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Books > Law > Laws of other jurisdictions & general law > Civil law (general works)
Der Autor untersucht unter Berucksichtigung der Neuerungen durch das SanInsFoG, ob die mit der drohenden Zahlungsunfahigkeit i. S. d. 18 InsO verbundenen rechtspolitischen Ziele des Gesetzgebers erreicht wurden. Dabei nimmt er zu bisher wenig beachteten Rechtsfragen im Zusammenhang mit den Eroeffnungsgrunden nach 17 ff. InsO Stellung, entwickelt eine eigene Prufungssystematik fur den Tatbestand des 18 InsO und unterbreitet einen Reformvorschlag zur Abloesung des 19 InsO. Er beleuchtet die bestehenden Anreize fur eine fruhzeitige Verfahrenseinleitung mit Fokus auf die gesetzlichen Sanierungsinstrumente sowie die Konkurrenzsituation zum StaRUG und unterbreitet fur klarungsbedurftige Einzelfragen Loesungsvorschlage. Der Autor stellt fest, dass de lege lata kaum geeignete Anreize zur Foerderung einer Verfahrenseinleitung bereits bei drohender Zahlungsunfahigkeit vorhanden sind und der Gesetzgeber daher das mit 18 InsO verfolgte Ziel nach wie vor verfehlt. Anschliessend prasentiert er konkrete Vorschlage zur Weiterentwicklung des geltenden Rechts de lege ferenda.
Although many books focus on law and economics, and environmental economics, this is one of the first to combine the two topics in a fully integrated and comprehensive manner. The authors successfully bridge the gap between the disciplines of environmental law and traditional economics in a lucid and highly accessible style. The Economic Analysis of Environmental Policy and Law covers many of the recent advances in the field and attempts to integrate some of the most crucial legal and economic instruments which, in the authors' view, have not yet been subjected to proper analysis. These include zoning, expropriation, licensing, third party liability, safety regulation, mandatory insurance and criminal sanctions. The authors pay particular attention to the interrelationships of these instruments and their various economic effects. Using a comparative law and economics methodology, they are also able to incorporate environmental law with international policy and investigate the many diverse rules of the legal system and their implementation in different countries. Crucially, the authors do not consider economics as the exclusive determinant in legal rule-making. They also highlight the need for ethical considerations and illustrate the potential limitations of pure economic analysis. The book assumes no prior knowledge of economics and will prove informative and rewarding for students of law and the social and natural sciences, especially those with an interest in environmental policy. With an extensive reference list and detailed notes on further reading material, this book will also serve as a stimulating introduction to the discipline of law and economics for environmental, political and legal practitioners.
This book includes every Supreme Court case relevant to gender and sexual equality from the Court's beginnings to the end of the 2000/2001 term. It is a primary document reference book, organized topically in eight chapters: civic and social rights and duties; educational policies and instructions; employment and careers; sexual privacy and procreative rights; morality and sexual ethics; family; gender and sexual orientation; and other issues. Every case is included either as a full (edited) version of the majority or per curium opinion, extensive excerpts of the opinion, or a detailed description of the case. Using this single volume, a researcher can see how American legal history on the topic played out in its entirety. Back matter includes a Table of Cases and an extensive bibliography of books and legal periodicals.
Das am 1. Januar 2021 in Kraft getretene chinesische Zivilgesetzbuch (ZGB) bestimmt enthalt zwei datenschutzrechtlich wichtige Vorschriften: Gemass 111 Abs. 1 ZGB wird die persoenliche Information vom Zivilrecht geschutzt und 127 ZGB bietet einen Auslegungsraum fur den Datenschutz. Um die personenbezogenen Daten weiter zu schutzen, erliess China am 1. November 2021 das erste chinesische Datenschutzgesetz. Diese Publikation konzentriert sich im Rahmen von Zivilrecht- und Datenschutzgesetz auf eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung uber ein Auslegungsmodell zum Datenschutz und -zugriff im Internetbereich.
