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Books > Social sciences > Sociology, social studies > Social work > Counselling
Intersections of Privilege and Otherness in Counselling and Psychotherapy presents an in-depth understanding of the role of privilege, and of the unconscious experience of privilege and difference within the world of counselling and psychotherapy. To address the absence of the exploration of the unconscious experience of privilege within counselling and psychotherapy, the book not only presents an exploration of intersectional difference, but also discusses the deeper unconscious understanding of difference, and how privilege plays a role in the construction of otherness. It does so by utilising material from both within the world of psychotherapy, and from the fields of post-colonial theory, feminist discourse, and other theoretical areas of relevance. The book also offers an exploration and understanding of intersectionality and how this impacts upon our conscious and unconscious exploration of privilege and otherness. With theoretically underpinned, and inherently practical psychotherapeutic case studies, this book will serve as a guidebook for counsellors and psychotherapists.
Men's Accounts of Boarding School is a collection of writings by men about their childhood experiences of being sent away to boarding school. In these narratives, the men discuss their feelings through their years at school and how this has affected them in adulthood. They give individual views of how living away from home, in an institutional setting, has impacted on their lives. Much has been written about the adverse effects of early separation and broken attachments, and these men illustrate this research in their accounts. This book will be insightful and useful reading for therapists working with the issues of Boarding School Syndrome, as well as former boarders.
Discover the practical skills for helping others. Whether you are considering becoming a counsellor, have to provide some form of counselling as part of your job, or are simply interested in communicating well, Counselling Skills For Dummies provides the perfect introduction to the practical basics of counselling. Starting with a thorough guide to the qualities, knowledge and skills needed to become a listening helper , the book goes on to provide a framework for a counselling session, helping you to successfully manage a potentially daunting process. Counselling Skills For Dummies, 2nd Edition: * Illustrates how you can create a positive relationship between listener and speaker * Teaches you how to structure a helping conversation * Explains how asking the right questions are important to the progression of the relationship between speaker and listener * Shows how you can better understand yourself, which is a crucial step in ensuring that you break down your own barriers to listening
This book provides social workers, outreach clinicians, case
managers, and concerned community members with a pretreatment guide
for assisting homeless couples, youth, and single adults. The
inter-relationship between Homeless Outreach and Housing First is
examined in detail to inform program development and hands on
practice. "Pretreatment Guide for Homeless Outreach & Housing
First" shares five detailed case studies from the field to
elucidate effective ways of helping and to demonstrate how the most
vulnerable among us can overcome trauma and homelessness.
The Handbook of University and Professional Careers in School Psychology is a comprehensive resource for school psychologists in doctoral training or currently appointed to positions in universities and other clinical professional settings. Across 30 unique chapters, experts in the field offer diverse, experienced perspectives on accessing resources, building skills, navigating difficult experiences, and flourishing in all major facets of the profession. The book places special emphasis on development throughout the career lifespan and the empowerment of women, people of color, and scholars from outside of the United States.
This accessible text provides trainee human service providers and those currently working in the field with a comprehensive, cutting-edge overview of topics related to the medical and therapeutic use of cannabis. Employing an interdisciplinary, biopsychosocial framework, the book explores the different biological, cultural, and policy contexts of medical cannabis from a wide range of perspectives including practitioners, academics, and medical cannabis advocates. This book bridges the gap between theory and practice and underscores the urgent need for expanded and rigorous scientific research as medical cannabis is increasingly legalized, that may result in new cannabis-based medicines and help in identifying what health risks cannabis use may present. Chapters are both evidence-based and practical, weaving in learning objectives, review questions, and varied case examples, all of which will prepare students and professionals for the reality of working with medical cannabis consumers.
At the time group analysis was emerging in the United Kingdom through the ideas of S. H. Foulkes, one of his followers, Eduardo Luis Cortesao, returned to Portugal and founded the Portuguese Society of Groupanalysis, with the first group-analytic Symposium taking place in Estoril, Portugal, in 1970. In this vital new book, an impressive collection of contributors demonstrate how group analysis in Portugal has always embraced the relational paradigm that has become central to contemporary psychoanalysis. The Portuguese school of groupanalysis, through several of its senior members, has contributed to many of the organizations responsible for the development of group analysis, such as EGATIN, IAGP and GASi. Nevertheless some of the concepts and variations of the Portuguese school of groupanalysis tend to be unknown to the English speaker. Their focus is on the "pattern", allowing transformation of each patient's personal matrix, working through primitive relational failures and paving the way to new beginnings, always in a transgenerational group context. This book will be of tremendous importance to psychotherapists working in group analysis around the world.
