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Books > Law > Laws of other jurisdictions & general law > Civil law (general works)
The aim of this book is to provide a helpful guide for practitioners in the magistrates' and county courts to the realities of conducting a successful case. The revised text includes the latest developments in all areas of the law of evidence, including confessions and the Codes of Practice, character and similar-fact evidence, the evidence of children and the use of written witness statements in civil cases.;References are made to the changes that may be introduced by the Criminal Justice and Public Order Bill. Peter Murphy has also written " A Practical Approach to Evidence" and was co-author of "Cases and Materials on Evidence."
The articles selected for this volume draw on game theory, political science, psychology, sociology and anthropology to consider how the process of dispute resolution is altered, challenged and made more complex by the presence of multiple parties and/or multiple issues. The volume explores issues of coalition formation, defection, collaboration, commitments, voting practices, and joint decision making in settings of increasing human complexity. Also included are examples of concrete uses of deliberative democracy processes taken from new applications of complex dispute resolution theory and practice. The selected essays represent the latest theoretical advances and challenges in the field and demonstrate attempts to use dispute resolution theory in a wide variety of settings such as political decision making and policy formation; regulatory matters; environmental disputes; healthcare; community disputes; constitutional formation; and in many other controversial issues in the polity.
This volume considers the application of dispute resolution theory and practice to international conflicts and explores the uses of formal processes such as diplomacy or treaty formation, as well as more informal processes such as multiple-track private negotiations or peace workshops. The volume also presents materials on more innovative forms of complex transnational or sub-national conflict resolution, such as transitional and restorative justice institutions and processes, both formal (truth and reconciliation commissions) and indigenous and informal (Rwandan gacaca). The articles are selected from both public and private international law settings and query whether universal principles of multi-national dispute resolution are possible or whether each conflict is likely to be sui generis or requiring deep contextual analysis and integrity. They also explore the dialogic, as well as dialectical, relationships in the development of conflict resolution theory and practice in multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary settings and show that the application of dispute resolution theories from multiple sources and cultures (both Western and Eastern, as well as Northern and Southern) to multiple sites of conflicts (including courts, tribunals and other forms of dispute resolution at different levels and from multiple jurisdictions) raises important dilemmas of universalism and particularism in international conflict resolution.
Eine der Kernaufgaben des Insolvenzverwalters bzw. Sachwalters besteht in der Ruckabwicklung von vorinsolvenzlichen Vermoegensverfugungen nach den 129 ff. InsO. Bei Interessenkollisionen kann indes ein Unterlassen der Insolvenzanfechtung fur den Verwalter opportun erscheinen. Dann kommt zum einen eine zivilrechtliche Schadensersatzpflicht in Betracht. Zum anderen steht eine Untreue- und Bankrottstrafbarkeit im Raum. Der Autor setzt sich in dieser Publikation mit der Strafbarkeit des Verwalters aufgrund der pflichtwidrig unterlassenen Anfechtung - unter umfassender Berucksichtigung der insolvenzrechtlichen Hintergrunde - auseinander. Im Anschluss an die materiell-rechtliche Beurteilung geht der Autor auf die strafprozessualen Schwierigkeiten bei der Beweisaufnahme und -wurdigung ein.
The law of Equity, a latecomer to the field of private law theory, raises fundamental questions about the relationships between law and morality, the nature of rights, and the extent to which we are willing to compromise on the rule of law ideal to achieve social goals. In this volume, leading scholars come together to address these and other questions about underlying principles of Equity and its relationship to the common law: What relationships, if any, are there between the legal, philosophical, and moral senses of 'equity'? Does Equity form a second-order constraint on law? If so, is its operation at odds with the rule of law? Do the various theories of Equity require some kind of separation of law and equity-and, if they do, what kind of separation? The volume further sheds light on some of the most topical questions of jurisprudence that are embedded in the debate around 'fusion'. A noteworthy addition to the Philosophical Foundations series, this volume is an important contribution to an ongoing debate, and will be of value to students and scholars across the discipline.
