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Books > Law > Laws of other jurisdictions & general law > Civil law (general works)
Now updated with everything you need to know about the Scots Law of Delict. Recognising the multi-faceted nature of the Scots law of delict, this new edition provides a truly comprehensive guide to the law. With numerous case studies and clear illustration of key concepts, this is essential reading for all students encountering delict for the first time as well as practitioners who require a ready reference for their practice.
Understanding how to resolve conflicts between private parties is essential for Australian lawyers. Civil Dispute Resolution: Balancing Themes and Theory presents a comprehensive framework within which both civil procedure and alternative dispute resolution are addressed. This framework, based on balancing competing objectives of dispute resolution, simplifies and explains the many aspects of resolving disagreements between private parties. The book guides readers through every aspect of civil dispute resolution including the interaction between negotiation, mediation, arbitration and litigation as means to resolve civil disputes and the many stages of litigation, from the commencement of proceedings through to judgment and enforcement. The balancing themes are applied to demystify the resolution of civil disputes, including the role of specialist courts and tribunals, alternatives to court, pleadings, gathering documentary and witness evidence, legal costs, and trial preparation and attendance.
Dieses Buch wendet sich an Studierende der Rechtswissenschaft, insbesondere im Schwerpunktstudium Zivilprozessrecht und Familienrecht, sowie an Rechtsreferendare. Die Darstellung will Verstandnis fur die Aufgaben und die Funktionsweise von zivilgerichtlichen Verfahren wecken. Die Grundstrukturen des Zivilprozesses, die Besonderheiten des familiengerichtlichen Verbundverfahrens in Ehescheidungssachen und die Problemstellungen nichtstreitiger Verfahren von Kindschafts- und Nachlassgerichts- bis hin zu Grundbuchverfahren werden angesprochen. Ein wesentliches Augenmerk wird auf verfahrensrechtliche Fragen gelegt, die im Zusammenhang des Insolvenzrechts auftreten. Verfahrensrechtliche Institute werden dabei im Zusammenhang ihres Sinnbezugs auf das materielle Zivilrecht eroertert.
Bei der medizinischen Behandlung des Patienten im Krankenhaus kommen in einem Schadensfall regelmassig mehrere Haftungsgegner in Betracht: selbstliquidierende Chefarzte, angestellte Krankenhausarzte, Belegarzte oder der Krankenhaustrager selbst. Gerade auch das U.S.-amerikanische Recht kennt ahnliche Probleme. Dieser Rechtsunsicherheit versucht das Konzept der "medical enterprise liability" entgegen zu wirken, indem es grundsatzlich die Haftung fur sowohl von angestellten AErzten als auch von "independent contractors" fahrlassig verursachte Schaden auf den Krankenhaustrager ubertragt und gleichzeitig den behandelnden Arzt von der Haftung freistellt. Es wird untersucht, ob die "medical enterprise liability" etwa fur das deutsche Recht zweckmassig und mit dem deutschen Recht vereinbar ist.
This edition is an affordable, all-purpose resource designed to support any classroom text. It provides up-to-date versions of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, Rules of Procedure of the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation, habeas corpus rules, Rules of the Supreme Court of the United States, Federal Rules of Evidence, and the U.S. Constitution. Pending rule amendments are presented through interlineation, permitting users to see the pending amendments as a markup to the text of the current rules.
Diese Arbeit untersucht die in 256 Abs. 2 ZPO normierte Zwischenfeststellungsklage. Das Ziel der Arbeit besteht darin, die Prozessvoraussetzungen und den gegenuber der prinzipalen Feststellungsklage eigenstandigen Anwendungsbereich dieses Instituts herauszuarbeiten. Trotz des engen Zusammenhangs mit den - in Literatur und Rechtsprechung haufig umstrittenen - Grenzen der Rechtskraft, widmen sich nur wenige wissenschaftliche Beitrage einer naheren Untersuchung der Zwischenfeststellungsklage. Der Autor will dazu beitragen, diesem Institut des Prozessrechts - nicht zuletzt in seiner forensischen Handhabung - mehr Geltung zu verschaffen und so zu einer Diskussion anregen, die neueren Entwicklungen in der Rechtskraftlehre einer praktikablen Loesung zuzufuhren.