Questions of evidence and proof are fundamental to the operation of substantive law and to our understanding of law as a social practice. The study of evidence involves issues of central concern to feminist scholars,including matters of epistemology, psychology, allocation of risk and responsibility. Debates about evidence, like debates about feminism, involve questioning ideas of rationality and truth, as well as claims to knowledge both by and about men and women. Social constructions of gender are reflected both explicitly and implicitly in evidential rules and in the way in which evidence is received and understood by judges, jurors and magistrates. Feminist evidence scholarship is a relatively new but rapidly developing field. This collection brings together previously unpublished work by feminist legal scholars from different jurisdictions. In these essays, they explore the contributions of feminist theory and methodology to the understanding of the law of evidence.
This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the illegal extraction of metals and minerals from the perspectives of organized crime theory, green criminology, anti-corruption studies, and victimology. It includes contributions that focus on organized crime-related offences, such as drug trafficking and trafficking in persons, extortion, corruption and money laundering and sheds light on the serious environmental harms caused by illegal mining. Based on a wide range of case studies from the Amazon rainforest through the Ukrainian flatlands to the desert-like savanna of Central African Republic and Australia's elevated plateaus, this book offers a unique insight into the illegal mining business and the complex relationship between organized crime, corruption, and ecocide. This is the first book-length publication on illegal extraction, trafficking in mined commodities, and ecocide associated with mining. It will appeal to scholars working on organized crime and green crime, including criminologists, sociologists, anthropologists, and legal scholars. Practitioners and the general public may welcome this comprehensive and timely publication to contemplate on resource-scarcity, security, and crime in a rapidly changing world.
A veritable feast of 1,500 quotes from more than 1,000 Supreme Court decisions, this is the first such reference devoted solely to the Supreme Court. Dating from the beginning of the Republic to the present, these excerpts provide a powerful historical overview of the mission and majesty of the Supreme Court. They are topically arranged and cover the legislative, judicial, and executive branches; states' rights; due process; free speech; equal rights; and freedom of religion. Each entry features the quote -- especially chosen for its profound, compelling, and inspirational nature; the name of the case, primary citation, year, and author; and the kind of decision (dissenting, concurring, or opinion of the Court).
The civil law systems of continental Europe, Latin America and other parts of the world, including Japan, share a common legal heritage derived from Roman law. However, it is an inheritance which has been modified and adapted over the centuries as a result of contact with Germanic legal concepts, the work of jurists in the mediaeval universities, the growth of the canon law of the western Church, the humanist scholarship of the Renaissance and the rationalism of the natural lawyers of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. This volume provides a critical appreciation of modern civilian systems by examining current rules and structures in the context of their 2,500 year development. It is not a narrative history of civil law, but an historical examination of the forces and influences which have shaped the form and the content of modern codes, as well as the legislative and judicial processes by which they are created are administered.
This book explores pathways to redress for main groups of victims/survivors of the 1992-5 Bosnian war -families of missing persons, victims of torture, survivors of sexual violence, and victims suffering physical disabilities and harm. The author traces the history of redress-making for each of these groups and shows how differently they have been treated by Bosnian authorities at the state and subnational level. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, thousands of war victims have had to suffer re-traumatising ordeals in order to secure partial redress for their suffering during 1992-1995 and after. While some, such as victims of sexual violence, have been legally recognised and offered financial and service-based compensation, others, such as victims of torture, have been recognized only recently with a clear geographical limitation. The main aim of the book is to explore the politics behind recognizing victimhood and awarding redress in a country that has been divided by instrumentalized identity cleavages, widespread patronage and debilitating war legacies. It shows how war victims/survivors navigate such fragmented and challenging public landscape in order to secure their rights.
