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Books > Law > Laws of other jurisdictions & general law > Constitutional & administrative law > General
Administrative Justice in South Africa 2e offers a clear, comprehensive and applied explanation of the principles and framework of administrative justice in South Africa. The text addresses both judicial and non-judicial means for control and enforcement, as well as procedural aspects of administrative law. Practical in its approach, the text provides valuable focus on the application of principles in case law, problem-solving methodology and specific procedural aspects of administrative justice. The second edition includes a new, unique chapter that considers the implications of administrative justice for the creation of administrative mandates, as opposed to mere control of administrative action once taken, thus employing administrative justice in a more proactive manner. The text offers a clear pedagogical framework that develops independent, critical and reflective engagement with the subject matter. A strong conceptual and enquiring approach enriches knowledge and engages re aders in an interactive, topical and challenging manner. Additional, high-value educational resources support learning and teaching, further assisting students to develop the academic skills required to master their studies.
South African Constitutional Law in Context (2nd Edition) offers a comprehensive, clear, and concise introduction to the study of South African constitutional law. Situated within a framework of historical, political, social and economic context, the text invites readers to discover the meaning, operation and effects of the South African Constitution, and to understand its critical importance and potential. The text balances an accurate description of the most authoritative interpretation of the constitutional text with a critical and enquiring approach, providing depth and diversity of perspective, and engaging readers in an interactive, topical and stimulating manner. The second edition is developed to ensure greater accessibility, clarity and depth of understanding. The work engages with the many developments, debates and issues that have emerged within the recent period, including discourse and debates relating to the merits of constitutional supremacy, transformative constitutionali sm, and constitutional protection of private property.
Scott on Cession: A Treatise on the Law in South Africa is a comprehensive exposition of the law of cession. Scott incorporates aspects of her doctoral thesis (1977), her previous book on cession, The Law of Cession, (1991) and her articles on cession that have been published in law journals. The book focuses on case law, but case law as a source of law in this branch of the law poses particular problems: some of the earlier decisions, and even recent ones, are based on Roman-Dutch law, which no longer completely satisfies current modern needs. To explain certain idiosyncrasies in the case law, Scott refers to the historical development of cession as a legal institution. The book also provides extensive commentary on certain problematic aspects of cession, using comparable legal systems, and incorporates the dogmatic foundations of the law of cession.
The text and features are revised and updated, to reflect relevant legal developments within the recent period. This second edition includes a new chapter which frames methods of truth verification within a multicultural context, drawing upon approaches to evidence presentation and dispute resolution within diverse societies. The text includes extensive new material that addresses the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act, 2002, and digital and computer-based forensic issues. Content relating to methods of scientific truth verification is expanded to reflect the rapid technological developments within this field. The text structure is adjusted to ensure greater coherence within the subject matter.Certain areas of content now reflect additional substance to support clear explanation and understanding.
This book charts the odyssey of customary law through the centuries; from colonial times to present day South Africa.
The Public's Law is a theory and history of democracy in the American administrative state. The book describes how American Progressive thinkers - such as John Dewey, W.E.B. Du Bois, and Woodrow Wilson - developed a democratic understanding of the state from their study of Hegelian political thought. G.W.F. Hegel understood the state as an institution that regulated society in the interest of freedom. This normative account of the state distinguished his view from later German theorists, such as Max Weber, who adopted a technocratic conception of bureaucracy, and others, such as Carl Schmitt, who prioritized the will of the chief executive. The Progressives embraced Hegel's view of the connection between bureaucracy and freedom, but sought to democratize his concept of the state. They agreed that welfare services, economic regulation, and official discretion were needed to guarantee conditions for self-determination. But they stressed that the people should participate deeply in administrative policymaking. This Progressive ideal influenced administrative programs during the New Deal. It also sheds light on interventions in the War on Poverty and the Second Reconstruction, as well as on the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946. The book develops a normative theory of the state on the basis of this intellectual and institutional history, with implications for deliberative democratic theory, constitutional theory, and administrative law. On this view, the administrative state should provide regulation and social services through deliberative procedures, rather than hinge its legitimacy on presidential authority or economistic reasoning.
