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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Geometry > Euclidean geometry
Local structures, like differentiable manifolds, fibre bundles, vector bundles and foliations, can be obtained by gluing together a family of suitable 'elementary spaces', by means of partial homeomorphisms that fix the gluing conditions and form a sort of 'intrinsic atlas', instead of the more usual system of charts living in an external framework.An 'intrinsic manifold' is defined here as such an atlas, in a suitable category of elementary spaces: open euclidean spaces, or trivial bundles, or trivial vector bundles, and so on.This uniform approach allows us to move from one basis to another: for instance, the elementary tangent bundle of an open Euclidean space is automatically extended to the tangent bundle of any differentiable manifold. The same holds for tensor calculus.Technically, the goal of this book is to treat these structures as 'symmetric enriched categories' over a suitable basis, generally an ordered category of partial mappings.This approach to gluing structures is related to Ehresmann's one, based on inductive pseudogroups and inductive categories. A second source was the theory of enriched categories and Lawvere's unusual view of interesting mathematical structures as categories enriched over a suitable basis.
The book describes how curvature measures can be introduced for certain classes of sets with singularities in Euclidean spaces. Its focus lies on sets with positive reach and some extensions, which include the classical polyconvex sets and piecewise smooth submanifolds as special cases. The measures under consideration form a complete system of certain Euclidean invariants. Techniques of geometric measure theory, in particular, rectifiable currents are applied, and some important integral-geometric formulas are derived. Moreover, an approach to curvatures for a class of fractals is presented, which uses approximation by the rescaled curvature measures of small neighborhoods. The book collects results published during the last few decades in a nearly comprehensive way.
This book provides an introduction to Riemannian geometry, the geometry of curved spaces, for use in a graduate course. Requiring only an understanding of differentiable manifolds, the author covers the introductory ideas of Riemannian geometry followed by a selection of more specialized topics. Also featured are Notes and Exercises for each chapter, to develop and enrich the reader's appreciation of the subject. This second edition, first published in 2006, has a clearer treatment of many topics than the first edition, with new proofs of some theorems and a new chapter on the Riemannian geometry of surfaces. The main themes here are the effect of the curvature on the usual notions of classical Euclidean geometry, and the new notions and ideas motivated by curvature itself. Completely new themes created by curvature include the classical Rauch comparison theorem and its consequences in geometry and topology, and the interaction of microscopic behavior of the geometry with the macroscopic structure of the space.
Voronoi diagrams partition space according to the influence certain sites exert on their environment. Since the 17th century, such structures play an important role in many areas like Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Ecology, Economics, Mathematics and Computer Science. They help to describe zones of political influence, to determine the hospital nearest to an accident site, to compute collision-free paths for mobile robots, to reconstruct curves and surfaces from sample points, to refine triangular meshes, and to design location strategies for competing markets. This unique book offers a state-of-the-art view of Voronoi diagrams and their structure, and it provides efficient algorithms towards their computation. Readers with an entry-level background in algorithms can enjoy a guided tour of gently increasing difficulty through a fascinating area. Lecturers might find this volume a welcome source for their courses on computational geometry. Experts are offered a broader view, including many alternative solutions, and up-to-date references to the existing literature; they might benefit in their own research or application development.
In this monograph, the authors present a modern development of Euclidean geometry from independent axioms, using up-to-date language and providing detailed proofs. The axioms for incidence, betweenness, and plane separation are close to those of Hilbert. This is the only axiomatic treatment of Euclidean geometry that uses axioms not involving metric notions and that explores congruence and isometries by means of reflection mappings. The authors present thirteen axioms in sequence, proving as many theorems as possible at each stage and, in the process, building up subgeometries, most notably the Pasch and neutral geometries. Standard topics such as the congruence theorems for triangles, embedding the real numbers in a line, and coordinatization of the plane are included, as well as theorems of Pythagoras, Desargues, Pappas, Menelaus, and Ceva. The final chapter covers consistency and independence of axioms, as well as independence of definition properties. There are over 300 exercises; solutions to many of these, including all that are needed for this development, are available online at the homepage for the book at www.springer.com. Supplementary material is available online covering construction of complex numbers, arc length, the circular functions, angle measure, and the polygonal form of the Jordan Curve theorem. Euclidean Geometry and Its Subgeometries is intended for advanced students and mature mathematicians, but the proofs are thoroughly worked out to make it accessible to undergraduate students as well. It can be regarded as a completion, updating, and expansion of Hilbert's work, filling a gap in the existing literature.
