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Books > Professional & Technical > Electronics & communications engineering > Communications engineering / telecommunications > General
This book provides a chronological literature review of optical wireless communication, followed by a detailed blueprint of a visible light communication (VLC) setup with the key characteristics of LEDs and photodetectors. Next, the optical channel impulse response and its description for different possible topologies is presented together with a description of the optical and electrical setup for both optical transmitters (oTx) and optical receivers (oRx). Different single carrier and multi-carrier modulations particularly applied in visible light communication setups are also presented. Both the optical and electrical modules of oTx and oRx are simulated and then prototyped and tested as embedded devices in an underground positioning and monitoring system for a continuous real time identification of the personnel on the main underground galleries where the illumination network is already installed. Presents a comprehensive look at visible light communication technology, both in description and application; Shows where and how VLC has been launched on the market as an alternative or partner technology to the existing wireless communication technologies based on radio frequency; Includes special focus on underground positioning and monitoring with embedded VLC.
Integrated Fiber-Optic Receivers covers many aspects of the design of integrated circuits for fiber-optic receivers and other high-speed serial data links. Fundamental concepts are explained at the system level, circuit level, and semiconductor device level. Techniques for extracting timing information from the random data stream are described in considerable detail, as are all other aspects of receiver design. Integrated Fiber-Optic Receivers is organized in two parts. Part I covers the theory of communications systems as it applies to high-speed PAM (Pulse Amplitude Modulation) systems. The primary emphasis is on clock recovery circuits. Because theoretical concepts are generally grasped more easily by example, Part II is devoted to circuit design issues that illustrate example realizations of architectures described in Part I. Part II presents the transistor-level design, and measured results, of fundamental building blocks and test circuits. For practicing engineers, more than just reporting on the results of specific circuits, this book serves as a tutorial on the design of integrated high-speed broadband PAM data systems, such as: repeaters in long-haul, fiber-optic, trunk-lines transceivers for use in LANs and WANs; read channels for high-density data storage devices; and wireless communication handsets. Integrated Fiber-Optic Receivers may be used as a text for advanced courses in both analog circuit design and communication systems.
This book was developed during a particular pandemic situation in the whole world which confined people to their homes. Therefore, there was a rise in the use of distance working and learning (e-learning) which led to a very quick adoption of technology in order to guarantee different approaches to fulfil the same or better outcomes and ensure that people are connected. This book provides a better understanding about the importance of teams' assessment and collaborative work, as well as the use of collaboration tools and online assessment techniques supported by technology. Consequently, the book is aimed at all institutions that seek new working environments, namely higher education institutions, companies and organizations, sports teams, and others. Furthermore, this book provides new approaches and systems to carry the knowledge and learning assessment. The book gathers knowledge from several authors, related to collaboration environments and tools, as well as their insights on how technology can be applied to carry assessment processes. The book seeks to provide knowledge on new technologies and different learning environments.
Here are the analytical tools you need to evaluate and predict the effects of a radome on an enclosed antenna, including transmission loss, boresight error or boresight error slope, depolarization, or a degradation of the antenna sidelobe levels. This package features a comprehensive overview of radome wall concepts and materials, and presents ray trace approaches to help you easily achieve solutions using your PC. It's accompanied by interactive software that lets you compute antenna patterns and boresight error of gimbaled radar antennas in a multilayer radome.
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has recently evolved from a simple capability for transporting voice communications into a much more powerful technology capable of changing the way voice applications are constructed, delivered, marketed and sold. Whilst VoIP has clearly provided a focus for much debate within the telecommunications industry, there has been a clear gulf between hype and reality. However the questions now being asked have migrated from 'Will it work?' to 'What will the industry look like when it is delivered at scale?' In Voice over IP: systems and solutions, Richard Swale has brought together key contributors from within the BT Group and externally, to cover all of the important issues surrounding telephony over IP networks. This authoritative book examines VoIP as a technology and its consideration within the industry, the motivations for VoIP networks, a review of the status of the major components of a VoIP network and their development, and both current and emerging applications. VoIP technology blurs the boundaries between fixed, mobile and multimedia communications and the implications are explored and discussed. The primary market for this comprehensive book is telecommunications engineers and developers, service providers and regulators. However, all those with a technical or business interest in this rapidly developing area of communications technology will also find this book highly relevant.