Contemporary scholarly and popular debate over the legacy of racial integration in the United States rests between two positions that are typically seen as irreconcilable. On one side are those who argue that we must pursue racial integration because it is an essential component of racial justice. On the other are those who question the ideal of integration and suggest that its pursuit may damage the very population it was originally intended to liberate. In An Impossible Dream? Sharon A. Stanley shows that much of this apparent disagreement stems from different understandings of the very meaning of integration. In response, she offers a new model of racial integration in the United States that takes seriously the concerns of longstanding skeptics, including black power activists and black nationalists. Stanley reformulates integration to de-emphasize spatial mixing for its own sake and calls instead for an internal, psychic transformation on the part of white Americans and a radical redistribution of power. The goal of her vision is not simply to mix black and white bodies in the same spaces and institutions, but to dismantle white supremacy and create a genuine multiracial democracy. At the same time, however, she argues that achieving this model of integration in the contemporary United States would be extraordinarily challenging, due to the poisonous legacy of Jim Crow and the hidden, self-reinforcing nature of white privilege today. Pursuing integration against a background of persistent racial injustice might well exacerbate black suffering without any guarantee of achieving racial justice or a worthwhile form of integration. Given this challenge, pessimism toward integration is a defensible position. But while the future of integration remains uncertain, its pursuit can neither be prescribed as a moral obligation nor rejected as intrinsically indefensible. In An Impossible Dream? Stanley dissects this vexing moral and political quandary.
There are moments in American history when all eyes are focused on a federal court: when its bench speaks for millions of Americans, and when its decision changes the course of history. More often, the story of the federal judiciary is simply a tale of hard work: of finding order in the chaotic system of state and federal law, local custom, and contentious lawyering. The Federal Courts is a story of all of these courts and the judges and justices who served on them, of the case law they made, and of the acts of Congress and the administrative organs that shaped the courts. But, even more importantly, this is a story of the courts' development and their vital part in America's history. Peter Charles Hoffer, Williamjames Hull Hoffer, and N. E. H. Hull's retelling of that history is framed the three key features that shape the federal courts' narrative: the separation of powers; the federal system, in which both the national and state governments are sovereign; and the widest circle: the democratic-republican framework of American self-government. The federal judiciary is not elective and its principal judges serve during good behavior rather than at the pleasure of Congress, the President, or the electorate. But the independence that lifetime tenure theoretically confers did not and does not isolate the judiciary from political currents, partisan quarrels, and public opinion. Many vital political issues came to the federal courts, and the courts' decisions in turn shaped American politics. The federal courts, while the least democratic branch in theory, have proved in some ways and at various times to be the most democratic: open to ordinary people seeking redress, for example. Litigation in the federal courts reflects the changing aspirations and values of America's many peoples. The Federal Courts is an essential account of the branch that provides what Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Judge Oliver Wendell Homes Jr. called "a magic mirror, wherein we see reflected our own lives."
American Indian tribes have long been recognized as "domestic, dependent nations" within the United States, with powers of self-government that operate within the tribes' sovereign territories. Yet over the years, Congress and the Supreme Court have steadily eroded these tribal powers. In some respects, the erosion of tribal powers reflects the legacy of an imperialist impulse to constrain or eliminate any political power that may compete with the state. These developments have moved the nation away from its early commitments to a legally plural society-in other words, the idea that multiple nations and their legal systems could co-exist peacefully in shared territories. Shadow Nations argues for redirecting the trajectory of tribal-federal relations to better reflect the formative ethos of legal pluralism that operated in the nation's earliest years. From an ideological standpoint, this means that we must reexamine several long-held commitments. One is to legal centralism, the view that the nation-state and its institutions are the only legitimate sources of law. Another is to liberalism, the dominant political philosophy that undergirds our democratic structures and situates the individual, not the group or a collective, as the bedrock moral unit of society. From a constitutional standpoint, establishing more robust expressions of tribal sovereignty will require that we take seriously the concerns of citizens, tribal and non-tribal alike, who demand that tribal governments operate consistently with basic constitutional values. From an institutional standpoint, these efforts will require a new, flexible and adaptable institutional architecture that is better suited to accommodating these competing interests. Argued with grace, humanity, and a peerless scholarly eye, Shadow Nations is a clarion call for a true and consequential rethinking of the legal and political relationship between Indigenous tribes and the United States government.