Ohne VertrAge wAre die Juristerei und das gesamte Wirtschaftsleben nicht vorstellbar. Und kein Jura-Student kommt am Schuldrecht vorbei. In diesem Buch geht es um den Besonderen Teil des Schuldrechts und damit um VertrAge und die Rechte und Pflichten, die mit ihnen verbunden sind. Tobias Huep geht auf unterschiedliche VertrAge ein: Von KaufvertrAgen A1/4ber MietvertrAge, Dienst- und WerkleistungsvertrAge bis hin zu ArbeitsvertrAgen. Auch gesetzliche SchuldverhAltnisse, fA1/4r die kein Vertrag erforderlich ist, lAsst er nicht auA en vor. Aufgenommen sind bereits die aktuellen und praxisrelevanten Neuerungen im Pauschalreiserecht und der erstmalig geregelte Bauvertrag.
Jill Elaine Hasday's Intimate Lies and the Law won the Scribes Book Award from the American Society of Legal Writers "for the best work of legal scholarship published during the previous year" and the Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Award for Family and Relationships. Intimacy and deception are often entangled. People deceive to lure someone into a relationship or to keep her there, to drain an intimate's bank account or to use her to acquire government benefits, to control an intimate or to resist domination, or to capture myriad other advantages. No subject is immune from deception in dating, sex, marriage, and family life. Intimates can lie or otherwise intentionally mislead each other about anything and everything. Suppose you discover that an intimate has deceived you and inflicted severe-even life-altering-financial, physical, or emotional harm. After the initial shock and sadness, you might wonder whether the law will help you secure redress. But the legal system refuses to help most people deceived within an intimate relationship. Courts and legislatures have shielded this persistent and pervasive source of injury, routinely denying deceived intimates access to the remedies that are available for deceit in other contexts. Intimate Lies and the Law is the first book that systematically examines deception in intimate relationships and uncovers the hidden body of law governing this duplicity. Hasday argues that the law has placed too much emphasis on protecting intimate deceivers and too little importance on helping the people they deceive. The law can and should do more to recognize, prevent, and redress the injuries that intimate deception can inflict.
Practical Guide to Evidence provides a clear and readable account of the law of evidence, acknowledging the importance of arguments about facts and principles as well as rules. This fifth edition has been revised and updated to address recent changes in the law and debates on controversial topics such as surveillance and human rights. Coverage of expert evidence has also been expanded to include forensic evidence, bringing the text right up-to-date. Including enhanced pedagogical support such as chapter summaries, further reading advice and self-test exercises, this leading textbook can be used on both undergraduate and professional courses.
'How much for my leg?' This is an apparently simple question that someone might ask their lawyer after sustaining a wrongful injury to the said limb. But, in Scotland, no fixed answer can be given. Nor can any official range of possible figures be given. Only after some serious professional work, perhaps taking many hours, can a range of figures be suggested. This study of the assessment of non-pecuniary damages for personal injury reviews the state of current approaches in Scotland, considers the conclusions of the Gill Report and compares differing approaches in jurisdictions worldwide, before presenting possible options for reform.
Regressfragen sind sowohl juristisch als auch wirtschaftlich von grosser Bedeutung und bilden die Grundlage fur vermehrte Diskussionen in Literatur und Rechtsprechung. Wiederholt wird dabei die Frage diskutiert, ob der Regress eines Disziplinarmittels aufgrund einer drohenden Zweckverfehlung ausgeschlossen sein muss. Zur Untersuchung dieser Frage betrachtet der Autor die entsprechenden Konstellationen im Verbands-, Kartell- und Datenschutzrecht. Anschliessend stellt er die Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede der Konstellationen dar und formuliert einen allgemeingultigen Ansatz anhand des deutschen Schadensrechts. Abschliessend gibt der Autor einen Ausblick auf den Regierungsentwurf zu einem Verbandssanktionengesetz.
