Books > Law > Laws of other jurisdictions & general law > Civil law (general works)
Das Sachenrecht ist ein zentraler Bereich der zivilrechtlichen
Examensvorbereitung. Der Autor vermittelt alle mit dem Recht der
beweglichen Sachen sowie dem Grundstucksrecht in Verbindung
stehenden Prinzipien auf Grundlage der historischen Entwicklung in
systematischem Zusammenhang: auf studentische Bedurfnisse
zugeschnitten und mit Argumentationshilfen fur die jeweiligen
Grunde. Anspruchsvolle Anfanger und Fortgeschrittene erhalten hier
eine hervorragende Unterstutzung, den schwierigen Stoff anschaulich
und tiefgehend zu bewaltigen. Der Autor hat das Buch uberarbeitet
und dem aktuellsten Stand der Rechtsprechung und Literatur
Trusted by generations of students and litigators, A Practical
Approach to Civil Procedure is a classic text which guides you
through the maze of procedural requirements utilized by the civil
courts. Written by an expert in the field, and co-editor of
Blackstone's Civil Practice, this book is unrivalled in its detail
of the various stages of a civil claim, making it essential reading
for students and newly qualified litigators alike. Taking a
thoroughly practical focus throughout, the book charts the progress
of a typical civil litigation claim, from funding litigation and
issuing and serving proceedings, through to trial, enforcement, and
appeal. Full coverage of alternative dispute resolution is also
included. Relevant sample documentation is featured throughout and
introduces the reader to the forms and documents which will be
encountered in practice, while key point summaries featured at the
end of chapters highlight the essential points covered. Digital
formats and resources This edition is available for students and
institutions to purchase in a variety of formats, and is supported
by online resources. Access to a digital version of this book comes
with every purchase to enable a more flexible learning experience -
12 months' access to this title on Oxford Learning Link will be
available from 15 July 2022. Access must be redeemed by 1 August
2024. - The online resources include a range of web links to key
related sources to support students looking to read around the
subject and develop their understanding.
Ulf Haakon Dammann stellt den Umgang mit mangelnder Zahlungsmoral
im taglichen Geschaftsverkehr ubersichtlich und kompakt vor.
Schnell gewinnt der Leser einen UEberblick uber moegliche und
erforderliche Schritte, um zu seinem Recht zu kommen und die
Leistung eines saumigen Schuldners zu erwirken. Der Autor:
Dipl.-Jur. Ulf Haakon Dammann ist freiberuflicher Dozent und
Bildungsreferent in der Erstausbildung fur Pflegeberufe sowie in
der Fortbildung fur AErzte.
The third edition of The Principles of the Law of Restitution
brings this widely cited and influential volume fully up to date.
It has been substantially rewritten to reflect the significant
changes in the law of restitution and the expansion in the
theoretical and critical commentary on the subject. Following
important decisions of the Supreme Court and other courts,
large-scale changes have been made to the chapters on enrichment,
at the expense of the claimant, mistake, claims against public
authorities, and change of position. Additionally, this edition
contains a new chapter on the operation of juridical bars on
restitutionary claims. References to developments in other
jurisdictions have been expanded for this edition, reflecting the
significance of these changes and how they assist in the
interpretation of English law and provide a basis for criticising
that law. Further, in the light of leading cases and the
contributions of restitutionary scholars around the world, the
author's views on specific controversial debates about the ambit,
function, and interpretation of the subject have changed, sometimes
radically. One significant aspect of the book remains unchanged:
the book continues to focus on the identification and analysis of
the principles which underpin the law of restitution as a whole,
but with reference to its three distinct parts: unjust enrichment,
restitution for wrongs, and the vindication of property rights.
This approach provides the reader with a peerless guide to the law
of restitution.
The vitality or, alternatively, vitiation of the international
arbitral process remains a pressing subject. The explosion of
inter-State, investor-State, and international commercial
arbitration in recent years magnifies the importance of the
subject. This second edition combines the historical analysis of
the first edition with a survey of the continued salience and
contemporary developments for each of the three problems
identified: (i) the severability of the arbitration agreement; (ii)
denial of justice (and now other possible breaches of international
law) by governmental negation of arbitration; and (iii) the
authority of truncated international arbitral tribunals. The
international arbitral process continues to be fortified against
unilateral attempts to derail it and, to that end, this book will
be a valuable guide for practitioners and scholars alike.
