Books > Law > Laws of other jurisdictions & general law > Financial, taxation, commercial, industrial law > Financial law
Countries around the world are facing pressing needs to enhance
financial planning mechanisms for individuals with cognitive
impairment. The book provides the first comparative study of the
three most common of such mechanisms in Asia and the West, namely
guardianship, enduring/lasting powers of attorney, and special
needs trusts. It involves not only scholarly overviews of the
mechanisms in the jurisdictions studied, but also thorough,
structured and critical reviews of their operational experiences.
This book will have broad appeal to scholars, students, law and
policy makers and practitioners in the fields of mental disability,
healthcare and elder law. It is widely recognised in the field that
books like this one are needed. This book will also be of interest
to undergraduate and graduate students in mental health, disability
law and elder law.
The volume at hand contains a special edition of the commentary by
Wolfram Henckel on 129-147 of the German Insolvency Act from
Jaeger's extensive commentary on the Insolvency Act. It contains
the entire insolvency appeal procedure and provides a basic,
current and comprehensive commentary on this core part of the
Insolvency Act. With the aid of this commentary, answers can be
found to the many questions that confront those active in the field
of insolvency appeal law. This work is geared towards attorneys,
judges, certified accountants, and insolvency administrators."
You are paying much more in tax than you think you are What
Everyone Needs to Know About Tax takes an entertaining and
informative look at the UK tax system in all its glory to show you
just how much you pay, how the money is collected and how it
affects ordinary people every day. Giving context to recent
controversies including the Panama Papers, tax avoidance by
multinationals, Brexit and more, this book provides a
straightforward explanation of tax and the policy behind it for
non-specialists no accounting or legal knowledge is required. The
system's underlying logic is illustrated through three 'golden
rules' that explain many of the UK tax regime's oddities, and the
discussion focuses on the way things are rather than utopian ideas
about how they might be. Case studies show how the VAT on a
plumber's bill all adds up; why fraudsters made a movie to throw
HMRC off their scent; how a wealthy couple can pay so little tax on
a six-figure income; and the way tracing the money you paid for
your iPad sheds light why the EU is demanding Apple pay billions
extra in tax. Ever the political battlefield, tax is too important
for you to rely on media hype for information. It affects everyone,
every day, and it pays for voters and taxpayers to know more. This
book leaves aside technical detail and the arcana of the tax code
to give you a real-world look at how tax works. * Learn about the
many ways that the tax system separates us from our money *
Discover how Brexit could change the way we pay taxes * Understand
how changing tax policy affects people's everyday lives * See
through the rhetoric surrounding controversies in the media With
tax, we have to admit that there are no easy answers. No one enjoys
paying them, but without them, the Government would shut down.
Seeing through politicians' cant and superficial press coverage is
critical for your ability to make the decisions that benefit you;
What Everyone Needs to Know About Tax gives you the background and
foundational knowledge you need to be a well-informed taxpayer.
The first complete collection of constitutions and draughts of
constitutions from Switzerland 1791 to 1865, includes approx. 470
national and cantonal documents. The documents are printed in their
original languages. Vol. III encompasses 66 cantonal documents
Aargau - Basel Stadt.
Das deutsche Steuerrecht ist durch bestandigen Wandel gepragt. Der
Steuerrechtswissenschaft fallt die Aufgabe zu, sich abzeichnende
Entwicklungen moeglichst fruhzeitig zu identifizieren und
wissenschaftlich zu durchdringen. Auf Anregung des
Max-Planck-Instituts fur Steuerrecht und OEffentliche Finanzen
haben sich bereits zum zweiten Mal fuhrende
Steuerrechtswissenschaftlern der jungeren Generation mit von ihnen
als besonders wichtig erachteten "Zukunftsfragen" des deutschen
Steuerrechts befasst. Die Bandbreite der behandelten Themen reicht
von den verfassungsrechtlichen und europarechtlichen
Rahmenbedingungen der Steuerrechtsordnung uber das Potential der
Kodifikationsidee im Steuerrecht bis hin zur Besteuerung des
Finanzsektors und zur Vermeidung der Umsatzsteuerdefinitivbelastung
bei Koerperschaften des oeffentlichen Rechts.