The Oxford Handbook of the U.S. Constitution offers a comprehensive overview and introduction to the U.S. Constitution from the perspectives of history, political science, law, rights, and constitutional themes, while focusing on its development, structures, rights, and role in the U.S. political system and culture. This Handbook enables readers within and beyond the U.S. to develop a critical comprehension of the literature on the Constitution, along with accessible and up-to-date analysis. The historical essays included in this Handbook cover the Constitution from 1620 right through the Reagan Revolution to the present. Essays on political science detail how contemporary citizens in the United States rely extensively on political parties, interest groups, and bureaucrats to operate a constitution designed to prevent the rise of parties, interest-group politics and an entrenched bureaucracy. The essays on law explore how contemporary citizens appear to expect and accept the exertions of power by a Supreme Court, whose members are increasingly disconnected from the world of practical politics. Essays on rights discuss how contemporary citizens living in a diverse multi-racial society seek guidance on the meaning of liberty and equality, from a Constitution designed for a society in which all politically relevant persons shared the same race, gender, religion and ethnicity. Lastly, the essays on themes explain how in a "globalized" world, people living in the United States can continue to be governed by a constitution originally meant for a society geographically separated from the rest of the "civilized world." Whether a return to the pristine constitutional institutions of the founding or a translation of these constitutional norms in the present is possible remains the central challenge of U.S. constitutionalism today.
Since Illinois became a state in 1818, it has been a microcosm of
the country at every stage of its development, from its status as a
"free" state in antebellum America to a state rich in agriculture
and industry whose goods and services now travel the world.
Illinois' four state constitutions have reflected its changing
values. Illinois is currently one of the few states that have
adopted a new constitution since World War II. This 1970
constitution has become a model for countries in Central and
Eastern Europe seeking examples of modern American constitutions.
The Oxford Commentaries on the State Constitutions of the United
States is an important series that reflects a renewed international
interest in constitutional history and provides expert insight into
each of the 50 state constitutions. Each volume in this innovative
series contains a historical overview of the state's constitutional
development, a section-by-section analysis of its current
constitution, and a comprehensive guide to further research.
In The Ohio State Constitution, Steven Steinglass and Gino
Scarselli provide a comprehensive and accessible resource on the
history of constitutional development and law in Ohio. This
essential volume begins with an introductory essay outlining the
history of the Ohio State Constitution and includes a detailed
section-by-section commentary, providing insight and analysis on
the case law, politics and cultural changes that have shaped Ohio's
governing document. A complete list of all proposed amendments to
the Constitution from 1851 to the present and relevant cases are
included in easy-to-reference tables along with a bibliographical
essay that aids further research. Previously published by
Greenwood, this title has been brought back in to circulation by
Oxford University Press with new verve. Re-printed with
standardization of content organization in order to facilitate
research across the series, this title, as with all titles in the
series, is set to join the dynamic revision cycle of The Oxford
Commentaries on the State Constitutions of the United States.
Corruption in South Africa: A Legal Perspective offers a comprehensive analysis of the legal and institutional frameworks addressing corruption in South Africa. With eleven insightful chapters covering the international anti-corruption landscape, domestic legislation, the impact on human rights, public procurement, money laundering, and the critical role of civil society, courts, and commissions of inquiry, this book is an essential resource for anyone seeking to understand the challenges of corruption in South Africa and the legal battle against it. Designed for academics, policymakers, legal practitioners, students, and the general public, this groundbreaking work sheds light on a crucial issue facing the nation today. It is written in a style and language that make it accessible and easy to understand even for those without any legal background.