Der europaische ordre public ist seit mehr als einer Dekade Gegenstand der rechtswissenschaftlichen Diskussion. Im Zusammenhang mit der fortschreitenden Europaisierung des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts wird die Frage beantwortet, ob ein Kernbereich des europaischen ordre public ermittelt werden kann und wie sich das Verhaltnis der Vorbehaltsklausel im Hinblick auf den nationalen ordre public der Mitgliedsstaaten darstellt. Die Studie berucksichtigt dabei auch die Veranderungen durch den Vertrag von Lissabon. Am Beispiel eines Landerberichts stellt die Autorin die Perspektive des Rechts von England und Wales auf die europaische Vorbehaltsklausel dar. Im Anschluss eroertert sie die Moeglichkeit der Abschaffung des ordre public im Binnenmarkt.
Am 16. August 2012 trat die neue Europaische Erbrechtsverordnung in Kraft. Gerade im Zustandigkeitsbereich weicht die Verordnung von dem seit dem 1. September 2009 in Deutschland geltenden Prinzip ab, dass sich die internationale Zustandigkeit nach der oertlichen Zustandigkeit richtet. Die Verordnung greift vielmehr auf ein ahnlich paralleles Gebilde wie den Gleichlaufgrundsatz zuruck, der bis zum 1. September 2009 in Deutschland galt: Nach der Erbrechtsverordnung bestimmen sich internationale Zustandigkeit und anzuwendendes Recht grundsatzlich nach dem letzten gewoehnlichen Aufenthalt des Erblassers. Die Arbeit untersucht die Vor- und Nachteile der deutschen Regelungen und des europaischen Systems, um Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede aufzudecken.
Death in Custody considers the participation of bereaved families in an inquest following a death in custody. It looks at the legal frameworks governing participation, as well as relevant theories of justice, participation, procedural fairness and grief theory. Interviews were carried out with people with personal experience of complex inquests, including bereaved family members. Participation can provide families with redress and allow them to represent the deceased, as well as being an important part of their grief process. It also helps to ensure a fair process, which has a positive impact on accountability and legitimacy. Family participation improves accountability by maximising the chance of achieving the right outcome via scrutiny, therefore identifying failures. Families also brings balance to the process, provide vital information about the deceased as well as helping to ensure that lessons are learned that will prevent future deaths. Death in Custody shows that procedural justice theory is relevant for participation in processes investigating human rights violations. It includes key recommendations on how to ensure participation can be fair and effective.
Civil Procedure Rules at 20 is a collection of presentations and papers to mark the 20th anniversary of the CPR coming into force, many of which were delivered orally at the CPR at 20 Conference at the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, at Mansfield College, Oxford, in 2019. The presentations and papers have been edited and extended to provide a permanent record available to a wider audience. The book is dedicated to examining key challenges and changes facing the civil justice system, marking the 20th anniversary of the current civil procedures governing civil litigation in England and Wales. It addresses a range of technical, political, and controversial subjects on access to justice and the rules governing civil litigation, including the digitization of the justice system and the future role of artificial intelligence; the emergence of class actions; disclosure rules and reform; restrictions on Judicial Review challenges to Government decisions; closed material proceedings; and efforts to make the costs of civil litigation more affordable and proportional, including the availability of legal aid. With a Foreword by Lord Briggs, the contributions come from those best qualified to tell this story, from senior judges, practitioners, and leading academic scholars each with their own unique perspective.
Using original empirical data and critiquing existing research, Samia Bano explores the experience of British Muslim woman who use Shari'ah councils to resolve marital disputes. She challenges the language of community rights and claims for legal autonomy in matters of family law showing how law and community can empower as well as restrict women.
For over a century states have co-operated in providing evidence for use in civil trials in other countries. The growth of international crimes such as drug-trafficking, money-laundering, terrorism, and insider-trading now pose a substantial threat to the economies and stability of states, and governments and international organizations have been quick to expand past experience into a variety of responses - both diplomatic and institutional - to the new international crimes. This book sets out the law applicable to co-operation between states in these areas, and investigates the relevant practice and case law. It discusses both the civil and criminal dimensions of international co-operation. The new edition incorporates the vast number of developments that have taken place since the previous edition published in 2002, including the European Union's resolve to build an area of freedom, security, and justice, and the recent major update of the Commonwealth Scheme.
The lawsuit is the cornerstone of the civil justice system in America, and an open court the foundation of American jurisprudence. In a public setting, we resolve disputes, determine liability, and compensate injuries. In recent decades, however, more civil disputes have been resolved out of court and the outcomes have been kept secret. Fewer than 5 percent of the tens of millions of injury claims annually are actually resolved through a public trial with a jury, and the vast majority are settled out of court or through private forums, such as mediation or arbitration, with undisclosed terms. Some argue that the confidentiality of the system keeps it working efficiently and fairly; others argue that the public is being denied information about hazards that may cause harm and that a public system with no data lacks oversight. This collection of essays by leading legal scholars is the first book to approach the issue in a multidisciplinary, nonpartisan, and empirical manner. The essays provide empirical analyses and case studies of the impact of greater disclosure on various aspects of the system, ranging from settlement values to fraud, and propose several novel prescriptions for reform. With special attention to the emergence of modern mass litigation, the authors identify a number of benefits to increasing access to information, including decreased fraud, improved public understanding and confidence in the system, and lower transactions costs. The authors make policy recommendations-such as expanding access to existing databases and using technology to create new databases-that increase transparency while protecting the need for privacy.