This volume offers a comprehensive presentation of European
insolvency law and considers questions relating to the cross-border
insolvency proceeding. Due to the European Insolvency Regulation
(EIR), the issues arising from the cross-border insolvency
proceeding are no longer purely academic matters but are now
present in the European area and have become problematic for
professionals dealing with the application and interpretation of
Community insolvency law.
Corporate Reorganization Law and Forces of Change argues that
significant shifts in logics, practices, and identities in the
finance and non-financial corporate fields can change the nature of
the problem which corporate reorganization law is required to
solve, so that corporate reorganization law is mobilized and
adapted by the participants in the process in new and diverse ways.
This book argues that, whichever theoretical or policy approach is
engaged, these adaptations cannot all be evaluated using a single
universal or fixed conceptual framework. Adopting a comparative
US/UK approach, the book undertakes a detailed analysis of six
forces of change which developed in the finance and non-financial
corporate fields from the 1980s. It analyses the ways in which
these forces of change affected the nature of the corporate
reorganization case, and the new ways in which participants in the
corporate reorganization process mobilized and adapted corporate
reorganization law in response. It argues that it is crucial to
analyse the specific adaptations of corporate reorganization law
which emerged from this process of change. This demands that
corporate reorganization law theorists or policy makers do not
start their analysis using a conceptual framework developed in
response to historical adaptations of corporate reorganization law.
It is necessary, instead, to identify how dominant theoretical or
policy concerns manifest themselves in the specific adaptation of
corporate reorganization law which is under review and to adapt
conceptual frameworks accordingly. This is a timely analysis. Just
as the book is going to press, governments around the world have
been forced to enact shut down measures to contain the Covid-19
threat. The book draws a distinction between adaptations of
corporate reorganization law to reorganize complex, leveraged
capital structures and other adaptations to reorganize a mixture of
financial and other liabilities. It unpacks why it is necessary to
adapt conceptual frameworks in different ways for these different
types of case. This provides a way for scholars, practitioners,
judges, and the legislature to think about corporate reorganization
law when it is mobilized and adapted to meet the specific
challenges posed for business by the Covid-19 shutdown.
Bei ihren vertraglichen Planungsentscheidungen sehen sich die am
Markt tatigen Unternehmen mit einem in der Praxis herausgebildeten
Phanomen konfrontiert, dessen rechtliche Einordnung noch weitgehend
unklar ist: die Change-of-Control-Klauseln. Es handelt sich um
vertragliche Vereinbarungen, die einem Vertragspartner bestimmte
Gestaltungsrechte, zumeist ein Kundigungsrecht, einraumen, wenn
beim anderen Vertragspartner ein Kontrollwechsel eintritt.
Change-of-Control-Klauseln verfugen uber ein doppeltes
Risikopotenzial. Einerseits kann die ploetzliche Beendigung
wichtiger Vertragsbeziehungen die wirtschaftliche Existenz eines
Unternehmens gefahrden. Andererseits kann allein das Vorhandensein
von Change-of-Control-Klauseln den Erwerb einer
Mehrheitsbeteiligung an dem betroffenen Unternehmen fur potenzielle
Bieter unattraktiv machen. Hieraus kann fur die Gesellschafter eine
Verausserungserschwernis ihres Anteilseigentums resultieren. Die
vorliegende Untersuchung geht der Frage nach, ob die deutsche
Rechtsordnung uber Normen verfugt, die geeignet sind, die genannten
Probleme fur boersennotierte Unternehmen und ihre Aktionare zu
verhindern und damit den Vertragspartnern die erforderliche
Rechtssicherheit bei der Anwendung von Change-of-Control-Klauseln
zu geben.
Chapter 1 analyzes recent changes to state Unemployment
Compensation (UC) programs. Two categories of UC state law issues
are considered: (1) changes in the duration of state UC
unemployment benefits, and (2) changes in the UC weekly benefit
amount Chapter 2 provides state-by-state information on workers
covered, benefit eligibility, methods of financing, and other areas
of interest in the Unemployment Insurance (UI) program. It also
includes information on the temporary disability programs operated
in six states.