Italian Constitutional Justice in Global Context is the first book ever published in English to provide an international examination of the Italian Constitutional Court (ItCC), offering a comprehensive analysis of its principal lines of jurisprudence, historical origins, organization, procedures, and its current engagement with transnational European law. The ItCC represents one of the strongest and most successful examples of constitutional judicial review, and is distinctive in its structure, institutional dimensions, and well-developed jurisprudence. Moreover, the ItCC has developed a distinctive voice among global constitutional actors in its adjudication of a broad range of topics from fundamental rights and liberties to the allocations of governmental power and regionalism. Nevertheless, in global constitutional dialog, the voice of the ItCC has been almost entirely absent due to a relative lack of both English translations of its decisions and of focused scholarly commentary in English. This book describes the "Italian Style" in global constitutional adjudication, and aims to elevate Italian constitutional jurisprudence to an active participant role in global constitutional discourse. The authors have carefully structured the work to allow the ItCC's own voice to emerge. It presents broad syntheses of major areas of the Court's case law, provides excerpts from notable decisions in a narrative and analytical context, addresses the tension between the ItCC and the Court of Cassation, and positions the development, character, and importance of the ItCC's jurisprudence in the larger arc of global judicial dialog.
This book offers a comprehensive account of South African administrative law with an emphasis on judicial review of administrative action. First published in 2007, Administrative Law in South Africa was soon established as a leading scholarly work in its field. The first and second editions by Cora Hoexter both attracted a remarkable number of judicial citations with approval. The updated third edition by Cora Hoexter and Glenn Penfold takes account of almost a decade of case law and commentary since the second edition appeared in April 2012. Although considerably expanded in length, the third edition retains the clarity and accessibility that characterised the first two editions. The work is intended primarily for the subject specialist but will be appreciated by all who work with this branch of public law, including judges, practitioners, academics, students and administrators.
Learn the history behind the phrase We the people . This nonfiction book analyzes the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution in an exciting and informative way. The book includes a glossary, a short fiction piece related to the topic, and a bonus activity. With this book that s perfect for young readers, students can see how the powerful words of the Preamble are reflected in American government. This 32-page full-color book describes the creation of the U.S. Constitution and the Preamble. It also explores important topics like justice and liberty and includes an extension activity for grade 3. Perfect for the classroom, at-home learning, or homeschool to explore the Constitution, structure of government, and United States history.
Zimbabwe’s Constitution of 2013 provides for multi-level government at national, provincial and local level. This book explores the nature, evolution and future of this multi-level system of government against the background of international best practices. Provincial and Local Government Reform in Zimbabwe: An analysis of the Law, Policy and Practice considers key questions about the multi-level system of government and shows how it radically differs from the old Lancaster House constitutional order. The roles that provincial and local governments, as well as traditional leaders, fulfil in the new order are examined, the reforms needed to implement the system are outlined, and lessons to be learnt from other countries with multi-level governments are considered. This book aims to aid the realisation of Zimbabwe’s constitutional goals of development, democracy and peace through effective multilevel governance and contributes to the international discourse on decentralisation and the role of subnational governments in Africa.
It has long been a fundamental norm of civilized legal systems that the administration of justice is conducted in full view of the public. In this topical new study, Joseph Jaconelli explores these issues and offers a critical examination of the reasons why justice is required to be carried out in the open, the values served by open justice, and the tensions that exist between it and the pressures of modern, mass media.
What institutional arrangements should a well-functioning
constitutional democracy have?
The two years since publication of the first edition of The Law of EU External Relations: Cases, Materials, and Commentary on the EU as an International Actor have been characterized by the large amount of case law on the new provisions on external relations, which have found their way into the Lisbon Treaty. Moreover, there have been important changes in EU secondary law on external relations as a consequence of these changes to the Lisbon Treaty. In this second edition, new case law and legislative developments are critically discussed and analysed in this comprehensive collection of EU Treaty law. Combining chapters on the general basis of the Union's external action and its relation to international law, with chapters which further explore the law and practice of the EU in the specialized fields of external action, this book presents the law of EU external relations in a concise and accessible manner for students, practitioners, and academics in the field. Topics include the common commercial policy, development cooperation, cooperation with third countries, humanitarian aid, the enlargement and neighbourhood policies, the external environmental policy, and the common foreign and security policy. Carefully selected primary documents are accompanied with analytic commentary on the issues they raise and their significance for the overall structure of EU external relations law. The primary materials selected include many important legal documents that are hard to find elsewhere but give a vital insight into the operation of EU external relations law in practice.