International Family Therapy brings the international plane and its emphasis on the global community of states to systemic family therapy. Informed by a coherent, multilateral perspective, each chapter covers a specific topic, including: discussions on the basis of state sovereignty and the role of international human rights law; the concept of human security and psychosocial risk to vulnerable populations; and the international economics and trade of public mental health initiatives for families across the globe. Written in an accessible style and peppered with vignettes and descriptive case examples, the text encourages the reader to better understand and implement family systems approaches from the perspective of the international system, with a focus on cultural considerations and best practice throughout. Combining key theoretical tenets of family therapy and essential knowledge of international relations relevant to global mental health, International Family Therapy is an essential guide for family therapy practitioners interested in working internationally.
International Family Therapy brings the international plane and its emphasis on the global community of states to systemic family therapy. Informed by a coherent, multilateral perspective, each chapter covers a specific topic, including: discussions on the basis of state sovereignty and the role of international human rights law; the concept of human security and psychosocial risk to vulnerable populations; and the international economics and trade of public mental health initiatives for families across the globe. Written in an accessible style and peppered with vignettes and descriptive case examples, the text encourages the reader to better understand and implement family systems approaches from the perspective of the international system, with a focus on cultural considerations and best practice throughout. Combining key theoretical tenets of family therapy and essential knowledge of international relations relevant to global mental health, International Family Therapy is an essential guide for family therapy practitioners interested in working internationally.
Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy: 100 Key Points and Techniques presents 100 main features of rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT) to help therapists improve their practice. This new edition has been updated throughout to take account of changes in the field and to be more consistent with the ideas of the authors, which have been derived from their experience as trainers and supervisors of novice rational emotive behaviour therapists. Beginning with an introduction outlining the basics of the approach, this book offers thorough coverage of all the vital topics including: working alliance issues educational issues dealing with misconceptions about REBT encouraging clients to work at change dealing with obstacles to change using REBT creatively. This concise and highly practical book will be invaluable to psychotherapists and counsellors in training and practice, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the REBT approach.
At the time group analysis was emerging in the United Kingdom through the ideas of S. H. Foulkes, one of his followers, Eduardo Luis Cortesao, returned to Portugal and founded the Portuguese Society of Groupanalysis, with the first group-analytic Symposium taking place in Estoril, Portugal, in 1970. In this vital new book, an impressive collection of contributors demonstrate how group analysis in Portugal has always embraced the relational paradigm that has become central to contemporary psychoanalysis. The Portuguese school of groupanalysis, through several of its senior members, has contributed to many of the organizations responsible for the development of group analysis, such as EGATIN, IAGP and GASi. Nevertheless some of the concepts and variations of the Portuguese school of groupanalysis tend to be unknown to the English speaker. Their focus is on the "pattern", allowing transformation of each patient's personal matrix, working through primitive relational failures and paving the way to new beginnings, always in a transgenerational group context. This book will be of tremendous importance to psychotherapists working in group analysis around the world.
Unhealthy or maladaptive shame is believed by many to be the root cause of a diverse range of mental health problems. If we want to offer a more reparative healing to people contending with these psychological issues, we must ultimately trace back and resolve their underlying shame. This book offers researchers practitioners and students a balance of theoretical and empirical evidence for a practical approach in shame-informed counselling and psychotherapy approach. Drawing on empirical field study evidence on shame, and making references to both Western and Eastern literature on the subject, Ng advocates that shame-informed interventions be applied following or alongside the contemporary counselling modalities and protocols. Using his 15 years' professional practice in the field, he offers a shame-informed counselling and psychotherapy approach which aims not merely to help the individual cope with or suppress the shame as commonly advocated in current literature, but also deals with its roots through the restructuring of core beliefs and early memories.
Winner, ICQI 2022 Outstanding Qualitative Book Award In Writing the Self in Bereavement: A Story of Love, Spousal Loss, and Resilience, Reinekke Lengelle uses her abilities as a researcher, poet, and professor of therapeutic writing to tell a heartfelt and fearless story about her grief after the death of her spouse and the year and a half following his diagnosis, illness, and passing. This book powerfully demonstrates that writing can be a companion in bereavement. It uses and explains the latest research on coming to terms with spousal loss without being prescriptive. Integrated with this contemporary research are stories, poetry, and reflections on writing as a therapeutic process. The author unflinchingly explores a number of themes that are underrepresented in existing resources: how one deals with anger associated with loss, what a healthy response might be to unfinished business with the deceased, continuing conversations with the beloved (even for agnostics and atheists), ongoing sexual desire, and secondary losses. As a rare book where an author successfully combines a personal story, heart-rending poetry, up-to-date research on grief, and an evocative exploration of taboo topics in the context of widowhood, Writing the Self in Bereavement is uniquely valuable for those grieving a spouse or other loved one, those supporting others in bereavement, and those interested in the healing power of poetry and life writing. Researchers on death and dying, grief counsellors, and autoethnographers will also benefit from reading this resonant resource on love and loss.