This first complete English language edition of "Euclides vindicatus" presents a corrected and revised edition of the classical English translation of Saccheri's text by G.B. Halsted. It is complemented with a historical introduction on the geometrical environment of the time and a detailed commentary that helps to understand the aims and subtleties of the work."" "Euclides vindicatus, " written by the Jesuit mathematician Gerolamo Saccheri, was published in Milan in 1733. In it, Saccheri attempted to reform elementary geometry in two important directions: a demonstration of the famous Parallel Postulate and the theory of proportions. Both topics were of pivotal importance in the mathematics of the time. In particular, the Parallel Postulate had escaped demonstration since the first attempts at it in the Classical Age, and several books on the topic were published in the Early Modern Age. At the same time, the theory of proportion was the most important mathematical tool of the Galilean School in its pursuit of the mathematization of nature. Saccheri's attempt to prove the Parallel Postulate is today considered the most important breakthrough in geometry in the 18th century, as he was able to develop for hundreds of pages and dozens of theorems a system in geometry that denied the truth of the postulate (in the attempt to find a contradiction). This can be regarded as the first system of non-Euclidean geometry. Its later developments by Lambert, Bolyai, Lobachevsky and Gauss eventually opened the way to contemporary geometry.Occupying a unique position in the literature of mathematical history, "Euclid Vindicated from Every Blemish" will be of high interest to historians of mathematics as well as historians of philosophy interested in the development of non-Euclidean geometries.
By virtue of their special algebraic structures, Pythagorean-hodograph (PH) curves offer unique advantages for computer-aided design and manufacturing, robotics, motion control, path planning, computer graphics, animation, and related fields. This book offers a comprehensive and self-contained treatment of the mathematical theory of PH curves, including algorithms for their construction and examples of their practical applications. Special features include an emphasis on the interplay of ideas from algebra and geometry and their historical origins, detailed algorithm descriptions, and many figures and worked examples. The book may appeal, in whole or in part, to mathematicians, computer scientists, and engineers.
The configuration space of a manifold provides the appropriate setting for problems not only in topology but also in other areas such as nonlinear analysis and algebra. With applications in mind, the aim of this monograph is to provide a coherent and thorough treatment of the configuration spaces of Euclidean spaces and spheres which makes the subject accessible to researchers and graduate students with a minimal background in classical homotopy theory and algebraic topology. The treatment regards the homotopy relations of Yang-Baxter type as being fundamental. It also includes a novel and geometric presentation of the classical pure braid group; the cellular structure of these configuration spaces which leads to a cellular model for the associated based and free loop spaces; the homology and cohomology of based and free loop spaces; and an illustration of how to apply the latter to the study of Hamiltonian systems of k-body type.
The Latin "Version II," till now attributed to Adelard of Bath, is edited here for the first time. It was the most influential Euclid text in the Latin West in the 12th and 13th centuries. As the large number of manuscripts and the numerous quotations in other scientific and philosophical texts show, it was far better known than the three Euclid translations made from the Arabic in the 12th century (Adelard of Bath, version I; Hermann of Carinthia; Gerard of Cremona). Version II became the basis of later reworkings, in which the enunciations were taken over, but new proofs supplied; the most important text of this kind is the redaction made by Campanus in the late 1250s, which became the standard Latin "Euclid" in the later Middle Ages. The introduction deals with the questions of when and by whom version II was written. Since Marshall Clagett's fundamental article (1953) it has been generally accepted that version II is one of three Euclid texts attributable to Adelard of Bath. But a comparison of the text of version II with those of versions I and III yields little or no reason to assume that Adelard was the author of version II. Version II must have been written later than version I and before version III; its author was acquainted with Euclid texts of the Boethius tradition and with two of those transmitted from Arabic, version I (almost certainly by Adelard) and the version by Hermann of Carinthia.