The framers of the Constitution chose their words carefully when they wrote of a more perfect union-not absolutely perfect, but with room for improvement. Indeed, we no longer operate under the same Constitution as that ratified in 1788, or even the one completed by the Bill of Rights in 1791-because we are no longer the same nation. In The Revolutionary Constitution, David J. Bodenhamer provides a comprehensive new look at America's basic law, integrating the latest legal scholarship with historical context to highlight how it has evolved over time. The Constitution, he notes, was the product of the first modern revolution, and revolutions are, by definition, moments when the past shifts toward an unfamiliar future, one radically different from what was foreseen only a brief time earlier. In seeking to balance power and liberty, the framers established a structure that would allow future generations to continually readjust the scale. Bodenhamer explores this dynamic through seven major constitutional themes: federalism, balance of powers, property, representation, equality, rights, and security. With each, he takes a historical approach, following their changes over time. For example, the framers wrote multiple protections for property rights into the Constitution in response to actions by state governments after the Revolution. But twentieth-century courts-and Congress-redefined property rights through measures such as zoning and the designation of historical landmarks (diminishing their commercial value) in response to the needs of a modern economy. The framers anticipated just such a future reworking of their own compromises between liberty and power. With up-to-the-minute legal expertise and a broad grasp of the social and political context, this book is a tour de force of Constitutional history and analysis.
Ever since Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. used "imperial presidency" as a book title, the term has become central to the debate about the balance of power in the U.S. government. Since the presidency of George W. Bush, when advocates of executive power such as Dick Cheney gained ascendancy, the argument has blazed hotter than ever. Many argue the Constitution itself is in grave danger. What is to be done? The answer, according to legal scholars Eric Posner and Adrian Vermeule, is nothing. In The Executive Unbound, they provide a bracing challenge to conventional wisdom, arguing that a strong presidency is inevitable in the modern world. Most scholars, they note, object to today's level of executive power because it varies so dramatically from the vision of the framers of the Constitution. But Posner and Vermeule find fault with James Madison's premises. Like an ideal market, they write, Madison's separation of powers has no central director, but it lacks the price system which gives an economy its structure; there is nothing in checks and balances that intrinsically generates order or promotes positive arrangements. In fact, the greater complexity of the modern world produces a concentration of power, particularly in the White House. The authors chart the rise of executive authority, noting that among strong presidents only Nixon has come in for severe criticism, leading to legislation which was designed to limit the presidency, yet which failed to do so. Political, cultural and social restraints, they argue, have been more effective in preventing dictatorship than any law. The executive-centered state tends to generate political checks that substitute for the legal checks of the Madisonian constitution. Piety toward the founders and a historic fear of tyranny have been powerful forces in American political thinking. Posner and Vermeule confront them both in this startlingly original contribution.
European agencies have been created at a rapid pace in recent years in a multitude of highly pertinent and sensitive fields ranging from pharmaceuticals and aviation safety to chemicals or financial supervision. This agency phenomenon shows no signs of relenting, and the trend in recent years is towards the delegation of ever-broader powers. These bodies, meant to operate at arm's length from political control, have real power and their opinions and decisions can have a direct impact on individuals, regulators, and member states. Given the powers wielded by the agencies, who is responsible for holding these non-majoritarian actors to account? Is the growing concern surrounding agency accountability 'much ado about nothing' or are we faced with the threat of a powerful and unaccountable bureaucracy? These are precisely the questions that this book seeks to answer. It thus addresses one of the most relevant topics in current European governance: the accountability of European agencies. Scholars have increasingly called attention to the risk of placing too much power in the hands of such agencies, which operate at arm's length from traditional controls and cannot easily be held accountable for their actions. Although this is a major issue of concern, systematic empirical research into the topic is lacking. This book addresses empirically whether, and if so on what counts, agency accountability is problematic. It examines how the accountability system of European agencies operates at both the de jure as well as the de facto level, through an examination of legal provisions, relevant case law as well as policy documents and extensive interview material. Reflecting on these findings, the book also offers important theoretical insights for our understanding and study of accountability in a complex regulatory regime such as the EU context. The book follows a multi-disciplinary approach and is at the cutting edge of law and public administration. |
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