Books > Law > Laws of other jurisdictions & general law > Civil law (general works)
Das Buch liefert eine handbuchartige, rechtsvergleichende
Darstellung der in einem internationalen
Wirtschaftsschiedsverfahren auftretenden Rechtsprobleme, mit denen
sich der Praktiker im Hinblick auf die standige Zunahme derartiger
Verfahren immer wieder konfrontiert sieht. Der Autor legt dabei
besonderes Gewicht auf die Verknupfung verfahrens- und
materiellrechtlicher Aspekte.Der Verfasser untersucht neben den in
der Schweiz und in den Niederlanden erlassenen Schiedsgesetzen auch
das UNCITRAL-Modellgesetz fur die internationale
Handelsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit. Neben diesen Gesetzen werden die
UNCITRAL-Schiedsordnung sowie die Schiedsordnungen der Zurcher
Handelskammer und des Niederlandischen Schiedsgerichtsinstituts
analysiert.Im Interesse der Benutzerfreundlichkeit fur den
Praktiker sind die besprochenen Gesetze und Schiedsordnungen sowie
die entsprechenden Musterschiedsklauseln und die New Yorker
Konvention uber die Anerkennung und Vollstreckung auslandischer
Schiedsspruche im Anhang abgedruckt."
Das IPR-Gesetz 1986 hat sowohl das Schiedsverfahrensrecht als auch
das vom Schiedsgericht anzuwendende Kollisionsrecht geAndert. Die
Rechtsprechung hat zu bedeutsamen Streitfragen der
Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit Stellung bezogen. Die Schiedsordnungen sind
teilweise grundlegenden Revisionen unterzogen worden. Weitere
Staaten sind dem UN-Aoebereinkommen beigetreten, in anderen ist die
Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit neu geregelt worden. Die
Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit hat die staatliche Gerichtsbarkeit national
und international in verschiedenen Bereichen zurA1/4ckgedrAngt.Die
Darstellung des deutschen Schiedsverfahrens fA1/4hrt anhand eines
Falles durch sAmtliche Stationen und bietetdem Benutzer
verlAssliche Leitlinien fA1/4r seine Dispositionen. Das
internationale Schiedsverfahren berA1/4cksichtigt neben dem
autonomen Recht die zahlreichen StaatsvertrAge und bringt eine
LAnderA1/4bersicht A1/4ber die Durchsetzbarkeit deutscher
SchiedssprA1/4che im Ausland. Die wesentlichen nationalen und
internationalen Schiedsgerichtsinstitutionen und
Musterschiedsordnungen werden eingehend dargestellt.
With the introduction of the Rome I Regulation, new legislation has
become effective in International Contract Law in Europe and
Germany. The latest developments are now commented on in best
Staudinger quality and thoroughness. This most extensive commentary
on the Rome I Regulation also examines questions of detail such as
the choice-of-venue and arbitration agreements that are important
for daily practice. In addition, particular consideration is
devoted to the latest revisions regarding consumer protection for
special areas and compulsory insurance contracts in the
Introductory Law to the German Civil Code (EGBGB, Articles 46b and
(German, Hardcover, 7th 7., Vollig Neu Bearbeitete Auflage, Reprint 2020 ed.)
Karl Hans Barz, Peter Behrens, Reinhard Goerdeler, Ulrich Klug, Hans-Joachim Mertens, …
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Despite the centrality of the contributory negligence doctrine in
practice, almost nothing is known about how it functions in
reality. The authors, seeking to fill this deficit in
understanding, have undertaken a wide-ranging empirical study of
how the doctrine is handled by the courts. They report their
methodology and findings in this volume, framing their discussion
within the law of contributory negligence. The study is based on
572 first instance decisions on contributory negligence from across
the United Kingdom decided between 2000 and 2016, and 129 appellate
decisions handed down in the same period. The analysis considers
the operation of the contributory negligence doctrine at first
instance and on appeal, and in a range of contextual settings,
including road accidents, accidents at work, and professional
negligence claims. The authors also consider how the study can be
used to inform future developments in this area of law. Substantial
appendices set out the key data on which the book is based,
enabling academics to utilize the dataset in their own research and
allowing practitioners to compare their cases easily with
previously decided claims.
Evidence Concentrate is written and designed to help you succeed.
Written by experts and covering all key topics, Concentrate guides
go above and beyond, not only consolidating your learning but
focusing your revision and maximising your exam performance. Each
guide includes revision tips, advice on how to achieve extra marks,
and a thorough and focused breakdown of the key topics and cases.