Die Arbeit untersucht die Regelungen der 217 ff. InsO auf ihren Reformbedarf, was die Stellung der Gesellschafter im Insolvenzplanverfahren angeht. Deren vergleichsweise starke Position ist ihrer wirtschaftlichen Situation unangemessen und kann sich bei der Sanierung insolventer Gesellschaften als Hemmnis erweisen. Soll das Planverfahren eine ernstzunehmende Alternative in der Insolvenz der Gesellschaft sein, scheint ein Abschied von der gesellschaftsrechtlichen Enthaltsamkeit der InsO unumganglich. Die Untersuchung legt dar, unter welchen Voraussetzungen sich Eingriffe in Gesellschafterrechte im Planverfahren rechtfertigen lassen und zeigt konkrete Loesungsansatze auf. Vor dem Hintergrund des Regierungsentwurfs zu einem Gesetz zur weiteren Erleichterung der Sanierung von Unternehmen (ESUG) ist die Problemstellung von hoechster Aktualitat.
In Unmarried Couples, Law, and Public Policy, Cynthia Grant Bowman
explores legal recognition of opposite-sex cohabiting couples in
the United States. Unmarried cohabitation has increased at a
phenomenal rate in the U.S. over the last few decades, but the law
has not responded to the legal issues raised by this new family
form. Although a majority of cohabiting unions dissolve within the
first two years, many are longer in term and function like other
families; a large number of children also reside in these
households. If one partner dies, is injured, or leaves the family,
the remaining family members are left in an extremely vulnerable
position in almost every state without any type of survivors'
benefits, compensation for loss of a wage-earning partner, or
remedies similar to those available upon dissolution of a marriage.
Gender equality is a modern ideal, which has only recently, with the expansion of human rights and feminist discourses, become inherent to generally accepted conceptions of justice. In Islam, as in other religious traditions, the idea of equality between men and women was neither central to notions of justice nor part of the juristic landscape, and Muslim jurists did not begin to address it until the twentieth century. The personal status of Muslim men, women and children continues to be defined by understandings of Islamic law codified and adapted by modern nation-states that assume authority to be the natural prerogative of men, that disadvantage women and that are prone to abuse. This volume argues that effective and sustainable reform of these laws and practices requires engagement with their religious rationales from within the tradition. Gender and Equality in Muslim Family Law offers a groundbreaking analysis of family law, based on fieldwork in family courts, and illuminated by insights from distinguished clerics and scholars of Islam from Morocco, Egypt, Iran, Pakistan and Indonesia, as well as by the experience of human rights and women s rights activists. It explores how male authority is sustained through law and court practice in different contexts, the consequences for women and the family, and the demands made by Muslim women s groups. The book argues for women's full equality before the law by re-examining the jurisprudential and theological arguments for male guardianship (qiwama, wilaya) in Islamic legal tradition. Using contemporary examples from various contexts, from Morocco to Malaysia, this volume presents an informative and vital analysis of these societies and gender relations within them. It unpicks the complex and often contradictory attitudes towards Muslim family law, and the ways in which justice and ethics are conceived in the Islamic tradition. The book offers a new framework for rethinking old formulations so as to reflect contemporary realities and understandings of justice, ethics and gender rights. "
Gregor Schmieder befasst sich in seiner Arbeit zunachst umfassend mit den Grundstrukturen zivilrechtlicher Beseitigungshaftung und findet dabei Verbindendes. Er leitet drei dogmatische Determinanten fur den Anwendungsbereich des lauterkeitsrechtlichen Beseitigungsanspruchs in seinem spezifisch verbraucherschutzenden Wirkbereich her. Dieses Fundament bildet den Rahmen fur eine nahere Konkretisierung von Inhalt und Haftungsarchitektur des verbraucherschutzenden Beseitigungsanspruchs des Lauterkeitsrechts sowie seiner Verortung im System lauterkeitsrechtlicher Rechtsdurchsetzung zum einen, im System zivilrechtlicher Beseitigungshaftung zum anderen. Der Begriff des Folgenbeseitigungsanspruchs wird im Zuge dessen entmystifiziert. Destillat der Auseinandersetzung mit den dogmatischen Grundlagen verbraucherschutzender Beseitigungshaftung im Lauterkeitsrecht ist der Nachweis der Fortgeltung des Regulierungsansatzes des Informationsmodells auf der Ebene der Durchsetzung des Rechts. Das Informationsmodell auf der Durchsetzungsebene ist ein Regulierungsansatz, den es zu verfolgen lohnt. Bereits jetzt findet dieser Regulierungsansatz in den einzelnen Fallgruppen verbraucherschutzender Beseitigungshaftung einen Anwendungsbereich.