Legal fictions are falsehoods that the law knowingly relies on. It is the most bizarre feature of our legal system; we know something is false, and we still assume it. But why do we rely on blatant falsehood? What are the implications of doing so? Should we continue to use fictions, and, if not, what is the alternative? Legal Fictions in Private Law answers these questions in an accessible and engaging manner, looking at the history of fictions, the theory of fictions, and current fictions from a practical perspective. It proposes a solution to what to do about fictions going forward, and how to decide whether they should be accepted or rejected. It addresses the latest literature and deals with the law in detail. This book is a comprehensive analysis of legal fictions in private law and a blueprint for reform.
Mediation Ethics is a groundbreaking text that offers conflict resolution professionals a much-needed resource for traversing the often disorienting landscape of ethical decision making. Edited by mediation expert Ellen Waldman, the book is filled with illustrative case studies and authoritative commentaries by mediation specialists that offer insight for handling ethical challenges with clarity and deliberateness. Waldman begins with an introductory discussion on mediation's underlying values, its regulatory codes, and emerging models of practice. Subsequent chapters treat ethical dilemmas known to vex even the most experienced practitioner: power imbalance, conflicts of interest, confidentiality, attorney misconduct, cross-cultural conflict, and more. In each chapter, Waldman analyzes the competing values at stake and introduces a challenging case, which is followed by commentaries by leading mediation scholars who discuss how they would handle the case and why. Waldman concludes each chapter with a synthesis that interprets the commentators' points of agreement and explains how different operating premises lead to different visions of what an ethical mediator should do in a given case setting. Evaluative, facilitative, narrative, and transformative mediators are all represented. Together, the commentaries showcase the vast diversity that characterizes the field today and reveal the link between mediator philosophy, method, and process of ethical deliberation. Commentaries by Harold Abramson Phyllis Bernard John Bickerman Melissa Brodrick Dorothy J. Della Noce Dan Dozier Bill Eddy Susan Nauss Exon Gregory Firestone Dwight Golann Art Hinshaw Jeremy Lack Carol B. Liebman Lela P. Love Julie Macfarlane Carrie Menkel-Meadow Bruce E. Meyerson Michael Moffitt Forrest S. Mosten Jacqueline Nolan-Haley Bruce Pardy Charles Pou Mary Radford R. Wayne Thorpe John Winslade Roger Wolf Susan M. Yates
The central argument of this book explores the disillusionment that Australians feel with regard to the way politics is conducted. The book explores causes of that disillusionment, and argues that because these are ultimately traceable to defects in the constitution, it is only through constitutional reform that government can be improved. This book argues that the current approach to constitutional debate suffers from the flaw of being anti-theoretical, in the sense that it is not grounded in any set of values, and is afflicted by a tendency to consider practical objections to reform before considering the moral case for it. This book argues that instead of accepting the constitution as it is, it is time we began to discuss how it ought to be, taking human dignity as the fundamental value upon which a constitution should be based. It then puts the case for change in a number of areas, including reform of the electoral system, enhanced parliamentary scrutiny of the executive, the inclusion in the constitution of a full bill of rights, the abolition of the federal system, realisation of the rights of Indigenous people, codification of constitutional conventions either in conjunction with or separately from an Australian republic, reform of the rules of standing in constitutional matters and, finally, the need to improve civics education. This book is designed to be provocative in the way that it directly challenges current academic orthodoxy. This book also outlines a proposed draft new constitution. This book will be of interest to anyone who is concerned about how Australia is governed and why it has been so difficult to achieve constitutional reform.
The debate concerning the desirability and modes of harmonisation of European Private Law (EPL) has, until now, been mainly concerned with substantive rules. The link between rules and institutions suggests that governance of both the process of harmonisation and its outcome is necessary. This book covers various perspectives on the challenge of designing governance for EPL: the implications of a multi-level system in terms of competences, the interplay between market integration and regulation, the legitimacy of private law making, the importance of self-regulation, the usefulness of conflict of law rules, the role of intergovernmental institutions, and the aftermath of enlargement. In addressing these, the book's achievements are to successfully link two areas of scholarship that have so far remained separate, EPL and new modes of governance, and to address institutional reforms. The contributions offer different proposals to improve governance: the creation of a European Law institute, the improvement of judicial cooperation among national courts, the use of committees for implementation of EPL. Suggesting practical institutional reforms that can improve the process of Europeanisation of private law, this book will be of great interest to scholars of law, politics, political science, sociology and economics. It will also appeal to policymakers, and members of both European institutions and national institutions dealing with European matters.