In this book Christine Murray carefully weaves her personal experiences as a survivor with her professional expertise as a counselor, community advocate, and researcher into a comprehensive guidebook for survivors of abuse. Moving forward after suffering abuse at the hands of someone who is supposed to love and care for you is no easy feat. And yet, healing and recovering from past abuse is possible, and the journey to get there can be an empowering opportunity for growth. Triumph Over Abuse provides a road map for doing more than simply moving on from the past. Filled with accessible case studies and exercises, the book offers extensive practical guidance on a range of topics, such as building coping skills, surrounding yourself with the right kinds of support, working through traumatic memories, and channeling your experience into helping others and making a difference in the world. The book will inspire and equip survivors of abuse to build full, meaningful lives despite the trauma they have faced, as well as being a tool for clinicians to use to support clients.
Campus Crisis Management is a practical resource that helps campus administrators evaluate, revise, or establish a comprehensive crisis management plan appropriate for their college or university. Filled with examples, assessment tools, and checklists, this book describes the individuals who should be involved in developing a campus plan, what a plan should include, as well as a variety of crisis events and issues that should be addressed in a comprehensive crisis management plan. Including contributions from renowned practitioners at all levels, this fully revised, new edition contains the must-have information on crisis management, such as: How to develop a comprehensive crisis management system The different types of crises using the crisis matrix The structure, operation, and training of a crisis team Strategies for working with the media New chapters addressing behavioral intervention teams, active shooter situations, Title IX guidance, campus demonstrations, outbreaks of infectious and contagious diseases, and special event management. From a senior administrator working with an institution-wide emergency operations team, to a new professional looking to develop plans and protocols to respond to critical incidents, Campus Crisis Management is a comprehensive guide to planning and preparing for campus emergencies of any scale.
Integrative psychotherapy is a groundbreaking book where the authors present mindfulness- and compassion-oriented integrative psychotherapy (MCIP) as an integration of relational psychotherapy with the practice and research of mindfulness and compassion. The book elucidates an approach which is holistic and based on evidence-based processes of change related to the main dimensions of human experience. In this approach, mindfulness and compassion are viewed as meta-processes of change that are used within an attuned therapeutic relationship to create a powerful therapeutic model that provides transformation and growth. The authors offer an exciting perspective on intersubjective physiology and the mutual connection between the client's and therapist's autonomic nervous systems. Comprised of creatively applied research, the book will have an international appeal amongst psychotherapists/counsellors from different psychotherapy traditions and also students with advanced/postgraduate levels of experience.
Psychosynthesis Leadership Coaching responds to the call of coaches who want to be able to work with the whole person, with the inner as well as the outer worlds, and not just at rational and behavioural levels but at emotional and spiritual levels as well. Psychosynthesis is unique amongst psychologies in the emphasis it places on self and will at the centre of human psychological functioning. This holistic and integrative psychology provides the foundations for working with leaders in ways that respond to today's emergent crises. Psychosynthesis coaching is an increasingly popular approach that is finding its way into the mainstream as a response to the needs of coaching to engage at depth with emotional content and in the transpersonal realm of meaning, purpose and values. This book introduces psychosynthesis coaching to a wider audience and provides a comprehensive guide to this approach for both coaches and leaders. This book provides the context, models, methods, skills and techniques for coaches to engage with their clients within the larger context of Self and Will, alongside working on inner and outer agendas and goals of any description. For coaches, leaders and organisational practitioners alike, this approach is also about coaching our inner leader - knowing that this work always starts with ourselves.
Counseling Children and Adolescents focuses on relationship building and creating a deep level of understanding of developmental, attachment, and brain-based information. Chapters place a clear emphasis on building strengths and developing empathy, awareness, and skills. By going beyond theory, and offering a strengths-based, attachment, neuro- and trauma-informed perspective, this text offers real-world situations and tried and true techniques for working with children and adolescents. Grounded in research and multicultural competency, the book focuses on encouragement, recognizing resiliency, and empowerment. This book is an ideal guide for counselors looking for developmentally appropriate strategies to empower children and adolescents.