Das prozessrechtliche Institut des amicus curiae ("Freund des Gerichts") hat insbesondere seit den 1990er Jahren eine Internationalisierung erfahren und Eingang in das Voelkerverfahrensrecht gefunden. Dieses Buch legt eine umfassende empirische Bestandsaufnahme der amicus curiae-Praxis einer reprasentativen Auswahl internationaler Gerichte vor und greift die organisierte Zivilgesellschaft als pragende Akteurin heraus. Unter Berucksichtigung gerichtsspezifischer Besonderheiten umfasst die Bestandsaufnahme die Rechtsgrundlagen und Beweggrunde sowie die bisherige Zulassungs- und Berucksichtigungspraxis und soll den theoretisch-konzeptionellen Debatten eine praktische Perspektive gegenuberstellen. Die anschliessende gerichtsvergleichende Betrachtung veranschaulicht den vor internationalen Gerichten etablierten Verfahrensstandard, den Einfluss der Stellungnahmen zivilgesellschaftlicher Organisationen auf die Rechtsprechung der internationalen Gerichte sowie die Arten, Funktionen und Potentiale zivilgesellschaftlicher amici curiae in internationalen Gerichtsverfahren.
Over the past few years the European Community has been active in establishing rules of civil jurisdiction. This book provides a comprehensive treatment of the three main instruments for implementing these rules: Brussels I (covering jurisdiction in civil and commercial matters), Brussels IIbis (jurisdiction in matters of divorce and parental responsibility) and the Insolvency Regulation. The Regulations were drawn up from the point of view of the European Community and the facilitation of co-operation between the Member States. However, legal practice shows that disputes, whether of a commercial or family nature, are not always neatly restricted to being either within the competence of the EU, or entirely outside the EU. When a single dispute might fall into the jurisdiction of either EU Member States or third States, the exact scope of application of the Regulations is uncertain. This book covers the background and development of civil jurisdiction rules in the European Union, analysing the three main regulations on civil jurisdiction, and the effect that the application of these rules has on parties domiciled or habitually resident outside the EU, particularly with regard to the recognition and enforcement of judgments made within the EU in external jurisdictions. There is analysis of case law and practical problems which have arisen, or might arise, in disputes where there is a conflict of laws between an EU Member State and a third State, for example involving the rules of the domicile of the defendant, exclusive jurisdiction, forum clauses, and procedural rules such as forum non conveniens and lis pendens. It will also examine the external competences of the European Community in the field of civil jurisdiction with regard to the ECJ Lugano Opinion and the far-reaching implications of this ruling for possible future conventions, both for the EU and for third states who will now have to negotiate with the European Community as a whole, and not with a collection of states.
Immer haufiger tritt die Forderung nach einer umfassenden Reform des geltenden Abstammungsrechts auf. Die Autorin greift diese Forderung auf und untersucht ausgehend von der Mutterschaft, 1591 BGB, die diversen Herausforderungen, denen sich eine Reform des Abstammungsrechts stellen muss. Sie uberpruft, welche abstammungsrechtlichen Prinzipien gelten sollten und welchen verfassungsrechtlichen und interdisziplinaren Massstaben eine Neugestaltung gerecht werden muss. Nach einer Darstellung und Bewertung bereits vorliegender Reformvorschlage prasentiert die Autorin eigene wertvolle Reformanstoesse. Dabei pladiert sie insbesondere fur ein weniger geschlechtsbezogenes Verstandnis der Elternschaft und einen Bedeutungsgewinn der intendierten Elternschaft.
Foundations of Private Law is a treatise on the Western law of property, contract, tort and unjust enrichment in both common law systems and civil law systems. The thesis of the book is that underlying these fields of law are common principles, and that these principles can be used to explain the history and development of these areas. These underlying common principles are matters of common sense, which were given their archetypal expression by older jurists who wrote in the Aristotelian tradition. These principles shaped the development of Western law but can resolve legal problems which these older writers did not confront. |
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