This book is a collection of papers presented by renowned researchers, keynote speakers, and academicians in the International Conference on VLSI, Communication, Analog Designs, Signals & Systems and Networking (VCASAN-2013), organized by B.N.M. Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India during July 17 19, 2013. The book provides global trends in cutting-edge technologies in electronics and communication engineering. The content of the book is useful to engineers, researchers, and academicians as well as industry professionals.
This book describes how the creation of new digital services-through vertical and horizontal integration of data coming from sensors on top of existing legacy systems-that has already had a major impact on industry is now extending to healthcare. The book describes the fourth industrial revolution (i.e. Health 4.0), which is based on virtualization and service aggregation. It shows how sensors, embedded systems, and cyber-physical systems are fundamentally changing the way industrial processes work, their business models, and how we consume, while also affecting the health and care domains. Chapters describe the technology behind the shift of point of care to point of need and away from hospitals and institutions; how care will be delivered virtually outside hospitals; that services will be tailored to individuals rather than being designed as statistical averages; that data analytics will be used to help patients to manage their chronic conditions with help of smart devices; and that pharmaceuticals will be interactive to help prevent adverse reactions. The topics presented will have an impact on a variety of healthcare stakeholders in a continuously global and hyper-connected world. * Presents explanations of emerging topics as they relate to e-health, such as Industry 4.0, Precision Medicine, Mobile Health, 5G, Big Data, and Cyber-physical systems; * Provides overviews of technologies in addition to possible application scenarios and market conditions; * Features comprehensive demographic and statistic coverage of Health 4.0 presented in a graphical manner.
This book offers a timely reflection on how the proliferation of
advanced wireless communications technologies, particularly
cognitive radio (CR) can be enabled by thoroughly-considered policy
and appropriate regulation. It looks at the prospects of CR from
the divergent standpoints of technological development and economic
market reality. The book provides a broad survey of various
techno-economic and policy aspects of CR development and provides
the reader with an understanding of the complexities involved as
well as a toolbox of possible solutions to enable the evolutionary
leap towards successful implementation of disruptive CR technology
or indeed any other novel wireless technologies. Cognitive Radio
Policy and Regulation showcases the original ideas and concepts
introduced into the field of CR and dynamic spectrum access policy
over nearly four years of work within COST Action IC0905 TERRA, a
think-tank with participants from more than 20 countries. The book
s subject matter includes:
The Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis (ANHA) book series aims to provide the engineering, mathematical, and scientific communities with significant developments in harmonic analysis, ranging from abstract har monic analysis to basic applications. The title of the series reflects the im portance of applications and numerical implementation, but richness and relevance of applications and implementation depend fundamentally on the structure and depth of theoretical underpinnings. Thus, from our point of view, the interleaving of theory and applications and their creative symbi otic evolution is axiomatic. Harmonic analysis is a wellspring of ideas and applicability that has flour ished, developed, and deepened over time within many disciplines and by means of creative cross-fertilization with diverse areas. The intricate and fundamental relationship between harmonic analysis and fields such as sig nal processing, partial differential equations (PDEs), and image processing is reflected in our state of the art ANHA series. Our vision of modern harmonic analysis includes mathematical areas such as wavelet theory, Banach algebras, classical Fourier analysis, time frequency analysis, and fractal geometry, as well as the diverse topics that impinge on them."
Useful as a text as well as a reference, this is one of the first books of its kind to combine basic and advanced topics of radiowave propagation and smart antennas into a single volume. The book is interdisciplinary in nature and contains material drawn from the electromagnetics and communications areas. Physical phenomena leading to the modeling and prediction of path loss, and characterizing the small-scale and medium-scale fluctuations of the received signal, are treated in detail. Several new path loss models are included. Both narrowband and wideband radio channel characterizations are discussed. Statistical descriptions of geometrically based single bounce scattering models that are useful in developing spatial channel models for smart arrays are presented. Principles of diversity and smart antennas for reducing fading and co-channel interference are presented. Performance evaluation of these arrays in the presence of fading and shadowing is treated. Both TDMA and CMDA systems are considered. Effects of element mutual coupling and correlation in limiting the system performance are elaborated. Finally, principles of multiple-input multiple-output communication systems that are increasingly becoming attractive owing to their enormous bit rate capabilities are covered. Several practical examples are worked out throughout the text. Additional problems that help the reader assimilate the material and advance to higher-level topics are included at the end of each chapter. Radiowave Propagation and Smart Antennas for Wireless Communications has been written for use in a graduate course on communications and represents a comprehensive reference for research scientists and practitionersworking in fields related to the topic.