Wie sozial gerecht ist Wohnraum? Sollen Mieter, die in nicht gut
gedammten Wohnungen leben, dafur zahlen, dass sie aufgrund dessen
mehr Energie verbrauchen und hoehere Energiekosten haben? Mussen
externalisierte Kosten der Energiegewinnung und -verteilung nicht
zukunftig internalisiert werden? Der ganzheitliche
Umweltgerechtigkeitsansatz impliziert auch
Gesundheitsgerechtigkeit. Das heisst, sowohl sozialraumliche
Gegebenheiten als auch sozioekonomische Belange sind im
Zusammenhang mit der Energieeffizienz von Wohngebauden und der
Energieversorgung einzubeziehen. Die Problematiken, die sich daraus
ergeben, sind nicht mit den aktuell ublichen Transferleistungen fur
Einkommensschwache zu loesen. Erforderlich sind stadtplanerische
Instrumente gepaart mit politischem Willen, wie energieeffiziente
Sanierung von Wohnbauten und Stadtquartieren, Vermeidung von
Raumreduktion und den damit verbundenen siedlungshygienischen und
stadtklimatischen Beeinflussungen der Gesundheit der Bewohner.
Notwendig ist auch das Einbinden von wegeoekonomischen
Mobilitatskonzepten in den Bestand der Verkehrswege.
Dieses Lehrbuch erklart das examensrelevante
Zwangsvollstreckungsrecht einfach und verstandlich. Ausfuhrlich
dargestellt werden Standardprobleme, die regelmassig Gegenstand von
Klausuren sind. Ein besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf aktuellen
Praxisfragen, die sich als Prufungsthema anbieten. Zahlreiche
Beispiele und Grafiken veranschaulichen den Stoff. Die
buchbegleitenden PDF-Mindmaps sind im Internet kostenfrei abrufbar
(https://bit.ly/2VQQyU0). Zusammen mit dem Buch zeigen sie, wo im
Prufungsschema ein Thema zu verorten ist. Daruber hinaus enthalt
das Buch zahlreiche Formulierungsvorschlage sowie Klausurtipps. Es
ist fur beide Staatsexamen sowie den universitaren
Schwerpunktbereich gleichermassen geeignet. Fur das Referendariat
besonders relevante Themen sind entsprechend gekennzeichnet. In die
Ausfuhrungen eingeflossen sind die umfangreichen Erfahrungen des
Autors als Examensprufer, Dozent und Richter.
Das Bereicherungsrecht zahlt zu den undurchsichtigsten und
schwierigsten Kapiteln des Schuldrechts, hat dabei aber erhebliche
Examensrelevanz. Die Neuauflage arbeitet die tragenden
Grundgedanken des Kondiktionenrechts deduktiv heraus und entwickelt
daraus die fur das Verstandnis relevanten Grundsatze. Sie gibt
Studenten eine Orientierungshilfe und ermoeglicht es ihnen, sich
mit uberschaubarem Aufwand auf Klausuren und mundliche Prufungen
vorzubereiten. Im Interesse der UEbersichtlichkeit und Klarheit
verzichtet sie auf eine breite Darstellung des Literaturstreites.
Aktualisiert und dem neuesten Stand der Rechtsprechung und
Literatur angepasst.
The new edition of this leading work continues to provide full
analysis of the legal and practical aspects arising in trusts
disputes, with attention to jurisdiction-specific issues covering
ten of the most relevant territories. Since the last edition the
law has developed at a fast pace and trust disputes continue to
increase as international trusts reach the second, third and
sometimes fourth generation of beneficiary. In particular, there
have been changes made to the law of succession in England and
Wales (Intestacy Rules 2014) and case law such as Ilott v The Blue
Cross [2017] which consider the implications for family provision
under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act
1975. Developments relating to the position of trusts in
matrimonial disputes are analysed and the issues for trust disputes
and rights to information under The Data Protection Act (Dawson
Damer v Taylor Wessing [2017]) are also included. Other important
case law which is now considered include Pitt v Holt, re Futter
[2013] and the development of the law of mistake thereafter, and
the Pugachev litigation on sham trusts. International Trust
Disputes provides a comprehensive and thorough treatment of this
topic. Acting as a specialist guide for practitioners, it offers a
survey of the special considerations that may arise with regard to
trust disputes as well as a definitive guide to the issues which
may be encountered in the jurisdictions where disputes are most
likely to take place.