Our book aims to provide those working in the maternity services, including those in general practices, with an understanding of what it means to be on the receiving end of care. Together with a description of various types of traumatic birth, we explain some of the reasons why women vary in terms of how traumatised they are by their birth experience. We provide information, encouragement and support for maternity staff to help them lessen the incidence of birth trauma, and to develop the confidence to help women when birth trauma does occur. The authors are a senior counsellor and an obstetrician, each with a long experience of helping women who have had difficult births. The approach of each to the subject is different but complementary. The book covers the psychological and emotional aspects of traumatic birth as well as the medical issues and includes a section on the effect of traumatic birth on the staff themselves. The market for this book is practising midwives and obstetricians, who by understanding the prevalence of traumatic birth and some of its causes can contribute to its reduction. Those in their training years will find it helpful at the outset of their practice. It will also be of interest to general practitioners, health visitors and counsellors.
* Five modules with interactive reflection questions to aid in teaching and learning principles and practice of mindfulness * Can be used by students as a guide or by teachers as a companion workbook * Developed from experiences in the field and classroom by a lead teacher and founder of the University of Southern California's Introduction to Mindfulness course
* Five modules with interactive reflection questions to aid in teaching and learning principles and practice of mindfulness * Can be used by students as a guide or by teachers as a companion workbook * Developed from experiences in the field and classroom by a lead teacher and founder of the University of Southern California's Introduction to Mindfulness course
Help Yourself with Single-Session Therapy provides an outlook on how you can help yourself with your emotional problems by using insights from single-session therapy. Single-session therapy draws upon the skills and strengths of both the therapist and the client. The book will encourage you to develop your own solutions to your problems. Broken down into fourteen accessible chapters, it will help you to identify the problem before guiding you to provide your own goals and solutions. The importance of how to maintain change is also a key part of the process. Help Yourself will be useful for all those who wish to help themselves with their emotional problems and for those who wish to support them. It will also be relevant for counsellors, psychotherapists and students in these disciplines who are interested in the application of very-brief therapy to self-help.
This new edition of A Clinician's Guide to Systemic Sex Therapy integrates the latest empirical research from the field of sex therapy and demonstrates how clinicians can optimize their treatment for a wide range of clients. Grounded in the Intersystem Approach, the book incorporates the multifaceted perspectives of the individual client, couple, or family. It considers every domain of assessment and treatment: biology, psychology, the intimate relationship, family-of-origin, and larger contextual factors contributing to any sexual/relational issue. This revised edition contains 13 chapters consistent with the DSM-5 definitions of sexual disorders and features new content on areas including LGBTQ+ issues, non-monogamous relationships, intersex clients, and an increased focus on issues surrounding sexual diversity. The authors of this award-winning text have set out a cutting-edge framework for clinicians looking to develop a comprehensive understanding of sexual issues, which will be an essential reference point for beginning and seasoned therapists alike. The 2nd edition of A Clinician's Guide to Systemic Sex Therapy won the AASECT Book Award and Best Integrative Approach to Sex Therapy Award, 2017
Solution Focused Practice Around the World provides an exploration of the diverse uses of SF and offers fascinating insights into how the Solution Focused approach is currently used in many applications around the globe. Bringing together prominent authors, practitioners and trainers, the collection is divided into five sections: theory; therapeutic applications; working with children and adolescents; coaching and working with organisations. Originating from the first international conference on Solution Focused practice spanning all applications of the approach, the chapters provide a grounding in the theory and practice, and an exploration of the breadth and depth of Solution Focused therapy. All practitioners of the Solution Focused approach globally as well as those working in the wider fields of therapy, social work, education, coaching and human resources will benefit from this text and the applicability of the inherent theories to their area of expertise.
This book comprehensively reviews mindfulness-based interventions for specific areas of functioning in children and adolescents, with refreshing insights and perspectives. Based on a solid foundation of research and practice, it presents the nature of mindfulness, examines the psychological processes that may underlie mindfulness, and explores how to assess it. Mindfulness is about how we can be attentive to and present for everything that happens in our daily lives. This book draws upon current research in the field in order to explore topics such as the fundamentals of teaching mindfulness to children and adolescents; assessment of mindfulness in this population; use of mindfulness in educational settings; and clinical applications in mental health, including substance abuse, hyperactivity, and intellectual and developmental disabilities. With contributions from internationally-renowned clinicians and scholars, this book provides a balanced account of the strengths and weaknesses of current research, and how mindfulness-based programs can be used to enhance wellbeing and reduce suffering. This book will be of great interest for academics, scholars and post graduate students involved in the study of the mental health of children and adolescents. It will also appeal to psychologists, psychiatrist, nurses, social workers, rehabilitation therapists and others, such as school counsellors, who provide clinical care to children and adolescents. |
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