This volume contains revised and extended research articles written by prominent researchers participating in the ICF4C 2011 conference. 2011 International Conference on Future Communication, Computing, Control and Management (ICF4C 2011) has been held on December 16-17, 2011, Phuket, Thailand. Topics covered include intelligent computing, network management, wireless networks, telecommunication, power engineering, control engineering, Signal and Image Processing, Machine Learning, Control Systems and Applications, The book will offer the states of arts of tremendous advances in Computing, Communication, Control, and Management and also serve as an excellent reference work for researchers and graduate students working on Computing, Communication, Control, and Management Research.
The benefits and success of multi-carrier (MC) modulation on one side and the flexibility offered by the spread spectrum (SS) technique on the other side have motivated many researchers to investigate the combination of both techniques since 1993. This combination known as multi-carrier spread spectrum (MC-SS) benefits from the advantages of both systems and offers high flexibility, high spectral efficiency, simple detection strategies, narrow-band interference rejection capability, etc. The basic principle of this combination is straightforward: The spreading is performed as direct sequence spread spectrum (DS-SS) but instead of transmitting the chips over a single carrier, several sub-carriers are employed. The MC modulation and demodulation can easily be realized in the digital domain by performing IFFT and FFT operations. The separation of the users' signals can be performed in the code domain. MC-SS systems can perform the spreading in frequency direction, which allows for simple signal detection strategies. Since 1993, MC-SS has been deeply studied and new alternative solutions have been proposed. Meanwhile, deep system analysis and comparison with DS-CDMA have been performed that show the superiority of MC-CDMA. The aim of this book is to edit the ensemble of the newest contributions and research results in this new field that have been presented during the 4th International Workshop on Multi-Carrier Spread-Spectrum (MC-SS 2003), held in Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany.
In the development of digital multimedia, the importance and impact of image processing and mathematical morphology are well documented in areas ranging from automated vision detection and inspection to object recognition, image analysis and pattern recognition. Those working in these ever-evolving fields require a solid grasp of basic fundamentals, theory, and related applications and few books can provide the unique tools for learning contained in this text. Image Processing and Mathematical Morphology: Fundamentals and Applications is a comprehensive, wide-ranging overview of morphological mechanisms and techniques and their relation to image processing. More than merely a tutorial on vital technical information, the book places this knowledge into a theoretical framework. This helps readers analyze key principles and architectures and then use the author 's novel ideas on implementation of advanced algorithms to formulate a practical and detailed plan to develop and foster their own ideas. The book:
This invaluable reference helps readers assess and simplify problems and their essential requirements and complexities, giving them all the necessary data and methodology to master current theoretical developments and applications, as well as create new ones.
This is the Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management (ICMSEM) held from July 25 to 27, 2014 at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal and organized by International Society of Management Science and Engineering Management (ISMSEM), Sichuan University (Chengdu, China) and Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Lisbon, Portugal). The goals of the conference are to foster international research collaborations in Management Science and Engineering Management as well as to provide a forum to present current findings. A total number of 138 papers from 14 countries are selected for the proceedings by the conference scientific committee through rigorous referee review. The selected papers in the second volume are focused on Computing and Engineering Management covering areas of Computing Methodology, Project Management, Industrial Engineering and Information Technology.
This book introduces the theoretical fundamentals for modeling queues in discrete-time, and the basic procedures for developing queuing models in discrete-time. There is a focus on applications in modern telecommunication systems. It presents how most queueing models in discrete-time can be set up as discrete-time Markov chains. Techniques such as matrix-analytic methods (MAM) that can used to analyze the resulting Markov chains are included. This book covers single node systems, tandem system and queueing networks. It shows how queues with time-varying parameters can be analyzed, and illustrates numerical issues associated with computations for the discrete-time queueing systems. Optimal control of queues is also covered. Applied Discrete-Time Queues targets researchers, advanced-level students and analysts in the field of telecommunication networks. It is suitable as a reference book and can also be used as a secondary text book in computer engineering and computer science. Examples and exercises are included.