This book deals with the interconnection between the Brussels I Recast and Rome I Regulations and addresses the question of uniform interpretation. A consistent understanding of scope and provisions is suggested by the preamble of the Rome I Regulation. Without doubt, it is fair to presume that the same terms bear the same meaning throughout the Regulations. The author takes a closer look at the Regulations' systems, guiding principles, and their balance of flexibility and legal certainty. He starts from the premise that such analysis should prove particularly rewarding as both legal acts have their specific DNA: The Brussels I Recast Regulation has a procedural focus when it governs the allocation of jurisdiction and the free circulation of judgments. The multilateral rules under the Rome I Regulation, by contrast, are animated by conflict of laws methods and focus on the delimitation of legal systems. This fourth volume in the Short Studies in Private International Law Series is primarily aimed at legal academics in private international law and advanced students. But it should also prove an intriguing read for legal practitioners in international litigation. Christoph Schmon is a legal expert in the fields of Private International Law, Consumer Law, and Digital Rights. After serving in research positions at academic institutes in Vienna and London, he focused on EU policy and law making. He is appointed expert of advisory groups to the EU Commission.
Eine Personengesellschaft, die am Rechtsverkehr teilnimmt, ist im Zivilprozess unabhangig von ihren Gesellschaftern parteifahig. Ziel der Publikation war die Klarung der Frage, inwieweit ein Urteil, das im Passivprozess fur oder gegen die Personengesellschaft bzw. ihre Gesellschafter ergeht, auch massgeblich fur die jeweils nicht am Prozess beteiligte Partei ist. Die Untersuchung erfolgte fallgruppenweise anhand einer Interessenabwagung im Rahmen der normativen Vorgaben. Dabei war neben den Interessen von Gesellschaft und Gesellschaftern stets auch das Interesse des Gesellschaftsglaubigers zu berucksichtigen. Die Untersuchung hat ergeben, dass die prozessuale Reprasentation der nicht am Erstprozess beteiligten Partei massgeblich fur die Entscheidung uber eine Rechtskrafterstreckung ist.
As a Facebook moderator, Chris Gray made a living looking at graphically violent images and reviewing some of the internet's most toxic debates. Following a short training induction, he was responsible for deciding what material could remain online and what needed to be removed. Years later, the psychological trauma of the things he had seen hit him like a ton of bricks. He was eventually diagnosed with PTSD. In this eye-opening book, Chris recounts his quest to hold the behemoth Facebook to account for his PTSD - a journey that would ultimately lead him to take legal action against one of the world's most powerful corporations. The Moderator is both a story of the mental health fallout from this very new type of job and an exploration of some of the most important questions in the 21st century: when everybody has a direct communications channel with everybody else in the world, what should people be allowed to say, when is it okay to silence them - and who decides?
Die Zahl der Kartellverfahren ist konstant, obgleich die Hoehe der verhangten Bussgelder seit langem ansteigt. Der Autor greift diesen Umstand der mangelnden Rechtsbefolgung auf und untersucht, ob und inwieweit der kartellrechtliche Schadensersatzanspruch Abhilfe schaffen kann. Er betrachet die Passivlegitimation von Managern, um praventiv eine bessere Verhaltenssteuerung zu erreichen und beleuchtet oekonomische Aspekte zur persoenlichen Haftung. Anschliessend behandelt er die Kernfrage der Passivlegitimation im Kartelldeliktsrecht und stellt dogmatische Grundlagen dar. Zudem werden weitere Fragen wie die enthaftende Wirkung von Compliance-Systemen, der Gesamtschuldnerausgleich zwischen Unternehmen und Manager sowie weitere Moeglichkeiten der Haftungsreduzierung des Managers untersucht.
