to make the major shift from an internal to external focus and how that affects church leadership.
Bill Robinson helps Christian leaders understand how to provide effective leadership by highlighting five qualities that characterized the leadership style of Jesus. He presents convincing arguments that when leaders emulate these qualities, they will inspire and empower the people they have been called to lead. Reflection and discussion questions and assessment questions make this ideal for group use. Conversational in tone and seasoned with real-life stories from his own successes and failures as a leader, Robinson helps Christian leaders wrestle with four questions that emerge from John's introduction of Jesus, "and the word became flesh and dwelt among us...." * Jesus dwelt with those he led, how can I be closer to those I lead? * Jesus disciples beheld him, how can I be more transparent with those I lead? * The glory of Jesus was a reflection of his father, am I seeking my own glory? * Jesus led with grace and truth, how can I lead with grace and truth? The Incarnate Leader is indispensable reading for anyone in a position of leadership - whether in a church setting, corporation, school board, or home. The book is packaged as a short one-evening read, similar to other popular business books.
Gifted - women in leadership. You would be mistaken if you thought this book was just for women. It looks at the history of women in church life and leadership, at egalitarianism and complementarism and says - women are leaders and so are men , what can we learn from each other ? It's looks at different leadership styles, gifts and skills. And it's also includes other women's stories from Margaret Sentamu and Christy Wimber to a Vicky Thompson and Bev Murrill. There are other contributors. |
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