This collection critically discusses the increasing significance of Asian States in the field of international investment law and policy. Consisting of contributions authored by a leading team of scholars and practitioners of international investment law, this volume contains analyses of both national and multilateral investment law rule-making in Asia, including a critical discussion of certain States' approaches to balancing the different tension between investment protection and the preservation of States' regulatory sovereignty. It also contains thematic chapters on cutting-edge developments which are of relevance to Asia as well as the global community, such as investors' obligations of due diligence, additional transparency in treaty-based investment arbitration responses by ASEAN member States to transboundary haze pollution, and the relevance of human rights obligations in international investment law. It also contemplates future possibilities for investor-State dispute settlement, including the use of investor-State mediation in view of the Singapore Convention on Mediation.
This is a collection of 1500 quotes from more than 1000 Supreme Court decisions. These excerpts, dating from the beginning of the Republic, are arranged to include the legislative, judicial, and executive branches; states' rights; due process; free speech; equal rights; and freedom of religion.
This volume provides a unique overview of methodologies that are conducive to a successful legal transplant in East Asia and Oceania. Each chapter is drafted by a scholar who holds direct professional experience on the legal transplant considered and has a distinctive insight into the pragmatic difficulties related to grafting an alien institution into a legal tradition. The range of transplants includes the implementation of contractual obligations, the regulation of commercial investments and the protection of the environment. The majority of recent legal reforms in these geographical areas have aimed at improving national economic performance and fostering trade and have been directly inspired by European and North American institutional experiences. There is also, however, a tendency to couple economic reforms, aimed at attracting foreign investment, with constitutional reforms that improve the protection of individual rights, the environment and the rule of law.
This work is the first systematic discussion of arbitration from a constitutional perspective, covering the most important types of arbitration, including domestic arbitration in private law, international commercial arbitration, investment treaty arbitration, and state-to-state arbitration. Victor Ferreres Comella argues for the recognition of a constitutional right to arbitration in the private sphere and discusses the constraints that the state is entitled to place on this right. He also explores the conditions under which investment treaty arbitration is constitutionally legitimate, and highlights the shortcomings of international adjudication from a constitutional perspective. The rich landscape of arbitration is explained in clear language, avoiding unnecessary technical jargon. Using examples drawn from a wide variety of domains, Ferreres bridges the gap between constitutional and arbitral theory.
Taking a fresh and modern approach to the subject, this fully revised and restructured textbook provides everything necessary to gain a good understanding of international commercial litigation. Adopting a comparative stance, it provides extensive coverage of US and Commonwealth law, in addition to the core areas of English and EU law. Extracts from key cases and legislative acts are designed to meet the practical requirements of litigators as well as explaining the ideas behind legal provisions. Significant updates include coverage of new case-law from the Court of Justice of the European Union. Of particular importance has been a set of judgments on jurisdiction in tort for pure financial loss, many of which have involved investment loss. New case law from the English courts, including the Supreme Court, and from the Supreme Court of the United States, is also covered.
This sixth volume in the Oxford Law Colloquium Series adopts the format of a collection of essays by leading academics, each with a response from a practitioner offering an insight into how the different elements of this subject are dealt with in practice. Beginning with a discussion of compensatory damages, the first Part then turns to limitations on compensation, and concludes with a re-evaluation of the SAAMCO principle. The second Part examines restitution and punishment, with particular focus on proprietary restitution for unjust enrichment and the restitution of profits made by a breach of contract. The final Part looks at how the law on agreed remedies might develop, analyses the impact of the Human Rights Act 1993 on litigation between private parties, and concludes with a consideration of commercial remedies in the conflict of laws. This is a highly topical area of law and Commercial Remedies makes a significant contribution to the debate. |
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