Der Band behandelt die Entstehung der polnischen Verfassung vom 3. Mai 1791 und widmet sich hierbei insbesondere den im Polen des 18. Jahrhunderts geltenden Menschenrechten und der Situation der Bevoelkerung. Der Autor untersucht hierzu verschiedene Aspekte der damaligen politischen und gesellschaftlichen Situation und analysiert das aussen- und innenpolitische, wirtschaftliche und kulturelle Umfeld, dass die Entstehung der Verfassung beeinflusste. Er vergleicht zudem die Entstehung anderer Landerverfassungen und zeigt die Grunde auf, warum die polnische Verfassung vom 3. Mai 1791 bereits 1793 wieder ausser Kraft gesetzt wurde.
A comprehensive collection of effective litigation reports on a variety of subjects Accounting, financial, appraisal, and economic experts called upon to provide expert testimony in legal proceedings need reliable models for the critical documents they will submit to the court. Litigation Support Report Writing collects eighteen exemplary reports from a variety of financial topics, providing professionals a comprehensive resource on this vital function. Jack Friedman and Roman Weil’s unique guide shows report writers how to make the best use of their time, how to delegate report findings effectively and efficiently, and how to ensure their report’s thoroughness and completeness. Topics covered include:
A Web site www.wiley.com/go/friedman offers four additional reports. This authoritative collection proves the premier resource to litigation reporting on the market today.
This book focuses on the tactics and strategies used in business-to-business contract negotiations. In addition to outlining general negotiation concepts, techniques and tools, it provides insight into relevant framework conditions, underlying mechanisms and also presents generally occurring terms and problems. Moreover, different negotiating styles are illustrated using an exemplary presentation of negotiation peculiarities in China, the USA and Germany. The presented tactics and strategies combine interdisciplinary psychological and economic knowledge as well as findings from the field of communication science. The application scope of these tactics and strategies covers business-to-business negotiations as well as company-internal negotiations. The fact that this book does not necessarily stipulate any prior knowledge of the subject of negotiations also makes it highly suitable for nonprofessionals with a pronounced interested in negotiations. Nonetheless, it provides proficient negotiators with a deeper understanding for situations experienced in negotiations. This book also helps practioners to identify underlying mechanisms and on this basis sustainably improve their negotiation skills.
Durch weltweite grosse Finanzskandale haben sich die Zeiten des bequemen und quasi nicht haftenden Aufsichtsrates auch in Deutschland geandert. Der Gesetzgeber und die Rechtsprechung stellen heute hohe Anforderungen bezuglich der Professionalisierung des Aufsichtsrates, womit die Gefahr einer Inanspruchnahme von Aufsichtsratsmitgliedern steigt. Der Autor gibt einen UEberblick uber die UEberwachungs- und Verfolgungspflichten des Aufsichtsrates und dessen Haftung bei Pflichtverstoessen. Auf Grund der Gefahr einer existenzvernichtenden Haftung setzt er sich abschliessend mit allgemeinen Reformvorschlagen zur Organhaftung der Literatur auseinander und bezieht diese explizit auf den Aufsichtsrat.
This book focuses on the legal systems of the late-developing countries of ASEAN (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam, often referred to as the CLMV countries). These nations are apt to be placed in an economically disadvantageous situation within the opportunity of communalization of legal systems being advanced by the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) launched in 2015, and the book clarifies the dynamics of the changes within these legal systems. Concurrently, there is an intention to analyze the "legal system development support" that has continued to be provided to these countries since the mid-1990s via international development support from international organizations and developed countries including Japan. In particular, the emphasis has been on the area of civil law, where the main subject of Japan's support has been centered on the civil code and civil procedure code. The legal system of the recipient country is complicated by the crisscrossing of the remnants of previous eras, from the inherent laws that have existed since before colonization, the laws of the colonial powers that were introduced during the colonial era (French law in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam; English law in Myanmar), the influence of socialist law after independence from colonization, and the path of modern industrialization and development, such that one country's legal system is the combination of all of these influences. For the reader to understand the dynamics of these changing laws, each chapter of the book combines two methodological perspectives. The first is to ascertain the spatial range as to how far the civil law extends across social phenomena. The second is a historical perspective in which the trends in legal changes will be understood on a time axis. |
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