This book is a collection of extended versions of the papers presented at the Symposium on Next Generation Wireless Networks, May 26, 2000, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ. Each chapter includes, in addition to technical contributions, a tutorial of the corresponding area. It has been a privilege to bring together these contributions from researchers on the leading edge of the field. The papers were submitted in response to a call for papers aiming to concentrate on the applications and services for the "next generation," deliberately omitting the numeric reference so that the authors' vision of the future would not be limited by the definitive requirements of a particular set of standards. The book, as a result, reflects the top-down approach by focusing on enabling technologies for the applications and services that are the defining essentials for future wireless networks. This approach strikes a balance between the academia and the industry by addressing new wireless network architectures enabling mobility and location enhanced applications and services that will give wireless systems the competitive edge over others. The main theme of the book is the advent of wireless networks as an irreplaceable means of global communication as opposed to a mere substitute for, or a competitor of, wireline networks. Geolocation emerges as the facilitator of mobility and location sensitive services. The fields of geolocation and wireless communications have been forced to merge, following the Federal Commission of Communications' (FCC) ruling that obliges wireless providers with emergency caller geolocation.
This book presents cutting-edge work on real-time modelling and processing, a highly active research field in both the research and industrial domains. Going beyond conventional real-time systems, major efforts are required to develop accurate and computational efficient real-time modelling algorithms and design automation tools that reflect the technological advances in high-speed and ultra-low-power transceiver communication architectures based on nanoscale devices. The book addresses basic and more advanced topics, such as I/O buffer circuits for ensuring reliable chip-to-chip communication, I/O buffer behavioural modelling, multiport empirical models for memory interfaces, compact behavioural modelling for memristive devices, and resource reservation modelling for distributed embedded systems. The respective chapters detail new research findings, new models, algorithms, implementations and simulations of the above-mentioned topics. As such, the book will help both graduate students and researchers understand the latest research into real-time modelling and processing.
The aim of this volume is to bring together research directions in theoretical signal and imaging processing developed rather independently in electrical engineering, theoretical physics, mathematics and the computer sciences. In particular, mathematically justified algorithms and methods, the mathematical analysis of these algorithms, and methods as well as the investigation of connections between methods from time series analysis and image processing are reviewed. An interdisciplinary comparison of these methods, drawing upon common sets of test problems from medicine and geophysical/environmental sciences, is also addressed. This volume coherently summarizes work carried out in the field of theoretical signal and image processing. It focuses on non-linear and non-parametric models for time series as well as on adaptive methods in image processing.
Introduces timed arrays and design approaches to meet the new high performance standards The author concentrates on any aspect of an antenna array that must be viewed from a time perspective. The first chapters briefly introduce antenna arrays and explain the difference between phased and timed arrays. Since timed arrays are designed for realistic time-varying signals and scenarios, the book also reviews wideband signals, baseband and passband RF signals, polarization and signal bandwidth. Other topics covered include time domain, mutual coupling, wideband elements, and dispersion. The author also presents a number of analog and digital beamforming networks for creating and manipulating beams. The book concludes with an overview of the methods to integrate time delay into the array design and of several other adaptive arrays that prove useful in many different systems. * Examines RF signal concepts such as polarization and signal bandwidth and their applications to timed antenna arrays * Covers arrays of point source, elements in timed antenna arrays, active electronically scanned array technology, and time delay in corporate fed arrays * Includes complete design examples for placing time delay in arrays Timed Arrays: Wideband and Time Varying Antenna Arrays is written for practicing engineers and scientists in wireless communication, radar, and remote sensing as well as graduate students and professors interested in advanced antenna topics.