This self-contained book offers a new and direct approach to the theories of special functions with emphasis on spherical symmetry in Euclidean spaces of arbitrary dimensions. Based on many years of lecturing to mathematicians, physicists and engineers in scientific research institutions in Europe and the USA, the author uses elementary concepts to present the spherical harmonics in a theory of invariants of the orthogonal group. One of the highlights is the extension of the classical results of the spherical harmonics into the complex - particularly important for the complexification of the Funk-Hecke formula which successfully leads to new integrals for Bessel- and Hankel functions with many applications of Fourier integrals and Radon transforms. Numerous exercises stimulate mathematical ingenuity and bridge the gap between well-known elementary results and their appearance in the new formations.
Transformation Geometry: An Introduction to Symmetry offers a modern approach to Euclidean Geometry. This study of the automorphism groups of the plane and space gives the classical concrete examples that serve as a meaningful preparation for the standard undergraduate course in abstract algebra. The detailed development of the isometries of the plane is based on only the most elementary geometry and is appropriate for graduate courses for secondary teachers.
An introduction to the variational methods used to formulate and solve mathematical and physical problems, allowing the reader an insight into the systematic use of elementary (partial) convexity of differentiable functions in Euclidian space. By helping students directly characterize the solutions for many minimization problems, the text serves as a prelude to the field theory for sufficiency, laying as it does the groundwork for further explorations in mathematics, physics, mechanical and electrical engineering, as well as computer science.
A fascinating tour through parts of geometry students are unlikely to see in the rest of their studies while, at the same time, anchoring their excursions to the well known parallel postulate of Euclid. The author shows how alternatives to Euclids fifth postulate lead to interesting and different patterns and symmetries, and, in the process of examining geometric objects, the author incorporates the algebra of complex and hypercomplex numbers, some graph theory, and some topology. Interesting problems are scattered throughout the text. Nevertheless, the book merely assumes a course in Euclidean geometry at high school level. While many concepts introduced are advanced, the mathematical techniques are not. Singers lively exposition and off-beat approach will greatly appeal both to students and mathematicians, and the contents of the book can be covered in a one-semester course, perhaps as a sequel to a Euclidean geometry course.
The aim of this book is to provide a complete synthetic exposition of plane isometries, similarities and inversions to readers who are interested in studying, teaching, and using this material.The topics developed in this book can provide new proofs and solutions to many results and problems of classical geometry, which are presented with different proofs in the literature. Their applications are numerous and some, such as the Steiner Chains and Point, are useful to engineers.The book contains many good examples, important applications and numerous exercises of various level and difficulty, which are classified in the three groups of: general exercises, geometrical constructions, and geometrical loci. Some lengthy exercises or groups of related exercises can be viewed as projects. On the basis of the above, this book, besides Classical Geometry, is an important addition to Mathematics Education.
Solid geometry is defined as the study of the geometry of three-dimensional solid figures in Euclidean space. There are numerous techniques in solid geometry, mainly analytic geometry and methods using vectors, since they use linear equations and matrix algebra. Solid geometry is quite useful in everyday life, for example, to design different signs and symbols such as octagon shape stop signs, to indicate traffic rules, to design different 3D objects like cubicles in gaming zones, innovative lifts, creative 3D interiors, and to design 3D computer graphics. Studying solid geometry helps students to improve visualization and increase logical thinking and creativity since it is applicable everywhere in day-to-day life. It builds up a foundation for advanced levels of mathematical studies. Numerous competitive exams include solid geometry since its foundation is required to study other branches like civil engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science engineering, architecture, etc. This book is designed especially for students of all levels, and can serve as a fundamental resource for advanced level studies not only in mathematics but also in various fields like engineering, interior design, architecture, etc. It includes theoretical aspects as well as numerous solved examples. The book includes numerical problems and problems of construction as well as practical problems as an application of the respective topic. A special feature of this book is that it includes solved examples using the mathematical tool MATLAB.