Revision guides you can rely on: trusted by lecturers, loved by
students... "I am hugely impressed by this little textbook on the
substance: it does a better and clearer job at explaining key
issues than many of the core texts." - Dr Eleni Frantziou,
Associate Professor in Public Law & Human Rights, Durham
University "The Concentrate books are my favourite revision guides
as the quality of the information is always more comprehensive than
others." Carly Hatchard, law student, University of Bolton "This
revision guide is excellent ... I would certainly recommend it as a
revision aid" - Claudia Carr, Principal Lecturer, Hertfordshire Law
School, University of Hertfordshire "The Concentrate structure is
extremely good, it makes it so much easier to revise ... no key
information is left out, it's a great series." Emma Wainwright, law
student, Oxford Brookes University "A really good overview of the
key themes, tensions, and debates ... encourages students to go
that bit further to increase their chances of scoring better in the
assessment." - Professor Nicola Glover-Thomas, Professor of Law,
University of Manchester "I have always used OUP revision and
Q&A books and genuinely believe they have helped me get better
grades" - Anthony Poole, law student, Swansea University
"Undoubtedly a good resource ... I would certainly recommend it as
additional material for modules assessed by examination." - Dr Ben
Stanford, School of Law, Liverpool John Moores University "The
detail in this revision textbook is phenomenal and is just what is
needed to push your exam preparation to the next level" - Stephanie
Lomas, law student, University of Central Lancashire Take it
online: The 7th edition is available in paperback, or e-book and is
supported by extensive online resources to take your learning
further. Visit www.oup.com/lawrevision/ for expert revision and
study advice, self-test questions and answers, flashcard key cases
and glossary and outline answers to questions from the book.
This book explores the performance of compensation law in
addressing the needs of the injured. Compensation procedure can be
dangerous to your health and may fail to compensate without
aggravation/creating other problems. This book takes a refreshing
and insightful approach to the law of compensation considering,
from an interdisciplinary perspective, the actual effect of
compensation law on people seeking compensation. Tort law, workers'
compensation, medical law, industrial injury law and other schemes
are examined and unintended consequences for injured people are
considered. These include ongoing physical and mental illness,
failure to rehabilitate, the impact on social security
entitlements, medical care as well as the impact on those who serve
- the lawyers, administrators, medical practitioners etc. All are
explored in this timely and fascinating book. The contributors
include lawyers, psychologists, and medical practitioners from
multiple jurisdictions including Australia, the Netherlands,
Canada, Italy and the UK.
This volume considers the right to claim for return by the
impoverished donor according to 528 BGB (German Civil Code), which
has increasingly shifted into the spotlight and represents an
important intersection of civil and social law. While adhering to
the highest academic requirements, this work remains focused on the
needs of those in practice - whether it be in the form of a
creditor with the right of recourse, the affected attorney
specialized in inheritance law, social law or administrative law -
and provides case presentations for orientation."
The regulation of cross border civil and commercial litigation is a
burgeoning EU policy area. Legislative measures and other
initiatives now provide a framework for the regulation of
cross-border service of documents, obtaining evidence, establishing
jurisdiction and enforcement of judgments, enforcement orders,
legal aid, alternative dispute resolution, payment orders, and
small claims. In addition, overarching measures have been enacted
including the creation a judicial network and judicial training
This book offers the first detailed analysis of the EU's activity
in procedural harmonization, spanning civil procedure, private
international law and European law. The book situates the
development of the policy area and its regulation in relation to
broader themes of the European integration process: market
building, citizenship, fundamental rights, subsidiarity and
governance. It provides a detailed analysis of the legislative
measures and assesses their impact on fundamental principles of
civil justice, including due process rights. The case-law in the
area is also analyzed, including the introduction of the principle
of mutual recognition. The book concludes with a comparative
analysis of the EU's approach with broader international efforts
for procedural harmonization.
Innovative initiatives for online arbitration are needed to aid in
resolving cross-border commercial and consumer disputes in the EU,
UK, US and China. This book provides a comparative study of online
dispute resolution (ODR) systems and a model of best practices,
taking into consideration the features and characteristics of
various practical experiences/examples of ODR services and
technological development for ODR systems and platforms. The book
begins with a theoretical approach, looking into the challenges in
the use of online arbitration in commercial transactions and
analysing the potential adoption of technology-assisted arbitration
(e.g. Basic ODR systems and Intelligent/Advanced ODR systems) in
resolving certain types of international commercial and consumer
disputes. It then investigates the legal obstacles to adopting ODR
by examining the compatibility of technology with current
legislation and regulatory development. Finally, it suggests
appropriate legal and technological measures to promote the
recognition of ODR, in particular online arbitration, for
cross-border commercial and consumer disputes. By exploring both
the theoretical framework and the practical considerations of
online arbitration, this book will be a vital reference for
lawyers, policy-makers, government officials, industry
professionals and academics who are involved with online
China and its neighbours face a series of water security issues, in
which international law plays a vital role. Paramount to both
policymakers and researchers in the field of water law, the current
status of transboundary water cooperation schemes and how these
operate in China is of global significance. Grounded in
international experience, this comprehensive volume provides
readers with an up-to-date overview of current international
transboundary water resource sharing policies and practices,
including detailed case studies at both domestic and international
levels. The authors discuss existing international laws, treaties,
and principles that may stimulate transboundary water cooperation
and dialogue, and then analyse a number of international
experiences with treaties in North America, Eastern Europe, and
Central Asia. They take stock of China's water resource issues,
legal practices and options, examine case studies of China's
southern shared rivers, and explore some innovative approaches to
cooperative management of shared waters within China. The articles
in this book were originally published in the journal Water