Christopher Hahn vermittelt einen Einblick in die Grundzuge des
Moderechts. Die Kreation von Modekollektionen ist ein
zeitaufwendiger und kostspieliger Prozess fur Designer und
Produzenten. Alle Akteure der Modeindustrie sehen sich im Rahmen
ihrer Geschaftstatigkeit mit Rechtsfragen aus unterschiedlichen
Gebieten konfrontiert. Der bestmoegliche und nachhaltige Schutz von
Modeerzeugnissen ist nur ein wichtiges Element fur den
langfristigen Erfolg. Neben den grundsatzlichen rechtlichen
Fragestellungen zur Herstellung und zum Vertrieb von
Modeerzeugnissen werden in diesem essential die rechtlichen
Querschnittsmaterien mit Bezug zu Modeprodukten dargestellt. Der
Autor erlautert die rechtlichen Besonderheiten des marken- und
designrechtlichen Gestaltungsschutzes ebenso wie Fragen der
rechtlichen Ausgestaltung von Kooperationen mit den Akteuren der
kreativen Wertschoepfungskette (Designer, Models, Influencer). Der
Autor: Dr. Christopher Hahn ist als Wirtschaftsanwalt in Berlin und
Munchen vor allem im Bereich Unternehmensrecht aktiv. Zu seinen
Mandanten gehoeren neben Designern auch namhafte Unternehmen der
Modeindustrie. Daneben ist er selbst als Business Angel an
Modeunternehmen beteiligt.
Nach Anspruchsgrundlagen geordnet werden die tatbestandlichen
Voraussetzungen aller relevanten Anspruche von Auftraggebern und
Auftragnehmern von Planungs-, Objektuberwachungs-,
Projektleistungs- und Projektsteuerungsleistungen dargestellt.
Ablaufdiagramme und graphische Erlauterungen bieten dem Leser einen
schnellen UEberblick und praxisnahe Hilfestellungen. Die
vorliegende 2. Auflage berucksichtigt das zum 1. Januar 2018
reformierte Werkvertragsrecht des BGB.
Equity & Trusts: Text, Cases, and Materials provides a
comprehensive guide to trusts and equity in a single volume.
Drawing on a judiciously balanced selection of case extracts,
journal articles, and academic writing, Davies and Virgo present
their authoritative commentary on the law with clarity and rigour.
The text guides students through the key legal principles of each
case, utilizing supporting learning features to highlight important
aspects and help develop students' independent research skills.
Central Issues boxes introduce each chapter to identify the key
themes examined and scenario-based questions frame the law in a
practical context, encouraging students to think creatively around
the subject and assess their own understanding. This text offers a
holistic approach to the study of equity and trusts. Using their
unrivalled teaching experience, the authors bring together an
expertly selected collection of cases and legal scholarship to
present a text that is firmly student-focused, enabling students to
fully grasp the key concepts and achieve the best possible results.
Online Resources Supporting answer guidance to the end of chapter
questions is offered online.
Damages are a topic of central importance in international
arbitration, being very often the principal concern of the parties,
and an indication of the performance of their counsel. They are
also one of the most complex topics. This book addresses the many
competing factors that contribute to their nature and amount: while
they are compensatory, they may be subject to counterclaims and
set-offs, affected by failures to mitigate, or inflated by
considerations such as interest and costs. Specialist evidence is
relied on to complete composite calculations, taking into account
such evasive factors as the destruction of market value,
uncertainty of future revenues, projected interest rate changes,
and lost dividends. The lack of understanding of the underlying
considerations, methods such as "splitting the baby", or dogmas
such as the misinterpreted "efficient breach of contract", combined
with the already high level of burden of proof, can make successful
damages claims or properly reasoned awards difficult to achieve.
This book provides in-depth analysis of the legal, financial, and
economic issues involved in the preparation of claims and arbitral
awards for damages and loss of income, for the breach of complex
long-term contracts in international arbitration. The authors
address matters such as the but-for method and the reconstruction
of the hypothetical course of events as well as the quantification
of damages. It provides a detailed coverage of issues arising when
structuring, arbitrating, or making an award on damages, making it
a valuable reference for practitioners in the field. It includes a
number of leading cases (including commercial and investment
arbitrations), focusing on the damages analysis for breach of
The IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International
Arbitration (the 'Rules') are used in the majority of international
arbitration cases, regardless of the administering institution or
the legal background of the parties. The updated Rules were adopted
in 2010 and provide mechanisms for the presentation of documents,
witnesses of fact, expert witnesses, inspections, and the conduct
of evidentiary hearings. They are widely accepted by the
arbitration community and have become an international applicable
standard. That said, the Rules are at times unclear and open to
interpretation, leading to potential disputes as to how they should
be applied in practice. This book provides a comprehensive,
article-by-article commentary on the Rules, pulling together in one
volume an in-depth analysis of the relevant case law, reports of
the IBA working groups, academic authorities, and the authors' own
practical experience. The authors offer practical guidance on
issues that frequently arise in practice and advise practitioners
on how the Rules can be applied to advance or defend particular
propositions. They also analyze how the Rules work in tandem with
other applicable provisions, such as the UNCITRAL Model Law, and
include practical templates and checklists that practitioners can
use to support their daily practice.