This solutions manual thoroughly goes through the exercises found in Undergraduate Convexity: From Fourier and Motzkin to Kuhn and Tucker. Several solutions are accompanied by detailed illustrations and intuitive explanations. This book will pave the way for students to easily grasp the multitude of solution methods and aspects of convex sets and convex functions. Companion Textbook here
This solutions manual thoroughly goes through the exercises found in Undergraduate Convexity: From Fourier and Motzkin to Kuhn and Tucker. Several solutions are accompanied by detailed illustrations and intuitive explanations. This book will pave the way for students to easily grasp the multitude of solution methods and aspects of convex sets and convex functions. Companion Textbook here
The book constitutes an elementary course on Plane Euclidean Geometry, pitched at pre-university or at advanced high school level. It is a concise book treating the subject axiomatically, but since it is meant to be a first introduction to the subject, excessive rigour is avoided, making it appealing to a younger audience as well. The aim is to cover the basics of the subject, while keeping the subject lively by means of challenging and interesting exercises. This makes it relevant also for students participating in mathematics circles and in mathematics olympiads.Each section contains several problems, which are not purely drill exercises, but are intended to introduce a sense of 'play' in mathematics, and inculcate appreciation of the elegance and beauty of geometric results. There is an abundance of colour pictures illustrating results and their proofs. A section on hints and a further section on detailed solutions to all the exercises appear at the end of the book, making the book ideal also for self-study.
The book constitutes an elementary course on Plane Euclidean Geometry, pitched at pre-university or at advanced high school level. It is a concise book treating the subject axiomatically, but since it is meant to be a first introduction to the subject, excessive rigour is avoided, making it appealing to a younger audience as well. The aim is to cover the basics of the subject, while keeping the subject lively by means of challenging and interesting exercises. This makes it relevant also for students participating in mathematics circles and in mathematics olympiads.Each section contains several problems, which are not purely drill exercises, but are intended to introduce a sense of 'play' in mathematics, and inculcate appreciation of the elegance and beauty of geometric results. There is an abundance of colour pictures illustrating results and their proofs. A section on hints and a further section on detailed solutions to all the exercises appear at the end of the book, making the book ideal also for self-study.
This volume explores Diophantine approximation on smooth manifolds embedded in Euclidean space, developing a coherent body of theory comparable to that of classical Diophantine approximation. In particular, the book deals with Khintchine-type theorems and with the Hausdorff dimension of the associated null sets. After setting out the necessary background material, the authors give a full discussion of Hausdorff dimension and its uses in Diophantine approximation. They employ a wide range of techniques from the number theory arsenal to obtain the upper and lower bounds required, highlighting the difficulty of some of the questions considered. The authors then go on to consider briefly the p-adic case, and conclude with a chapter on some applications of metric Diophantine approximation. All researchers with an interest in Diophantine approximation will want to have this book in their personal libraries.
In 1934, G. H. Hardy et al. published a book entitled "Inequalities", in which a few theorems about Hilbert-type inequalities with homogeneous kernels of degree-one were considered. Since then, the theory of Hilbert-type discrete and integral inequalities is almost built by Prof. Bicheng Yang in their four published books.This monograph deals with half-discrete Hilbert-type inequalities. By means of building the theory of discrete and integral Hilbert-type inequalities, and applying the technique of Real Analysis and Summation Theory, some kinds of half-discrete Hilbert-type inequalities with the general homogeneous kernels and non-homogeneous kernels are built. The relating best possible constant factors are all obtained and proved. The equivalent forms, operator expressions and some kinds of reverses with the best constant factors are given. We also consider some multi-dimensional extensions and two kinds of multiple inequalities with parameters and variables, which are some extensions of the two-dimensional cases. As applications, a large number of examples with particular kernels are also discussed.The authors have been successful in applying Hilbert-type discrete and integral inequalities to the topic of half-discrete inequalities. The lemmas and theorems in this book provide an extensive account of these kinds of inequalities and operators. This book can help many readers make good progress in research on Hilbert-type inequalities and their applications.
Based on undergraduate teaching to students in computer science, economics and mathematics at Aarhus University, this is an elementary introduction to convex sets and convex functions with emphasis on concrete computations and examples.Starting from linear inequalities and Fourier-Motzkin elimination, the theory is developed by introducing polyhedra, the double description method and the simplex algorithm, closed convex subsets, convex functions of one and several variables ending with a chapter on convex optimization with the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions, duality and an interior point algorithm. Study Guide here |
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