Large-scale video networks are of increasing importance in a wide range of applications. However, the development of automated techniques for aggregating and interpreting information from multiple video streams in real-life scenarios is a challenging area of research. Collecting the work of leading researchers from a broad range of disciplines, this timely text/reference offers an in-depth survey of the state of the art in distributed camera networks. The book addresses a broad spectrum of critical issues in this highly interdisciplinary field: current challenges and future directions; video processing and video understanding; simulation, graphics, cognition and video networks; wireless video sensor networks, communications and control; embedded cameras and real-time video analysis; applications of distributed video networks; and educational opportunities and curriculum-development. Topics and features: Presents an overview of research in areas of motion analysis, invariants, multiple cameras for detection, object tracking and recognition, and activities in video networks Provides real-world applications of distributed video networks, including force protection, wide area activities, port security, and recognition in night-time environments Describes the challenges in graphics and simulation, covering virtual vision, network security, human activities, cognitive architecture, and displays Examines issues of multimedia networks, registration, control of cameras (in simulations and real networks), localization and bounds on tracking Discusses system aspects of video networks, with chapters on providing testbed environments, data collection on activities, new integrated sensors for airborne sensors, face recognition, and building sentient spaces Investigates educational opportunities and curriculum development from the perspective of computer science and electrical engineering This unique text will be of great interest to researchers and graduate students of computer vision and pattern recognition, computer graphics and simulation, image processing and embedded systems, and communications, networks and controls. The large number of example applications will also appeal to application engineers.
Mobile Information Communication Technologies Adoption in Developing Countries: Effects and Implications reviews different approaches and methodologies used in dealing with issues related to mobile ICTs, presents successful examples mobile ICT adoption in developing countries, and addresses the impact of culture on mobile ICT adoption and deployment. The diverse coverage of mobile information communication technologies adoption in developing countries presented in this book will contribute to a better understanding of all topics, research, and discoveries in this developing, significant field of study.
Beginning with a detailed comparison of traditional methods of EM field analysis, this text leads up to a step-by-step explication of the Generalized Multiple Technique (GMT).
The book presents a collection of peer-reviewed articles from the 11th KES International Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies (KES-IDT-19), held Malta on 17-19 June 2019. The conference provided opportunities for the presentation of new research results and discussion about them. It was also an opportunity to generation of new ideas in the field of intelligent decision making. The range of topics explored is wide, and covers methods of classification, prediction, data analysis, decision support, modelling and many more in such areas as finance, cybersecurity, economy, health, management and transportation. The topics cover also problems of data science, signal processing and knowledge engineering.
When we were first approached by Dr. Lucky to write this book we were very enthusiastic about the prospect, since we had contemplated a similar project for quite some time. The difficulty lay in how best to digest the vast amount of data on optical propagation, reduce it to a book of manageable size, and simultaneously form the transition from the physics of propagation to the engineering of optical channels. This is the intent of Optical Channels. In accomplishing our goal it was necessary to condense the material on optical propagation and, in so doing, we have left a large amount to be handled via references. We have tried to make these decisions in a consistent manner so that the book will be uniform in its treatment of this topic. We identify four channels for consideration: the free-space channel, which: is characteristic of a tranquil atmosphere or a space-to-space link; the turbulent channel, which is characteristic of the atmospheric channel; the scatter channel in two forms, clouds and water; and the fiber optic channel. For each of these channels we have tried to reduce the applicable propagation theory to a level that can be used for engineering design. This has been done by example, but here again decisions had to be made on which examples to present. We have not tried to present any material on optical components and consequently other references on engineering would be necessary to supplement this book.
In the signal-processing research community, a great deal of progress in higher-order statistics (HOS) began in the mid-1980s. These last fifteen years have witnessed a large number of theoretical developments as well as real applications. Blind Estimation Using Higher-Order Statistics focuses on the blind estimation area and records some of the major developments in this field. Blind Estimation Using Higher-Order Statistics is a welcome addition to the few books on the subject of HOS and is the first major publication devoted to covering blind estimation using HOS. The book provides the reader with an introduction to HOS and goes on to illustrate its use in blind signal equalisation (which has many applications including (mobile) communications), blind system identification, and blind sources separation (a generic problem in signal processing with many applications including radar, sonar and communications). There is also a chapter devoted to robust cumulant estimation, an important problem where HOS results have been encouraging. Blind Estimation Using Higher-Order Statistics is an invaluable reference for researchers, professionals and graduate students working in signal processing and related areas. |
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